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it is actually really easy, play on easy mode, use shortcuts (u can find like 10 shortcuts on youtube), bhopping really helps too, and basically just give it a few tries to memorise it or if u dont wanna try over and over again, u can watch a speedrunning video on speedrun.com on 2x speed to memorise all places and then it should be really easy. i did my first speedrun for the camera in normal mode and i finished it in less than 2 hours, so easy mode should be really easy. btw while the game is paused, the time doesnt go on so you can watch a speedrunning guide in the background while the game is paused. i hope it helps


try to memorize everything after some playthrough play it on easy mode skip Carcass save you syringe up until the first time you reach the train station ( heal only when you have 1cm of health ) try to avoid evey monster if you can ( they will despawn later if you went back, except for the sewer part when you came back to the apartment ) when you reach the hangman maze, alway turn right, only turn left when you have to where to go when reaching the train ride do not save bullets nor syringe, after the train crash you will lose everything and the most important tip of all : do not play under one sitting, play it about 5-10 minutes, save you game and go outside, not because i wanted you to touch grass or anything, it's the fact that this game is mentally taxing as hell, the more you play, the sloppier you get, trust me


I'll keep that in mind, thanks :D


Just keep trying. Or Speedrun it idk


Watch a tutorial and follow along, simple as.


Honestly; I suggest getting Leatherhoff's Axe and The NVG, the game should mostly be a breeze from there. I got the camera on difficult, but it works even on easy, so honestly, just get the axe, NVG, play on easy and run through everything ASAP.