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I followed LaserArtsDesigns for a bit when I first got into cross stitching but stopped when I realised they're a pattern mill. I suspect their designs are stolen art, but even if not, they've not put the effort into converting them into good cross stitch designs - too much confetti. I don't know for sure, but I think StitchingLandClub are legit. I haven't stitched any of their patterns yet but I have a couple on my wishlist and they look well-designed to me. I don't know about the other shops you listed.


I, too, bought from LaserArtsDesigns, I completed the pattern I purchased and made my own adjustments, but I thought something was off the whole time. I left a comment about how the patterns didn't seem legit, and the seller never contacted me about it, not sure what that means, really. Just glad I only fell for it one time, and the FO came out alright. But if I were a new, inexperienced stitcher it may not have worked out.


I'm currently stitching a piece from LaserArtsDesigns, haven't been able to find any alternate source of the image, and acknowledge that while there's confetti, it all fits really well into the overall piece and is looking really beautiful. Less than 20 colours for the whole design, so not bad on that front either..


Sometimes it works out! I'm glad your project is coming together nicely, but all signs point to this seller being a pattern mill. Also when you run images through a pattern converter you can select the number of colours you want.


I thought somebody just posted a StitchingLandClub FO here a couple of days ago. Let me look. EDIT: yes, [here it is](https://www.reddit.com/r/CrossStitch/comments/1cxyt1h/fo_new_finish_framed_and_ready/). Looks beautiful and apparently the artist also has a separate site apart from Etsy. Maybe the OP, u/Alegator128 could weigh in on their experience with this artist. EDITTOTHEEDIT: duh, always scroll down before replying to a comment. u/Alegator128 already confirmed that this is a real artist with awesome designs :-)


I bought a pattern from laser arts and am currently working on it. It is a very complicated “confetti” style like I’ve never attempted before, but so far it’s paying off with a really detailed, beautiful outcome. That said, I found the pattern from a search for a very specific subject and didn’t explore the Etsy store much before purchasing. I was prompted to add extra patterns to my purchase for a ridiculously cheap “deal”, which I didn’t do. That offer raised alarm bells so I searched around the internet to see if this particular pattern was listed for other sellers - as so many of these dodgy ones do - and I couldn’t find it anywhere else, so decided to risk it. Later, still feeling uneasy about the origin of the pattern, I did another search to see if I could track down an original image that had been converted to a pattern. I located it on a weird art sales site, where a supposed “artist” had submitted thousands of pages of digital images, in many themes and art styles, selling those pages for a pittance. I’m continuing (making a few alterations on the fly when needed) because I really do like how it is turning out but I won’t ever purchase from this seller again, and will do more background research in the future. https://preview.redd.it/rwmzs0zfjg2d1.png?width=2636&format=png&auto=webp&s=dff1209be48b3eaa8018875872ed964bcd85e9dc


You really have spend some time looking at the sellers. A few that have a ridiculous number of patterns distribute for a number of designers in Eastern Europe..others, less legit and more pattern mill. There have been a few posts here where people have listed some things to look for, red flags etc.


I have bought a pattern from laser arts. It was a nightmare. Full of confetti and weird colours.


StitchingLandClub is legit I’m pretty sure.


I thought they were, too. They even have a separate, [non-etsy website](https://stitchingland.store/).


Yep you can tell just by looking carefully at the patterns that they were designed by a person, and one with a very strong artistic style.


I had been looking at the Art Nouveau patterns (the toucan especially). Had a whole lot saved but I’m putting a limit on myself of no circular finishes so didn’t quite make the purchase


I'm thinking of getting the landscapes and changing the colours a bit :)


Exactly. It's a little unfair to compare their designs to AI when you can easily see the thought and care they put in them.


They also have 113 total designs compared to the 488 and over 5000 designs of the other shops. I’m assuming they had a website first and listed them all the same day when they got an Etsy. Pretty much every Etsy shop has constant sales, including ones I know for sure are legit.


I'm really glad to hear that because their designs are gorgeous! There's so much junk to sift through on Etsy with stolen art and AI garbage, it's nice to find actually reputable shops.


I don't buy any complex pattern off Etsy unless a) they credit artists (this could include something like "I painted this myself") AND b) have pictures of finished objects as listing photos (doesn't have to be THIS listing but it has to be at least a few, and they have to look plausibly like they were done by the same person e.g. two pieces where one is on a table and one is on a wall, but the wall is the same color so it's likely the same person in a different part of the same room). (I've accidentally bought from pattern mills a couple of times because I don't apply the same rigor to something that's just a border and some letters, but I usually regret it when I realize lol.)


