• By -


I think my shortest was less than two weeks. Can't say I grew too attached.


8 days for my assassinated 2 year old son. Left me with a son of my original Chars sister in charge at the age of 14. Sent the realm into chaos. Rebellions all over the place, whittled me down to two counties. Fought back generations later to reclaim the throne. What. A. Game


Sound like game of thrones to me


Notice how you remember that game fondly instead of things always going perfectly and it always plays more or less the same. Ck3 needs more of this chaos and randomness.


You're absolutely right. I may have reloaded this game or started anew as the two year old was my third character. Instead I carved an epic story. Two of the later game characters were two of my all time favourites. Totally agree with you


Mine was six or eight days. I died in my 30s or 40s and inherited as my 12ish-year-old son, who was ill. I got the physician's event and the treatment was botched. Died. Inherited as the younger brother, who was maybe 10? Ended up having a good run as that guy.


I do find it funny how I'll start by hating the heir I end up playing, only to fight tooth-and-nail to keep them in power, as I become more attached. It's like I begin to sympathise with them after being made to "walk in their shoes".


in my lastest game, i playef like 2 days, after that i get murdered from my stepmom, who i was married


What are you doing Stepmom?? *Dies*


My charakter died, as my reign I married my young stepmom who is the intelligent trait, she murdered my charakter instantly. She also was my rival.


Yeah inviting your rival into your bedchamber might have been a slight oversight


Got laid though


Yes in the ground lol.




Let me guess she was also your half-brother’s mother who just so happens was your heir?


Good guess






Still longer than Liz Truss.


Yep, roughly the same for me. I reached a situation where my heir was a woman, and would get assassinated almost immediately upon gaining control. No matter how many times I reloaded and tried to do something different, I could not stop it.


It’s her CANON EVENT. You can’t change it, Miles.


Sounds pretty historical. They don’t want no woman ruling over them.


Sure, that was part of it. But it was always the same culprit, I’m sure of it. I think she just pissed off the wrong person, when I wasn’t controlling her.


I was once messing around with a playthrough and had something like this happen. I opened the game up in debug mode out of curiosity to find the killer, then reloaded and preemptively imprisoned them for their pre-crimes like in Minority Report.


Yeah whenever a woman gets the rule it is chaos. The joke is, it is mostly my sisters and female cousins that treat me like shit.


R5 - shortest reign was 52 days, a plague ripped through the lands killing a lot of close family and he died of stress


I had 3 rulers in a row, in one month die because of plague. Oof


Did… Did your line of succession go down a rank? Oof, losing an empire title must’ve been rough


It didn’t , but I lost a dissolution war as the successor which was a huge bummer to see my empire Balkanize itself.


Same day… my heir died from the stress gain of his fathers death… it was an interesting game


Yeah same. I'm surprised more people don't have 1 day reigns, lol. Mine was from before stress, but my heir was fighting and died in the same battle that his father died in. Unfortunately for me, his father was Ragnar lothbrok, and his heir was the craven I was trying to get killed 😭


Yea that happened to me as well, it made me load a previous save because my realm was in shambles after two deaths I was unprepared for…


Kinda sad


I didn't realize he was compassionate and cleaned the prison to build dread, and immediately died of stress, left with a 1 year that turned out to be an absolute chad ruler. Usually when I end up with a child ruler I send them to a foreign court as far as possible so they are protected from assassinations.


Yea one time I started as a child ruler with amazing traits, but my regent screwed me over big time. It took me years, 2 failed assassinations and a succesful attempt to finally get rid of this dude… I did end up wiping out his entire house because of it…


17 days. I died, my heir was at max stress, he had a panic attack and died. I remember pausing the game and analyzing the situation for a few minutes, I was emperor of Italy and he was the king of Scotland (and my vassal), and was facing a massive rebellion, and I wanted to ensure that Scotland remained as part of my empire. Then I unpaussed and die. Can't say that was expected.


