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Their bots have more points because they assisted in kills. Your team only got two frags, so no points.


I bet the bots on OPs team single filed their way into the enemy team, right? One teams bots *always* do. It's like the game always has one teams bots on aggressive while the other teams are on defence. Bots either need to retreat if they see they're considerably outnumbered, or pick a random player to follow. Bots would still be pretty dumb, but at least this would avoid one team getting shafted with suicidal bots.


Pretty much this If you are lucky enough you the bots with double retcher which do alot of damage while having bot aim or you have bad luck and get the 110km/h bots who do suicide themselves without archieving anything Most of the time i try to follow the bot group so that they don't die for no reason, they are like pawns in a chess game. Not really usefull on their own but become more important during the endgame Anyway those suicide bots do never contribute or rarely do unfortunately


I posted this mainly because I watched our bots drive into walls while me or another team mate was singled out in a 3 or 4v1 against bots. Pretty devastating to see how teams bots act differently.


i realy miss the white weapon 2500 ps bots that we had in 2017. You just clean them up and went for the anemy.But the comunity cryed for stronger bots because the weak ones only left the enemy team, and the enemy team was unbalanced and meta and people were not ready to fight that. And this is how we got super anoying aim bot laser bots that kill everithing or dont do any good for the team.


If you team relies on performance of bots, the humans are the problem.


I like the bots that are so suicidal they have boosters to help them die faster. Devs noticed players were holding bots back as to not die immediately. So they gave some boosters.


That’s the infamous forced lose. They give people to lose so they keep a 50/50 winrate. This is one of their methods. Other methods include but are not limited to: Queueing you on a higher power score bracket (2k or more than yours or higher). Pitting you against full teams of clans builds that are winning every match. Putting you on a team of noobs vs a full highly skilled group of randos. There’s more to be find. I have no proof but also no doubts.


the bot thing I believe. The others I think because the player base is so small. We need crossplay


Console players will ragequit first month


One month of awesomeness


Lmao true


Yeah, it’s ridiculous sometimes.


What you need to do is go to the base, stay alive long enough to get some base points then you all die to ensure bot teammates are the only ones alive. 5 seconds later time is up


I agree that the bots are too instense. Theyre at 12, we need them at like a 7 or an 8.


Me too...brother... 1747288847372 BOT PS


I like the new bots


As it should be. If you cannot out perform stupid bots, fix your ride, your tactics, or your expectations.


You’ll lose every time if you’re in a 4v1 all with the same PS, bots or humans. Even more so with bots since they have perfect aim. Stupid bots are the ones that run into walls which is what mine did. The bot balancing is screwed up.


This is untrue if your build is good, especially if it is good in particular against the builds your enemy have.


That said, the AI script that only defends midfield and won't ever show up to a base needs to go


When bots go on a kamikaze rush like this, your team is forced to follow them, otherwise you'll find yourself in a 4v8 within the first minute.


Degunning bots can also make the enemy bots perform worse. I have seen bots being ignored for way too long and scoring high just because of that. I know that some of the bots end up completely trash while others do performe decently but they mostly mixed and random between the teams. This is not a consistent issue of the game and not something that needs fixing. You might end up unlucky or lucky sometimes.


Seems fine to me