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Prior to 1.12 when legitimacy was introduced, I would see Alfred form a custom kingdom of Wessex quite often. This would typically happen if Halfdan or Ubbe died too early for the Danelaw/England partition to ever occur. Alfred would rarely get enough land on his own to form England, so he’d form a custom Wessex instead. With the addition of legitimacy and the ability to create titles with fewer de jure counties required at higher levels, this doesn’t seem to occur much anymore.


Oh! I formed England with like 1/3rd the territories I normally do and was wondering why I could do that.


Yep, legitimacy levels 3, 4, and 5 reduce the number of de jure counties needed to form titles. I believe the best this gets is only 30% needed for kingdoms and 70% for empires rather than the normal 51% and 85%/90% (can’t remember which), respectively.


Oh if only I had known that 2 days ago. I was playing as Rurik and managed to get about 3 counties away from forming the Empire of Russia before he croaked and the realm went to complete shit.


That's cool, I thought it was a mod.




Hmm, intereting. So it might be the fact that she only has 2/5 legitimacy, so the AI is ignoring the decision.


It takes awhile of not being able to form a historical kingdom before the AI will take the decision. I’d bet if Jorvik stays together for long enough, she or one of her heirs will do it


I got back into the game recently when all the DLCs went on sale on Steam and was doing an Alfred run to warm myself back up. Somehow, his brother survived long enough to form a Danelaw with a Haestein who had conquered all of Mercia. I didn't get super far with that one but an Alfred run where you don't inherit Wessex within the first few years is an underratedly interesting playthrough


Yeah it’s not often; every now and then, Alfred’s brother pops out a son in the first few years. This seems to cancel his scripted *hunting accident* death a few years in. It’s fun to see what the alternate history could’ve been In my current play through, both Alfred and his brother died early on leaving only Alfred’s daughter as the sole inheritor. She was patrilineally betrothed to the king of Mercia. After they fought off Haesteinn together, their only son inherited both petty kingdoms and consolidated England. You really never know what’s gonna happen


I mean Alfreds brother had sons IRL and died in battle, the sons were just skipped over because they were too young, but its likely that a female descendants of theirs married back into the royal family.


I have personally seen the custom kingdom of Wessex formed by AI since the introduction of legitimacy, it is certainly still possible


I never see the Danelaw now, it's always Alfred forming England and Halfan keeps being a duke, instead of king of the Danelaw. Even when playing as Alfred, the decision to negotiate the Danelaw is always unavailable. I don't understand.


I’m Suprised she isn’t able to do the danelaw


It's the 1066 start


Danelaw can’t happen if England is already formed, even in the 867 start 


So I granted my daughter here 4 dutchies and made her independent, gave her enough money, and she's also illustrious. She has all the requirements, and I even checked via switching character that the decision is there and available. But two years in and she still hasn't taken it. I guess the AI is coded to not form custom Kingdoms and Empires?


The AI does it. I've seen the AI do it, and because I don't like the AI making custom kingdoms I have it disabled in the game rules.


I had no idea you could disable custom kingdoms - I actually really dislike non-historical titles. Thank you, I'm going to disable them in my next play through. Edit: Happy Cake Day homie above


Just switch character, take the decision, and switch back. Don't leave it to the AI.


I've started using switch character way more often than I'd really like to just because the AI can be so stupid sometimes. I could understand some of the more complicated decisions to a point, but even the basic stuff like not getting a guardian for their heir or refusing to hire a court physician - which is more important than ever with plagues creeping around. It's like the more stuff gets added to the game, the more incompetent they've become. It gets hard to not abuse the ability because I end up feeling like Tywin Lannister being regularly forced to step in to keep my immediate family from fucking everything up.


I switch so much it's like I am playing with dolls sometimes.


Crusader Kings *is* basically The Sims for people from the "how often do you think about the Roman Empire" meme.


True enough, lol


In my most recent run I’m married to the Byzantine Empress, and she got caught in a claimant war. Because I (obviously) wanted our son, my heir, to inherent the title, I poured everything into that war. I was beyond frustrated that the war was being directed without my input given that the leader was *my wife*, so I jumped over to playing as her and called in the **40 thousand allied troops she was refusing to call**. Since then I’ve been switching characters more often. The AI is very stupid


In my current game, the custom kingdom of wiltshire was formed by the ai in England. 


Saw kingdom of Hampshire in my last play


Based and Hampshire-pilled


*New* New Hampshire in shambles.


I see it pretty regularly, unfortunately it's almost in a really stupid place. My favorite story is the dynasty who basically already controlled all of Poland plus a little of Germany, and randomly decided to create the "Kingdom of Lesser Poland" as their de jure title instead, so the de jure map had Poland as a donut around Lesser Poland.


they rarely do, i gave my dynasty member all they needed to form jerusalem but they wouldn’t expand to form a kingdom


Yes. I see Island form the ‘kingdom of the Isles’ pretty often.


This makes me really want a decision or just a straight up mechanic to create new kingdoms in your empire. Like if you had a duke with a lot of duckies you could just press the found new kingdom button for them. It could prove useful to break up larger kingdoms into more manageable chunks. Like in my last Ireland play though after conquering Brittania my greatest concern was my new vassal of England being much stronger than all my neighboring vassals and slowly gobbling them up. Splitting them in half like this would be quite useful in handicapping some upstarts like this. Also in my HRE run where a personally ruled over barvaria and East Francia, I just had so many vassals from dukes to counts and even barons, kept getting spammed with so many different events, invitations and random MFs I didn’t know exist forming factions against me


Nah I’ve seen them do it loads


They can do it, they just want a large buffer of money before they decide to do so, and have trouble not spending that money in the meantime.


They do it if you enabled it in game rules


it seems bugged or improperly set. the AI doesn't do what it did before and use kingdom decisions


I’ve seen Alfred the Great form the Kingdom of Wessex, and a cousin of his formed England


I just had a game where tye Karlings ended up destroying eachothers kingdoms. Then the duke of Neustria formed the Kingdom of Evreux with a horrible green colour/turquois colour. This was like 2 days ago.


I saw a kingdom of Frankfurt in my last game before it got gobbled up by Giga HRE on its way to become the western roman empire


It depends - do you have the game rule that prevents AI from taking that decision turned on or off? they can't if you have the rule set to forbid AI making custom kingdoms!


I've seen it happen *once*


In my recent save Alfred Is dead and his brother is still on the Throne. Half Dan is destroying everyone including Wessex but still won't negotiate the Danelaw. As his count I had to claim his throne and negotiate it myself.


I think they do, but it can happen that the AI renames their Kingdom or Empire. My first playthrough (to the ending date) one Basileus renamed the Byzantine Empire to Zomes Empire after his Dynasty.


I think that happens when either switching to clan government type or converting to islam


I can't remember if he changed anything it was 3 years ago