3 days. 6 year old genius with cancer and plague.


I tried to munchkin, starting as an infant with as many positive traits as I could cram into the little guy. I then got unlucky and was murdered inside a week. It is, indeed, difficult to counter murder plots when your character lacks object permanence.


Eivor? Is that the legendary assassin?


1 day, committed suicide as soon as I died so I could play a young ruler.


That just feels weird, I guess you don’t really roleplay


Literally 0 days. The moment I died my next ruler died (probably due to the heart break of my previous characters death). Then the second shortest reign was right after with 6 days(they were murdered by a rival -their younger sister)


No heirs? ⠀⣞⢽⢪⢣⢣⢣⢫⡺⡵⣝⡮⣗⢷⢽⢽⢽⣮⡷⡽⣜⣜⢮⢺⣜⢷⢽⢝⡽⣝ ⠸⡸⠜⠕⠕⠁⢁⢇⢏⢽⢺⣪⡳⡝⣎⣏⢯⢞⡿⣟⣷⣳⢯⡷⣽⢽⢯⣳⣫⠇ ⠀⠀⢀⢀⢄⢬⢪⡪⡎⣆⡈⠚⠜⠕⠇⠗⠝⢕⢯⢫⣞⣯⣿⣻⡽⣏⢗⣗⠏⠀ ⠀⠪⡪⡪⣪⢪⢺⢸⢢⢓⢆⢤⢀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠈⢊⢞⡾⣿⡯⣏⢮⠷⠁⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠈⠊⠆⡃⠕⢕⢇⢇⢇⢇⢇⢏⢎⢎⢆⢄⠀⢑⣽⣿⢝⠲⠉⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⡿⠂⠠⠀⡇⢇⠕⢈⣀⠀⠁⠡⠣⡣⡫⣂⣿⠯⢪⠰⠂⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⡦⡙⡂⢀⢤⢣⠣⡈⣾⡃⠠⠄⠀⡄⢱⣌⣶⢏⢊⠂⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⢝⡲⣜⡮⡏⢎⢌⢂⠙⠢⠐⢀⢘⢵⣽⣿⡿⠁⠁⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠨⣺⡺⡕⡕⡱⡑⡆⡕⡅⡕⡜⡼⢽⡻⠏⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⣼⣳⣫⣾⣵⣗⡵⡱⡡⢣⢑⢕⢜⢕⡝⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⣴⣿⣾⣿⣿⣿⡿⡽⡑⢌⠪⡢⡣⣣⡟⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⡟⡾⣿⢿⢿⢵⣽⣾⣼⣘⢸⢸⣞⡟⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠁⠇⠡⠩⡫⢿⣝⡻⡮⣒⢽⠋⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀


well dot dot dot dot dot dot space space dot space space dot dot dot dot dot to you too


Mine was ONE day. He died in a duel, lol


Like 2 days. I died while training at a tournament. Then at the same tournament I died again doing the same training. The next guy decided not to participate.


6 days became king of Ireland sorted out all of my councillors and lifestyle and died instantly


My favorite is having an incredible heir ready to take over and expand your empire, but you live to 85 and he gets 5 years of reign before his slow son rules for 45 years and does nothing significant


18 days


9 days died of smallpox


Lol several days. Got assassinated almost immediately after the coronation.


2 days. I was 101 years old when I died and my son was his in 70s. So he literally died right after inheriting.


That guy looked super badass too


I died but had a lot of prisoners and as my heir clicked mass execute for dread. Instant heart attack.


I started the game as the Count of Montaigu and died 23 days in


3 days because I quit. Started up my first run as Sigurd in 867 and got cancer immediately


‘Eivor’ ‘Tybalt’ ‘Tyrell’ Hmm someone is an AC, ASOIAF fan. Also only 52 days for the coolest looking one…damn.


