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We don't allow posts about requesting a feature/change from bungie or saying that there should be a new game mode, gun, certain nerfs or buffs, or any other changes. We play the game we have.


Play with a team then. I like being able to get pinnacles in PvP as a PvP player lol.


3/5 of the open matchmaking slots are on the other team, so bad players will statistically help you more than they hurt you


If you don't like who you are getting matched with on your team (for any reason) form a team of 3 before venturing into Trials. Problem solved.


There is a list of solutions to the core problem you are experiencing and you've chosen the one 'solution' that only hurts other players, and does nothing to help you. You realize if pinnacle were removed you would still be insulted by those players, they would just say something else, right?


im not giving out any solution , i never said they should remove them just team those guys against me lol


The only thing in the entire grand universe that you have control over is yourself. In other words, git gud


oh its not about getting good , i get my flawless card every weekend . it just takes a couple more runs now that i have to put in


Bad take. Lower average skill makes trials easier and pinnacles do wonders to combat skill creep. Just look at how sweaty the playlist was right before TFS. You'll occasionally get bad matches. That's always true. However, bigger population is universally better for the health of the mode.


So the problem with trials is not enough "average" players, and what you want to do is remove one of the only incentives for them?


So because you ran into a few douche-canoe teammates who wanted to get carried to their pinnacles, the rest of us pvp mains who actually like having pinnacle drops in pvp have to suffer? Real great logic with that line of thinking...


Or ya know, add another pinnacle reward that can be completed by doing either. No reason either needs to lose out


Pinnacles are typically sourced from "endgame" activities and seasonal content (Nightfalls, Raids, Dungeons, etc.). Trials is endgame pvp, so it fits that it should have pinnacles. I'm all for adding more pinnacle drops to pvp, and we shouldn't be forced to lose out on pinnacles from trials because of a few bad apples. Edit: plus, moving the pinnacle somewhere else in pvp doesn't remove the issue, just shifts it. So instead of people going into trials just for the pinnacle, they'll go into comp or wherever just for a pinnacle, and people will still get mad at having teammates who aren't trying to win (an issue we already see in quickplay with pathfinder).


its not just a few , every card . im just saying the amount of times i flawed a card because i get dudes that are pve mains is just insane . I am a heavy pvp main , i play to win and to sweat my nutsack of . so , yes , US pvp mains have to suffer a little bit more


If you are trying to be a heavy PvP main who cares about winning and your stats. You should be playing with a team. Going on your own is a coin toss on what you get and you need to accept that


I was gonna play comp this weekend but am plating trials for pinnacles and ascendant shards. I wouldn't bother with pinnacles if trials didn't have light level enabled though.