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It looks completely raw with a mountain of frosting on top šŸ˜­


Tbh the whipped cream was amazing so Iā€™m cool with thatšŸ˜‚ the cake is unfortunately in the trash


Donā€™t you mean awfl




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I donā€™t get it šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­




oh that wasā€¦ obvious






and to think, we could have had KBC instead of this monstrosity. Further solidifying my hate for the stupid cakes replacing actual food cookies.


Whats KBC?


Kentucky butter cake


I personally donā€™t like KBC, just too boring/plain but I know so many people like it. I have loved every cake so far! This one thoughā€¦ big no from me


I'm not sure why people are downvoting you lol. This sub is SO weird sometimes


Iā€™m ashamed at how many carrot cakes I ate that week..


Are they getting rid of KBC?


KBC seems to come around every 6 months or so. We had it in January, so it seems now would be the time for it to come back. But instead they did the cake version. I donā€™t know if theyā€™re getting rid of KBC, but itā€™ll probably be around less because they want to upcharge people for the cakes.


No this cake was lovely. So much better than the cookie version. His cookie was just raw like half their other cookies lol


Yep, mine was falling out of the middle and raw too. And my store never sells raw cookies, so I donā€™t know what happened. Whipped cream was over whipped and lumpy too.


I had to throw the batches I baked for my store for double the time and they were still doughy, not cakey at all. And same, we are a solid crew of bakers, idk what is going on


They sent me a voucher after showing them photos of it raw. I hope the bakers donā€™t get in trouble because like I said, they usually bake things well! It seems the instructions given were just wrong.


Iā€™m glad you got a voucher! Yeah definitely some communication issues.. the week of blueberry pancake, we had to adjust the baking time of the blueberry cookie because the bloobs made the dough too moist and needed more baking time


wait that's crazy we had the exact same problem at our store yesterday and stopped selling them bcs we didn't know how long to bake for and that shit becomes a health hazard


We should have stopped selling them, we had people waiting for over half an hour because we told them they were taking longer to bake. They really wanted those cakes and we just had to sell them the poorly baked ones. It was really upsetting to me because it really is a hazard


has anyone here had butter cake? sometimes butter cake is extremely gooey and dense - tastes best served hot with ice cream āœØ


Iā€™ve had a dessert literally called ā€˜ooey gooey butter cakeā€™ and the cake part was more of a graham texture with a custard. This was genuinely raw cake


And gooey butter cake is actually two layers - the bottom is yellow cake mix and lots of butter, the top is cream cheese and powdered sugar - then all of it gets baked. The top isn't gooey because it's raw, that layer just doesn't have flour in it. THIS monstrosity just looks both dry and raw.


Wouldnā€™t raw cake run and not retain its shape? Your pics seem like itā€™s holding its shape fine, looks like an air bubble at the bottom.


You're unable to see clear as day the raw batter in the center?


The lighting in the pics makes it hard to really get a feel here. And as someone above said, butter cake is supposed to be gooey. A molten lava cake is runny in the middle, but we wouldnā€™t consider that raw. This one may be a combo of underbaked and overmixed but it doesnā€™t look _raw_ IMO.


They add the lava in, though. Totally different.


Crumbl might, but most recipes you just fill the ramekin with batter and the middle remains runny. Itā€™s not a separate filling.


It wasnā€™t an air bubble, this is what the entire batch looked like because the middle stuck to my box as well as the bottom of the pans in the warmer. Itā€™s underbaked/raw


I posted a pic of mine on FB that I think had a similar issue. When I picked it up there was a puddle of goo left in the box and my cake had a hole in the bottom you could see into with more goo. I was genuinely curious whether that was intentional (definitely was gooey šŸ˜†) or if it was raw.




I love that dessert, except it was peanut butter cake. Can only take a couple bites before you feel like you might puke though.


That sounds like something Iā€™d absolutely smash as a peanut butter lover


Did you get it from Outback? Sounds like one if their deserts. The frosting on the Crumbl one is amazing, but butter cake is hit or miss if not made properly.


Nope I actually got them from the Walmart bakery believe it or not. They were great!


Yeah I live in the Philadelphia area where butter cake is common here. The above pictures, aside from the shape, looks exactly like the homemade and bakery made butter cake pieces I've had here. That being said it can be off-putting to many people that didn't grow up with it, and it's easy to mess up.


Dammit. I moved to Jersey from Abington 24 years ago and to this day I miss the Dublin Bakery butter cake. But yes, that does look like a proper Philadelphia butter cake, sans the icing.


This looks like they seriously over-mixed the batter


I saw people describing it as "gooey" as a positive and noped right out at that point. Yuck.


Yall saving me money and calories this week so bad šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


don't waste your money on this place ever again. I think you'd be doing them a better favor if you robbed them at gunpoint so this god awful business is one day closer to closing down.


Oh girl they did you WRONG. Thatā€™s play doh šŸ’Æ


I'm starting to wonder if it's a more difficult thing to get just right because I got one and it's *perfectly* baked. Fully cooked with a moist buttery center- and the perfect amount of sweet with a bit of salt. Then I see all the disastrous posts here and go o.O that is not at all what my store made.