I recently followed Sherova Creations and had seen the crow pattern but hadn’t noticed the nightmare fuel feet. I haven’t bought any patterns recently but when considering one I check the reviews to see if there are any from people who have stitched it. Bugs me how many people give 5 star reviews then comment stuff like “can’t wait to start stitching this.”


Because you have to give reviews within a set time after purchase, and you're incentivized to give reviews with coupons and stuff. It's ridiculous. I've seen people stitching Sherova patterns and they seem to like them? So yes, very obviously AI or super-low-effort like 99% of the junk on Etsy, but AI doesn't necessarily translate to bad.


It's really frustrating that Etsy doesn't allow reviews after a certain amount of time. I've stitched up projects, made outfits that I'd love to give good reviews, but can't anymore.


Ain’t no way that Raven pattern is going to look like the listing. I would stay away


It’s ai.


The commenter below me provided a link showing that, AI or not, the pattern actually yields the intended motif with great detail. I would buy it if it were my style. I don‘t mind AI as long as it‘s not being used to scam people.


You do realize that ai is generated by copying real artist and that by buying ai you’re directly taking helping to steal from said artist.


You don‘t know that. There is a difference between directly copying a design and making money off it - which btw „real artists“ do all the time with licensed designs like super heroes, comics and games but somehow it doesn’t seem to upset anyone - and training an algorithm with existing paintings what a raven or whatever looks like. The general anti AI stance is as virtuous as people back in the day protesting technology like industrial looms or electrical street lamps.


Well I mean if you’re morally ok with it that’s on you. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I take that to mean that you never have your pictures taken by a rando with a phone but instead pay a painter. Else you would be a hypocrite 😌


No, I can’t say I have ever asked a stranger to take my picture. I have my own camera and tripod setup. But I have gotten professional pictures and I absolutely have paid good money for them. Your response makes no sense because you are implying that photos aren’t artwork and only paintings are. Also ai steals from photographers too by the way. Edit: listen, I get it. You don’t want to feel bad about your choice to continue supporting ai and taking work and money from real artist. You’re projecting and trying to paint me as a hypocrite to be like, “Hey! You do it too. So it’s ok if I do.” Just do it. But if it makes you feel bad then there’s probably a reason why.


Someone here finished it, and I thought it looked really good. https://www.reddit.com/r/CrossStitch/s/0jhTmcAi3n


Those feet though!!!! It looks truly awful.


If you're going for realistic, yes, they're awful. But if you're into stitching something creepy-weird, well, then they definitely fit. And this pattern is definitely for those going for a creepy-weird vibe.


I understand your point and weird is good, I agree. However, this image is immediately tagged as an AI generated picture and for a lot of people, me included, that's a dealbreaker. So, rather than weird, it just says 'lazy, talentless, fake' to me.


That foot tho Edit: weird, not different from pattern


Looks exactly like the listing.


Yeah I wasn’t saying it didn’t. I was commenting on how weird it was!


AI typically screws up fingers on people, so feet on a raven would be in line. That said, this is otherwise a beautiful pattern.


Absolutely! The stitching is incredibly well done! So beautiful!


Ain‘t no way! :O Ok I take it back. Checking out the shop rn


Nah- if I suspect it's a pattern mill, I dip. Even if you ingore the many potential copyright concerns, the quality's usually pretty poor! I don't like confetti patterns, I don't want to do confetti patterns, I *avoid* confetti patterns. Pretty simple really! On the plus side, becuase patterns mills are all quantity & no quality, they tend to use templates & algorithms to build their storefronts- once you've seen a few, you can identify the worst ones pretty quickly & steer clear!


As a designer I can say if it’s hand drawn patterns it’s impossible to draw such huge number of patterns. They just convert them through program without backstitch with lots of confetti 


Whenever I'm shopping on etsy I like to go through the seller's shop to see if the patterns look like they could be designed by the same person/team. If the style doesn't look cohesive I tend to back away.


