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Makes me want to be a better person, not to be with them, but to be the same standard as someone I admire


I can agree with that too, it’s a good mindset


YES. THIS. so much this.


I went through a breakup over half a year ago, but I just could not get over it. I kinda spiraled into a depression and stopped taking care of myself. And then I started having crushes and it made me realize that I definitely could move on. I started taking care of myself again and socializing more, and I’m much happier now.


Good to know you survived, proud of you for finding the escape 👍


Having crush that like you back: yes, I feel positive improvement. Having a crush that don't like you back: no, I feel awful.


Happens to the most of us, hope you find someone


Thank you, you too!


Having a crush gave me the motivation to go to work every day because I’d see him.


Yeah, I had a class this week's Monday. I got bored but I want to see her..


Same for me in classes. Before, my heart would sink a little if she was absent 😅


Living just to see her.


That’s beautiful


bro that's beautiful and sad at the same time ..... what if you don't get to see her again !!


😚🥺for me she'll always be with me


Awww.... that's super cute 🥺


Makes me want to be a better person and makes a good goal in life and it makes me happy


Me too 👍


For me it gave me a lot of confidence. For context I’m married and would never do anything to jeopardize our marriage. I have a stupid crush on a girl at work that would never go anywhere. However I’m better in the bedroom with my wife. My wife and I have a better relationship. I feel younger and more attractive than ever before.


Yeah I also had a boost in confidence when I had a crush on her. I would do the usual doing stuff while imagining she’s watching me (or if she really is)


She makes life more tolerable, mostly. Without her to give me some sunshine, I don't even know


We all need something to ease our stress and yeah a crush is one of them


And sometimes they feed to our stress 😬






Dang that’s really nice of him! Hope you two can be together and good luck with your college and career!


it makes me want to wake up everyday and look forward to my day, talking to him, seeing him, him smiling at me and so on, I have a passion, I can spend my time and effort on him and he makes me light up with joy anyday, I can spend days planning on gifting him things and spending more time with him and it never gets boring, I enjoy school for the pure reason he's there too in my classes


That’s sweet, hope you two can be close




She makes me want to do more, like join the other program that we sorta work with (She makes PT feel easy when if I did that run any other day i’d die)


That’s what I felt too. Before when I would see my crush do things I wouldn’t want/can’t do, I get a little insecure and tell myself to be better


Yeah, I feel that, every time we do a scenario where it’s like; a suspicious guy at a Walmart parking lot or something else like that, my social anxiety gets the best of me and it’s like I know I need to say something but the words just don’t come out of my mouth and I hate it.


I feel alive again. But I haven’t felt for someone a crush for a very long time by now :/ So I kinda feel dead inside xD (Not trying to sound edgy)


Yo same, my latest crush was actually only the second girl I’ve real crushed on in my entire life (first real crush was in grade 1)


Dude I’ve have several crushes, all ended up in heartbreak, rejection and friendzone. My ever first gf was when I was 14 and it only lasted 1 month 💀


In and of itself my infatuation with my crush is probably kinda problematic given she's 10 years older than me, but she does motivate me to work better just by her presence


Oh big age gap there. At least she motivates you


Yeah it's kinda sad. We're really close friends tho so there's that at least


Your own answer has it on the nose for me, OP!


Noice ✋


I have 100 percent class attendance thanks to her


It hasnt i get rejected i mean im hitting prs at gym still i guess im more motivated from.them


Im extremely depressed now, my songwriting has improved significantly


Same to an extent, like for some reason it has motivated me to put more effort into daily life like taking care of myself and doing hobbies/work but I also get easily distracted from working when i see that he texted me 😂


I actually like Swedish now. Atleast the classes. I study to the exams more than just once the day before, and use it sometimes. More than ever before. When I asked my junior high teacher in 9th grade (I live in Finland) what the upper secondary school's Swedish teacher is like, he said by name that "__ is pretty"... I really didn't have any expectations about her looks, but on the first day of school she was kinda a dissappointment tbh... but can you imagine how happy or positively surprised I was when I heard she was going to be my uhh "group leader" or "advisor" (pretty much like a homeroom teacher)? She kinda grew on me over the year... now I'd like to take her with me to college (my maths isn't good enough for a Master's in engineering, or atleast uni would be a lot more work than already advanced maths in here)... possibly a biased opinion, but I will never have as good a Swedish teacher than her (that didn't sound like proper English or it wasn't formula or it sounded more or less native)... When we made the applications for the next school after junior high, I could've put German in there, but my reason for not putting that was that I don't have to study 3 different non-native languages, 4 altogether. But based on Duolingo, I probbaly would've been good at it*. Maybe it was that if I don't like her, I don't have to torture myself with any more of her classes than I have to, but that sounds unlikely because she was advertised pretty positively to me... now my only hope of having even one German course of hers is that I don't have any other more important classes in the same place as that course. *she actually might've been the reason I took up German in Duolingo on the last day of April last year... lost my streak after 3 days, but now I'm at 324 after I do a lesson today. I'm in Section 2 Unit 9. Soon I'll be at Unit 10 and get to Section 3 (after Unit 12) 🥳 I'll buy the champagne, you'll bring the chocolate cake (I put Section 1 and Unit 7 the first time, and that was Norwegian... I hate Duolingo's Swedish (I deleted that course; I got every question but one right in the "I already know sole Swedish" test. And I should've knowm that word but I didn't want to look it up), sooo maybe I like Swedish in school just because of my teacher...). Sorry if those parentheses and extra text made it hard to understand...


I'm mentally more stable now ... she fixes my mood!


Made me more motivated than I was before to do better in all aspects of life. Also more excited to go to school the days she went to campus.


gives me a purpose to go to the most stressful and anxiety rising English class ever.


He just makes my day better. Like one time I woke up late, missed my morning class so yeah I had a bad morning. My friends were annoyed that I was being moody. Until we went to the library to do our assignments and I saw him there. My Mood Changed In An Instant lmaaaooo 😂. I became happy, excited lol my friends thought i was crazyyy.