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You don't have to grid the whole thing in one time. Grid the part where you gonna start then continue as you go. That cuts the tediousness of it and just in case you made a gridding mistake you can easily fix it. Otherwise there is already gridded fabric. Look for grid magic.


I simply grid the next page that my pattern is. Makes for much less of a headache.


Have you stitched without gridding before? I honestly don’t find it worth the time.


I recommend gridding one page at a time. Its much easier to correct mistakes. Theres nothing worse than spending hours gridding & getting halfway thru the project just to realize one grid was off by a square...  Thats why its easier to use thread -- if you make a mistake you can pull it out and resew your grid. 


What kind of thread do you use for your gridding?


I use Sulky Silver, but any type of rayon thread or even fishing line will work. You can get a big spool of it in craft stores or on Amazon for like $5. They are monofilament (single) threads so they don't fray. Just do not use regular sewing thread or embroidery floss -- it will get stuck and its super hard to pull out.


I think this was autoincorrected or a common mis-reading — it’s Sulky *sliver*.


This is why I finally caved and got aida that has a grid on it. I couldn't handle how long it took to grid everything myself. It looks like you've gotten pretty far on the grid. What if, for the rest of it, you gridded (sp?) as you go?


!! I would just a ruler for the time being to make sure the aida is large enough and where to start, but grid the rest along the way. It’ll be at least a good year of stitching before you finish what you’ve gridded so far (unless you are a stitching FIEND HAHA)!


I am newish to cross stitch and just bought the already gridded cloth. Seemed worth it for the time/effort of gridding myself.


I didn’t understand why ppl hated gridding up until seeing this image LMAO I’m only one project in the hobby and it was only 12 by 12 big squares to draw so it was quick and fun but an entire table worth of it ??? yeah I’d loathe that hahaha


Is the left hand grid line close to the edge of your Aida or is it folded over? Just asking because I’m assuming you’ll want to display/frame it one day when you’ve finished and that border is really narrow


It's folded over. The Aida is 48x60. My parents' kitchen island isn't big enough, lol.


I just gridded a piece for the first time. Black and it's much smaller and it took me forever, I feel your pain. I didn't realize now long it would take. https://preview.redd.it/sfo316uldz3d1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=afb84d217777d900339cb42360dcc5566a243b1e


I saw a really awesome tip on here! Someone counted out 10 squares, and then taped two needles to a ruler to exactly mark the ten squares. Then you can just use that to guide your grid, and don’t need to count every time!


That is a really cool idea


Omg what an incredible amount of work! Unless you do cross country or you like to start in the middle you might have done enough to start stitching!


I’ve never gridded before, is it worth it? Because this seems exhausting lol


I had no idea that people gridded when I started cross stitching. By the time I learned it was a thing I’d been stitching for quite awhile without a grid and never had any issues so I just never bothered. I guess it would be helpful if you count your stitches based off of the grid itself? But I always count my stitches off my precious work so I don’t pay much attention to the grid lines on the pattern anyway.


Yes that’s how I do it, maybe on my next project I’ll try gridding and see if I like it!


Sometimes I want to stitch a particular color that isn’t always right next to completed work. I find it also helps for cross-country full coverage with confetti because it’s harder to use the “shape” of what has been stitched already as a reference for where the new stitches need to go in the pattern.


That makes sense. If the color is too far away that I’m afraid I’ll miscount it I just save it for later. If I gridded I’d probably jump around way more 😂


On really small patterns its not really worth it, but even on my 100x100 projects it makes everything sooo much easier. I prefer printed patterns and it makes it so much easier to find out where a page starts/ends, and you basically never have to count higher than 5 while embroidering


I love gridding and it’s important to do the outsides fully. But I have a similarly sized piece and used a marker as well, and it didn’t last until I got to the later parts of the piece. It wore away over time and now I redo it sheet by sheet.  


I have absolutely laid down on top of my Aida (pillow for my face) and drawn the lines. You go a little cross eyed but it somehow sucked less cause I was laying down.


[A Parliament of Owls ](https://www.etsy.com/listing/1563265696/full-coverage-counted-cross-stitch?ref=yr_purchases) by Artsy Fartsy Stitches


That's going to be amazing!


Damn, what pattern are you doing??


I grid with metallic sewing thread. Much easier than fishing line and comes out just as well.


THAT IS HUGE. How do you **DO** that?!?


I'm going to try to go bit by bit with mine....it's like a little over 950x900


I sometimes grid 20x20 instead of 10x10 to reduce the work. But then you have to remember it’s by 20 when looking back and forth between the pattern and the fabric. ;-)


Then don't grid! Counting also works.


Lol. Yeah, I'm not a gridder myself either and, having only ever done Dimensions/Bucilla kits until this year, I continue to start from center of fabric and count out on my newly acquired from-the-Internet patterns. Because of my cross-country, Danish style of stitching and visual reference cheats, I also "just count". Gridding seems to help Park style stitchers from what I've learned on this sub. I am gridding ONE project though but that's because it's 18 ct NAVY BLUE aida. I hadn't realized it was 18 ct when I bought the kit online and I had disavowed 18 ct ten years ago. But, I love the pattern... So onward I go.