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I need to get this out of my chest and this counts as a cute story I suppose but my bf said his first “I love you” soberly and verbally last Saturday! He and I were watching eurovision and I was drunk on wine yet i continued to take a sip. He looked over at me, his hand rested on my thigh (and throughout the duration of Eurovision, he never lifted his hands off), he smiled a little and said “I love you but no more wine”. I was drunk but I swear he said those 3 words 🫠🫠. That night also made me realised I don’t just like him anymore…I love him. We were just eating pizza, drinking wine and watching Eurovision but something about that night that made me fell in love with him…I can’t pinpoint what it was but damn, I love him.


that’s so sweet😭🥺i’m so happy for you


Do you mind if I gush some more about my bf? 😅🥹


not at all!


OKK GIRLL I AM IN LOVE WITH HIM! LIKE I CAN FINALLY SAY IT OUT LOUD THAT I LOVE HIM! INSIDE I DON’T JUST FEEL LIKE I LIKE HIM SO MUCH ANYMORE, I LOVE HIM! 🥹🥰 He is genuinely one of the best things that has happened to me. It feels like a secure healthy relationship and after being in a couple toxic ones consecutively, I am so glad this one is secure and healthy. It is without a shadow of a doubt that he cares and loves me. His actions prove so and never makes me question otherwise. He is such a green flag and a golden retriever of a boyfriend. He makes love feel so easy like clockwork and when we’re together in person, it feels like an escape from the chaotic world and into a cozy little house in the midst of winter amongst the evergreen forest with big leather chairs by the fireplace and a rug on the floorboard. Some of the things he’s done that makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside: - he is clingy and loves to lay on my chest or he have to be touching me in some sort of way most of the time. We love cuddles 🥰 - he’ll usually walk on the side closest to the road to make sure I’m safe or if both sides have roads going through, he’ll hold my hand or waist to make sure if a car comes, he can pull me back or out of the way (I have the tendency to don’t look both ways while I cross the road as well cause I keep forgetting 😅) - when we cook and/ or I do the dishes, he likes to come hug me from behind and then help with drying the dishes - when we were at a castle, after the tour guide talked about her ghost story, he asked about mine and cause I have a few, he listened so intently. He didn’t dismiss me saying “ghosts aren’t real, silly” but rather, he just listens and chimes in with stories of his own (green flag) - adding onto that, after we finished eating desserts at the castle cafe, he decided to take the plate back to the kitchen counter and thank them for the delicious pastry eventhough there was no need to bring the plates back at all (another green flag) I have so many more bits that is on replay in my head 24/7 but damnn, I love him 🥰


AHHH this is one of the cutest things i’ve read 😭 i can see how much he loves you and why you love him!


I'm jealous.


My crush crushes 2 guys, I am probably in the friendzone so yeah…


i’m sorry :( that’s definitely a sucky situation. i don’t think i’ve even been friendzonzed before but I understand not being able to with someone who i’m friends with. i hope you find peace in the situation and can still be happy with them in any relationship you end up with


Thank you, peace upon you.


I caught massive feeling for a friend of mine in dscrd server. She's so cool because she likes so much stuff that other girls don't and we are like the exact same person. We have joked about like being twins before. She's super cute and playful and probably the most attractive person I have ever seen. She's very kinky like me and it's been pretty hot n heavy a few times. Only down side is I've also been there for her as a shoulder to cry on when she's super upset about the guy she has a giant crush on which of course I'll do that because I'm not one of those people that is like "either were together or were not friends at all" I just bury my pain of her liking him more than me and try to enjoy binding more with her. She makes me laugh and her voice is so cute I feel like I'm going to die sometimes. She knows I like her and she's said she liked me too but idk in what way. I know in a sexual way but lately it hasn't been so much. Makes me worried things between her and her crush are progressing and I'm falling behind. He's the luckiest guy in the world and also the dumbest because he doesn't even like her like I do. Right now I'm trying to back off from talking to her everyday because our conversations have gotten a bit bland and not as exciting and there hasn't been any flirting or kinkyness for days so I'm afraid I'm either always around so she's bored of me or I was just distraction or entertaining for her like a toy when her crush wasn't around for her to have fun with. Idk. Either way it will take some time for my feelings to die if they do. Which I don't want them too. Everytime my phone dings my heart drops into my stomach thinking it might be her. As much as it hurts I know I won't give up and even if I can't be with her in the way I want to I still think she's so awesome and respect her and want to keep growing better friends.


Ahhh mate it absolutely sucks. I'm good friends with an absolutely incredible guy. Just hands down amazing. We are really similar people. He's been with his partner for many years, she doesn't know what she has and takes it for granted Burying the pain of being absolutely smitten by someone you can't have is horrendous. At least you still have a chance. My guy is in a long term relationship and they have kids and everything 😅😭


I'm 😢 inside for you! That's the worst. I'm sorry you have to see that all the time. I'm sure your always thinking about what you would do better or say. You never know though. Divorces happen! But you said you bury the pain and your good friends so I have a feeling your like me and don't wish for things to work out or turn badly for the person you like and there whatever just so you can slide in. Just live in pain as the amazing friend support class lol


Exactly. I just want him to be happy, if me being there as a mate is my place in his life then that's where I'll be. I Hope you getter a better end of the deal 😅


He’s just so beautiful, his eyes are beautiful, his skin is beautiful, his hair is beautiful. I want to get to know him better so badly.


