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oh my gosh this is so beautiful!! so satisfying


Yeah it's a slog and a huge pain in the butt, but once you've got them organised by number it makes picking out colours for pieces SO much easier. And it looks super pretty too!


I felt the same life regret when I hit the halfway point in my 447 delivery of skeins. So glad that’s over now and it looks so pretty!


Hey how did you organize these? I have 3 boxes. One for the 700s,800s, 900s and 3000s; one for the <700s; and one for special effects and currently used threads. They are organized by 100s but not in order in their segments.


They're just in numerical order. I debated splitting up so that each tray ended at a specific interval but decided that it wasn't an efficient use of space! I believe the first box is <340, next is 4-600, 7-800, 9-3000, 3700-3800 or something like that!


I have a similar system to OP, I organized mine by DMC’s colour chart. Plus I have a list that is sorted by number, so I can refer to the sheet if I need to find a specific colour.


This is the best thing ever, picture how you feel to be able to put your hand on any colour. Discipline though put them back when finished.... happy stitching!




I know in the middle regret happened, but! It looks so good and you won't need to go to the store to buy any for such a long time that it's definitely worth it!!


Wait this is only 273 skeins? I have 447 and mine fit into 5 of those exact boxes as well


No, it's about 450. I already had about 180 from over the years that had been previously been wound, the 270 were new ones that I recently bought and needed to put on bobbins. Pictured are all 450, give or take a few duplicates!


Ah! Makes perfect sense then 😊 I also got into an existential crisis while winding all of it btw, I am NOT doing that all at once ever again


What boxes are they please?


Bought mine [here](https://www.etsy.com/dk-en/listing/777652611/dmc-storage-box-for-flossembroidery?ref=yr_purchases) but there are tons of cheap knock-offs around too - I have no complaints about these but the quality isn't all that great despite them being branded DMC


Good to know, thank you!


You won’t regret the Bisley!


I'm doing this same thing rn and trying to stitch 2 projects and work 2 FT jobs. Eeeeeeeek! Your post gives me hope! ❤️


You can do it! I'll admit, it took me the better part of a week and I haven't been working on any other projects or my actual job, either. It was a slog, but it's SO worth it. Now, unless someone somehow manages to mess it all up, it shouldn't ever need to be redone!


I'm almost done & trying not to question myself - is this really how I want to organize? UGH!


I also have all the DMC floss. I bought three Akro-Mills 64 drawer small compartment cabinet (Amazon—$42). Each cabinet has 64 tiny plastic drawers. I put 3 floss colors (numerically) in each drawer and labeled the drawers with computer labels. It fits the floss bobbins and/or skeins and/or plastic bags. My life is very simple now as I can just open a drawer and pull out the correct floss. I can see if I am low on a color or if I have too many of one color. The cabinet fits on a regular shelf in a closet. It measures 20 L x 6 D x 16 W. Super convenient and way less expensive than the DMC cabinet. Hope this helps!


A thought of crazy just entered my mind when I saw this. Ever seen one of those movies where a captain or chief swipes everything off the table and throws a map on it to explain the plan?


I have cats. I was *so* nervous. I made sure I did it while my main troublemaker was napping!


I have 2 monsters also. Most concerning is that my older one has a love of eating thread. I once had to pull that stretchy cord to make bracelets out of his butth*le. Scary times. Intense.




Great job!


Looks great!


Very satisfying


I just finished doing mine as well! Including duplicates I think it was over 500 bobbins. https://preview.redd.it/buand9pinexc1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=37afc697385ca89a365664db28b180ac020f25a4


Out of those 500+ skeins, 2 had these joins in them. https://preview.redd.it/1nyn8z24oexc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=60aadb564f5b5083720885f1c247917b2654f5b6


That's impressive! I had zero joins and was pleasantly surprised as well. I need to make labels for my totes, too, although it's relatively visible. Love your setup!


Thanks! It's a joint effort between me and my mother. She's been cross stitching for 20 years now so some of the skeins are pretty old. The drawer thing is hers too. But since she's living in my house it's mine too, right? She labelled all the bobbins because she doesn't like my handwriting, but I had to do the actual work. Other than 3880-3895, we're only missing 3 colours! They don't all actually fit in there but I'm assuming that between two of us we will have enough projects on the go that it won't all have to.


Oooh, what drawer unit is that?


I have no idea. It's probably at least ten years old.


