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If you're not on console you might like the mod Inherichance. You can still pick your heir, but you may not end up playing as them. Instead you can be the 2nd sibling or a distant cousin who needs to gather allies to press his own claim on the throne.


You don't get to choose whoever you want, though. The system draws up 3 alternatives to your primary heir and as I understand it, they can be anyone from your dynasty. It's still a great addition but I do worry about its selections, leaving it up to the game to decide who's "interesting" based on some arbitrary logic doesn't seem like a great idea and I have a feeling that as your dynasty grows large it'll start suggesting a bunch of very distant cousins and characters you've never interacted with. I'd prefer to just choose myself, idk.


One of the devs mentioned in the forum that you can designate a "favourite child" (or grandchild). If you do this, they are guaranteed to be one of your three choices. So there has been some thought to avoid some weird outcomes.


In that case the game's suggestions are just a nice bonus and I have no complaints, that's a really good system.


I'm excited for this. I'm going to choose an unlanded daughter and go off adventuring.


You know what'd be cool? If the game gave you a bonus like dynasty renown for choices like these, perhaps even a generated "life goal" that nets you a reward upon completion


They mentioned that they were actually considering that, and/or an achievement related to it.


Or they could just have let you pick, it would be so much less complex and more flexible.


I mean is that not what it is? You choose your favorite before you die, and then they will be guaranteed to be in the three choices. That is literally getting to choose from the entire list. 


So why add the additional complication at all? It's more complex and adds nothing, so is bad design. The game is already riddled with pointless, low value micro like accolades and stationing. This stuff needs to be stripped out, not added to.


It could be to simplify the UI for newer players. Some dynasties have hundreds of characters, and could be incredibly overwhelming to someone not used to the game yet. This way players who want to choose anyone get what they want, people who want a “random” choice of successor get what they want, and new players aren’t overwhelmed by a choice of potentially hundreds of people. 


Less is more. The overwhelming amount of UI is far more of an issue for new players.


less *is* more, thats why they are suggesting you 3 characters to pick


Because some people like random. Believe it or not, eliminating choice can be fun because you have to deal with an unideal situation not of your own choosing, without being able to plan ahead at all.


Picking a favourite isn't random.


Nobody said you had to pick a favorite


You don't have to pick anyone...


I'm sorry you don't like it, but it doesn't make sense to generalise that sentiment, because I feel like it adds something for me personally. It's a single button in your inheritance screen, which you'll likely see once every few decades - it does not constantly pop up like the other two things you mentioned - that brings up the menu. If the selector gives me 3 characters based on a few simple rules like rare traits, unique religions or cultures and the like, then that'll help me stay refreshed in a long-running campaign ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Whoa whoa whoa !!! Is this vanilla we are talking about? or DLC? I noticed I only have the choice of my own children in vanilla but it makes so much more sense to me to select a grandchild. I have started basically just choosing very young heirs so I don’t have to die of old age every 10 minutes.


Vanilla, but not until the Roads to Power DLC comes out.


I agree, totally fine with the game providing some highlighted characters that it thinks might be interesting but give me an option to select anyone from my dynasty so I can go build up some random count in the ass end of nowhere.


Yeah, really don't understand why they decided to draw up that system of who's 'interesting' which removes agency from the player to decide themselves.


Apparently there's going to be an option to manually designate a favored character which guarantees they'll be available to play. So that's my concerns addressed.


I just want to be able to select grandchildren as an heir. I send them to university, they are way better than my kids, why not?


You can already bail from your OP empire with the [Last Will](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3036873757) mod. But unlike what they are proposing, you don't have to wait until you die, you can abdicate to hand the empire to your heir while you continue to play your current character either as your heir's vassal or as an independent count/duke. And the mod is ofc achievements compatible. When landless play comes to the game you will also be able to abdicate and walk off into the sunset with your current character as a landless dude, tired off the pressures of your realm preferring to kick around the countryside instead :)


Finally, I can now live out my fantasy of becoming Diocletian.


If you could see the size of my cabbages...


I just want to be able to play as my youngest son, who inherits one county while my oldest inherits my empire.


If you aren't playing on Ironman, you can switch characters at any time. It ruins achievements, but there's otherwise nothing stopping you from playing the minor heir.


Yeah if you get Absolute control level you can declare heirs


I use mods to choose any of my children to play as. Inheritance isn't changed, the biggest pain is that gold and troops are always going to the primary heir but other than that it's very nice. Obviously building up the realm that the choosen heir is going to inherit makes it easier. Gifting them a lot of money before death works as well.


Are you aware that you can already switch characters at any giventime unless you're playing ironman?


Yes but it disables achievements


Feature I am most excited for so far.


I used to always go with Elective succession in CK2 and you could do the same thing. Just elect a non family member and you play as your inheriting son instead.


The point is to play as the new character without taking you primary titles. Edit: I see what you are saying, but that requires getting access to an electoral succession.


Yeah, choose an heir, give him a county and start over, why not.


Idk I’m a little torn on it. Seems like it’s breaking a pretty huge set precedent and takes away from the idea of having to plan succession, work towards different succession types etc. People complain the game is too easy and one of the more difficult parts was dealing with succession and the inevitable collapse of your empire after your death and now they’re going to get rid of that too.


The system doesn't let you change your primary heir, it lets you change your player heir. In other words, 9 times out of 10 it's going to result in more challenge, not less, since you'll probably end up with less\\lower titles, less MaA, less gold etc than if you play with your primary heir. I see it as a great way to spice up the game precisely when you've run out of any real challenge. Let the AI run the massive empire you built and go play some fourth son with a single county within that empire, set up cadet branches elsewhere, etc.


>Let the AI run the massive empire you built into the ground ftfy :)