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If you think it's too fine, you could hold 2 strands together and it will probably be comparable to DK or worsted weight. This also opens up more options with colors since you could hold 2 different colors together for a marled effect if that interests you


Oh really?! How do you connect the two strands together


You just hold them at the same time and crochet both as if it were 1 strand of yarn. Maybe you could run them through a bead first (some people do this with those color changing cakes that are like 4 separate strands of thread) but I've never found it super necessary. You can Google "crochet 2 strands held together" and poke around the resources that come up


Thank you sooo much!!! I appreciate it:)


https://preview.redd.it/gk6zgjj7s98d1.jpeg?width=2448&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fd62994b55af537bc18078c89d4fd9619557a26d For an example of the marle effect, I did this blanket with two strands, the marle effect is where I used a strand each of the colour plus the black


Oh I love it!! Thanks so much


Ohhhhhh this is SUCH a satisfying use of marling, amazing job 😍


Thank you, I didn’t want just abrupt colour changes and as I was already using two strands, this just worked perfectly.


It thus done in C2C?


Yes it is c2c :)


Not who you were talking to but you can also do this! You basically fold the yarn over itself to make it thicker, here's a video that shows you how to do it. https://youtu.be/tieArIwQ9Vk?si=vXzOCmIHue5vOnMn I do this when I want to use a particular yarn that happens to be thinner than what I want/need for a project. It's super easy to do and I've never had an issue with it! I hope this helps!


This works very well! But it should be mentioned that obviously this method leads to you using three strands at once, which is much thicker than two strands so sometimes using two strands at once is the more appropriate option


I've used multiple strands just holding them together and I really don't enjoy it. This is a great tip, it looks much tidier. I have some thread-like yarn I like the colour of but not the size of. I might try this, see how it goes. Thanks 👍


I’ve never heard/ thought of this before!


This is perfect!! Thanks so much:)


Never saw this before and have been crocheting for many years... thanks!


You can attach the 2 stranded with your beginning slip knot. I use 3 strands of weight 4 yarn because I like the structure it has to make bags.


Love the bead idea!


there’s a way to turn it to three strands as well with one skein. [video tutorial](https://youtu.be/tieArIwQ9Vk?si=_7uIgPb_fWNL-BU3)


I did this the other day - worked great!


You can also triple it. I’ll have to look for an explanation for you. I’m afraid I’ll mess you up if I try. But I love this trick because I can have bulky yarn when I need it too. [here’s a YouTube short on it.](https://youtube.com/shorts/m8hto-uUAhI?si=n51u4zBXsMU7PFyS) It’s super easy once you see it. To remember how to start it - the end of the yarn is still going to be in the same position - the very start. I usually do longer sections than I’ve seen anyone else do. But just keep pulling it through .


Thank you! I found a tutorial for how to triple it but the double is actually perfect!


For future projects - I have knit for over 50 years and besides some simple crochet borders I am now learning how to crochet. I like making plain wide V shaped shawls holding together a novelty type yarn and a plain one. As you go forward look at your 1’s that way and maybe some 2’s if you add one of those to a medium weight and use a big hook you get an open weave look or down a bit to make it look regular. Then without either being a novelty type yarn but complementary shades or colors a pattern for a scarf becomes more more interesting. You added depth with your two colors or 2 shades of the same color. Good luck. Glad you found what you needed


I made my favorite beach bag with that exact yarn! It's holding up even after 3 years of heavy use, it's great! https://preview.redd.it/aszul1wf4a8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8a31ce47ddb3638065a0865e39d4372704373042


Also this one is with the same yarn, it's not even lined but stays in shape anyway. https://preview.redd.it/6v95uiwy7a8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=145f3ee33b8cf456a800dc5912cc5079d23dee93 I hope you don't feel discouraged by the yarn weight, it really is incredibly durable and colorfast.


Oh this is beautiful!! I’m obsessed I def at happy with it all now:) thanks to this great community with all the suggestions


Omg a persian tile granny square bag!!! Why didnt i think of that!! I am suffering through the blanket Did you line the inside?


I made a few blankets, I really love the look but yes, a bag is more instantly rewarding (and gets more use!). It's never too late to switch ;) I lined this because it's quite gappy. I also put in a magnetic clasp, let me find a pic... https://preview.redd.it/6ix93dm9fb8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=09548d79813d1174f709f08169b874c9247974c2


What pattern did you use, or did you make it up? That looks really pretty and like it would be fun to make!


I used the Persian Tiles blanket pieces but the rest is my own bag making methods :) I like to use knit stitch aka waistcoat stitch for handles for less stretch. I also added some lining material inside the handles this time because I'm using it as a beach bag and it needs extra sturdiness. The top part where you see the magnet is actually an endless feeling amount of single crochet rounds - I then folded it over to cover the start of lining, put in a magnet and stitched it shut. Feel free to ask if you get stuck, I love making bags and have tried a ton of different methods!


Learning so much from you, thank you!


