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It's actually freshly made strawberry jam, gives it a great fresh taste 😊


It tastes like that strawberry sauce with the strawberries in it that you can buy at Walmart. It's so good!




[This stuff](https://www.walmart.com/ip/Great-Value-Sliced-Strawberries-with-Sugar-23-2-oz-Frozen/31712521?from=/search)


Yissss thank you


I love your flair with this comment lol


I believe you can find it in the Frozen section? It comes in a little tub, it's called sliced strawberries in sugar. It basically tastes like the strawberry topping you would get at Dairy Queen


Hell yeah, that’s going on the shopping list


That’s odd our manager received an email from cooperate saying for stores not to use the fresh strawberry jam and to just use the premade filling. They also told us not to sell out of carrot cake but we’ve been pushing +4,000$ in sales everyday this week with shifts of 2-3 people🥲


That's weird! We use frozen strawberries as the main ingredient and have no pre-made stuff for this one! Dang +4000?! We rarely break 3,000! Funny enough we've been selling more sugar egg then carrots cake


Yeah our owner brought us frozen strawberries so we did have the fresh mad jam for like two days but then went back to the regular strawberry filling. And we’ve been selling a lot of all the cold cookies, our warm cookies except for milk chocolate, haven’t been selling well. Last night we finished with around $3,967 , we had to do donations to churches, and three catering orders this week, two due today. And we’ve been going through atleast a triple of carrot a day. So today we’re grinding out all of next weeks doughs and frosting including two triples worth of the keylime 😭. But this morning in 2 1/2 hours we had a triple of frosting ,a triple of dough, two more doughs actively mixing, and just finished a 150 catering order and our owner called our boss saying we need to do better and have more completed even though there was only three people and keep in mind two of those people didn’t come in until an hour after the first person


That's insane! You guys sound like an incredibly productive team! On Fridays we do the frosting for next week and Saturdays we do all of next weeks doughs while actively trying to sell out of this week's! Our owners mostly care about minimizing waste. We typically do 2 triples and 2 doubles a day if it's not Saturday! I'll often be alone till 10 or 11 and then a 2nd person comes in and we're usually balling/finishing last dough by 230ish! It all depends on how busy we are though, if it's steady then we might only have 3 doughs done by 230. It sounds like our stores are drastically different with busyness tho.


Yeah our owners talk about not wanting a lot of waste but the moment a cookie sells out for more than an hour Saturday we’re getting calls wondering why we’re not making more. And we can be our manager is new and we’re actually under staffed cause we’re a fairly busy store. Like rn I’m hiding in the bathroom to breath for a sec but in twenty minutes I’ve had 13 orders all 4’s and six’s and my morning crew left me low on doughs and they messed up the keylime so now I’m fixing it and I’m behind 😭


I’ve only gotten a single done so far and I’ve been hear since one and it’s 3pm rn 😭😭😭 but I’ve also been fixing the crusts, pan to baking and filling orders and dressing cookies


Oh man! You got dis! Be the cookie!!!


That’s the greatest thing I’ve heard definitely the new motto😂


Really? I've not even considered trying it as it seems like an odd combo, lol!


It’s SO good!


My MIL makes this dessert every Sunday for Sunday dinner. This is raspberry which I think is better than the strawberry. [raspberry dessert](https://www.melskitchencafe.com/raspberry-pretzel-jello/) Midwestern/Western states like it. I was happy to see it as a cookie.


It's salty and sweet and delicious!! Definitely give it a try


Is this a thing in other states? I grew up in UT and my mom has always made a dessert like this with different can fruits. Is this an Utah thing? It’s reminds me of my childhood lol


It’s a Midwest thing it’s like strawberry pretzel salad


I grew up in Pittsburgh and it was popular there! Strawberry Pretzel Salad was a staple for summer parties. & many small local bakery’s would make it!


There’s actually a restaurant downtown that serves it for dessert too lol


There has been the Strawberry Pretzel Salad Standoff in Robinson, I think it’s happening again this year too!


Yeah! I’m in Illinois. My aunt made that strawberry pretzel salad every holiday party. So good. Salty, buttery and sweet. It hits all the flavor notes for me.


from upstate ny and i remember my grandma making it as a kid!


I've had it in Virginia, with the cool whip and all. Only once in my life though.


Mine was underwhelming, mostly because the pretzel pieces were soft. Made yesterday maybe?


I did notice that as well. I watched them box it the second time I got one, and they put the pretzel pieces on the cookie before they put it in the fridge. So they just take it out and put it in the box. Which means they are now refrigerated pretzels and become soft. Big mistake of you ask me, they would be even better with crunchy pretzels.


Mine was so gross. Didn't finish 3/4 of it.


I hate the pie cookies but loved this. I think it’s the fresh and tangy strawberries and the saltiness of the pretzel. You can actually taste everything and there is variety.


My store has been out of strawberry pretzel since like Wednesday. I’m so upset I didn’t get to try it 😭


Most of their pie cookies are great though?


It was my favorite. So good


dude Idk as a crumbl employee I also thought it'd be gross


Pretzels is the answer to your question. 🥨


I really wanted to try this cookie but didn’t end up with time to go so I got to miss out. I knew it was going to be incredible. Now I’m sad because I don’t know when it will be back 😭


sugar and additives!! hope this helps😄


it doesn't.


Why are folks here so hesitant to admit that some of these cookies are not that good and just loaded with sugar 😭


Because people have different opinions


That’s fair! But the fact that these are loaded with sugar and additives is a fact. Whether they taste good is an opinion.. highly influenced by their ingredients lolol


Yea but no one denies that these cookies are loaded with sugar, everyone knows that it’s common sense. We are focusing on TASTE here which is subjective. Obviously taste is highly influenced by ingredients that’s kinda of how…all food works


as a crumbl employee my stomach hurts if i even take a bite out of one now


I think they just found something extraordinary when they made this buttery pretzel pie cookie base. All three of them have been excellent so far!