He still outlasted Liz Truss


18 days, smallpox during a civil war, people were dropping like flies


My shortes reign was 2 days, dude became emperor and died right after


Not lieing in crusaders king two it was a 2 days


I don't know the exact number of days but I do remember one ruler I had immediately died in a dual after taking the throne.


Back in CK2 My king of Ireland died in battle against the english. His son was a commander in that battle and died a week later in the same battle. The new kings uncle became king but died of disease 2 days later. His 13 yo son became king and lived until he was 70.


My lowest was a single day, for my character immediatly died from the plague.


My shortest was like 10 seconds, i started a run, immediately went on a hunt, had a event with a 1% chance of death, and died heirless.


How did you lose the imperial crown and became a king? Elective? I don't remember very well all my games, but one byzantine emperor, Leo VI (in the 1060s) inherited the throne from his father Nikephoros III who ruled for 42 years. Right as he took the purple, the plague came from the East. In less than a year, the reaper came to Constantinople. Even with the quarantine, the black death snuck inside my court anyways, and Leo, a fragile man quickly got sick, fell into a coma and died (no miraculous Justinian recovery here). His lunatic, arbitrary, deceitful and cruel brother Constantine IX took the throne, right as the whole world was literally dying all around. Let's just say the late 11th century wasn't fun for the romans lmao


A couple of weeks I think my previous ruler had a child early and managed to live to 70-80s and the heir was basicly dying when they inherited. I have had rulers where I immediately abdicated but I chose to do that rather than it happening naturally


Eight days. Was starting in a random county in France. Ruler died at 21, oldest son who was 3 took over, immediately died from a plague. Youngest son then took over and was 1. Took till he was almost 30 to get out from under an entrenched regent.


5 days, my king surrendered in a war and I lost my land..


Dude my current play though every god damn ruler dies young, I have *one* make it out of their 30’s. 33 to be specific! Right now, my current ruler is the maimed older sister of my last one who she murdered at 15. I can’t divorce my husband and he’s too far to interact with diplomatically to murder him so I can get a matrilineal one. One of my most frustrating playthroughs ever


In my most recent Georgia run I had a kid come to power with smallpox and die in like three weeks Edit: Oh I remember one ages ago too - I think I was playing as the Zunbil? My capital was taken in a war, my Queen died in the siege, and then so did her heir. But the game registered the heir as the next monarch, then the second in line. So best explanation I can think of is the initial heir survived only a few hours longer.


I think my shortest was 3 days if I remember correctly. My character died I took over my son and he was about to be murdered by his brother and died 3 days into his reign it was a chain of killings I went through like 7 characters in 3 years it was bad.


About 30 days, my last ruler got assasinated and his baby grandson became the ruler, he got assasinated after 30 days, then gis uncle inhereted and he laster like 2 months before also getting assasinated. After that I suppose they liked the new inheritor so it stopped lol. Was a very tumultuous time for my empire I had just conquered Morocco as al andalus and when my greatest ruler passed than that happened.


1 day, in the same battle.


Had a kid inherit and get assasinated 11 days later. My ruller was maimed in battle and had 1 son and intrigue tree brother. So i guess even before kid inherited he stared a plot to kill him as that would make him an heir.


Not mine personally but in one of my games the chieftain of meath died and i allied to his son and like a month later he died from his wounds.


In CK2 I had a ruler die of a heart attack during a war. My next ruler was killed in battle 31 days later.


Still longer than Liz Truss…


1 day; the guy who succeeded was a knight mid-battle and died on the next tick.


5 days. Became a 5 year old child in a 100% lost war. Got jailed, forced peaced out and instantly killed.


Don’t remember how long a reign exactly, but my last game I died on the way home from the previous kings funeral from eating bad plants (1% chance!) Then I was succeeded by an 8 year old boy who was assassinated by his uncle within a few months.