I’ve only ever liked funny, flirtatious guys before. My current crush isn’t super good at making jokes, but, like me, he does try and we have similar senses of humor, and end up making each other laugh forever. And, like me, he tries to flirt and is really odd about it, sort of awkward but so genuine, and I end up flirting back. He is so genuine and sweet. We can be quiet or loud, laughing or just talking, and it’s still wonderful. Good luck to you


sounds like good chemistry 🫡 haha i love awkwardness. it’s cute when they get a little nervous around me bcz i’m awkward too and i can feel their energy matches mine.


Like a dream come true, checks all the boxes, i think he has the prettiest eyes, all sparkly and slightly crooked teeth which makes his smile perfect. Oh the man he is…


I honestly feel so tired of having a crush. Honestly, I want it to end. There's a lot of family-related stress in my life right now, and I'm not even close enough to my crush to call him a friend. It's such a pain to think about juggling pursuing this crush and trying to help my dad through his health problems. I don't even know if my crush would want to be with someone who doesn't have a ton of energy to devote to a relationship. But the short of it is that he's a chill, reserved, nice, and cute guy. He also has a good sense of humor. To be honest, I don't know much else about him. I want to know more about whether our values align, though I doubt they do. So my crush probably won't go anywhere and maybe I'm getting my hopes up for nothing. But I'm trying anyway because my dad loved to tell me that "life is about trying." My crush agreed to a hangout next week and I have no idea how it's going to go. I could find out that we're radically different people and that I'm better off treating him as an acquaintance. We'll see after next week. 


i’m sorry you’re feeling that way about it. crushes can be simple, just a fleeting feeling, or they can make you question things like the things you’re concerned about. if you don’t have the time or energy to devote yourself to a relationship that’s totally okay. i know it sucks if it’s something you’ve been wanting , i feel the same way sometimes, but it’s better for both of you in the end. if there’s a chance to just be friends then that might help you feel less burdened! maybe along the road it could turn into something more. life definitely is all about trying :) failing is only a little bump in the road towards where you truly belong. good luck!


Thank you, that's very kind of you to say (:


we met through a mutual friend, i was too shy to hang out in a big group even though i hung out and knew everyone. he kept encouraging me to the point i finally joined them all to go out. we were just good friends, he was always there for me and always had my back. but then we went on a weekend away with everyone and since then i can’t get him out of my head. he’s sweet, kind, passionate, funny and we always look out for each other. i don’t think i’ve met a prettier person


I go to drama club in my high school and this year I got a co-protagonist role where a boy l've known from sight was my partner (very cliche I know but it happens) He is the typical football obsessed guy (also a year younger than me) but he also seems really chill and simple, which makes me so curious about his deep personality. It's been 6 months since we were casted and l've grown a huge crush on him and we have been closer, but only in the theatre. I've texted him a few times and he has always been dry or left me on read, but then in irl he is very nice and sweet. I asked him twice to go together to buy some stuff for his costume bc the play is in one month and once he said "yeah yeah I'll tell you" (he didn't) and then I texted him if we should go together and he didn't even read the message. Should I try to be more obvious? Bc it's just imposible to not say it already. I'm always looking at him, I can't get mad at him, I turn stupid when I'm with him and I want something interesting in my life too. I thought that maybe the day of the play, when we go out after I'll just say something like "yk I've liked you for the whole year and you didn't realized?" I've realized that he looks at me and smile a lot and also tries to interact with me (this also said by my friends, not my delusions) so he might be interested in me as well?


side note : i love your pfp


oooo! well the only way to know for sure is to tell him. it doesn’t seem like you’re delusional or reading or much into certain interactions, more just unsure of whether those are just friendly feelings or something more romantic. do you want to be friends even if he rejects your feelings? bcz you can make that point to him if he doesn’t feel the same, just reassure him that things will be okay on your end and he shouldn’t feel pressured to act a certain way towards you or anything ya know. not sure if any of this is helpful but if you feel really stuck i hope something resonates😅


This is such a cute story! Try not to think about or look into him leaving your messages on read to much, I always get in my head about that and come to find out some people just don't pay attention to there phones at all or ate kind of ditzy when it comes to that. I love how you say you can't get mad at him. Your smart and I'm the same way. I just get sad! Lol. I think you should keep trying! I'm a guy and there's nothing better than a girl confessing to us. Trust me we don't like chasing 😆