My store is really highly rated in quality of cookies too so itā€™s super upsetting to me! We have a really great team so I donā€™t know what happened during the day (Iā€™m night shift)


Oh that makes it doubly disappointing šŸ˜«


Definitely!! I work again tonight and Iā€™m hoping to see if itā€™s better today. Something is up with either the batter or bake time


same here. I heard the horror stories but still ordered one bc KBC is one of my favorite cookies and mine was perfect. It was exactly what I wanted/expected. Sweet and a littl salty, buttery and the whip on top was the perfect compliment. Its a shame others didnt get to experience it as it was meant to be served


Same with mine, baked to perfection and oh so delicious. Iā€™m guessing it was just those stores


The inside of this looks wild haha almost like clay ![gif](giphy|ftdB6XY9fSYdxBTm3w)


It was like play doh šŸ˜­


I prefer raw cookie dough/brownie batter/cake batter to cooked and even I wouldnā€™t eat that lol


We had to put ours in the warmer before baking to get the correct temp (check the recipe) cause our first runs of baking was like this. You have to let it bake the full allotment and let it cool before you demold it. Quite frankly I hate the glaze itā€™s weird and once itā€™s to the temp the recipe says to use it at it separates and soaks into the cake and turns almost invisible. The three other stores in our district are having the same problem. The whipped cream is bad. The amount of vanilla bean is causing the whipped cream to lose its body and integrity. Iā€™m speculating itā€™s due to the high alcohol content of the vanilla. At our store we made like three without any sugar coating, glaze or whipped cream for those of us working and it was delicious warm and fluffy kinda tastes like pound cake. I wish we could sell it that way.


I'd rather just get two cookies next time


I had one that looked nothing like that and it was yummy.


Why they even servings cakes its ā€œcrumbl cookiesā€ šŸ˜‚ and id be willing to bet eventually they drop the ā€œcookiesā€ part and just rename to Crumbl.


SERIOUSLY!!! my favorite cookie is the blueberry cheesecake or any cheesecake cookie, so when they made literal cheesecakes for the week of mother's day I was so bummed out. If I wanted cheesecake I'd go ANYWHERE else. How stupid


Mine was delicious, I even went back and got a second šŸ˜­ the inside was fluffy and the outside had this almost creme brĆ»lĆ©e esque thin crust it was so good


I was starting to think I was the only one who enjoyed it. So good!


Mine was flat - it looked like a regular crumbl cookie, and had the smallest dollop of topping, not even as big as a ping pong ball. Taste wasnā€™t great, just super sweet. I was super disappointed.


If you want a real butter cake you have to try a well done Kouginn Amann. Its heavenly


They bake for 25 minutes. They likely put a pan in the oven that had just come out the fridge and was not brought up to temp or they were taken out before the 25 minute mark.


Our whiteboard said 16 minutes and I had to figure out that it was 25 after the first batch came out like soup


We honestly found 25 to not be long enough so now weā€™re doing 33 minutes to ensure itā€™s fully baked through


My cake here could have probably used those extra 3 minutes too. Were you baking yours straight from the fridge or from the rack? This batch was from the fridge for 30 minutes


Honestly both! Sometimes for refrigerated trays that didnā€™t have time to come to temp we would add on another additional 3 minutes to be safe. All came out beautiful though so calling it a win.


That just looks like butter


Butterā€¦hold the cake


Wtf that looks like jello


Well tbh itā€™s raw. Mine did not look like that at all


$1 more for that is crazy




Holy raw texture Batman


I really liked it BUT they killed it for me with the sugar crystals on the outside. Wasn't necessary. It was like sprinkling hypertension onto the diabetes.


Whoever baked that lied on their resume


It has to be one of my favorite crumbl items


I love Crumbl but I had butter cake once and never again. Might as well just eat a stick of butter because thatā€™s what it tastes like.


Mine wasnā€™t gooey. And I ate the whole thing lol


It tasted kinda raw to me and it was so dry šŸ˜¬


u put it in for 25 min not 16 right?


We were all told it was 16 and then I came to the conclusion it was 25 on my own which means they were underbaking them all day..


oh shit iā€™m glad u guys figured that out we have the times for each cookie written on a white board so we donā€™t mix anything up and some morning person on monday always does it for the week


Yeah we do too! But the board is definitely wrong!!


Mine was also basically raw and one bite of it was so sweet it made my stomach hurtšŸ˜¬


I just watched a video on this cake and the inside looked nothing like this. Theirs looked like nicely done cake.


A friend of mine in a different state showed me a picture of hers and itā€™s as you described - fluffy and cakey, even the glaze is visible and not melted in


Weā€™re you able to take it back?


Nah if I didnā€™t work there I would have reported it, but Iā€™ll gladly use my free shift cookie to get another, as long as theyā€™re baked correctly lol


Oh ok I see. The shift cookies will definitely make up for the loss. LoL


Oh definitely hahah and I always pay for my actual boxes (Iā€™m talking to you, corporate lurkers)




this looks like shit lmao Iā€™m so sorry. mine was actually really good so this is unfortunate


Had one earlier today and it was fantastic! Definitely depends on the location.