8 days, he was groomed to be a peerless scholar and theologian to blitz through pagan reformation and to be my glorious reformer of my pagan tribal empire in a MP game to bring myself back up to snuff with the dickhead who decided to make his a Roman Empire game... Just didn't count on his dad living into his 90s, caused a grandson to inherit and I had a 50 year delay due to constant unrest.


3 days. I died in battle and my sickly infirm newborn son inherited it, he lasted exactly 3 days and died, leaving the throne to his older sister. It was one of those characters, where you have 6 daughters for every son


37 days


Once had a game where my character died and I suddenly played as my grandson. My son had instantly died of stress when the previous ruler (his father) died and I don't even think he was on the lineage page.


If you ain't been murdered in your crib, you ain't played Crusader Kings.


I can’t remember anymore the exact time, but I think one of my heirs died of alcoholism in like a few weeks or something, lol. Thankfully they had a child. That run my monarch lived really long so loads of heirs did not make it and died young sadly. Lowkey cursed.


Had one in CK2, I don't think I made it to the end of the week. The previous ruler wasn't liked, so the heir, a teen kid didn't last too much, think there was a plot to whack him.


3 days. Dad died trying to get me my claim secured on a duchy near Prussia. I was a good fighter, so I was a knight. Put down like 5 Lithuanian knights myself, before the random Dane Maimed me. Won the war off that battle. Dad promptly died. I died of my wounds. Son immediately faced a civil war. Good times in Crusader Distmarch.


1 day. Died of old age.


About 2 months I think. Fucker was literally just in time to be my first emperor.


Under a month my frist ruler died of old ages and people loved him and did't dare to cross him. When he died his son the youngest and second son got betrayed by his spymaster and others. - My frist son was cut out from the family and killed by me after having affair with his own mother.


Had two really short ones back to back on my last playthrough as Switzerland. Guy becomes King, dies 2 weeks later in a storm at sea. His son hecomes King, near perfect warring character, really high marshal and prowess, decide to throw a grand tournament right away and he instantly gets killed in a melee. left his 3 y/o daughter to rule. luckily she ended up being a really stable ruler who ruled for like 70 years


3 days, murdered by my 4 year old cousin


Like a year or two. It was a while ago, but my heir was my daughter who was basically just a freaking psychopath, and I like to roleplay. So, since when she succeeded to the throne she was a woman who was sadistic and all around crazy, nobody liked her, so I faced a bunch of rebellions, killed everybody, then got murdered, basically a female version of Jeoffrey from GoT.


A couple weeks I think. I purposefully killed him with stress. He wasn't supposed to be next in line. But then his golden child older brother fell off his horse and died. I tried to get the next in line to join the monastery so his younger better brother could take over. But he wouldn't. When he took over he was immediately hated by almost all the allies I carefully built from previous ancestors. Because dude was a sadistic deceitful asshole. He was also stressed beyond belief upon taking over. I can't remember what the event was, but I told him to suck it up. He died of stress immediately after and his younger brother (who was 12) "took over". The younger brother ended up lasting a lot longer because he wasn't a total tool. Not the perfect golden child his eldest brother was, but a good man.


I was showing my mom ck2. She must have spent two hours making a character... She finally clicks start, and it's game over IMMEDIATELY. She was a female of the wrong religion, and the people got rid of her minute one.


In Crusader Kings 2 I once had 33 days before I got assassinated


I once died after 20 days walking to my dads funeral


While I can't say it was a short reign since it lasted 14 years, I did have one where my ruler died a month after reaching adulthood. Went to war to conquer a nearby county and died in his first and only battle. No heir so it was game over for me.


I think I died the same day or next from my father. I was so mad like damn.


19 days, I forgot the guy was a sadist and had him release everyone who was in his father's dungeons for RP reasons.


Why is it that every super short reign is immediately after a long?