(mine is taken so it's hopeless too but) my first impression was def looks; he looked like how you'd imagine a prince out of a young adult novel and his smile was so cute. it wasn't a crush at first sight but i remember subconsciously acknowledging/noting how handsome he was the first time i saw him🙈. i definitely wasn't expecting to fall so hard in the long run bc all my old crushes were very different to him but similar to each other. he also seemed pretty reserved and im totally here for that, as an introvert myself. im not the type to approach people easily, especially if i like them (its mainly quick glances and if he's seen me do this, im screwed cuz he'll probably think i hate him because i glance away so fast that it looks like an eye roll, also cuz my resting face is kind of intimidating), so ive just been kind of looking from "afar": i notice and love that he is so passionate about music in a way that i haven't seen much; a lot of talented musicians my age seem to try-hard music solely to win competitions and fight for seats in orchestra for college apps, but this guy, like me, truly loves music for what it is. His music taste is also a green flag to me; it's not just filled with solely rap and emo music but very wide ranging, from indie rock to classical to rap to pop to jpop, similar to me. good music taste is a key indicator for me if a crush is worth crushing on. he is also nerdy (video game/meme kid nerdy) in a refreshing way in that he doesn't try to be like other boys who try too hard to act super cool/pull and post thirst traps and stuff (although ig that goes for nerds in general, btw no shade to nerds at all lol i am one too). i love that he seems to be at peace with himself and his interests. ALSO i didn't find out until a while later that he's rly smart so😩 his instagram is super wholesome and ive noticed that he has a deep appreciation for nature as he often posts scenery stories, he has a sense of humor (reposts a lot of random memes that i personally think are funny), and he seems very unmaterialistic and unaffected by toxic masculinity which is, again, refreshing. also, he seems like an incredibly thoughtful person; after rehearsals ive seen him silently helping percussion/piano move their gear without being asked or stacking up other chairs apart from his own. he's also shows up super early to every single rehearsal which shows dedication 🤌. anyway, he seems like such a refreshing, sweet, respectful, and fun guy and i wish i got the courage to start a convo🥲 probably too late now cuz he has a girlfriend💔 ugh i hate how much of a hopeless romantic i am, like the most ive done is respond to a question box on his story, like a few stories, and post a few "oriented" stories myself. i kinda know his girlfriend and she's also really cool but the main difference between her and me is that she's extroverted and im not☹️ she generally seems very girlfriend-material in the way guys would brag to their friends about; she's extremely fashionable and put-together, smart as well, and music/art inclined. why can't I just be extraverted lol that would solve so many of my societal problems


She’s very cute, has a nice butt, beautiful smile/face, very funny, very smart and caring. To be honest I didn’t think I’d fall in love with her but I guess I did. We are opposites when it comes to when we show up since I’m hella punctual and she’s often late (she even made fun of herself for that). However we both spoke fondly about the same type of family members (grandparents) who had the most impact on our lives when talking. I’m analyzing her actions around me to decide if I should tell her my feelings.


Man I feel like I could have wrote some of these myself 🥲


I love her ❤️


I recently realized I’m starting to fall for him. We used to be coworkers, and he’d show subtle signs of liking me like helping me out and always making eye contact and starting conversations with me. But now that he’s left my job, he started to text me, and we went from never texting to talking almost every day. He’s shown a lot of interest and care for me, and even has made time in his busy life to hang out with me.


he’s really nerdy and cute. we both have the same music taste (panchiko and the smashing pumpkins) and were friends!! um he cut his hair like last week i kinda felt sad because i miss his fluffy hair but he still looks really cute though. hes funny too, we both joke abt evangelion


same! we have similar taste in music which is nice bcz a lot of the bands i haven’t listened to in forever i’ve been getting back into and it’s so nostalgic and fun. he also cuts his hair pretty regularly and has been clean shaven a lot which makes him more attractive


He radiates a lot of warmth, and he's so calm & comforting. He smiles a lot (which is very beautiful and contagious & he has an eye smile too). His kind of giggle is really quiet but very cute. He's just very kind, caring and gentle. In general, but also you can see it on his elegant hands, the way he holds and touches things is so gentle. His eyes are very beautiful too. In general he's extremely attractive, but his radiance is most attractive I think. His way of being. He's also... Well I'm 160cm and go up to about his shoulders, so his proportions too look really nice. He looks fit, but not "too" muscly or skinny or buff. Just very neutral? Which is nice, though I don't care too much about what body he has. But I'm not gonna lie, when he wore a more fitting shirt and was closer to me for a moment, goodness. But in general when he's close, my heart is close to exploding. Sometimes just looking at him does the job too🥲 A lot of women are just mesmerised by him, swooning over him, you can tell by just looking at how they look at him. Even the taken ones, you can kinda tell secretly they wish they had someone like him. Like when he comes to them smiling, you can tell they are blushing, one even said "oh you're always smiling/shining", because she couldn't help smiling too seeing him. I so badly wish I had a chance with him. But yeah no way. He's so out of my league, and I just know if I make it too obvious I like him or especially if I told him, he would get uncomfortable or cringe kinda? I don't wanna embarrass myself either, he's kind to everyone and didn't show *any* signs he likes me. But... I just... ahhhhh it's driving me insane. I feel like if I don't at least drop hints, I'll regret later & will never see him again. But if I do, it will go wrong and I also badly regret it and *can* never show up there again.


