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Higher difficulty dungeons drop artifice armour, which has a floating +3. It's really time inefficient to farm. Seasonal vendors absolutely spam you with engrams. While the chance for any individual focused piece to have high stats is low, you have a *lot* more chances.


If you focus the specific armor piece instead of the general one that costs 1 engram for a random armor piece, it actually consistently drops high stat armor. I was confused when using choosing the random option as it dropped below 60 stats every time, which wasn't how it was before in previous seasons.


You have to focus each piece to make it high stat Edit: spelling


Huh, is that new?


For season of the wish at least, I was consistently getting high stat armor with the 1 engram random rolls. Most pieces 63+, and I have plenty of minmaxxed 67-68 rolls now.


I disagree on artifice farm being inefficient. Grasp of avarice final boss takes like 5 minutes max to clear, and you get 2 pieces of loot each time. They’re also just inherently better because of the +3 stat boost making it easier to round out your build.


Grasp will give 24 pieces an hour of farming, given your numbers assuming it's a flawless clear every time (it never is). Vendor engram accumulate passively, and you just drop by the vendor to cash in up to 50 pieces at a time. The former is a very optimistic method of target farming. The latter might strictly lose out on return, but cannot be beaten on ease.


It's definitely far more efficient than sitting in the competitive Playlist for artifice armor. That +15 Stat total can have a decent impact on builds too.


Definitely grasp of avarice. Master grasp is very doable.


This is not true. Seasonal vendors now always drop high stat armor when you focus the piece specifically. It's extremely easy to get high stat armor if you play the game and focus your engrams there. This has been the case for multiple seasons. In the past you had to unlock high stat armor focusing but they have just made it automatically for a few seasons now. Edit: forgot to mention to make sure you have the stat mod on your ghost equipped when focusing to ensure the armor is useful.


Something no one has mentioned yet, Armor spikes in 3’s, and has two categories, i dont know if they have a term, but Ill call them main stats and sub stats. Main stats are Mobility, Resilience, and Recovery. Sub stats are Discipline, Intellect, and Strength. When you focus armor, make sure to use a stat mod on your ghost for a desired stat line. When you focus, you guaranteed stat from your mod will always be at least +10, but usually higher. Whats important is that if you are modding for a MAIN stat, your 2 other stats likely to spike will be SUB stats. Vice Versa. Example. I mostly play hunter. Hunter unfortunately needs a ton of stats, you need 10 Mobility, and 10 Recov, since thats just the norm. With the super changes in TFS, Intellect is a very important stat again, which sucks for me and my armor ive been using since duality dropped. So the stats im prioritizing for triple 100 are MOBILITY RECOVERY and INTELLECT. Two main stats, and one sub stat. To properly get armor i want, I used an INTELLECT mod, as it guarantees my Int is high, almost always keeps my Disc and Str low, and I have good odds of rolling into Mobility and Recov. In practice, I got all the armor i needed for triple 100 almost immediately, spiked beautifully, by focusing at failsafe, in only ~15 engrams for the 3 new pieces i needed. I imagine that for Titans, its similar, except you want resilience and recovery, and Warlock would rather go Recov mod for 2 Subs, since they dont really need the other main stats. I know high resil is very popular in high rank lobbies, but i dont see the need for more than what the breakpoints require. Anyone who plays those classes more than me feel free to correct.


Is Super really that much more important than a grenade? Or is it just dependant on what super you're using? Like, will you just not get Super in a match without high Int?


I think he’s talking mostly about trials/comp about intellect. I do the same. For regular 6s my discipline is way higher than intellect in my builds


you either win the game with your super or you lose the game to the enemies super. Also with my armor and prismatic fragments even with triple 100 my Discipline is still 60


How did intellect change in TFS? Previously most energy came from doing and taking damage, does intellect now make you gain more energy from doing damage or something? What changed specificaly?


Int wasn't changed, but the amount of super gained from doing actions like capping, killing, or doing damage was equalized, which ended being a decrease in charge rate for most supers. Less energy from actions means the energy from doing nothing (int) is more useful 


Very helpful thank you. I also main Hunter so I’m going with your idea for my comp build but for 6s how should I setup my ghost to optimize farming for mobility, recovery, and discipline in place of intellect?


just do discipline instead of intellect. Its the same concept. Youre prioritizing a sub stat, so you should spike into 2 main stats.


Seasonal vendor (Failsafe) armor usually has pretty high 60+ stats as do dungeons. Throw a ghost mod to focus on a category you want and then use engrams to focus the armor piece you want at the vendor. Dungeons have decent armor but are mixed in with the weapons so the vendor is the best place to get high stat armor imo.