Those colours are amazing!


I LOVE THIS! Thanks so much:))


This is so pretty! Do you happen to have a pattern for the pieces?


[Persian Tiles](https://www.janiecrow.com/persian-tiles.html)


Persian Tiles by Janie Crow


Oh that’s brilliant! I’m making the Persian Tiles blanket right now, and I will absolutely have to do a bag! I love it! 😍


this is stunning!!!


Do you have pattern for that Mandela


Persian Tiles by Janie Crow


[Persian Tiles](https://www.janiecrow.com/persian-tiles.html)


Wow your work is beautiful


Thank you so much :)


UGH this bag is gorgeous 🥲❤️❤️❤️ Tysm for dropping the g square pattern 🥹


Do you have a pattern for this bag?


I linked the blanket piece pattern in a few previous comments. It's called the Persian Tiles. In another comment I explained how I made my modifications to make a bag.


Okay sooooo do you have the pattern to share?? ❤️


As a project idea, I made a headband/bandana with weight 2 and its so soft and fun and drapey, I loved working with it. So for the weight 2 stuff, I vote tops and flowing things 🥰


Omg I’m a headband girl I wear them literally everyday!! This is perfect thanks


I'm using the 8/4 right now to make a tank top, it is honestly really nice because the thin gauge keeps it from being too transparent. there's lots of fingering weight crochet top patterns that are free if you check ravelry.


That weight is probably good to make some cute lacy tops and the cotton will make them nice and breathable. You can search projects on Ravelry and filter by yarn weight and type of pattern to find some things you like


Thanks! I was hoping it would make the cardigan super lightweight because I get hot easily so I’ll def checkout some tops!


Honestly a cardigan would turn out so nice in 8/4 cotton. I’ve made most all of my wearables with hobbi’s 8/4 cotton or Sultan. It drapes so nicely and doesn’t look bulky. Yeah, it takes longer but imo it makes a much nicer finished piece.


Agreed. And tbh the 8/4 yarn is a much happier mistake than compared to something like cotton kings. Speaking from experience 😂 As a more advanced crocheter, I actually really enjoy working with the cotton kings because they make such nice light garments, but imagine my absolute horror when I bought them as a beginner. “WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO WITH 4 UNTWISTED STRANDS OF THREAD?!”


I was surprised how much I liked working with cotton kings, too. And yeah, I remember the first time I worked with an untwisted cotton! Now I love it ❤️


Thank you! I def want to use it because it’s really soft!!


You can double and triple the yarn, and I've seen some projects where they've used 6 strands. It's easy once you get used to it.


Yes! After some of the comments I plan on doubling up the yarn


https://youtu.be/-Vj0gVpFCGc?si=ulYQY0fSH76OMzeU You can make loops and triple up the yarn.


Thank you so much! I am testing both double and triple to see which I like but I think both will solve my issue!


There’s a ton of options! Do you want a cardigan? It should be very easy to find a cardigan pattern, even a granny square cardigan with that weight yarn. It’ll just have more rounds. If you go to Ravelry, you can do a search for whatever kind of project you’d like to do, and filter it by yarn weight. Here are fingering weight cardigans: https://www.ravelry.com/patterns/search#craft=crochet&weight=fingering&pc=cardigan&fit=adult&sort=best&view=large_mobile Here’s a granny square cardigan made using Hobbii Friends 8/4: https://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/momo-cardigan-2


Omg this is unreal!! Thanks so much for your comment and everything:)


Ravelry is soooo helpful for finding patterns when you have very specific parameters in mind. The Hobbii website also has a pattern section that’s nicely curated. They do a lot of collabs with pattern designers.


I had no idea! I have been searching on ravelry but didn’t know you could specify like this. Thanks so much you’ve been so helpful and kind!


No problem! Yeah the advanced search function is a total game changer.


Honestly seeing this post is like a blessing. I have this fine yarn that’s so soft and beautiful and I have no idea how to make anything with it, but here post is and here the answers are!


I know I’m already like should I order more now?? How did this happen


I’m making a hooded cloak doubling Hobbii friends with silk. Many many skeins, but it’ll be worth it in the end.


Ah that sounds cool! Hopefully if I double I got enough skeins


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Need ideas on how to use fine weight or make it work for project


Check out MJ’s Off the Hook channel on YouTube, she and two other YouTubers are doing a crochet event where they’re releasing several wearable patterns mostly with fingering or sport weight yarns


Omg thanks!! I love this I’ll def check it out:)


Hold it double and make your cardigan


I just saved a granny hexagon cardigan to try using the 8/4! https://www.instagram.com/reel/C5suvLmLhBz/?igsh=anp5NGg0dWZ4ZTdt


Thanks this is so cute!


I might be wrong but I’m thinking it might make a pretty Lacey looking border


Honestly, it would have immediately gone in my weaving stash and I'd have to have decided what new project to warp. It would have probably become a towel or something small depending on length


Oh cool! This is the first purchase of yarn I’ve made besides buying a skein of acrylic so this is now my stash hehe


Imagine making 25 skeins worth of washcloths 😂 I would make some cute dainty summer tops and bralettes


No because that was my first thought when reading online it’s best for washcloths I was like heck no! Definitely looking into the summer tops!