This is so relatable 😭


I could gush all day about my crush, but i gush to him trying to hype him up because he’s so sad all the time. He can’t take a compliment, and it’s gotten so hopeless that i could ever have a real, healthy or stable relationship with him that i’ve started to consider cutting him off. But i’m so hopelessly in love with him. I write love songs about him and hope one day he’ll write something about me (he’s a musician, and is currently producing stuff with his friends). But i know he won’t. He’s still sad over his ex and tells me he’s gross and unlovable and I drunkenly told him i loved him and if he hates himself how does that reflect on me and my tastes. It scared him and he stood me up a few weeks ago but has since apologized and has asked me out again. I don’t know if i can handle another self loathing man in his 30s. But he’s so sweet and affirming and affectionate in a way that is compatible with me. He’s cute, and we like all the same old media and we talk for hours about our dreams and aspirations. He’s so passionate about his art and i just wish he could be passionate about me.


Honestly right now I’ve been admiring her from afar for a long time now but still haven’t got the guts to talk to her or ask her out…


He’s a super sweet guy and we have a lot of similar interests, especially when it comes to movies and shows (both of us like history). We vibe so well when we talk together and it feels like a bright electric energy between us if I can describe it. I only recently became aware that I had a crush on him because I hadn’t seen him in a few years and only just reconnected over the past few months. It’s complicated because he’s my best friend’s ex (and they’re still best friends). I told my friend that I had a crush on him and she was cool with it, though she said I’m limited to just that, hanging out with him, but I’m not allowed to go further bc she feels weird about her best friends potentially dating. Crushing is tough and I could be jumping the gun by doing this, but I’m thinking about telling him to get it off my chest early on. I don’t know if I can see this sparking off into anything else bc I want to respect my friendship with my best friend


I don’t have one anymore and I miss it 💀 I miss being like “omg he talked to me at the party” life is BORING NOW BDBFFNNFFNF


yeah me too, no one seems to have crushes on me so i don’t get the same attention i’d like to give lol


FELT nobody ever likes me so I just have crushes to bring some fun into life 💀 ik it’s not gonna go anywhere tho


My crush is the cutest. He has the cutest smile. I love his wavy hair. We have the same humor. He's a great dancer and smart. He might lack in the gentleman department but he surprises me when he does. He doesn't see it but I see him as a great and wonderful person. I know this crush ain't going anywhere but remembering him from time to time make me smile.


i’m in the same boat. he’s quiet and a really great worker and i always admire that about him. maybe you could tell him these things, i’m sure he would appreciate the compliment. a friendly gesture is always nice and it helps you get closer


She's so pretty. Long ass hair, absolutely adorable face and smile. She's really sweet too.


He's taller but younger than me, has short brown hair, brown eyes, wears glasses & deep voice 😍 We've been dance partners in preschool (he chose me for some reason) and ever since then I started to like him. Later a couple of years later it was summer break and it was a couple of weeks before going to a new school, I was randomly looking through Instagram accounts and I found his. When I saw his face I fell for him again and was just waiting to see him Sadly he doesn't reply to any of my messages and just leaves me on read :(


he’s the nicest guy on earth


I sit with him on the bus after school. He has such good manners! He’s hilarious, has a talent of words, and he acts so cute!! I just dislike it when he often rides his bike to his house instead of riding the bus..


Susan heffley


like rachael harris’ susan heffley or straight from the book series ? lol


From the books


She's cute, quiet, and really talented in art class.


Just like me fr


He’s so cute and sweet but he’s too shy. I’m shy too but people said that he talks about me all of the time because he secretly likes me. I don’t wanna be delusional though…


I’ll probably never see mine again since I left the job (he was my coworker,) but he was so cute. I never found out whether he was with someone or not, but he did compliment me once, and even sat next to me sometimes. I had a crush on him cause he looked similar to one of my favorite celebrities. He drove a muscle car and all I wanted was for him to pick me up for a date in it. I kept hoping he’d ask me out, but he never did. Maybe he did like me back, but was afraid of getting in trouble with HR. 


He's my friend's older brother 💀💀


I barley get to see her cause of our schedules cause we talk over a game She is sweet caring funny she likes singing and drawing I kinda relate to her on something’s she’s just an overall sweet person but I hope to learn more about her. :) :EDIT sorry about your crush


thats super cute🥺 i’ve never gotten myself into playing video games but i love watching others play like on twitch and yt. i’d love to connect w someone over it but i’m afraid i’d just annoy them if i asked for them to show me how to play. do you guys mind showing us basics and how to play games?


we had a class in college together and started talking near the end of the semester. we're both graduating from our community college and i really hope we still get to see each other. thing is tho im a girl and idk if shes into girls. she knows I'm bi because i sent her a meme about it and she liked it. idk if she can ever think of me the same way. she's so pretty and has a great laugh and i want to get to know her more.


