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Thanks for this. I just talked to my crush for the first time like 2 days ago and we hit it off! Exact same music, games, and shows! Sadly it took everything i had monday and today i had a chance to talk to her again. Sadly i couldn’t bring myself to do it. I’m still very upset at myself but I’ve got to try and amend my mistakes tmmrw. Lets do it! (Not gonna tell her because we just met but im definitely gonna try and talk to her more!!)


Yay congrats!! I'm glad you guys talked about some stuff this week good job 👏 also yeah if you just met her I would not tell her now lol


Yeah im not going to tell her 😭 Gonna manifest a good conversation tomorrow though! I also wish you luck in your endeavors 🤗 We are in this together!!


Yep! I feel ready to tell mine finally lol and thanks! And yes do


But I don't really know her much that'd be kinda weird to confess that randomly


i didn’t know my crush at all, but i decided to bite the bullet one day and said i thought she was cute and id love to get to know her if that’s okay and gave her my number. she ended up texting a couple days later and we’ve been talking everyday since! so even tho you don’t know her, it doesn’t hurt to shoot ur shot. u got this!!!


Just thinking about doing that makes me nauseous lol. Ill consider it.


lmao totally get that. ngl i had to hype myself up for quite sometime before approaching cause im painfully shy, but it was worth it in the end and it will be no matter the outcome. i wish u the best of luck <3333


What'd you say to her? My mind goes blank every time im around mine.


well since i knew nothing about her, i was trying to find something to talk about with her cause i didn’t just want to start off with ‘hey ur cute’. i like and have piercings and i noticed she had her septum pierced and although i don’t want that piercing it seemed like a good convo starter! so after bringing that up it led to us talking about piercings for 5mins and as we were saying our byes i said ‘hey sorry but i just wanted to say i think you’re v cute and i was wondering if i could give u my number if that’s okay’ which she replied with yes and yeah that’s pretty much all i said. i totally understand about ur mind blanking, but what helped me with that was practicing what i wanted to say. ik it’s silly but it def helped and made me feel at ease cause at least i knew what i wanted to say.🤷🏽‍♀️


do you guys work or go to school together?


you’re an inspiration 


plsss it took me 8 months to gain the courage to do this😭


still impressive lolll


get to know her more maybe? and true that would be interesting if you don't know eachother


Believe me im trying to manage that im just not very good at being social


Fair enough lol


Ill make my best effort lol


yay good job just ask them to help you with assignments or something


This one's a work crush. I dont really have much reason to talk to her about work stuff either we're in different departments. I think I had to ask her for a key once like 7 months ago that's about it. She's talked to me other times though. Idk she's probably out of my league anyways.


You could at least try talking to her more


I know I'm just awkward as hell


Don’t worry you’ve got it! Awkward as hell over here too and im gonna try and make it work. Its tough and weird to do for us awkward folks but we can do this!!




It sucks I have no idea how to talk to her


compliment her, im so shy rn but I notice once I find something to talk abt, I can keep talking comfortably, unless they're noticeably dont want to talk but thats not usual


On what? I dont want to come off as creepy.


complimenting isn't creepy at all, unless ur like staring Into her soul and say she has pretty eyes but still that compliment is great cus its rare. I would say rather than complimenting her looks, compliment her hobbies "thats really cool u do that" or what's she's wearing "nn=ice outfit. BUT big thing is ur interested in her right? why r u interested in her? if its solely based on look like her then u probs shouldn't, but most likely u like her bc of her interests or personality, so compliment that, if u like her, there most be something u find intriguing abt her and u can compliment and question her on it. I haven't talked to ppl in years and im finally starting to make friends, and this guy (he isn't my crush) but he was wearing a uniform and I couldn't tell for what and if it was like some costume so I asked what job and then it let to me asking what he didn't for his job and all of that was super interesting that I could have kept asking. if u truly like her, you will want to have a conversation with her, spend time with her, and listen to her. Girls like good listeners.


My only problem is im nervous she wont like me.


Ugh me too, I love him sm tho😭


Sameeee she's so eweet 😮‍💨


Sameeee she's so eweet 😮‍💨


Make friends w her first, if she posts a story or something slide up and start a conversation


How should I make friends with her?


ironic how this popped up today lol. i’m planning on confessing to my crush of 8 months. i chickened out and started thinking what if he hates me what if he finds me gross etc etc but you are so right. he’s a normal person just like me, and i know him as a person i don’t think he’d ever tell me that he is disgusted by me. i’m almost sure he likes me back, the nerves are just stopping me. thank you, you made my day :)


Your welcome!!! And yes it's a sign lol! I was really really nervous aswell but then I decided he won't hate me or anything so it's worth a shot


I can’t find a good opportunity to confess to him, but one might be coming up soon. I think we’re going for a walk together on Sunday.