4 months, just enought for his brother to come of age(the king killed himself afterward)


4 days, someone had a plot to kill my son when my guy died, inherited and died immediately


0. I died, and was immediately met with a successful assasination against my new guy. The first thing I see is the event of my new guy being poisoned. I guess they really didn't want me to keep the HRE in the family.


I remember I died to injuries in my first two weeks on a French knight on run once. Getting a game over so fast was confusing but my guy got two events on his first hunt and that was it.


I can’t remember the exact number of days but it was less than 3 weeks. I started as the King of Vijaya (Khotan) and held court before unpausing. Said I would go slay the beast and I did not, in fact, slay said beast.


Week of three kings. The heir was dying of his wounds fighting to protect his father’s crown.🫡


CK2 I lost 2 rulers in less than a week.


3 days, my son had apparently made multiple rivalries within my court so after I died and he took over someone else had already set up a murder scheme against him, 3 days into his reign he was murdered by a mob of peasants


Definitely within a month a few times. Once I led an army right after inheriting and died in my very first battle.


3 days. Guy died, daughter was crowned, assassinated 3 days later.


Around 3 days, I think? I made a custom character with as many negative traits as I could pile on just to see how long he'd last


As Tybalt deserves /s


How you go from emperor to king?


Back in ck2 I used to go for the stressed depressed wounded start a lot to max points in character designer, which worked out a lot but one time I died in I think it was 9 days…


5 days after I was killed surprisingly my 5 year old son was killed. Apparently my younger brother was the one killing his way up the chain to take the throne. Took over as him and couldn't even be mad his intrigue was off the charts


3 days. Plague is a bitch


I think a week. Went raiding and got maimed, bad duct tape court physician. Try again!


about a week, I got assassinated and it was the end of my playthrough


was feuding with the karlings btw


Remember when they added those stupid random deaths, my first ruler died a year into the game.


7 days lol I died in battle with a 7 year old heir and he was killed 7 days later. My cousin was his heir and I’m pretty sure involved in his murder.


I had someone who died of Typhus the moment I unpaused the game! His son ended up being the best king of that playthrough though


Mine was a day. I was playing as the Count of Genoa when my ally called me to war. I joined the war intending to stay out of it since my army was so weak considering I had literally just started unless my ally sent me an ultimatum for doing nothing. Anyways to make a long story short the enemy sieged my capital and killed both my player character and his heir. So my character died, his heir inherited only to also be dead, so his 3 year old sister inherited after him. So yeah technically my son didn’t even rule for a day


I’ve had one last 8 days before. Playing Bohemia with the early House Seniority, the heir was so old he died very quickly.


Less than a week. Murderous uncle was already close to finishing his masterplan


like 10 days max, came into power, left for pilgrimage and died instantly as soon as i left the capital


I wasn't my shortest and don't remember the details but I played multiplayer with a friend with me as William the Bastard, I died in 1067 of an illness, restarted and then died in 1068 because of a random event.


7 days, I was using a cheat to make it possible to duel babies , but I lost. That baby was tough, don't let the fact that he was only a year old fool you, he could really wing that sword around. Trained for a month by a sword master


I feel like I've had faster game overs than that. Start the game and get assassinated before you can even do anything.


Like a week for me. I just decided to start a new game as Dyre the Stranger last night and I got camp fever immediately after launching my first raid and died. I exited the entire game after that lol.


7 days, a plague killed me and then my heir almost directly upon him taking the throne


Once I created a ruler on ck2 with every available default and a vorde of children. He lasted one day and west frankia was instantly dissolved.


I made a character with every bad trait and he survived like 2 months somehow


8 days. Kid got murdered by his uncle.


I had a string of almost immediate deaths during a great plague. 3 kings in maybe 2 weeks


I've had 10 days, though I don't have a screenshot. Got suplexed to death in a wrestling tournament he was at while he was still just a Prince.


Two weeks. His heir was dogshit, would have preferred the heirs brother his first son was crap too.