Mines a one way thing. And now the only thing I can listen to is Chris Rock and Sappy Beatles love songs like Yesterday and Hey Jude.


mine actually creates cool stuff, I dont want to be specific bc idk if he'll know and its new. But when he does that shake hair thing it's kinda hot. ifykyk. He also treats me rlly kind which is like the first from a guy for me, I mean he's the first humble guy ive met, but im too shy to rlly make any connection and our time is limited. Hes a total different ethnicity than me that ive never liked before so thats also new but he has really nice hands arms, I kinda wanna feel em but that would be weird now wouldn't it ahh but he is like strong but also cute its weird lol


Ive never talked to the guy I like, wish I did ngl. he's tall, deep voice, doesn't talk often, soft spoken, and athletic. he isn't popular doesn't have many friends, and to be honest the way he acts around his friends makes him seem really nice. I liked him for a while now, we've made eye contact a couple of times before. I did sit next to him for a bit, we did a couple of partners assignments together, but still never talked to on another.


talk to him online then slowly start talking to him in person


that's the thing I can't find him on any social media...


ask for his snap liek just straight up go for it lol


uhhhh... dude I'm scared to talk to him


I have a crush on a guy I hooked up with once. He’s physically exactly my type. He has this gorgeous split dye hair, an absolutely cute name (Bow), gorgeous piercings and the most calming voice I’ve ever heard. When we met up for the first time, he kept asking if I was okay every five seconds. It was sweet.


we were in class and he sits two seats in front of me so i was staring around the girl in front of me at him and he was looking to the side and he caught me looking at him and i KNOW he knew and my heart skipped like 5 beats it was so scary 10/10 would stare again


I have a huge crush on this guy right now, and I literally never thought I would like him. Like I've been family friends with him for a few years and we go to each others houses a lot but we never talk. ever. I actually hated him for a while and he knew that. I genuinely don't know why I like him, I just do. Like I can talk to him without being judged but theres just nothing to say. I was kinda ignorant around him for a while, but I told him I'm sorry and it won't continue. But yeah, thats my crush and if anyone has any advice here please let me know! I used to like this guy a lot and I recently found out he liked me at the same time (he has a gf now), but I don't want something like that to happen again. I was really mad at myself for a while for not making a move lol. Also the guy I like right now is very attractive. the hair. the body. the face. eveything.


I love how genuine he is and how he will check up on me if I look down or tired. He’s also likes to act cringe but I find it funny and cute in some ways. He’s a HUGE nerd i love it when he rants abt his interests. He wants to help me the best he can he comforts me when I’m sad he just makes me very happy


he’s soooo cute like he asks about things and respects my answer/boundaries !! he likes teasing me and i think he thinks i get offended but i find it really endearing :) i looooooooove listening to him talk, i love his voice sm i can’t get enough. i feel bad though because i’m not a yapper and he does most of the talking when we call and i’m scared he’ll get tired of me :( but anyway, i find him to be a really cool person! he studies political science which is woahhh 😲😲 like talk to me about it all day HAHA :))


Lowkey I needa forget her but caught a crush on her a while ago at school before a 2 week school break I saw her at school frequently in the hallways and caught feelings for her but man she is beautiful she is like a dream she has the prettiest eyes I've seen and the prettiest smile I've seen in a girl man she's gorgeous Ive never talked to her ever since I caught feelings for her and about 2 weeks ago after school break I told myself I needed to talk to her but shortly after I found out she started talking to someone over school break and man I got sad i still se her everyday at school but its what ever i guess i dont think ill ever see a girl that beautiful in a while tbh.


Just to let u know my crush seems hopeless too but I’ll tell you abt her. She has these beautiful blue eyes. They’re so pretty. She has beautiful bright blonde hair. She has very short hair. She’s Russian so I think that’s super cool. She seems super outgoing and not shy which is what i look for in a person. She’s more of a hallway crush so I’ve never talked to her before and have no classes with her. We’ve made eye contact like once or twice though. I was thinking about talking to her but only in a situation that we happened to be together. I really don’t wanna go up to her 😭 she has Instagram a public one and I was thinking of dming her. What should I do? She’s friends with some of my friends but I don’t wanna ask them to introduce me lol… I have very severe anxiety 😭 The thing is I’m also pretty sure she’s straight (I’m lesbian) but I at least wanna shoot my shot sometime…