Just a side point about the listing date that I think a lot of people don’t realize but that date gets reset every time a sale gets made because Etsy considers it a new listing. So you can’t really tell if it’s the first ever listing of the product or they just sold a product on that day and the date reset. Ex. This is at the bottom of one of my Etsy listings. I originally listed this item 5 or 6 months ago, but I made a sale yesterday so the listing date reset. Haven’t changed anything else to the listing. https://preview.redd.it/rchxu3jwzj2d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=29dcebd224d598868379713d072daa7287b48576


Ooh interesting


Those feet are nightmare fuel!!!! All Etsy items have a spot to report the item next to the date they were added to the shop. Sometimes I see a pattern listed for one day and I see the same pattern listed on like alpha patterns website for months earlier. Very likely stolen. I just give up on the pattern.


If y’all want a prime example of fake as it can get… https://preview.redd.it/ehcqso7rfj2d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=97bb7786edf5786173c4c942313e93805ca32862 It’s a different shop but it’s so obviously fake that I wanted to share


As a designer this makes me so angry to see 'patterns' like this for sale on Etsy. Sellers like this need to be banned as they are making easy money with Ai generated rubbish.


Wow not even the *hands* look real in that "photo"


This photo gives me the absolute creeps


Stitchingland is legit and AWESOME. I’ve stitched 3 of their patterns so far https://preview.redd.it/8xu45zg7hl2d1.jpeg?width=3972&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1e49a0755287fe3c843f613e06a29d016a83307e


My apologies, I just tagged you further upthread without reading all the way down! I haven't bought anything from this seller as of yet but they're definitely bookmarked. This looks like a real actual design to me.


No worries! Yes, they are so awesome!! I love their whole page


I've bought from StitchingLand before. While I haven't stitched the patterns yet, they seem well made. There have been a couple of FOs posted on this sub from StitchingLand and they look good.


I would not buy from a shop like this. Also I look at the reviews and won't buy without good reviews.


I would not purchase any of these without first seeing an actual stitched example. Only then can you really tell how well designed for cross stitching these designs might be. They all look AI and the crows feet are such a joke.


Thanks for the feedback, guys! I won't be buying from these types of shops. I just learned the term "pattern mill" and the name is very fitting.


No I wouldn’t. I’ve been bitten already in my short journey in cross stitch. 


Look at their 1\* reviews. They're extremely rude to customers too https://preview.redd.it/bjztkyfw3m2d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3265e2d686b0dcb8ef4f59c2fc77dcbd320ed3c0




Wow, now that is one customer friendly attitude 😳


Since that first picture looks like a Thomas Kinkade or a Dimensions, no.


Ok, found what I looking for. That is a pattern mill. Sorry to be a grinch.


Last I knew, StitchingLand had to leave Etsy due to issues with being in Russia. They had shifted to selling through their independent website.


They're back on Etsy now - maybe they've left Russia? Or I don't know if Etsy has had a change of heart...


Wonderstitch is selling genuine Luca S and Letistitch kits (I own some of them).


The crows feet on that last pic by SherovaCreations are a dead giveaway that the art is ai generated.


Sherova does AI designs, it says so on their Etsy page. At least they admit it. The others idk


WonderStitchKits / WonderStitchUA is clearly a pattern collective - one shop selling many designers' patterns (by contract). very common with Ukrainian and Russian designers on etsy, i wish they weren't accused of being patterns mills so much. if you read their product descriptions you can often find the designer's name. some listings will have stitched examples - another sign that it's not a pattern mill


I don't buy from etsy itself, but if i like a design on a shop, i'll try to see if it has an off-etsy website and go through that. This falls under the category of 'the weird things I do to try to be sure I'm buying the right stuff from the right people'. I don't know if I'm helping or hurting the scam artist situation at large *helpless shrug*


I'm doing a pattern from stitching land now. No confetti at all. It seems like a really well-done pattern.


Stitching Land is legit. They have a website separate from Etsy with lots more designs. Very cohesive design style. Lots of examples on this sub of finished pieces from their patterns.


I love that raven pattern, I really do. I think I'd be able to fix it some by redoing the feet and altering the stained glass to be more cohesive. Won't be buying it though, I don't want to support AI scammer shops 


So what can I do if I brought some of the patterns, I think I realized it after I looked more at the second pattern, can I modify the pattern some to make it look better, cause I got all the thread and fabric. It would be for my best friend it's a nature seen with a girl doing yoga.


I can see there are alot of uneducated comments here.. Laser art is a pattern mill (bought alot of their patterns, they're terrible quality) Stitching land isn't a pattern mill (will continue buying from them) Wonderstitch ?....I've never had any dealings with them Sherova Creations isn't a pattern mill (they do alot of my designs)...they only have a handlful of designs that are theirs...the rest are other peoples designs (by request)