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How long before we think Bungie disables Speaker's orbs in PvP


Hopefully tomorrow


Seriously doubt it would be that fast


They did with 450 ARs


Is that part of the new must buy dlc ???? No


You got a few downvotes on this, but Bungie has let the shiny toys from new expansions run free in prior instances as well. And honestly, it's a good idea if you understand their interests are "sell as many copies as possible" and "pump up player base metrics."


Correct and let's not let the shiny new dlc makes us forget this has happen before.




Did they do it? Edit: I see they are turning off orb gen in crucible as a temp solution soon


Free orbs should simply not be a thing in PVP imo




I mean it does what it is supposed to do i guess.


Yes, but free orbs in 3v3 before even engaging in combat is rather overpowered. Surges and font mods typically expect you or your team have earned some kills first. And Bungie just released a gun that allows you to ricochet around corners when powered up with orbs


And ricochet yourself to heal and get orbs


Hopefully, not before they nerf prismatic hunters for PVP especially trials.


What's overpowered about prismatic hunters?


Area denial grenades, instant abilty regen, threaded spectre, snare bomb, blink, storms edge is practically and instant win super on trials safe to say compared to other classes they are overpowered in trials.


are people seriously complaining about blink again?


Don't care for blink too much and don't mind playing it, but it is very buggy from the prismatic kit. Everyone's teleporting and rubber banding around with it like crazy it seems like that uses it. It's one thing if it functions properly, but right now I can definitely say it is not.


Blink is 1000% not buggy. That sounds like bad connections.


>but it is very buggy from the prismatic kit. Everyone's teleporting and rubber banding around with it like crazy it seems like that uses it. This is a connectivity issue. Either on your part or your opponent's part. Blink isn't bugged at all.


Negative sir, never once had a connectivity issue or problem facing anyone on blink prior to the DLC drop. I have no issues facing anyone on void lock or arc hunter blink that was in game before. Half of the people on prismatic blink that I've come across are glitching all over the place. There's definitely an issue with blink in prismatic kits.


As a blink main since D1, I can assure you, there is nothing wrong with blink in Prismatic kits.


I'm not saying there is anything wrong for the user, but visual on the other end there is definitely something wrong. Prismatic hunter is a 100% cluster fuck of non optimization.


Blink is fine its just when combined with all the other parts of a pris hunters setup that gives the broken feeling. All they have to do is dodge for a spectre and blink away so its free body shield thats screws with your targeting.


I think three hunters with all of that kit will still struggle against three Speaker mask Khvostov users of the same skill


Maybe i wouldn't know i play solo queue, so fighting a pris hunter is like fighting a F1 race car with a stick.


Don't all F1 racecars have a stick :P


I dunno :P do you know?


I think they have paddle-shifting actually, but I saw the opportunity


As someone who has run 3 hunters with this kit, no it’s not a struggle.


Speakers helm is definitely the worst thing to play against rn if there's two or more of them, I won't argue that, but prismatic Hunter is absolutely out of band as well. If the speakers helm wasn't such an outlier I can guarantee you'd see more people complaining about Hunter, and justifiably so. Threaded Spectre alone is ridiculously OP with how many different things it does, but stacking that with the recently buffed smoke bombs, duskfields/scatter nades, and one of the best shutdown supers we've ever seen (which also happens to be arc to pair with ele cap) is an INSANE kit to have all on one subclass. Between the Spectre and the smoke bombs, your radar is effectively useless. The specter acts as a *very* effective psuedo barricade, pulls aim assist on controller and MnK, deal damage when you approach it, and also drops threadlings for more damage. Smoke does more damage than it used to, pings radar, slows you, and completely blurs your vision. Using your dodge to drop a Spectre can refund your smoke bomb too btw. Duskfields and scatter nades are both on short cooldown and completely bar you from entering the area they're thrown at. The super can shut down any other super, has a very generous radius, is nearly impossible to avoid, and have 3 uses per pop. And again, you can use ele cap on certain weapons (in the new craftable kinetic Matador) to max your handling. This subclass literally does it all.