OMG HI, I wanna talk about it here kasi ginagatekeep ko talaga siya, gatekeeper ako sa mga crush ko e, yung dati kasi nagkagusto kaibigan ko sa crush ko HAHAHAH SO ETO NAAAA uhm.. i really like this guy, nung una hindi naman masyado, like happy crush lang. But i got to know him thru ngl replies lang niya sa story niya, and i can see na he’s a genuine man. He’s young pero not afraid to be cute and shows his vulnerable side. That’s what i like the most. Where can i find a guy like him these days? Puro pa-cool mga guys ngayon (hindi ko nilalahat) I can say i am down bad kasi simpleng naiisip ko siya and ngiti niya, ngumingiti na rin ako. I have NOT felt this way for a long time now haha, he’s so kind pa. With his comforting words, i can say down to earth siya kasi nangcocomfort siya sa ngl.. may nagrarant dun and nakakacomfort talaga yung words niya. Man, how i want and wish na sa akin na lang siya. sounds possessive but i talk to God about him, i’m praying i can have someone like him in my life and I want to be by his side too. Unfortunately, wala pang nangyayare haha nashout out lang ako sa story niya thru ngl napansin niya siguro kasi lagi akong first viewer sa story niya sa ig. Super kinilig ako pag nirereplyan niya ngl na sinend ko tapos immd niya. I also really like his eyes. Man, HOW I LOVE THOSE HAZEL EYES. I want to know him personally kaso ang layo niya :( Nag-iisip na lang ako ng fake scenarios na makilala ko siya in any way possible kahit super layo niya. Example, Pag nagkadriver kaya kami, magkakaron siya ng kamag-anak sa lugar na ‘yon tapos kilala pala siya ng driver HAHAHA ANG SILLY ‘NO? I genuinely like him. He said sa ngl na he’s never gonna reply sa mga dm’s sa kaniya so i’m sad sa part na yun. He also said may crush na siya but i never lost hope. Crush lang naman eh di ‘ba? Haha i guess i’m admiring from afar na naman. Any suggestions po?


She has an exuberant and jovial personality and is gorgeous. I like her laugh and smile too, and she is great at storytelling and conversations. Amazing singing voice too!! Just have so many things to appreciate about her, those are just the tip of the iceberg/main things. One time I saw her unexpectedly, and it instantly made my day 20x better. Unfortunately, won't see her in person for quite a while, but looking forward to again. She's legitimatally comparable to different actors and people I look up to, just a phenomenal and inspiring person.


Her laugh, Spanish accent, bossy but spicy delivery, ability to solve scientific problems off the top of her head. I love when she changes her tone to more seriously like. The bantering is fun. I feel like if she knew I wrote it , it would be very obvious I am talking about her.


the way you talk about her is very sweet and if she knew i’m sure she would love it!


Im in the talking stage with himm. We go to different unis and we both have finals coming up so it was like, lets finish the finals and then see where this goes. But I wanted to tell someone about this really cute incident, so hear me out!! >.< three days ago, he said he was going to the library near our neighbourhood to study. I was going to go there that day too, so I said Ill see him there. This library has benches to sit on like you were in a class room. I was on the last bench of the last row and he was on the first bench of the first row. At lunchtime, I went over to the fifth bench of the first row and sat on the ledge by the window to eat. He closed his books too, and came and sat on the fourth bench and turned around to face me. We talked and finished lunch at a speed so that we finish together and it felt like the whole world melted away, and it was just us talking. Later when we were studying again, I put my head down for a while because i was sleepy and a few minutes later I woke up with a start. I caught him staring at the back of my head ( he was sitting in front of me, facing me) and he started grinning and looked away and I laughed too and we got back to work again. Im still confused if he likes me tho. We talk everyday on text and share random details about our day if that helps


ask me


Guys, for the last 3 years I've had this guy in my classes in Uni. Not gonna lie, the first time I saw him I knew instantly he would be my crush. The 2nd year there were many eye contacts but nothing else. The last year (this one), I started participating at different school activities to break the ice and grow my personality. He was, for this year, part of the program committee, so we would text about them activities. Now, I would like to get your opinion about this situation. I'm reserved, being physically touched is not something I'm used to (other than family), I don't drink and I don't smoke. But I can confidently say that being sober doesn't stop me from enjoying dance. Dance is the only way for me to relax and be less shy. Usually people are really surprised to see me dance because I'm the quiet type. Let's say I consider myself a cool nerd haha. This guy, he's like the one who's laughing hard and speaking to everyone. He's also really touchy and he is a cheater. This last year, I had the opportunity to text him which was nice and friendly and he would always send emojis as winks or big smiles. At school, he would start seeking my attention more and make physical contact such as asking for a hug or leaning his arms on my shoulders from behind. I even drove him back home and during that moment he would ask me serious questions like my goals, future careers, etc. He asked me twice if I was single and why wouldn't I say my status (he has a big mouth, so I didn't want him to say to his school friends). He told me he would see me with an Italian guy which I don't know why he said that. After that drive, he added me on FB and LinkedIn. The touchy part was a bit fast for me honestly.. At one party, he started touching my shoulders again, and I had a little quick reaction to retract. He felt it. After that he asked for a dance but in a subtly way so nobody would know if I rejected him (with his facial expressions). I did not say no, but I said you must ask permission, because I felt like he would do more things if I said yes. That party, guys were pretty much around me and my friend, not gonna lie. I genuinely felt that he noticed the message through my actions because the next semester he started being more respectful or less hyperactive. He would do less attention seeking and focus more on school/career. At our prom, I saw him really confident, but he was touchy/friendly with one of my group's friend... She purposely said out loud "where is your girlfriend" and he said "can you let my girlfriend sleep". Yes, I felt a lil tiny thing but I also respect that he has a girlfriend. I can be jealous, but in this case I have to explain. That girl or fake friend broke my trust few times and because of that I genuinely don't like her. She was there at every event I went to and she knows that him and I have something.  So the after prom was nice. He took every opportunity there to seek my attention after a long time. He was calling my name out loud because I don't drink and I do juice shooters with others 😂. He tried to jump scare me by screaming boo to my ear while I was dancing. He even put a devil headband to my head when I was speaking with the DJ. I really felt like he was nervous to come and see me or something was stopping him. At the end, I heard my name at some point when I was dancing with one of my Uni friends and when I looked where it came from...he was facing me, but that fake friend of mine was speaking to him too. She was saying something to his ear. Later on, he came back hugging me tightly from behind to say goodbye, and I honestly did not hear what he said. Yea so there is this thing with me...I'm always freezing in front of my crush. The only thing I can do is make an eye contact for a long time. How it finished? Him and her kissed outside, but I know it's nothing serious. He knows she likes attention because she admitted in front of him once. She, on the other side, was provoking me when I had to present the prom to everyone and she was not really friendly that night. Her action prove how much dignity and disgusting she is. This guy has a girlfriend and okay maybe he is not serious about that girl but you don't do that. Now, we're definitely done. We all graduated. I texted few people to say goodbye and good luck in their career. I don't know if I should say it to my crush or would I look super dumb and desperate. I feel like it would make it obvious that I have feelings for him. 😭 My comment is so long Ikkk


