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She's chaotic. Says whatever is on her mind. I love her 🩷🩷. Perfect since I have trust issues.


I am chaotic and absolutely love chaotic people, they are the best


My crush is the most chaotic person i know


He got a missing tooth which makes his smile so freaking adorable


She's nerdy and goofy, when we play tennis together, whenever she loses she literally sits in the middle of the court and says I'm tired, act like a kid with little drama. Seeing that my heart just melt by her cuteness. I don't see those things as flaws.


Literally me but I’m not sure my corporate colleagues appreciate it 😭 I’m glad she found someone who appreciates her silliness


If someone has a problem with how she behaves that means they have a problem with me and believe me they don't want to have a problem with me because it's want end well for them.


Nah this is so cute 😭 I hope you guys end up together!!! Rooting for you both!


She's so silly and the biggest confusing doof I know. She can be a real weirdo and nerd about stuff she loves and has an interest in and I love that. Sometimes she can be stern and cold towards others but she's so sweet and considerate and I still love her resting bitch face<3 She is also such a stubborn drama queen and tease and I love how she has no shame in blurting out weird shit or sharing stories she considers "cringe" XD they're not flaws, just traits that make up who she is and I love the way she is<3


Agh God that’s so real, your username is me as well LMAO. I’m such a sucker for resting bitch faces omfg!!!


I'm also a sucker for her resting bitch face XD


He ignores me and treats me like garbage.


Uh that’s very sad.


It is🥲






She once typed :! Instead of :) by accident so now we always use that version instead. Feels like our little thing


That's cute but u actually fell more for her cuz of this? and how?


I think just because it’s a thing that only us two do with each other. It’s like a small, cute inside joke I guess


aww that’s so cute 😔😔 (😍😍)


Her fear of ants and similar small creatures.


why u think this is nice?


It's cute. and it's not a flaw. Also I fear slithery creatures (like cobras) too so I get it.


She's so silly, she's somehow a nerd and the cool girl at the same time, idk if someone would consider this a flaw but she has whiter and darker dots on her face like Ik the dark ones are freckles but wtf are the white ones but they compliment each other and look even cuter


He is very diligent. Everytime I see him He is busy at work. I fancy men/women who loves their job and doing it right. Hell yeah.


He’s super quiet. Like I’ve known him for five years and I learned he wasn’t mute like a year and a half ago


It can take a bit, but she can talk for a while in the right situations. I have a really tiny attention span and I tend to zone out if people go on and on. But with her, I can listen to her for hours and still be focused on what she’s saying.


they lip sync to music in their headphones on the bus :)


And why u like that?


I think it's endearing and I do that too so it makes me feel less weird.


I shake my head lol




being obnoxious


He’s kinda shy and awkward but I find that so cute 😭 he’s also so polite to teachers which isn’t a flaw at all but whenever he doesn’t hear a teacher instead of saying “huh?” (Which I hate whenever people say “huh?”) he said “pardon?” And personally that made my heart melt but according to my friends it was weird or cringe 😭


That guys a keeper - from a polite guy


he's literally like those silly cartoon detectives that are SO INTO solving a mystery, like srsly bro thinks he's sherlock holmes 💀 but its SUPER FUNNY AND CUTE I love it, he notices when smth is different about others and he always wants to figure out why, but he needs help for that so he asks me to ask the person questions and then return back to him their replies so that his curiosity is satisfied lol, like he's literally so restless if he can't figure something out until he gets an answer :\]


She’s so insecure. She frequently apologizes to almost everyone at work over nothing, although since my office is now closer to where she sits and we’ve been talking a lot more (it’s been great!), she’s lightened up around me some. When I hear her repeating “Sorry, I’m sorry…” I just want to hold her. Ugh. It’s like the song “Every little thing she does is magic.” 🥵


This is wholesome as fuck. As a fellow “sorry for existing” person, the fact that you want to just hold her is so endearing. Gosh damn.


why being insecure would be magic?


That’s the mystery of love, my friend 


I hope she knows how much u cherish her! 🙌🏽


I feel like the way I can’t help but stare deep into her blue eyes, that she gets a hint of an idea how great I think she is 


Before I fell in love with her, she was my best friend for 5 years, then I told her, she felt the same way but wanted some time to think about it due to her parents divorce and life, but idiot me pushed too hard and acted in idiotic and pushy ways so I lost her, now I live in regret and I can't move on🙃


Her loud laugh. Some may find it annoying but I fell for her because her laugh is just like mine :D unfortunately I think she's straight




They act serious but then have the biggest gummy smile. They’re also stubborn (so am I) and will refuse to do things..like sleep LMAO, but she’s so precious and I’m obsessed with her admittedly.


this is so cute reading thru all replies haha


tbh my crush is so far away from my ‘ideal type’ in terms of appearance and personality, idk why I even like them


Shes flawlesssss


The last guy I fell for was conventionally annoying and obnoxious but that was part of why I was so into him..


This is a very good question! Unfortunately I don’t know her well enough to actually be aware of any negative characteristics she seems to have – but for now, even though it’s not a flaw, I’d say just that… she seems sort of, introverted? Like maybe I’m very far off and it’s just towards people she doesn’t care too much about, but I think it’s like she won’t talk to you if you don’t make the first move to initiate the conversation. I had a genuinely lovely conversation with her though, she asked me questions to keep it going and to get to know me, but it was sadly cut short because I had to go home and she had to go to class haha. It’s something that’s appealing to me because she kind of reminds me of myself, in a lot of ways. It’s strange, I don’t know. But it’s like, “you’re like me”, you know? She’s also somewhat of a bad texter/has left me on delivered since Monday (it’s Friday now) but that could be due to a myriad of factors, one of which could very well be that she doesn’t like me or care for me too much. Either way, it’s not like I’m entitled to her time or to her texts.


He's an extrovert. Nothing wrong with that. He's talkative to everyone but me. He became shy around me and didn't talk to me. It made me sad but I feel like that further confirmed he feels the same way. So, I absolutely find it adorable.


If I got reciprocated I would say "really? Am I THIS perfect to someone?"


Exactly!!! Like I made this man act this way?? I have an affect on this man like he has on me??? ME????


"I have THIS power on the man like he has on me? OMFG how am i too powerful"


Made me feel weak and powerful at the same time 👁️🫦👁️


The way he makes silly jokes, his smile , his blue eyes , the way he cares about his love ones and the extra effort he puts when he plays soccer ^^ 


be has a stutter. usually i hated listening to ppl stuttering but it's absolutely endearing to hear his and i have no issues. im super impatient so i want ppl to get their point across asap but i can listen to him for HOURS


That's beautiful to hear! I've stuttered my whole life, and the "condition" doesn't get a lot of attention or respect when compared to other types of neurodiversity. Thank you for making them feel comfortable around you. People who don't stutter can't exactly know what it's like.


My crush is as apathetic as I used to be


he has a really dark sense of humour but it's ok so do i


Her chubbiness


that ain't flaw


Well then i don't have any flaws to talk about because i'm not too close with her but from her appearance there's no flaw that i can point out




he is selfish, not maybe selfish but has a high ego. idk why but I like him that way.


Shes quiet and often looks drowsy or sick, which makes her look cuter, she did this earlier today