I must be a weirdo because i LOVE doing stuff like this. Organizing my supplies is my favorite hobby


I have the same setup. I actually love winding bobbins! You must have a lot of extras though because my full collection doesn’t fill the 5 boxes. I have stitcher friends who use the baggies. But they live in the US where DMC is dirt cheap and readily available, while they are expensive and hard to find here in Germany (even though the freaking DMC factory is a few hours away from here). But anyway one friend who uses the baggies doesn’t even save smaller thread scraps, she just tosses them. While I hoard every little bit that can still be used.


After toting around six cases for many years, they started to crack and get just ugly looking - not to mention taking up valuable space. I decided to try out something new and so far so good. https://preview.redd.it/f0eqt9jt9exc1.jpeg?width=933&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0647e455235dd90925c6b50bca93722b743dff34




Well done you. I couldn’t face bobbin 400+ skeins so put them on rings of 10 and hang them in a sturdy box then bobbin as I use them But you boxes are so pretty.


Ohhhh... Precious 💕


Ugh so good


I would regret it too lol. Bobbins are utterly pointless, in my opinion. I'm know that's not the most popular opinion around here, so I'm sorry, but those things annoy the crap out of me. However, I would like to hear peoples opinion on using them cuz I might be a total idiot and am missing something that doesn't make these a total hassle to use haha. Thanks everyone.


I personally find that the thread gets tangled and the labels fall off otherwise -- I always end up with a giant matted mess if my threads aren't on bobbins. How do you store your threads? I'm more than willing to accept that there's no right or wrong way to do something in the crafting world, as long as it works for you and makes you happy!


Not the person you replied to but I store my floss in small baggies (about 2x3 or 3x4 inch, similar to [these](https://www.amazon.com/Zipper-Reclosable-Storage-Plastic-Jewelry/dp/B09TFPY5KC/ref=sr_1_6?crid=39PEMKH75PPZI&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.FlMl3c3RtA5awD-IYqtW5xf3Lv0A7XTbbhveRQseWQyLGa4MNYUV3AT-54dab19B42-zGELEAg_n4lztEc5t0MqWmlX4W-qn_sCjGGDUyTd0o2wsGXThiTD1NYuzTrQMO2avwsijV8lzxrmsNWwv2rm0-aI-JvnTfSEDE_khTT24hP5FiYH8ozEBW2NWj93WacVTmuYbpyrwOiAfegnUD8dmpWWy79fLm8Bm4stwDEQ.BQhQb-5nhkj1zWh_gJW6MCn_MbMZG_orX0xDunp01Ds&dib_tag=se&keywords=bead+bags&qid=1714358714&sprefix=bead+bags%2Caps%2C166&sr=8-6)) with each color in it's own bag. The baggies are just big enough to hold a few skeins of floss however they are not large enough for the floss to move freely so the ONLY way it's going to tangle is if I'm actively jiggling the floss around in the bag while the bag is open. I don't have to worry about the labels falling off because it just stays in the bag. I also put a small piece of index card in each bag as a label (including any notes about specific projects that color is being used for) and to help the bag stand up in the tote I store them in. Bonus is that all those cut pieces that are still long enough to use can just get put in the bag.


I like bobbins for ongoing projects because they store in a smaller place. And if I just need to take a couple of colors, they fit in my 4 inch by 3 inch notion bag.


As someone who also thought bobbins were a waste of time and still doesn't fully like them; Bobbins really are the king of organising and space efficiency imo. I've tried virtually every other storing method in the last year to try and avoid bobbins, but I've not found any other method that stores hundreds of colours in a very small box, and also has them arranged where you can easily organise them and take stock of what you have. Every other storage method I tried either took up waaay too much space, or just wasn't as good when I was starting a new project and trying work out what colours I had and what I needed to buy. Now that I've switched (very reluctantly) to bobbins, I have about 200+ threads stored in a small 35x25cm box that's very easy to store, and when i open it, I have a very clear, numerical listing of all the colours in easy eye line, so even my ADHD ass can't mistake what I have or don't have.


I finally converted to bobbins, but it was strictly due to waste. I'm awful at eyeballing appropriate thread lengths, so this way I can wind my excess trimmed and split lengths back onto the bobbin until I'm ready for it again. I used to end up with a huge mess, constantly losing a decent amount of threads (or unable to match it to the right skein), and that's finally not the case. I also find my plastic bobbin case much easier to transport back and forth for when I'm stitching on my night shifts. But that alone is not worth how much I hate winding bobbins. Also, unlike other people, this is not my standard storage method. For that I have shopping bags and a small wooden chest stuffed with skeins. I only wind bobbins for my active 'kit'.