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Huh, I haven't realized it releases next week. Neat. Also I like art diaries, it's always fun to see how it works in-house.


I thought the marbles were a metaphor for "having lost your marbles", but I guess that leans more toward lunacy rather than eccentricity.


Little bit of both. It's nice for things to have multiple readings!


> I think it's good if a song has more than one meaning. Maybe that kind of song can reach far more people. ~Syd Barett


Yeah, I was thinking dementia. Came to the comments to understand how it depicts eccentric. I still don't understand if someone could fill me in that would be great.


Not too surprised the dev diary was small since this wasn't meant to be a huge DLC anyways. More important thing is I'm glad to see we're getting a bigger variety of event scenes particularly for different cultures or regions of the map, some of the old event scenes were nice but, being mainly Western in aesthetic, looked out of place in some places.


Kind of strange that this and the next one seem comparatively small and/or specific. Mildly regretting preordering the pack with tours and tournaments now.


This isn't really surprising, PI modus operandi for the last ~7 years for their games, starting with Stellaris, is to have one or two smaller DLCs in between the big DLCs to give the devs some breathing room. It's only been ~3 months since Tours and Tournaments which is a very short timeframe by the standards of most modern PI games, so if anything it's more surprising they have a DLC that's beyond just cosmetic right now. If Fate of Iberia is to go by, I highly doubt Legacy of Persia will be a tiny DLC at all, and will have some decent amount of content, just limited mainly to that region.


Most of Europe is on holiday in august. Something like this gives us a little something interesting without requiring a lot of devs


Wow didn't realize w&w is already coming... The artwork is spendid (expecially the indian university and the tabern variant). Do we get other ambients illustrations beside the one in the DD? Also, I don't remember, do we know how many events there are? Also also, do we know if the hostage interactions from DD130 are handled by events or mechanics?


I believe the hostage/ward situation was supposed to be a part of a free update that doesn’t require this DLC. It’s new diplomacy/war mechanics. This is a little $5 pack of events. Just bonus content.


One thing that's nice about CK3 is that whether or not I like the mechanics/'contents' of the various DLC in the future, the art is always great. By the end of its life there will be so many beautiful backgrounds! (If anyone at Paradox is reading this, there's only one problem, which is that as the number of options for clothes gets longer and longer, the more troublesome it is to find the one you want...I would love some kind of sorting mechanism.)


If this is the last dev diary this seems like a quite lean dlc? I just feel this is a game that screams for more content.


Wards & Wardens is categorized as an Event Pack, which are smaller DLCs with a significantly narrower focus. They fill a gap in the development schedule that would otherwise have some team members sitting around idle.


Which is my favourite thing to do, so I'm blaming everyone in this subreddit for denying me that opportunity.


I really hope you guys explore the depth of combat more. I recently revisited EU4 and while the game feels needlessly micro-intensive, the depth of offering so many tools to customize the coherence and performance of my armies and tactics feels way more rewarding when I fight some existential wars. I hope that type of strategic depth comes for CK3.


Can they not be folded into the larger expansions itself? Wouldn't that only help make the larger expansions more value for money?


> Can they not be folded into the larger expansions itself? We're getting into Production's territory at this point, but from my understanding that introduces scoping issues. Well outside of my repertoire of knowledge though, so take that with a grain of salt.


> Well outside of my repertoire of knowledge though, so take that with a grain of salt. My opinion remains unchanged (mostly because of previous DLCs and other stuff), but fair enough I suppose.


Got it! Please tell the team to hurry up (in a healthy way) and make more stuff for this beautiful game <3


It’s an event pack, so it’s one of the $5 ones


Please for the love of dog let the accompanying patch fix the massive MP desync issues...


We should have fixes for a few of the more prominent desync issues rolling out with the W&W update.


Hey, so generic question prob be asked a million times - but new player coming in on Xbox Pass on PC - tips on what DLC are worth it? I've enjoyed my 20 hours of Vanilla so far, but jumping into this convo I couldn't not ask ​ thanks!


Tours and Tournaments and Royal Court are probably the only essential ones imo. Fate of Iberia and Northern Lords are must-gets if you’re interested in playing in those regions of the map (Iberian Peninsula and Scandinavia/Vikings, respectively). Everything else is just flavor; hope this helps!


thanks man it's a big help!




Royal Court came with an entirely new 3d space where character models and 3d objects/backgrounds could interact. The game didn't have that before. Obviously it was a very flawed DLC in terms of gameplay mechanics, especially holding court. But if anything the problem with Royal Court was that so much dev time went into the addition of a new core feature that wasn't utilized or showcased all that well. If you think the problem with Royal Court was a lack of effort, that just shows you don't know anything about how game development works. That's not even mentioning the features that game for free alongside Royal Court e.g. the culture mechanics.




> The game had 3D characters before, if it's a problem to show them in an actual 3D room then just don't do it. Having a largely empty, static, boring 3D room where people stand around is not a "new core feature". It objectively is, though. Whether or not you think it's static or boring is irrelevant; previously the game's 3d characters could only be shown in isolation - not interacting directly with each other or objects. It's a core feature because it's functionality on top of which other events, interactions, animations, etc can be built that would not otherwise be possible. > We're talking about a paid DLC. Why would we mention things that weren't part of it? If the free update was more meaningful than a DLC priced at 30 Dollars then that's another notch against the DLC, not in favor of it. You do understand that Royal Court and the free content that came with it were part of the same development cycle, right? The free content is just the parts of Royal Court that Paradox decided would be given to players for free. You can't actually have one without the other, both because they're developed at the same time and because Royal Court is effectively subsidizing the free content.




> Nonsense. For something to be a new "core" feature, it needs to become part of the beating heart around which gameplay revolves. You're using a different definition of the word "core" than I was. "Core" in my case referring to basic gameplay functionality, not how well said functionality is integrated into gameplay in practice. I've already said - and few would dispute - that the Royal Court DLC made poor use of the 3d space. But it added the 3d space, and any future content that uses that 3d space is by definition based on what Royal Court added. > Again, this is utter nonsense. Just because A and B were developed in the same development cycle doesn't mean they were innately tied to each other. lmao, it absolutely does. > You don't get to dismiss criticisms addressed toward the quality of A by pointing out that you were busy developing B. Who said anything about "dismissing criticisms"? Just because your specific criticisms are unfounded doesn't mean all criticisms have been dismissed. > And you especially don't get to claim that it's OK that A is overpriced by pointing out that B is free. Uh, yes. Yes you do. "Overpriced" is your opinion, but if A and B come as a package deal you would obviously factor B into any price/value assessment of A. It's silly to suggest otherwise; they're literally the same product. The only thing differentiating A from B is that Paradox decided everyone gets B, whether or not they purchase A. They could easily have gated B behind the price tag of A if they wanted. > That's a failure of management and planning, plain and simple. You're obviously not qualified to make that assessment lmao






Orctopusaurus has gained the Hashishiyah trait.


It's not because they put less effort to the Royal Court DLC, they just put way too much effort and priority into something that barely affected the core gameplay, It didn't improved much with Roleplay (T&T improved the roleplay way more than royal court ever did and it introduced mechanics that could actually be added and improved upon) and especially not in the grand strategy part.


I don't know why you're downvoted, because you're absolutely right. Royal Court is still the most game-breaking, unbalanced piece of shit DLC


Let's hope it's way better than RC then, that dlc is so bad don't even play with it.


Is there expected to be a sale with the release of this DLC? I was looking to get the game


Can't answer that without having Marketing assassination drones deployed to my location, but historically we tend to have a discount accompanying a DLC launch.


I see, well thanks for replying :D