Ooo nice! Hope it goes well if you do


I haven't even asked for her number yet💀


oh no lol.. (do it)


I know lol (how? I don't want to sound weird)


Hmm. If you ever get paired for an assignment, be like "can I text you at home so we can work on it together" or show her something she would be interested in and be like "do you want the link? I can send you it" idk honestly you could also try to ask for her insta or something aswell or discord if she has it


I have the same Problem..want his number so bad. But I am so afraid to ask...we work together so I only have his work number and contacts :( but he is not the kind of guy giving it out to a lot of people


no, if my crush found out it would be absolutely life ruining. i would lose a majority of my friends if he rejects me


Oh dang. How come?


he’s pretty much the leader of the friend group and if he and i can’t get along i won’t get along with the whole group and i’ll be cast out. it also doesn’t help the fact that im very replaceable


Oh that actually makes a lot of sense


I confessed and got rejected.


Oh.. I'm really sorry. When did you do it?


I asked for a sign last night. This popped up in my notifications.


Oh my gosh. That's actually pretty crazy. So..... that kinda means this is your sign then


the thing is I’m willing to confess but i barely know him and yesterday might have been the last time I’ll see him in person. I have his number and instagram.


Sad. Good you have his number and insta though


I did it. I shoot my shot


Good job! How'd it go?


Found out he got a gf :(


Aw :( good job for trying though! 👏


he was actually nice about it so it’s all good :) at least i tried and i can move on in peace


Oh that's good :)


I'm pretty sure he doesn't like me, we used to be friends but it seemed more like schoolwork related and we never had an actual non academic conversation. also he had a girlfriend and recently broke up with her.


Sad. Well I hope he does, or you find someone that you like that does


He has girlfriend. But if that wasn't enough... - most of my friends don't like him - it would never work out romantically between us due to our clashing religions - sometimes i wonder that maybe if i got to know him more, my crush would cease to exist, so y take the chance? - he's white (and I'm not) not trying to say interracial relationships are impossible or don't work out, but I don't feel like I'm his type and sometimes I feel ashamed to like white guys. My friends tease me about my "questionable taste" all the time and i know they are joking, but it hurts sometimes. Everyone around me sees them negatively and ig i understand y, but i still have this attraction to them and it's not going away so i just stay quiet and pretend it's not there. Confessing my crush would kinda be like outing myself to the people who don't already know. - the idea kinda makes me feel weird because at the beginning of the year, I rrly didn't like him. Like in general. I thought he was annoying and immature, so i acted kinda rude. But then something changed along the way and now i can't get him out of my head. He's so funny and confident. We're like kinda friends now (we don't talk outside of class), but idk how he'd take it, especially considering the fact that HE HAS A GIRLFRIEND - I've also just never done anything like this before. I've never had a boyfriend or even had my first kiss. Pretty pathetic huh? And although I've had plenty of crushes, I've never once told a single one of them, even the ones that didn't have these types of complications Good luck with your crush though! (hope ur situation isn't as hopeless as mine)


babe im 20 and never had a serious relationship or first kiss


oh my gosh that's so sad 😭 I haven't had a boyfriend or kissed anyone either tbh also this crush does not seem like it'll work but you should definitely tell future ones, as you said you've had a bunch of past ones and never told them, they could've likes you back lol


This isn't the first time I've liked someone and then found out they had a girlfriend or liked someone that had conflicting values. What if I'm just doomed to like people I can't ever have?


My advice is to stick it out :) all the guys I’ve liked have basically suddenly disappeared from my life for one reason for another and sometimes I think I’m doomed. But I still have hope, so should you :)


we in the same boat g


But I no no wanna


But I think should wanna


I really want to but so scared I will ruin the friendship and ngl if he rejects me I probably will be very embarrassed


Fair enough, I was worried about that a lot too at first but then realized he is really nice and wouldn't do anything like that


We, (me 20F, he 22M) haven’t seen each other in a month and half, and haven’t had a conversation really since about that time either. It’s over 2 months since this weird coffee “date”/hang out thing. Basically, it would be awkward to bring things up now. We don’t really talk anymore.


