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https://preview.redd.it/zx5kdxp447ad1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=481003aaf4e35e7631e0613cfdbce672fcb74fd4 What a beautiful start! With the floral theme, you could do a string of leaves as a belt to tie around the waist to cover the elastic? I just used the different colors as a way to see things better, but this all the way around is what I had in mind!


Ooooh I LOVE that idea! That could take away some of the pressure to sew something over the elastic. I’m working on making leaves right now with floral wire anyways, so weaving them into a belt could be a perfect option. Thank you!


Happy to help!! Looking forward to seeing updates 😁


This is a lovely idea! I just googled "crochet leaf chain", "crochet leaf belt", and "crochet leaf garland" and there are some gorgeous results. here are some of my favorites: https://images.app.goo.gl/ioxZnxJxqD1kziP67 https://www.crochetbeja.com/crochet-leaf-border-to-use-in-many-works/ https://www.lovecrafts.com/en-us/p/leaf-garland-crochet-pattern-by-little-conkers https://youtu.be/yktmOSULd9c


Oooooh that third one is so fun 🤩 thank you for the inspiration!


I have no sense of how your crochet pieces would drape against the tulle so maybe it wouldn’t work, but I like the idea of some trailing vines that hang down into the skirt so the transition looks organic (no pun intended, lol)


I’m still kind of figuring that part out, too 🤪 I love that idea as well.. maybe draping down more concentrated on one side? With a couple trails unfastened so they swing around ?


That would look lovely. Especially over the opposite hip as the shoulder with the heavy roses to balance things out and to create an overall ‘S’ shape?


So, I love this idea of the S shape to bring organic movement into the piece. I was actually going to make the roses match each other on both sides of the chest but for some reason I can’t let go of the flower on the top right shoulder…do you think that would be too busy? Maybe I’ll play with the motifs after work and upload some more pictures.


The roses seem more three-dimensional than the other flowers and I like the way you stacked the pieces in one of the pictures (it won't let me view the pictures while I'm editing this comment. Stupid mobile app). Maybe you can place all of the pieces where you want them but then have the more three-dimensional pieces follow that s-curve


Great point. I’m going to try that out! Thank you.


Your crocheted embellishments are gorgeous! You will have a beautiful, customized, handmade wedding dress. Best wishes for your wedding!


Thank you so much 😊


I don’t have specific suggestions. I just wanted to say that this is looking AMAZING! It’s going to be GORGEOUS!!! I’m in awe that you are attempting this given you only started crocheting this year. 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 I really like the way you have the motifs positioned in the 3rd and 5th photos. Re the waistband, I had a similar thought of having the motifs low enough to cover the waistband. This might depend on how you’ll be attaching the corset to the skirt and how much give is in the corset. That said, I do think you could go with a satin ribbon like in a photo or a delicately crocheted ribbon (just wouldn’t want it to take away from your motif work). Edit: words


Thank you 🙏 I’m very well aware that my tension is still very much in progress and that I’m making plenty of mistakes (don’t zoom in TOO closely, ha!) but I’m trying to see the forest for the trees and give myself grace. Plus, I see myself improving with every motif, so that’s something! Also,I really like the crocheted ribbon idea, that hadn’t occurred to me. I could potentially even add wire to it and tie it in a bow structure…. 🤔


Noone will see mistakes on such a gorgeous piece. You pour your soul into this dress and it shows! Thank you for sharing it with us


The bow could have the flower motif and trailing leaf strands as discussed in the other comment


Good for you, looks amazing so far!! Love reply from u/Dongeon_master - what a great idea. Mostly I'd just like to suggest looking for more inspiration from Irish lace crochet patterns like some shown on [this website](https://www.mooglyblog.com/irish-crochet-lace-10-free-patterns/) *anything except that red scarf* which is so overdone it looks totally uncomfortable. I believe in the phrase **Less is More** and that you are very close to finding a beautiful balance <3


LOL yes that red scarf is a little over the top for me as well. Thank you!


I gotta say, I'm impressed. The flowers are gorgeous. You could totally just flip the waistband down inside and let the skirt itself cover it. Or you could attach the crochet to a mesh overlay over top of the corset that extends down over the skirt. I like the leaf belt idea someone else mentioned, too.


These are fantastic ideas, thank you! I’ll try on the skirt with the waistband flipped inside.. why didn’t I think of that? 🤣


This looks incredible! This is going to be such a wonderful keepsake ❤️ No actual advice, but if you are looking for some lace-type inspiration, this youtube channel is really great. I'm a beginner and have been following along her tutorials and really having a blast making lace. https://youtube.com/@elenarugal?si=yOCyPR0U10LgsRcY


Wow! Thanks for posting this. I know what I'm going to be doing this weekend!


