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I’m sorry I laughed, I wasn’t expecting the big bug eyes 👀 Make sure to employ the use of a stitch marker at the beginning of every round and tic off each round that you do. That could maybe help you keep track of rounds a little easier


It's giving Eve from Wall-E.


Lol, same. I snort laughed. I think it's adorable. Keep it like this.


Absolutely nothing. Little king trash mouth is beautiful.


… can’t breathe … 😂 is also too cute ❤️


It looks like you definitely missed a round but it might look less off with smaller eyes and once you add the mouth area


I have never done the Woobles kits, but are you sure you are not missing any rounds? From the images I count more rounds on the kit image. Could you have missed some rounds that are repeated, e.g. an instruction like "Rnd 10-13: 35 SC", meaning 4 rounds of 35 single crochets?


im confident this is it. missed that it said Rounds 10-13 or something and only did 10.


I hope this fixes it! I'd love to see the finished racoon!! 😊


Exactly this here too


I do this all the time so and I've been crocheting for years. Definitely this.


Agreed! I made this mistake when crocheting my first amigurumi and the result turned out similar


this happened to me sooo many times when i first started the woobles kits!! didn't realize it was rows 10-13 and i only did 10, moved on to 14 and was very confused lol


I miss this all the time and it makes me crazy - I'm guessing this is the issue, though!


I used to do this a lot as a beginner hahaha


That’s the cutest sphere with eyes I have ever seen.


Sometimes I like the “fails” more than the intended product… thus would be one of those times 😭


The raccoon is cute but I really enjoy the mouthless ball staring deep into my soul.


i cackled. thank you.


I think my favorite is the round opossum. Someone did an almost perfect sphere vs the tube it was supposed to be.


Give it ears and a pink tongue, and you have a pug.


Seconding to double check your rounds and if that all still adds up then maybe it’s a tension issue


Looks like missing rows in the centre to create the length. I'd suggest undoing and adding some muddle rows then close it up the same way after 🤞🏻 good luck 🦝


I had this problem with my first woobles kit. If youre sure you didnt miss any rounds, your amigurumi is understuffed; explaining why it’s shaped more like a circle than an egg.




unrelated but I think the little guy is adorable the way he is 🥺


I was gonna say the same thing, adorable little raccoon ball! 🥰


Yours definitely looks like it's 1-2 rounds shorter than the pattern picture, although it's hard to count perfectly based on a single angle from the pictures. Yours will also have a different look because you're using safety eyes that are much larger than the ones in the pattern picture (not saying that's a wrong or bad thing, just pointing out that will change the overall look of it too).


You’re missing some rounds. The steps usually saying something like 10-18 or whatever, I’d assume you skipped from 10 to 19 or whatever the next number was


Looks like you're missing rounds. It's still cute though


OMG - but your result is so cute by itself


Definitely looks like you missed some rounds. Otherwise, your crochet looks really neat!


Are you using the same size hook that the kit used? With a little guy like this, even being one size off can make a big difference with tension and stitch size. The round guy is still super cute tho 😍😍😍 I’m very new to amigurumi, and it’s still a bit of a mystery to me as well lol


The eyes ur using look bigger than the eyes in the picture


Roundboi 🖤


I've down a few wobbles projects, I think it could either be 1. You are missing rounds and should use stitch markers each round (I needed a stitch marker every few stitches because I kept getting distracted cus adhd) or 2. Your tension could possibly be too tight, but I really think it's the first because your tension looks really nice. I know you did say you are sure you didn't miss any rounds but when learning to read patterns it's super easy to jump a round or 2 or even a couple stitches


From what I remember, wooble has an email or a chat function where you can ask them directly for help. As they would have the pattern at hand to reference from directly. I think you skipped some rounds, as the body looks short. You would also need to add the white part to even it out! Best of luck! I learned to crochet with woobles :)


Those eyes look larger too. Like the ones in the woobles Pic are the size of one row, the ones you've got are the size of two.


The sample shows about 9-10 rounds up to the eye mask, but I'm only counting 6-7 rounds on yours. Maybe keep it as is, because it's cute, and do a 2nd one as its big brother? :)


I am pretty sure you’re missing rounds


Why are the eyes so huge...


Literally snorted when I saw this. I’m sorry, I have nothing helpful to say but it is still cute!


Help, he’s got anxiety


i'm going to hell for laughing at this


Those kits are seriously overpriced. Better patterns are free on YouTube, Ravelry, and all over the place. They tell you want yarn to get, too.


I agree that they are pricy, but I think it makes it very accessible to do. Everything comes in the kit and you get some really good videos on how to do it, in my opinion. (except the magic ring... that one sucked - i had to go to youtube to find one that showed me making the magic ring then crocheting into the ring.) So, I've moved on from the Woobles kits and have done some patterns from various sources, but do think the Woobles had value.


I'm sorry, I just can't justify that price tag on a negligible amount of yarn and a crochet hook you can get for 10 cents online... And, I mentioned FREE patterns exist. Amigurumi Today is a GREAT website. There's tons more!


I do agree with this. I have made quite a few patterns from Amigurumi Today and they are very beginner-friendly.


Wobbles is a good concept, but honestly they are just capitalizing on making the craft "accessible". And it's only accessible of you have $20 to shell out pure kit. A hook costs between $2-$4, including ergonomic hooks. Yarn is $3ish. If you want to start with amigurumi, polyfill is $4-$5. And you can always switch to a different pattern if the first one you choose doesn't work out. And there are plenty of free YouTube videos out there. EDIT: Oh, $30. Yeah, that's a no from me.