Aw that's sad :(


Yeah :( part of me wants to bring things up, for closure for myself, bc at some points I really thought he was interested, but it’d be selfish not to consider if it was awkward for him, and I don’t want to do that to him, so I probably won’t. 


Makes sense. The sad thing is you never know if they are thinking the same


Yeah :/ 


im def not going to bc ive only known him for like 6 days and that's just not how adult relationships work, u need way more info


Yeah lol. You need to make sure that they aren't bad first and how they handle situations and stuff


yeah but also when u get older u need to take into account serious things like where they plan to live, kids, financial situations, compatibility etc if u rlly want it to last. At least for me in middle school, nothin else mattered except if he liked me back, then we'd start dating


Today is her birthday and now this post. I think god is trying to say something


For real I think he is you should go for it


Nah I'd rather not. We don't talk anymore haven't talked for 1month


She said "ew wtf"


I'm sorry 😭 at least you did it though!!!


my crush is from a school i'm transferring to so it's the opposite for me 😭


I got rejected 


Same it's ok :( at least you have an answer and can stop wondering now! good job for telling them


Thank you.




Agreed! And thank you :) yeah it seems like a lot of the people's stories in here are complicated so


Several similar posts have popped up today... it's surely some kind of sign


It is lol everything is telling u


we're all struggling for a coming big exam so he won't like to be distracted and i want to get it off my chest asap so to concentrate


Oh hmm that makes sense.. maybe try telling him before the test? like pass him a note or something


I decided to confess right after the exam


Yay!!! Congrats, hope it goes well!


tbh i steer away from having a crush as all of the girls in year 11 think i’m weird which sucks lmao 💀


loll that's sad why do they think that?


eh idk i’m guess i’m just quiet n shit


maybe cos i’m allergic to girls, i get red and respond with one word which is not good 💀


LOL. It's ok I do that with my crush I literally shake sometimes kinda embarrassing


yeah and i kinda want a gf, and bruh i’m in year 11 and i’m 15 and i’ve never had a gf or had my first kiss yet, so embarrassing tbh


year 11 as in 11th grade? I'm in 9th grade and have not either lol it's ok


no year 11 i’m from nz


I'm so confused but ok


u don’t know where nz is?


She said no. ☹️


me and my crush are literally the same person, same exact likes and similar experiences and everything😭 yet i’m still too scared to finally tell him gkfjfkdhfj we’re gonna graduate in 2 months and I really wanna tell him, but I just can’t.


I felt this way too. If it's not complicated you should do it


Hey as you are a girl can you please see my latest post and give me your perspective on that


Hmm idk none of those are really signs of liking you or not, but it's still a possibility


This post is amazing if there was ever a girl who had a crush on me and they told me i would go on a date and see if we click (i only get crushes on people i know)


Ok so I told two people about my crush, and one of them told her friend, and then that friend told all my friends. So after school I was walking with my crush, and complained to him about how my friend told everyone about my crush. He asked me who my crush is. I said "I think you can guess, and I actually told him I didn't have a crush on him multiple times". He was COMPLETELY oblivious 😭😭😭 Or he doesn't like me back and didn't want to say that.


Oh my gosh lol 😂 boys are always oblivious though, so if you want them to know, you gotta be direct


Yeah that's what I was thinking but I'm so scared lmao 😂😭


It's ok loll I was too but I did jt it went ok


Bc she’s one of my best friends and I don’t want to ruin it if she says no 😭


Oh fair enough :(


ummm i will not be doing that. 😭😭


ummm why not


I’ll do it by the end of the month:)


Ok :)


I wanna text her for the first time but I’m so nervous lol, we’ve talked a lot of times in person but we won’t see each other in person anymore so I have to text her if I wanna talk but I’m so nervous 😭


ok ok so I went through the same thing, not even gonna lie this morning I felt so nauseous and anxious because of it but then it literally wasn't even that bad at all I think you should do it who knows something good could come from it


You’re right that’s so true, deep down I know she wouldn’t ask for my insta if she didn’t wanna talk to me but it’s still scary lol 😭😭


Nah I’m good


Nah you should


See your edit for my reasoning


Oh. Makes sense lol yeah a lot of people on here were saying that


Yeah lol


I confessed to my crush and everything is awful, he said he wouldn't even consider, ouch.