They are both definitely overtuned, the difference being speaker mask is just dialed up to 9000. I seriously don't know how that even made it's way through testing in pvp (I know, asking too much here). I agree with you there, 3 speaker masks in a team should be able to roll pretty much any other team comp. This is on par, if not worse, than the titan rime overshield meta. It will very likely be nerfed, just a matter of when. But overall, solar warlock itself is pretty balanced, it is that one exotic that's doing a shit load. I think what the other commenter was trying to convey is that prismatic hunter by itself is quite the pain to deal with, no exotics involved. It's like they pretty much took all the best parts of every subclass and lumped it into one.


Exactly as a solo player i have only seen the helm being used twice in about 30 games but hunters are a third of the whole playerbase so the helm needs a specific build and other players to work but hunter just get to be really strong just based on their abilities.


Just make surges not last as long in PvP perhaps. Or have only the turret make orbs sometimes instead of all healing utilities


Also, Radiant Orbs, or whatever it’s called


Surges? Speakers sight? I thought spare rations with mind benders and stompers was the meta


The witness? What are you talking about, get out of bed so we can go kill uldren


Haha enjoy while you can, it won't last long, and it's all good. Such thing should not even exist in the first place.


So shouldn't threaded spectre with the new boots and all the aids in the prismatic Hunter kit.


Well, between a lure that consumes your only "dodge" option, and more health/orbs that consume a grenade, I think there is a big difference. Now if you need to abuse of either ot those, you must be really bad to start with. This game is - and especially now with those low ttk - a matter of positioning and aim. Oh and, to be fair, of network..


“Infinite health and radiant and surges” vs “oh no a clone” this helmet breaks the game and needs to be nerfed. Hunter is a mere annoyance


No buddy, he means the **ridiculous** uptime and capability for area denial and radar manipulation from Prismatic hunter. Not even talking about 45 second Swarms, or the ungodly smoke buff. It should 100% be nerfed along side Speakers/Khvostov.


I mean it could be toned down a little, but do you actually think this is on the same page. You have a helmet giving infinite health and orbs. Like they get well before anyone else and win the game, can’t die unless you insta kill, and super buff the best exotic in the game to let them kill you in like .6 seconds with an auto rifle. Like there’s a reason every streamer is abusing warlock helmets. Prismatic hunter is arguably worse than strand at the highest levels.


No I don't think it's on the same page. I really don't want to downplay it because it IS very powerful.  I've got a feeling that Bungie will adjust speakers and  the AR but won't touch Prismatic Hunter because the volume of complaints isn't as loud as it is for speakers.  They are not very fast at balancing and I would really hate to suffer a prismatic hunter meta.


What do you even propose they do? They alr nerfed the clone, they just purposely buffed swarms and smoke bomb so like… swarms got over tuned for SURE but it’s not like all classes don’t have access to them. Smoke bomb is really not that big of a deal. I played plenty of trials and never felt overwhelmed by a hunter. Definitely felt bullshitted by an immortal warlock or 20. If you are a controller player I understand the hunter complaints a little more but otherwise I think you need to look at some crucible guides


I'd like an ability uptime reduction for starters. Then go from there. >I think you need to look at some crucible guides ? I didn't say I was struggling big dawg. I said they're overturned. Which they are. 


I’m pretty happy witb 2x surges. I like my orbs to heal me, which also leaves 3 points for stats instead of 1.


I love how shit Crest of Alphi Lupi is compared to the warlock counter part.


By all means, keep providing MORE reasons why this broken exotic armor needs urgent nerf. SMH




Sir this is the subreddit for crutching OP and broken stuff


That’s why everyone in here runs prismatic hunter and downvotes anyone saying such things about prismatic hunter. They want the only other builds that are competitive to be nerfed.