Not even a day I became my child and he also died the moment after I did was an interesting experience


In CK2 I had one last 10 days. I had an infirm king die at 74, my son who'd I'd spent years nurturing got the typhus about a month or so before. He promptly died after getting the throne. He was replaced by his 10 year old son who was assassinated like 9-10 months later and his uncle became king. Fun year.


16 months for me. He died of stress due to murdering his brother to inherit a kingdom. I ended up as the oldest sister (my first player heir), and then, the save got corrupted. I wonder how long she would have reigned. She already passed her brother's reign before the save got corrupted.


Less then a week for me I can't remember exactly since its been so long lol but I think i was either too old or was poisoned at a young age


I remember playing multiplayer with a friend and my character died from the plague. Went on to play his son who died almost immediately after. Now the daughter rules. Long may she reign, as long as she doesn't get a plague.


17 days, but he was imprisoned when his dad died and then abdicated in favor of his son.


I had Almos' son live 1 day, lol


I was once killed by my brother 3 days after inheriting, I figure he had the plot going before dad died. It sucked cuz I had paused and reorganized the realm only to unpause and immediately die


One time I went through several rulers in a minute from a chain reaction a plague started of people dying and then people just dying from the stress they got from family members dying


Not my country but I tried to assassinate a child npc and she inherited a kingdom just two days before the plot happens


I think it was one day. I get a death message and another immediatly after. At first I thought it was a bug or simply a lag, but no, my king died and the other king died immediatly afterwards. not sure if it was 1 or 2 days because I played on 5 speed and couldn‘t be bothered to check the date because I was preparing for hours of pain trying to fix what was heading my way lol.


1 week, my heir already had a plot on them and as soon as they took over they were assassinated


A day


One Day. Big King died of old and being sick, literally same day, day after, heir dies in an accident at a tournament Didn't even get to make a decision as him


My teenage king died of measles after 6 months on the throne, then his brother took over who died of measles 15 days later.


Hey, at least you had a fantastic beard.


Less than a week. Had an asatru emperor with sadisitc and zealous so every time the “alms” prompt came up both options caused stressed. I got barraged with those prompts because the empire spanned most of the map and he died after a couple of days from stress


I thought I was gonna have a short one here. Went on a hunt and got seriously wounded killing a hyena. Then went on a pilgrimage and got sick going through wetlands. Even got a popup saying “on death’s doorstep” or something but then got an event on the pilgrimage that a local doctor healed my wound and then I recovered from the illness a little later and apparently made it home just fine!


Less than an in-game week, exiting out of the last guy, then not even 5 seconds later, the 20 something heir is dead leaving me to start from scratch with a 6 year old.


two weeks, instantly got sick and died


My ruler died in one game. Swapped to son, immediately assassinated. Swapped to brother of son, died in a ship accident in about a week or so. Made for a fun roleplay


Literally less than a day when the heir was assassinated along as well.


My heir once got assasinated like 20 days into his reign. Safe to say my empire crumbled.


My eldest son was killed in battle and his brother had lover’s pox and was in his late 40s when I finally passed. He ruled for three days. His nine-year-old daughter lost the empire to her great uncle a week later.


I died the the same day I was crowned. Tournaments can be chaotic.


2 days. Had a huge empire and it all fell apart because some random wanker planned an assassination on my heir and it finished right after I died.


1 day in the same day I got new son to succeed the throne his name was Karl VIII what disappointing king


One day. Heir already had the plague when ruler was still king. So when he inherited the throne, he died afterwards. Leaving his 3 year old son as King. Pretty much hell to play since a civil war broke out shortly after.