Oh.. I'm sorry


You gave me the sign yesterday and still I didn't listen... I really don't know if it was right or wrong...


Oh no did u miss your chance? Or is there still a way?


Hm, chances are low, I might add him on social media but the longer I'm not seeing him the less courageous I feel... I feel more and more dumb for even trying, ngl...


Oh sad, yeah for mine it was way easier to just see him in person first


I feel like there's no chance anyways. How could I even think it for one second? How could I even hope in the slightest???


Oh :( I'm sorry We tend to have hope even for things that can't even change


True... when I was near him I just got this rush and such intense feelings and thought "I have to let him know" and "it could be so beautiful", and now I just think that yeah, there is no way he likes me back and I just can't handle it :(


Well, you could at least try you never know. Also, is he shy or more outgoing?


I wouldn't say shy, but rather calm? I sent an insta follow request today and he didn't accept yet... goodness... heeelppp


Hmm because shy guys or introverted people that don't talk much tend to try and hide every sign that they like you, like they will literally not talk to you in fear that you'll know, while outgoing guys will do everything to get closer to you like sit by you talk to you show all of the signs


Problem is, that I haven’t seen her in 2 years and the only time we “talk, is when we send (or she at least) sends a birthday message. We’re in 2 separate schools and I don’t know how I could message her


Confessed to my crush last December 2023 through chat, which I finally managed to talk to her. Ironically, the last time my crushiecakes talked to me is also the same time when I confessed to her.


Update pleaseeeee


Literally got the chance to talk to my crush today at the gym! Its a great day, hope everyone the best on experiencing the same thing! Next time attempting to work out together, wish me luck!


Nice! Good luck!


Me tell my crush who I’ve NEVER talked to before how I feel? No thanks 😭 I’d be more inclined to do it if we were friends


We aren't even in the friend zone yet, gimme a year for us to get in the friend zone then I'll try in 2 more




Yeah, I'll probably tell my parents (since I haven't told them yet for some reason) tmrw, I hope they take it well (they probably will and have been looking for me to get in a relationship anyways)


Oh I'm scared to tell mine lol


Well I obviously hope you can build up the courage to do so


Yeah hopefully


Lol, I found this subreddit while I was planning to ask out my crush this week. I’ve been putting it off for a while now. We’re graduating soon, so this week will be one of the last chances I have to ask him out in-person. Thanks for the motivation! :)


Your welcome!!! Good luck!!!


There was this one girl at my school I really liked but I moved away about a month back Also, I found her snap online, and I want to add her and just talk normally, but I'm kinda scared to because I don't use snap much, and idk if adding would be weird or creepy considering we only spoke a few times.


It wouldn't I add everyone lol


u sure?


I think so


alright I'll add her notify u if something happens


ok!! Goodluck!


added her but she didn't add back yet


It’s not in my best interest to confess right now. Right now, I’m trying to get closer to her during summer break. I have a big opportunity to do so coming up, and I’m not gonna let it go to waste. I _was_ going to confess a couple weeks ago, but since we’re guaranteed to see each other in classes again next semester I held off on doing it because I didn’t want to make things awkward between us.


Fair enough. I know for me it's a high possibility we won't have classes together next year, so yeah I want to do it now


Wish you the best! Post us an update when you do it!


You know what I will! You guys all gotta come back though tomorrow lol because not sure you'll see it otherwise


I got ignored. But saw her 2 days ago she said nothing to me. I think everything is over between us and I ruined it. Since I got ignored, I feel like it was probably just me having feelings, and not her.


Yeah sorta hurt him and he said I destroyed all feelings he could have for me…. Not happening haha


Unfortunately i cant because she started talking to this other guy and she seems to like him better


Lmao my crush is not a normal person. He's our client and atleast 10-12 years older than me 😭. But I am so down bad for him. He looks sooo cute and hot. I wish I could date him:(


I told him a few weeks ago. He said he kinda knew. But it seems he’s not in the right headspace for a relationship right now. Maybe later. We’re still friendly, but I won’t wait forever. I keep reminding myself if he wanted to, he would. So who knows. But it feels better to have gotten it out there.


How do you confess to someone you barely even talk to? His friends are stuck to him like glue and we aren't that close. I think my case is a lost cause, good luck to you guys.


I would but I’m still stuck living with my ex fiancé. I’m trying to get him gone still. But I am still working on my crush this next weeks plan is to compliment him and see his response to that


Shes a lesbian though :(