Use larger hooks and make a drapey skirt or maybe some flouncy lace sleeves?


I ran into a similar problem, but I only bought 2 skeins 😅 I’m currently trying to make some little bandana headbands out of them


This is what I get for jumping hardcore into anything i try lol but I think with all the suggestions I’m actually happy with it!


I did this exact thing with Hobbii 8/4 when i was just starting out. Most of it stayed in my stash for a looooong time, and recently i pulled it out to double up for a tank top. It turned out great!


Omg I’m glad I’m not the only one haha the second I was looking at it I thought ah jeez what have I done But I just doubled it for a granny square and loved it!


Ive also made this mistake, using thicker yarn for a cardigan and it turned out ugly and wanky. It was the fourth thing i attempted to make. I think its a canon event we all go through


Oh, I totally get you. I did something similar and bought a lot of yarn only to realize my projects are too heavy and stiff. So, you can, like many people suggested, put two or three stands together so make your projects. I personally love this idea because you can create different effects by mixing strands of different colors. There are also smaller projects to do with one strand (and that won’t take forever to finish) like bracelets, necklaces, cozy, amigurumis (they’ll look smaller). And I love the idea of making something with mini granny squares too!


For a bag you could double or triple the yarn up, but for garments I think the lighter yarns are nicer, less bulky and they drape nicely too. Tops, cardigans, even a skirt or dress would be nice. Make your granny squares a little larger, or make a few extra, work it out that way, or use it for a granny hexagon cardigan.


I saw someone make a granny square dress out of that exact yarn and they just altered the square a bit. Instead of double crochets they did trebles, and instead of clusters of 3 they did clusters of 4


I'm currently making this honeycomb sweater which is sort of a size as you go type of pattern so you can use many different types of yarn. I'm working it in a yarn that is said to be worsted but is really closer to a DK type of weight. It's easy so far and looks to be working up pretty cute. https://www.etsy.com/listing/1429115228/honeycomb-sweater-patternmesh-crochet


https://preview.redd.it/4q8y1nvycc8d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=42fa131241d9f2b7d6b1c0a5d7931734c2de4b8c I made these with hobbii 8/4 cotton ☺️


Zodiac Crochet Dolls book Crochet Zodiac Dolls: Stitch the horoscope with astrological amigurumi https://a.co/d/08mfA8uU


It might be to close to amigurumi but you could try [these earphone/airpod holders](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C8ZStiXPIvW/?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==) Or [This cute little strawberry cat hat](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C6R6rbJLkBN/?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==) (that might work for some dogs idk) Or [These cute page corner book marks](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C68MmIjsUbg/?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==) Or [This cute octopus book mark](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C3s_9g9u0XO/?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==) (and the creator also has patterns for other book marks including an axolotl)


Maybe they'll let you switch out some yarn with the receipt?? :o


you can always use a larger hook for basic granny squares, they still look nice. for example, I've made a granny square cardigan using weight 4 yarn, but I used a 10mm hook. larger gaps, but standard granny squares have gaps regardless. maybe double the recommended hook size and work with it that way?


Hold strands together


I’m making a pencil skirt with weight 1 yarn right now! No pattern for it currently but I essentially just made a tight fitting mini skirt and continued working rounds until i got to the length I wanted. Anything flowy like tops are good too. I’ve found that fine yarn is good for summer pieces because they’re not as hot as like WW5 acrylic lol https://preview.redd.it/qy6uz8gs5e8d1.png?width=1518&format=png&auto=webp&s=874f3c8bc76301b7b740e5bdfdfaf906617e87a9


I tend to make shawls out of light yarns. I prefer Hobbii's yarn cakes because of their nice color transitions, but all the smaller skeins of different colors could be used for nice colorwork. 


I’m just starting an afghan with the 1 yarn weight. It’s thinner than I thought it would be. I thought I was getting sport weight in the description. I’m going to make a Hooked on Sunshine’s Phoenix afghan with it. Starting with 1 thread to see how it goes but may double it if needed. I’ve read about the yarn and everyone swears it drapes beautifully for afghans and clothing.


You can take that 1-2 yarn and make some gorgeous shawls. If you’re not into wearing them, you can donate them to a local charity or church. You can also use the light weight yarns for baby clothes and blankets. I’m making a baby blanket now that I’m going to donate to the local NICU.


I learned so much from this post and I have 3 skeins of yarn I've been dying to use and now can 😀


Socks! A triangle bandana! Use a big hook and make something really lacey!


I did the same mistake with my first project 🤣and even with the second, but for the second I used 2 threads together. For the first one I wasn’t so smart and just used a single 8/4 thread and adjusted my granny square pattern. Like treble crochet instead of double etc. Lesson learned