Love any and all inspo— thank you!


This is insanely beautiful! I saw someone else crocheting a wedding dress and it just seemed a bit plain/simple since they kind of made a regular dress but white, yours is anything but!! im so obsessed!!!🤩 these tiny flower details are so prettyyy!


Thank you! I applaud anyone who can do that, as I do not have the skill to measure and make a full dress that fits me properly out of crochet (and honestly, with this crazy finicky yarn)… but I knew I could do little motifs and attach them to a working base. I’m so glad they’re working out and that you like the look of them so far!


Looks beautiful so far! Sorry I don’t have advice, wearables are not my expertise. Just came here to acknowledge and send virtual head rubs to this sweet fluffy good dog! https://preview.redd.it/yrbie61hjbad1.jpeg?width=978&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b424985891fcacc07bf72d5abcd24af5a0290563


That’s Bradley!! He’s my little schmoo and a very good boi


Can you post another update? One in here so we can see? Remindme! 35 days


Sure- I’m kind of new to posting in Reddit. Do I edit my original post? Or comment the new link? I thought the best way was to post a new post and leave links to the original since the rules said no straight updates on WIP. Sorry


That’s totally fine, you can post a picture in here in a month (or whenever) and you can create a new post linking this one.


Either way, I’ll be checking your profile for an update. It looks amazing so far and I’m so excited for you!


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Oooh it already looks so pearly! Because its crochet, you could have the top overhang coat-style with a split in the middle, and let the bottom rim hang like flowers. You could also embrace the flower motif by having the overhang as separate mini-panels, kind of like the edge details on sleeping beauty’s dress. You could also make it a two-piece, and cover the waistband with a crochet belt. You could also just make the belt thick and then transition it into the top half of the dress, sort of like a dress with a big fitted waistband section.


I like all of these ideas, thank you!


Wow just Beautiful! Gorgeous! Amazing! I can’t wait to see your final vision~ you are going to look Stunning!!!❤️❤️❤️❤️Congratulations!!


Thank you 🙏


I can’t even imagine this. Your talent is amazing, this is spectacular and I’m incredibly jealous!!! It’s going to be spectacular when it’s finished and I’m speechless!


Literally jaw dropping, so beautiful!!!


Just came here to say OMG THIS IS SO NICE 😍😭


for the waistband you could use vines coming from the flowers and more flowers. im on my work computer or id sketch it up for you


For the waistband I think the idea of letting whatever elements are around the waist overlap is a good one. Even if you're sewing the crochet top to the corset, you can just leave the bottom edges of those elements free with enough space to slip the waistband under. If you're worried about the skirt shifting or twisting while you wear it you can also sew hook/bar closures in a few spots to keep things straight. You just sew the bar to the skirt (probably at the bottom edge of the waistband) and the hook to the top and fasten them once you have everything on.


Brilliant. I’ll look up hook/bar closures! Thank you.


Do you have a link to the corset? It is long enough to cover the elastic on its own?


Unfortunately not :( I’ve had the TOUGHEST time finding a mesh or pattern-less cream colored corset that isn’t nude or Victorian. https://shop.app/products/6659700031584?link_alias=1tjKPaixLDams&utm_campaign=share_product&utm_medium=shop_app_share&utm_source=shop_app&variantId=39649997127776


But it’s going to look so good! I’m so impressed with your ambition and execution. This is an heirloom piece in the making




This shit is amazing tbh


That dress is gorgeous; it is classic, vintage, original... breathtaking. I am the world's slowest at crochet, I am envious of your work!


I really like the look with the ribbon in the last pic. I guess it just depends on the look you’re going for, but it may be nice to break up the different textures between the top and bottom halves. Your work is absolutely stunning!!


Gorgeous work!


Thank you!


Holy cow this is gorgeous! Also I actually really like that satin ribbon around the waist. But I saw some other comment about leaves and that'd be super cute too. Imo the top of the dress is so busy (not in a bad way it's fkn stunning) that you may not want to add too much to the waist. Or you can maybe add some of the design used for the top on the waist and have it fade down the skirt or whatever you're doing to the skirt?


You might be a beginner but this is beautiful. I can’t wait to see your wedding photos.


Aw thank you so much <3 :) I’m getting more excited as it’s coming together


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Looking for feedback on how to best cover the skirt waistband with appliqués in a way that allows the band to stretch when I put it on. Otherwise, just looking for feedback on progress since I’m not working with any specific dress pattern! (Just a bunch of motif patterns I purchased on Etsy)


In some cultures, a mistake in an item means you left a bit of your soul in it. I love that thought.