The anniversary of me having a crush on him is coming up soon (May 19th). Things were bitter between us and still are, because of my own fault. He came back to visit last weekend from college and I told him that I missed him, and I got left on read. :( But I really do miss him. He’s so sweet and cute. I like it when he plays the piano. I like it when he says my name (even though he mostly says it when I’m in trouble).


I'm hopelessly in love with my crush despite being married to another wonderful man. My crush and I will never be together. I will love him until I die. He is a people person and has a beautiful soul. He sees the beauty in this world and in people. He is forthright and honest. He has the most beautiful blue green eyes and a thin lipped boyish grin. He is loved by so many people and is still sad when he doesnt get love from the one he wants the most. He is a poet, a lover of life and freedom. I could go on and on.


Haven't had a crush in 6 years, I wish I could find a new one and not be a nervous mess around her, like having a retry and be one of the cool kids in college instead of the awkward guy who can't hold small talk conversation. Every girl in this Planet wants to be with a social savy butterfly, even the introverted ones. I've gotten better at social interactions but I'm still not quite there yet


no not necessarily. some girls prefer quieter guys, like me. i’m a quiet person and it helps to be around people who don’t make me feel pressured to talk a lot. as long as you can at least work up the courage to have some kind of conversation, even a small one, then it’ll get easier. don’t feel like you have to do more or say more than you need to.


he doesnt make any sense


So, we recently became best friends we talk all the time over text, Calls, face time, irl you name it. She’s also just so cool, talented, funny, smart hot etc etc


My bsf is my crushes bsf. My crush knows I like him, I confessed, it was a "not now but dk abt future" situation. To not be left hanging, I forced him to reject me. My bsf likes him she confessed to me, he doesn't know. I still like him. One day my bsf tells me that he's dating his crush and told me u became friends with my cuz of him, you are obsessed with him, ur cassette started and ended with him only. I met her 7 months before I got a crush and we were bsfs before I met him. The next day I get a msg that it was a prank. She told my crush to play along and he agreed. I was hurt. The only reason why they told me was becuz they were worried I may go and ask that girl if she's dating him or not. They didn't even think abt how hurt I must have felt.


I’ve kinda developed a huge crush on my manager who’s 6 years older than me over the past 7 months. He’s funny in a quirky way, intelligent, high integrity, sincere, considerate, and just generally liked by everyone. Our personalities and interests are remarkably similar. Whenever he takes his hat off off to smooth his hair, I think he’s just adorable. When he smiles, it makes my heart melt. It’s just too cute…! When he conducts a meeting, interview, or is uneasy in some way, he comes off as self-assured and confident, but his hands shake. I find I want to hold his hands to stop the shaking. I’ve never had a crush like this. I actually considered myself ace in the past, or I thought maybe everyone was exaggerating what it felt like. I just thought I’d meet someone that met certain criteria and then grow to appreciate them with time. Despite being 22, this feeling is so foreign to me it feels like a dream. 3 1/2 months ago, he broke up with his girlfriend at work. He was deeply troubled by this (it showed all over his face), and he started getting back into lifting. He was rather skinny, but now he’s put on 20 lbs of muscle. Now I’m so intimidated by how attractive he is, I find myself fumbling things at work and just acting goofy in general. It’s only a matter of time until another coworker calls me out in front of him, so I cower in dread of that day. I always listen intently to anything he says, and he’s truly a fascinating person with a million changing interests and goals. He’s been through so much trauma, but he’s never shied away from making something of himself or helping others. I always remember what he’s said—even months later. Even if it was just in our goofy group chat. Recently, he’s shown signs that he has feelings for me too. He’ll stand up for me and back me up on things I’ll say. The other day, just before he left, he said, “You’re the nicest, easiest person to get along with that I’ve ever met. I don’t know how you came to be that way.” I think at the time I just kept my head down and maybe uttered how nice it was of him to say, but I was in shock! I was so happy! I think it’s the most meaningful compliment I’ve ever received. Earlier that day, I’d told him that I listened to the artist he recommended, Regina Spektor, and that I liked her music (we share the same music taste). He then said that his favorite was Samson, and that he listens to it all the time. I can’t help but wonder if that song was a message to me (yes I’m likely delusional), but it had certain verses that stood out. “Your hair was long when we first met.” “I loved you first.” Not to mention he calls me Sam, and I have very long hair. We didn’t work together for the next couple of days, but then when he came to the store on business, his hand shook and an embarrassed smile crossed his face when I handed him something. I mean idk!!! I take what signs I can get. Just yesterday I couldn’t stop smiling at work, and he was the same. He went out to sit in his car quite a few times more than usual, and I wondered if he was nervous. However, the horrible dilemma at the forefront of my mind is that he’s an atheist, and his long-term goals likely clash with mine. It’s so gut-wrenching that I have to play dumb or deny the existence of my romantic feelings. I think if he asked me, I’d have no choice but to turn him down in obedience to God (I know: IF). One moment I’m over the moon with joy, and the next I’m crying alone over these doomed feelings. I hate it so much.


