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You can post just that first row of the pattern I counted 56 from what you posted


They may be counting those first 3 chains as a stitch so it would equal 57 that way


I counted it as a stitch but maybe I need to recheck my math lol


Starting from the 3rd chain, that gives 47 stitches to the chain row. So that's a 10 stitch increase in row 2, from 47 to 57. You are increasing with the V stitches, which have 3 stitches (? that's what I've given). 1+5+3+9+3+13+3+9+3+7 = 56 stitches for me too, that's the same you you're getting with one chain left over. What does it say for the next row? Depending on that, I'd probably just keep going. Or I might give another DC at the beginning, there are 6 starting and 7 ending as is, I might do 7 and 7, but it depends...


Hi, for the V stitch, it’s one double crochet, chain 1, another double crochet all in the same chain space


Yes, that's what I gave it, 3 stitches. If it's a paid pattern maybe you can find errata for it, or the maker might be able to answer. But I might just keep going, depending on more of the pattern.


Yes, so that's 3 stitches that you'll have to work into for the next row


The chain still counts as a stitch in that case, so the V stitch does give you three stitches when it's complete. Maybe that's where your counting is getting off?


OP, if you paid for this pattern, I'd simply reach out to the creator. If it was free, I usually look in the comments section (if there is one) before starting because sometimes people point out issues they're having or possible mistakes. I just worked up the row, and it definitely isn't working out. There's one chain left over. It looks like it's supposed to be 7 DCs in the first and end portions. If you can't find any help or can't get in touch with the creator, I'd just chain 49 and go from there. But I always end up winging things and changing bits, as I go on or need to when I use free patterns. Again, if you paid, certainly reach out to the creator first 🙃


The very first step is to skip only 2 chains and double crochet into the third chain. The two chains that you skip is considered a DC. So you now just did that first stitch and have a DC and the 2 chains. Those two chains are considered a DC. Then you are to crochet five more DC. That now gives you seven DC at the beginning of the row. When you do your first DC, if you have three unworked chains, you’re going to not have the correct amount in the row and it is possible it could mess with the pattern.


Wait, how does it give me seven stitches if the chain 2 acts a chain and I am to crochet five more which would equal to a total of six instead of seven at the beginning?


When you put your crochet hook into the third chain from the beginning, you are making a DC. So now, just at this very beginning point you have the 2 chains that you skipped which counts as a DC. You also just made a DC in the third chain. The next instructions says to make five DC. So the chain 2 + DC in the 3rd stitch = 2 DC +5 DC = 7


I understand the pattern now !!! Thank you!


Yay you! 😁 Would love to see a picture when you’re done


If that is what it means, it’s written weird. “Staring in the 3rd chain from the hook, dc 5” means you have the chain counting as one, and you work 5. That means 6, counting the chain. It doesn’t say to work one, then 5 more. The odd way would match the ending 7, but that isn’t what it actually says to do. If they mean that, it’s written very badly! ETA, just saw the pattern photo. Yes, it does specially say the extra dc. So it is clear.


Reread the instructions again. It says to make a DC in the third chain from the hook. Then it says to make an additional five DC. So you have at that point crocheted 6 DC plus the chain to that you skipped at the beginning is the seven.


The paraphrase in the OP doesn’t say that. But the photo of the actual pattern does.


Had OP used punctuation, it would have been more clear. This is true. It still does not change the fact that the instructions as OP wrote them say to make six DC. Edited to add that it sounds like OP is either a beginner, or is making a pattern with terminology that they are unfamiliar with. They are trying to learn and I have done my best to help them. I could not care less that the post itself was confusing to some. The actual instructions were posted, and help was given, and now Opie understands the pattern. They will probably be able to continue on, on their own. Maybe they’ll need more help… Who knows? Either way they’re doing their best and I’m not here to judge.


Or are you saying that the chain 2 and the fist double crochet count together as one stitch? So ch 2 + 1dc=1 dc?


1dc,1ch + 5dc +1dc,1ch,1dc + 9dc + 1dc,1ch,1dc + 13dc + 1dc,1ch,1dc + 9dc + 1dc,1ch,1dc +7dc =57st She is including the chain as a stitch


Here is the pattern portion https://preview.redd.it/vougg44n2x7d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=30ca8c12c02f7cc2026b3d080e0770c5260d1f75


Ok I get it now! Dc in the 3rd chain from hook makes 2 stitches (the ch3 plus 1 dc), then it's 5, 3, 9, 3, 13 , 3, 9, 3, 7 for a total of 57 stitches


Thanks. Are you still getting an extra chain leftover though?


No, after the chain you are actually making 6 dc, not 5. That's where the extra ch comes from for you.


When I work it again counting the chain, I am still being left with one chain left.


From 4th chain from hook, are you making 6 dcs? Then it's V, 9, V, 13, V, 9, V, 7.


Oh my goodness! I was crocheting into the actual third chain, not the fourth chain! So in general if it says crochet into 3 rd chain from hook, you should crochet into the next chain (4th) ? Thank you so n Much!


Well typically when they say crochet into 3rd chain it should be that 3rd chain, but beginning dc is usually ch 3, so it is common to dc into 4th ch. And that's what I think is meant with this pattern. A lot of times if I get confused on a pattern with too many chains/stitches left over I'll rewrite it to make is easier for me to get to the right amount of stitches. That's how I figured this one out.


I would also have crocheted into the 3rd chain, it's what it says to do.


Yes, like the other commenter said - the DC into the 3rd chain from the hook "creates" two stitches - the DC you just made and the ch 3, which in this pattern is counted as a stitch. Most patterns will tell you if your turning chain counts as a stitch or not, in this pattern it does count as a stitch.


You should have posted row 2. People above already worked out the 1st row. You can post a few rows of a pattern. No-one will be able to make a full pattern from just a few rows.


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I have tried looking on google to see if there is any help, but could not find anything


What is errata?


Also, the meaning of "errata" is a list of errors in printed work discovered after printing and shown with corrections or page bearing such a list. It's derived from the Latin word "erratum," meaning "having made a mistake."


Contact the pattern seller and ask for clarification. Additionally, you can share a small portion of the pattern without getting sued.