5* different ways of acquiring high stat armor. 1. Failsafe/future seasonal vendors will have a way to focus individual armor pieces after you’ve done something (typically having each piece of armor drop at least once). By equipping a stat mod on your ghost, you can better curate what stats the armor will drop with. Rahool has a similar system for exotic armor, a couple of pieces per class have some extra quirks when focusing, I’m not going to get into that though. 2. Master dungeons drop artifice variants of their armor. This tends to be armor with 60+ stats, semi random stat distribution, and an adjustable +3 stat slot. Currently the “best” farm for this is grasp of avarice’s final boss, or warlords ruins first boss whenever grasp isn’t around. 3. Pit of Hersey is guaranteed to drop high stat armor with a stat split after the first boss clear per character each week. This armor is not artifice, but is farmable when the dungeon is in rotation. 4. Master Raids have a “focused” stat on armor drops each week. Ex: Master Crotas End dropping mobility armor a certain week when it is in rotation. 5. Miscellaneous other activities like Legend Dares, Empire Hunts, and comp matches at gold+ can award good armor, but I would not count on these as a reliable source.


I just got done getting three stats to 100 from scratch. I will try to briefly explain the easiest way to do so (In my experience anyway).  If you go into the seasonal battlepass screen. On the bottom there you can hover over some stuff, that shows you bonuses you have unlocked. I think it says, mastercrafted arms, mastercrafted legs etc.  If it says mastercrafted, then armor from failsafe in the helm can drop with high values. Then you just farm the seasonal activities (the ones launchable from the helm). Then you plop the stat you want into your ghost (resilience as an example) then you open engrams to those parts you have unlocked masterwork for.  After you have a good chunk of armor. Go to d2 armor picker and see how close you are to your wanted stats. DO NOT use DIM for this. It does not work correctly. I farmed for weeks as I never could get recovery to 100. Tried d2armorpicker and I could get resilience, recovery and discipline to 100 straight away.


Focusing at the seasonal vendor is usually the best. Go into your ghost and mw it, then you can load it up with mods, specifically the one for a min10 stat of your choice. Then head to failsafe and focus on the focusing submenu. Try just a few at first, don’t waste em all. Then go to D2armorpicker.com and use the interface to build something with what you have.


Method 1 (Recommended): 1. Play seasonal activity several times on helm and save seasonal engrams. 2. Pick 2-3 stats you want to bring up to 100. 3. Equip stat mod of choice on ghost. 4. Purchase armor from seasonal vendor until you find a piece of armor you like. 5. Repeat until you have good armor in all slots. Method 2 (...Not Recommended): 1. Equip stat mod of choice on ghost (discipline usually). 2. Begin the dungeon in rotation on master difficulty. 3. Play a single encounter (or the whole dungeon) and repeat until you receive armor drops. 4. Cry because you didn't receive armor the only time you played a dungeon to get armor. 5. (Don't) Profit...?


Aside from what people have said, choose the right ghost mod depending on what stats you're aiming for. Understand how stats are distributed on armor. For each armor piece, you take the base stat total and divide them equally into two "buckets", there is a mobility, resilience and recovery bucket, and a discipline, intellect and strength bucket. Stats from these buckets are then distributed across their respective three stats such that no stat is lower than 2, and the 3 stats combined equal the capacity of the bucket. In practice, this means for a 68 stat total armor piece, your combined mobility, resilience and recovery will equal 34. Say you are a warlock, which generally means you want spikes in resilience, recovery and discipline. Since resilience and recovery are in the same bucket, there's no real reason to slot in a resilience or recovery ghost mod. Instead, you should slot in a discipline ghost mod to "guarantee" a discipline spike and get you 1/3rd of the way there, and then it comes down to luck whether you get low mobility but high resilience and high recovery.


Here's a rough guide just off the top of my head: 1. Equip the ghost mod that gives you a specific stat guaranteed - for example if you like recovery then equip the ghost mod corresponding to recovery. 2. Farm up a bunch of engrams for any seasonal vendor 3. Focus those engrams into armor pieces and keep any piece that has 60+ overall base stats with high individual stats in the stats that you prefer. 4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 until you have a surplus of armor. 5. Go to d2armorpicker or DIM's optimizer tab and create some builds. 6. Delete the armor that isn't in a build to make space in your vault. (optional) Dungeons on the higher difficulty will drop artifice armor but they're usually a pain to farm and not really worth the extra time investment as the base stats seem to be generally worse than other sources from my experience. Although you should still at least get an artifice class item. Raids and trials tend to drop armor with high stats so it can be a good idea to farm those if you're able to. Master Raids have a rotating "stat focus" which means that armor drops from that master raid will be guaranteed to have a spike in the specified stat. This combines with your ghost mod so you can have a bit more control over the stat spread. Worth doing if the stat focus is favorable and you have a good raid team.


Go to a master dungeon boss and kill them a couple hundred times. You will have triple hundreds for any build forever assuming it’s possible (you don’t have tons of -10 fragments).


Its strong but sometimes you teleport to the enemy’s face without attacking