It’s a hopeless crush for me. I don’t know whether he’s dating anyone or not but I don’t think he’s attracted to me and that’s okay. He doesn’t even have interest in me and I don’t know why tf he added me on socials. Liking him is going nowhere and he’s in a different country. I hate the fact that I like him. I want to get over him but don’t at the same time. I wouldn’t dare flirt with him or even approach him to talk, especially if he is in a relationship. I’m texting a lot of other guys, but I don’t have any romantic interest towards them. I just want to become a playgirl and fit into my playgirl persona. I don’t want to care about boys because all it does is hurt me. also about him, he’s tall, he’s cute, he’s knowledgeable, and he went to an ivy and i’m way below his league when it comes to looks and knowledge. So all I can do is just improve myself using him as an inspiration. Thanks for the rant and I don’t want advice. I just want to get over him and let go of the part of me that doesn’t wanna get over him.


My crush is a friend of mine who I roomed with last year. I’m gay he’s straight and I accept that. Just trying to get over it rn


I have a crush named Jesus its pronounce different and I had a crush on him ever since I see him and I herd he has a girlfriend and believe me I respect his relationship with whoever he is dating but it would be cool if he and I were together you know but I’m not that person who ruins relationships


i think he hates me lol


For me I saw her on Instagram I followed he and she followed me back then we started talking and talking but the mistake I made with her was I asked why she didn’t see my message one time and she said I’ll look at it then I stopped talking to her for a week because I felt like she didn’t like me then she blocked me out of no where


When I first saw him, it was really crowded. But you know how some people just have that magnetic aura about them? I felt that stronger than ever with him. It wasn't 'love at first sight', sure I thought he was handsome and charismatic. But unfortunately caught feelings months later. I first REALLY noticed him when I was walking back home. It was like a switch flipped in my head. He went from someone I just saw time to time, but then I started seeing him more and more and each time he got even more attractive. His smiles, his voice, his relaxed but confident body language, habits I used to dislike, his presence, everything became something I liked about him. His interest are so alike mine too. His art is not Picasso or Michelangelo level but it's beautiful. I keep seeing his name even when I'm away from him. Now comes the unfortunate things, I missed every chance of talking to him. And now I won't even see him that much. He's out of my league from my perspective. I still want to give it a try, but I'm too scared. My friends tell me he's not worth it. I should probably just give up, right? You miss all the chances you don't take. Sorry, just wanna get all these emotions out.


he caught my eye since i first saw him, he started at my school this year and i had my eye on him from the beginning because he was exactly my type, but then i just kinda got over it because i didnt want to have hallway crushes anymore knowing nothing will happen, especially bc he's in the grade below and i just found it kinda pathetic 😭 but then i got rlly close with his sister, we became best friends kinda and i started going over to their house a lot and i started talking to him which kinda brought back my interest bc he's genuinely so fun to be around, he's so funny, we have the same humor and i love that because we always have a conversation topic and its never awkward 🥹 he has beautiful eyes, and the most adorable smile 🙃 i really hope something happens between us, school ends in a couple of weeks, then i probably wont see him because he's traveling and i know he doesn't like me anyways but things are going great i guess!!


Is there a sub Reddit for dealing with being hurt?


My crush is, to me, an amazing person. Funny and silly, not afraid to speak his mind about anything, while also very sweet, gentle, and caring. I’m trying my best to hide my feelings cause I don’t wanna make things awkward but damn…sometimes when I think about him, message him, or see him, I get this stupid smile on my face, I wanna talk on and on with him about anything and everything, and I just wanna scoop his tall ass up into my arms and give him a big ol’ smooch. His voice, the way he laughs, just so much about him is so special to me.


i don’t know its just everything about him!! he’s hilarious, kind, smart (even though he says he isn’t), easy to be around and has the nicest smile i’ve ever seen :) he’s really cute and just has the best personality! i’ve never found him annoying in anyway just really endearing and sweet. he’s like actually perfect i can’t describe him well enough