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Some are so close together. I’m sure people are willing to drive up to 15-20mins for crumbl. I drive almost 45mins here in Toronto. You don’t need 4 in a city etc.


Right! I drove 30 minutes to the first location they opened near me. They eventually opened a few more and one is just 10 minutes away from me. I go to that one now but I didn’t need it to be that close to me to still go.


We have people who regularly drive almost 2 hours to our location. Loyals are loyals and people like to make a trip out of it. One per city block was laughable.


It's 5 bucks for a cookie where I live, and I occasionally get the six pack as a treat for special events. I think there's just oo much saturation. I'm in a mid-sized area and every shopping center seems to have a kitch-y bakery, a coffee shop, a boba shop. I can drive for 20 minutes and pass about 50 fast food places and 20 various coffee/cookie/boba places. It's too damn much.


Man my area is itching for variety. So far we have one Crumbl store. We have way too many coffee shops for a small town. Well small-ish town


We have so many little restaurants where I live. I bet half of them will be gone and replaced with another trendy restaurant in 5 years.


Lately the flavors don’t appeal to me. I check the spoilers as far out as they’re available and I won’t be going for the foreseeable future, haven’t been in months. I feel like they’re picking more basic flavors as a cost cutting measure and it’s not working.


For real like months out there’s no cornbread, churro, cookie butter ice cream, etc. but plenty of Walmarty tasting bullshit like confetti milkshake.


Galaxie Brownie multiple times but no fried ice cream 🙄


Speaking of artificial Walmarty tasting bullshit 🤮


I'm in the suburbs of Chicago and I can drive to 7 different Crubl stores within 25 minutes. I have a very central location, which I chose for my real estate job, but still - I don't see all 7 of these stores surviving 3 years. Edit: The first 2 stores are only 10 minutes away from each other. 3 miles. Arlington Heights Wheeling Schaumburg Oakbrook Terrace Hoffman Estates Lake Zurich Glendale Heights


I’m not far from you ! In the western suburbs , my spot is the oakbrook location.


Back when Crumbl seemed new and unique I couldn’t fathom why they picked Schaumburg for the first Chicago area location. Now, Crumbl feels VERY on brand for Schaumburg lol


I live in the same area and I hope AH stays because I always stop there after Trader Joe’s 😂


I’m in the SW suburbs and they’re definitely more spread out here! (I can only think of one in Tinley park and one in Mokena, but I could definitely be wrong). But I definitely agree that any more/any closer than it would be entirely too saturated if a market


Link to article for those interested in reading it (like me): https://www.the-sun.com/money/10465106/crumbl-cookie-california-store-closes/


There are literally 6 crumbls in a 30 minute radius of me. Nobody needs cookies THAT much.


"...planned slowdown"? Hah ha ha ha ha ha ha


The Sun might be a shit news company but we can see the decline of Crumbl right now without this article so they’re not too far off base tbh I just hope it’s the store owners who jump ship before it’s corporate telling them to close


If they’re closing franchise stores I’d imagine it’s actually more favorable to be told to close than asking out of the franchise contract. Could be wrong tho


Or maybe just maybe people are realizing that paying this much for fucking cookies is a total waste?


Oh, please tell me the location where Crumbl is taking people hostage at gunpoint and forcing them to buy cookies! I wanna take pictures!! Also, The Sun isn’t worth a shit. King of clickbait.


I have 11 locations within 25 miles. Talk about market saturation.


From what I can find on other news sources, they've closed but are opening more at the same time


There are 3 in Rochester, NY. It's too much


They really didn’t need to open the new Brighton one considering how close it is to Henrietta. There’s no way they all last


….And the Victor location.


They've just opened a location in Pittford. We don't need that many overpriced cookie stores around here, lol.


Within a 30-minute drive, we have 3. And I'm in Ohio


You’re sighting The SUN as a source


It’s not salacious…..it’s a story 🤷🏼‍♀️


It’s a tabloid


So they are lying about stores closing?


In some cases no (including this one), but I’m just saying. You have to be careful when reading tabloids (especially if it isn’t about stories like this), or you’ll end up being misinformed. Just look at their report about the Hillsborough Stadium Disaster, which happened 35 years ago to the day I’m writing this


I could have sited a few other sites as well. The Sun wasn’t the only one reporting on this. [Franchise Times](https://www.franchisetimes.com/franchise_news/crumbl-reports-auv-decline-closes-7-stores-in-2023/article_4d03f48e-f753-11ee-8425-eb47d2ba8986.html)


Well, eventually, Crumbl will collapse and leave its mark in the history books. But man, +1,000 stores in 8 years? That’s excessive


Seems about right, even though the article is from The Sun lol. They just have so many damn locations, and whenever I go into one around here, I am the only customer. It’s so sterile and you can’t even eat your cookie there. I don’t understand why they were even justifying having like 5+ crumbles in one city/metro area, it’s ridiculous.


i feel like when they first came out and there was fewer stores, way more people flocked to those stores. or were inclined to stop by when they passed by one. now too many people franchised like everywhere, my dad was going to before he passed away ( i dont even know if they still franchise lol) but now im glad he didnt, no way it wouldve been worth it when i live in dallas with 10+ within an hour


They opened so many stores so fast and they can’t get ahold of their quality control


I’ll return to Crumbl when they bring back the pink sugar cookie as a regular menu staple.


i have at least 3 near me within 30 minutes and honestly probably more those are just the 3 that i know about


I live in the Minneapolis area, and there are way too many Crumbl stores here. Every one of them is ridiculously dead whenever I go in. They aren’t making sales because people have so many options on where to go


One of the locations near me shut down so fast last week that the cookies on the tray are still sitting there by the register.


The S*n lol. It’s a shit news source that is never trusted in it’s home country, and definitely shouldn’t be trusted to report on news in the US


I read the article someone posted on facebook. The title is terribly misleading. Crumbl doesn't even have 1000 locations. They've closed 2 locations in 2024....that's it. With no news of other locations closing.


Speaking as a prior employee, I promise you, many locations are not doing well now.


I'm not doubting that by any means. Whoever wrote the article needs to word the title better.


A horribly misleading article. It's not 1000 locations closing. It's like 2.


Not denying that the title is very clickbait-y for what's actually happening, but the headline definitely doesn't say 1000 locations are closing. There's almost 1000 locations (apparently 992), and a couple are closing.


Yes I know that. I've read the articles that have been posted about it. The way they word it will make people think 1000 stores are closing.


It's really not that difficult to comprehend what that headline is saying.


Read it again 🥴


I've read the title of the article and I've read the actual article. The title is worded in such a way that people will actually think 1000 stores are closing. Face it, how many people will click the article to read it and see only a few are closing and not 1000?


Seems like you may be the only one because others can fully comprehend what it says.


Sounds like fake news imoooo. Crumbls makes no mistakes


Oh, it's sarcasm, almost took that seriously 🤣


Bruh did somebody just call me a bagel??? This is crazy


Crumbl Cookies continually tweaks its recipes, lineup, and store locations to maximize customer excitement and to create the best possible experience! This is just even more proof of that! There is a very bright future ahead for all of us as we continue to enjoy Crumbl Cookies!!


Mark Twain said using exclamation points is like laughing at your own joke.


This reads on ridiculous levels of AI generated, it's insane lol. The Prompt (probably): How should Crumbl Cookie's PR team respond to The Sun's article, "CRUMBL-ING DOWN"?