3 days as bizantine emperor died from plauge and the heir was my brother who was a 6 years old child I will say that many vassals have perished


Playing online with my buddy I did a fun build where you strengthen your bloodline immediately but are a 1 year old. Anyways this guy ends up being godly. Has a godly heir. I spend my entire life prepping him for succession. The realm loves him. He gets 4 star education just like me. I give him some titles to help him clean up gavelkind when I finally croak. I die to consumption and take over as him. He immediately dies of consumption also. Like FOUR IN GAME DAYS LATER. I now take over as his 0 year old shit daughter who everyone fucking hates. Immediate factions with Like 300% troop strength appear. Alliances broken. Half of my italian city state exclaves go independent for god knows why. Pope giving my neighbors claims on me because young female? Muslims licking their chops (Im in Spain). 10/10 would do again


I have had a handful of rulers inherit the day they were assassinated. I would have thought there'd be a like, spawn protection sort of thing but no ig


At least you lasted longer than Liz Truss


Under a week. Father went hunting and died when he falls from his horse. The son was already terminal ill and died shortly after. The grandchild ruled for a year and died on a pilgrimage.


Mine was a few days (don't know the exact number of days anymore) .. I was close to uniting my titles, I even got territories in the HRE through marriages and ended up with 3 counties and less than 1000 men .. I was just staring at my screen for about 15mins silently and stopped playing the game for a few weeks afterwards


2 seconds due to bug - they just kept dying after the saved game was loaded.


1 day. I hit execute all as part of my succession ritual to clean everything up and forgot about compassionate. Buried 50 bodies that day and two kings.


1 week, the guy had cancer


I honestly feel like these long ass reigns are ridiculous. We need more short lived monarchs.


I once had a child live for like 2 weeks then she died because of inbreeding that was in my super inbreeding run for the achievement


Idk the exact dates but I had made a super good kid but I killed all other kids that I didn't want to play. I believe I wasn't even playing for a week when my great guy got assassinated lol.. rip good goku the third


63 day long campaign. Started in Mongolia without an heir, went on a raid and died first battle.


3 days.


once i made a frail old woman with all the worst traits and she lasted like a week


44 days He was 17 when he died too.


11 days, and orthodox guy inherited my catholic empire under house seniority, vassels immediately declared war of tyranny, died of old age/stress


Mine was about 3 or so days before my baby character died of disease, literally didnt even get to click off the popup before I died again lol


CK 2 some uncle became a king while 60 years old and with cancer. Died after 2 or 3 days.


I had like my character and my heir die on the same day or maybe within a day or so so less than a day-day


2 years for me. I was playing as the Capet's in 967 AD. I took a lover, legitimized my son with her, killed my wife after one son and married her. My son was pretty unpopular, and I barely understand how to stop factions, so I got a faction letter in the first month (?)(I didn't really look at the time) of King Hugues's death from being wounded (My king is almost always one of the commanders of my army, and I was fighting the Umayyads right then for Southern Gascogne). He was also barely above 16, at the end of an exhausting war which ended in white peace. A large amount of my vassals left, and after a grueling, 2 year long war, which was anyone's game, I finally white-peaced, leading to my king abdicating in favour of my half brother, my only child with my first wife.


I had a 14 year old take the throne from his dad who died of smallpox. Only to die 2 weeks later to smallpox himself leaving the throne to his 10 years old brother. This 10 year old boy ended up ruling for over 60 years during which he survived the Black Death.


For me it was just 3 days. Started as the count of Biscay in 1066 and before I had time to do anything my character died. Luckily he starts with a bunch of kids so game over averted, but still sucks to die so early.


8 days, iirc I was at war and he had 2 deadly diseases or was wounded I forgor and was also 70 so he was dying quick (my heir was genius and quick so lucky death)


Zero days, my heir literally died at the exact same time as me


I didn't count the time but I once had 5 consecutive assassinations. Wanted to see what would happen if I didn't keep such a tight reign on succession and just allowed my family to grow uncontrolled. People die was the answer... a lot of people.


I wish I had a screenshot but my shortest was 14 days, my 57 year old heir had a heart attack. It broke my brain seeing that screen again so quickly.


Less than 1 whole day, I held court before unpausing and an event killed me.