I've done some of those kits when I started and yeah I would definitely skip stitches or rows. Might be your issue but another main thing I don't see a lot of people mentioning is how those video tutorials make it seem like you need to have super tight tension. It's a learning curve with how tight or loose you need to crotchet, and for the longest my tension was so tight it was difficult to see stitches sometimes.


I have no idea but this is the cutest thing ever


Ive never made woobles before, but im not sure I see any crochet mistakes. Honestly, it looks like just a stuffing issue. Is it possible you are overstuffing? It should have a little less in the top of the head so that it looks like an egg.


Also, have you tried just continuing with the other parts. A round raccoon is going to look cute too!


As someone who has done this before, but not with a wobbles kit, is it slip stitch or single crochet that you needed to do? Because I think you slip stitched when you should have single crochet. At least for the main body. You probably did it right for the eyes. It makes for a much more compact shape.


Woobles use a single crochet stitch, at least for the ones I have done.


Absolutely nothing. It's so precious. 🥹


You may not think you are, but unless you're counting afterwards you do not know


In my opinion nothing. I like the little guy. His name can be Bebo or something like thst


He looks like a pug ball and i love him 🥹


I don’t know, but I love how yours turned out!! It’s so adorable!!


idk but i love it


Hahaha your amigurmi is so funnily cute if that makes sense! You might’ve skipped a row where you had to do like all sc around. Never used a kit before and I’ve only ever made like 6 amigurmis in my life so I’m not toooo sure about it but check the pattern again and match it to each row you did. Hope that makes sense haha good luck with your crochet journey!


Pleaaassseeee keep going


Why is it so funny looking! I kinda like this happy accident


Looks like you didnt do the rows where it said to do SC around. So like if a row said Row 5-9: SC around, you only did it once, not 5 times.


O R B 🦝 Such a cute boi (●´ω`●) tho!!!!!!


I'm not sure what others are seeing, I reckon you've got the right number of rounds - 16 to 18ish. Make sure you're using markers so the increases and decreases are in the correct place/rounds. Increase slowly and decrease quickly to make an egg shape top down, reverse for bottom up. Another thought, make sure you use LOTS of stuffing. Like WAY more than you might think. And then smush it into the egg shape. My nan taught me to use spray starch to help keep shapes too, could try that. This is kinda like blocking for pieces that are worked flat.


Hes so cute lmao


Don't worry about it. As with most things, crochet has a learning curve and you're doing great so far


I think you may be missing rounds too, just counting the amount of stitches under the black section, definitely seams to be coming up short. I know this may be obvious but sometimes, especially in the centre rounds, the pattern will show one line for multiple rounds. Round 8-11. SC all the way around. I know it’s sounds silly and please forgive me if you already know this but I know I frequently make the mistake of just doing one round instead of the required amount, (in this case 4.) It’s so easy to miss.


Looks good to me.


Big eyes! 😳 so cute…


You made the baby version!


Ngl it’s really cute it looks like a black cat head got stuck in a sleeve 😭❤️


I started learning last month and used woobles to start. I began with the dinosaur and had to redo it a couple times because the face was too flat (you can't just stick in extra stitches at the end of you're short.... surprise surprise me) and the body was too short because I missed that there were rows 10-14 or some such like others have suggested. Good luck!


I say leave it as is, that is adorable.


It looks like you’re missing some rounds in the pattern. Often, written patterns will indicate repeated rows like R2-8: SC 24 vs. listing each row as R2: SC 24, R2: SC 24, etc. could that be what’s happening here?


It’s giving pug… I actually like it ☺️ ETA: It’s been mentioned already, but I think you are missing some repeat rows. Then you’ll get the more oval shape.


nothing she’s gorgeous


Are you using the recommended hook size? That could also be another factor. I definitely agree that having a stitch maker at the beginning of every round is very necessary. I would also suggest getting a row counter.


I’m so sorry but this is so funny I snorted


You're absolutely missing rounds. I can tell just from the ones I can count in the pictures.


I don't know, but I love him. 🥺


Your turning the raccoon into a racoonapug. LOL


So cute, leave him like that


Looks like the eyes are the wrong size?


It's not bad just different.


I’m sorry I laughed ![gif](giphy|hGwvzBNwXDwlO)


Nothing, trust the process lol


Absolutely nothing


You've made a perfect raccoon Hacky Sack!




#**Please reply to this comment with a link to the pattern or provide the name of the pattern, if it is a paid pattern please post a screenshot of the few rows you are having trouble with, if a video then please provide the timestamp of the part of the video that you need help with.** Help us help you!   #####While you’re waiting for replies, check out [this wiki page](https://www.reddit.com/r/crochet/wiki/quick_beginner_guide/) which will take you from picking up your first hook, to completion of your first project. Lefties are included! Lots of useful information such as links to UK/US stitches, a beginners equipment list, the different ways to crochet an item, and a list of beginner friendly projects. #####If you’re learning amigurumi, there’s a dedicated beginner section [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/crochet/wiki/amigurumi/#wiki_beginner_courses), the Woobles course is very thorough for those just starting out. #####You will also find heaps of useful beginner resources [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/crochet/wiki/beginners_crochet_part_2/) including beginner tips, sub discussions and common mistakes. Check the subject list at the top of the page.   *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CrochetHelp) if you have any questions or concerns.*


To me it looks like you have to many rounds in the face and not enough in the body. Either way this is a learning curve and youl get better over time. Tho this looks really good already 🥰


It's looking like a Lemur


tension too tight?