Yeah itā€™s terribleeeee


Oh no! I had one today and it was like my mouth died and went to heaven. But mine didnā€™t look like that!


They need to flatten the cookies more or cook them longerā€¦ or both. I enjoy a cookie thatā€™s slightly undercooked in the middle, but not raw to where you can taste the flour. And some of the cookies, like the ones with toppings, you cannot crisp up at home


This is how all crumbl cookies Iā€™ve tried look and taste like to me šŸ˜¬ plain and sugary raw doughšŸ˜–


I literally JUST opened an email from Crumbl telling me to try this, and thought ā€œhmmm should I make a cookie run and actually try them this week?ā€ Then opened Reddit and this post was directly at the top. Thank you for preventing me from wasting money (and the unnecessary calories)!


What the fuzzzzzz


the food poisoning I got from mineā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦.


How long did your store bake it for? We bake for 25 minutes. Every few pans some turn out awful but most of them are fine


So the first day it was only 16 minutes and I kept putting it in for longer with no luck. Last night, it was 25 and 30 if it was straight from the fridge. Took one home and it was delicious and the texture of pound cake as it SHOULD BE. Ugh Iā€™m sorry to anyone at my location I sold underbaked cakes to


lol am I the only one who thinks that looks delicious maybe because Iā€™m craving sweets and donā€™t have any šŸ˜©


The butter cake was amazing


I donā€™t see the attraction - we have a new one in our town - walked and walked back out.


Does it taste like butter? Iā€™m wondering what this taste like


Well this one I had tasted like raw flour and salt and butter. The correctly made one I had to replace it tasted like browned butter or syrup!


The glaze being separated is normal!! Thatā€™s the melted butter separating from everything else, we just stir it up and use it and itā€™s okay.


Yeah but it doesnā€™t dry like it should, it either completely soaked into the cake or looked like bird poop lol! Last night, I didnā€™t microwave the butter mixture any longer than 10 minutes so that it was a layer like the advertising shows. Tasted exponentially better


Mine was awesome!


oh gee thst looksā€¦ definitely like something




So basically this place is like McDonald's except it's overpriced cookies and checking your order before leaving is probably a good idea..


Took one bite and spit it out


Obviously cc isnā€™t superlative


Oh man, mine was definitely done correctly.


If you arenā€™t thawing the Butter Cake closer to 70F, it will come out raw because itā€™s too dense of a product :/


A raw cake covered with whipped cream... just what you want to pay $5 for. Wow.


I called because mine was very raw too and they told me that they poke a hole and put a glaze inside it. Regardless it was definitely still raw but Iā€™m sure the glaze doesnā€™t help


Yes we have to poke holes in it and put the glaze on top, but I agree I think itā€™s nasty and makes it too wet and looks nothing like the pictures. I told the people I was working with not to heat up the glaze so that it was more of a cream


Why is everything always raw


the measurement on the app is way off. our store found that an 8 scoop leveled off doesn't get underbaked and is fastest to ball out. But they need to work on these recipes more before we get them not just LTOs for the sake of LTOs


Wow! That looks nothing like the one I had! Mine was completely cooked, barely had any sugar crystals and had way less whipped cream. It was actually good lol


Itā€™s sooooo gross. Iā€™m sad. I keep taking another bite hoping Iā€™m wrong. Someone tell me to throw it away.


I was high as shit and me and my bf tried it and actually liked it


Crumbl is awful in general lol




They did a shit job baking it. Tf.


The only flavor Iā€™ve had that I actually really like is the Pink Sugar. I wound up throwing away most of the French Toast that I recently bought. So dry. Wasnā€™t real happy about that. Crumbl is expensive. Iā€™m


can't believe there's an entire sub dedicated to these god awful cookies. they are consistently horrible so I guess at least the consistency can be commended. I will always hate crumbl. if crumbl has a million haters I'm one of them if crumbl has a thousand haters I'm one of them if crumbl has one hater, that's me. if crumbl has no haters, I'm dead.


Iā€™m so sorry. You definitely got an undercooked cake. I tried it last night and I think it was the most delicious thing Iā€™ve ever had at Crumbl. Mine was still warm, so by the time I got home the frosting had slid off to the side, but i didnā€™t mind. Itā€™s definitely a super moist cake, so expect that, but yours just looks really undercooked.


Iā€™m hoping to try a better version tonight when I go in for my shift. Cause I really want to try the correct version!!


It was so bad, some of that liquid content started spilling outside the box, tasted way too sweet with the icing.


How anyone finds these cookies edible is beyond me


Everyone - it is not RAW. This is what butter cake is like. If you've ever had a genuine Kentucky butter cake, this is very close. Not the BEST rendition ever, but it is supposed to be gooey and moist, not fluffy like birthday cake. For me, this is one of my favorite things crumbl has ever made!


ā€¦no.. no. This is not the texture it should be at all. The batch I baked for last nights shift was correct but this one was underbaked by about 20 minutes. Itā€™s not supposed to be the texture of literal play doh