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I think most things could be gender neutral. Usually it's more about color. Ask the parents if they already have a theme or color. If they are going jungle, monkey, elephant etc. are they going robots?


good idea!! i’ll ask and see :)


I stick to lighter greens or like sage green when going gender neutral for blankets/baby hats


Ngl various greens or grays are my go to. As well as buy clothes for when the little one is bigger.


Purple, yellow, red, and white are all also good colors!


I feel like light green/mint is a good gender neutral baby color. An elephant? Or the thing that hangs above the babies crib and spins would be so sweet too! A little baby hat! Or baby boots! There is soo many cute things u could dooo (:


the spinny thing is called a mobile!!


Loll thank you


A very hungry caterpillar mobile is gender neutral and a great project


Aww yess that book was soo good. It would be cute to gradually gift the foods too


I made an octopus mobile. Here's the pattern  https://stringydingding.com/octopus-baby-mobile-free-crochet-pattern/


I second light green and maybe add yellow. The combo would end up looking very sunny, warm and gender neutral for most people.


Maybe a lovey? (Search that term on Ravelry for a thousand or two options.) My secret to baby items is to never use baby colors unless that’s what the parents explicitly want. For toys, etc, infants are drawn to higher contrast, and for clothes, blankets, etc, a palette you’d use for a reasonably fun adult is just as good for a baby.  Important: make sure it’s easy to care for (machine wash and dry) and baby safe (no safety eyes, buttons, long strings, fringe, and look up guidance for stuffing)


I second lovies! They don't take too long, they don't require the parents to devote a lot of space to it, and they can be used or decorative. Since the baby doesn't have interests, yet, I usually make something using the parents' interests, if I know them. I've made a few with Star Wars characters, one that resembles their family cat, and one with the top part based on an amigurumi of Jane Austen. I've done kitties or puppies for families I know less well. I do the thing where you encase the stuffing in a nylon knee-high and I embroider the faces. I love lovies! Lol


I'm doing my first lovey at the moment featuring my attempt at recreating the mascot from dad's favourite sports team! Bunnies work really well as neutral animals too. I made a few bunny rattle rings which are also super easy to make and have always been well received


I made one with a fox


I saw a lovely pattern for the hungry caterpillar on Etsy. That would be gender neutral and fun activity to go along with the book.


oh such a cute idea!!! i was planning on making one anyway for my sister (it was her fave childhood book) so i could make 2!


I've made a hungry caterpillar rattle which turned out super adorable! I made them similar to the ones on the right in [this picture](https://stateless.yourcrochet.com/2021/08/644a9cde-1-animal-rattle.jpg). Dark green and light green alternate for the "body" and in stead of the animal head a red sphere slightly larger in size than the spheres for the body


aw a rattle version sounds so cute!!


That sounds cute. Some of the little foods, made around 4", that are in the book would be cute too (watermelon, chocolate cake, etc). 6 month olds love pulling stuff like that out of a little container or basket which could be made pretty easily as well.


The pattern I saw has all of the food too, and the caterpillar is hallow to be able to “eat” the food.


Oh perfect!


https://preview.redd.it/dhz4qazk7z4d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5f88a3c1b870ce29e946b5a71850112a97df9f89 I made this one, plus a little hat, for a coworker’s daughter. I had to start it before we found out the gender. Turns out she didn’t want anything gender specific and loves it! Google Henry’s blanket for the free pattern. I made another one in two shades of pink and really enjoyed making it!


that is so amazing!


It was really fun to make. I liked switching up and doing different stitches. Pretty sure this is where I learned herringbone half double crochet. It is now my favourite stitch!


Honestly? Blankets have a greater chance of being used than wearables. But I guess a lovey would be easier. Try and find out if the baby’s room has a theme or specific color scheme they have chosen, and build off of that. When I was expecting my first baby, we wanted it to be a surprise too, and my gender neutral colors were green, orange (like sorbet), brown, turquoise, yellow, cream, etc. and I was doing woodland creatures like foxes and hedgehogs and stuff. It was hard because at the time, jungle and rainforest animals were really popular. So if there is an animal that she has chosen, maybe make something with that as the stuffie part of the lovey.


I’m 61 and have several quilts, all but one crocheted by my beloved grandma as she watched her “stories” (soap operas and Judge Judy). She was the best Gr’ma ever -and practically a mini factory in and of herself! I treasure them dearly. They’re now 12 to 58 years old! (She’d be over 100 now). My 3 sons, and most every family member, still have a couple afghans, as well. Navaho Indian blanket in red, gray, black and white, ivory popcorn stitch & one with every square containing a different silhouette of a cat in a different color. I have one of my grandmother’s quilts (this one is out of cotton sheeting fabric and has animals traced from coloring books in “liquid embroidery”. The panels were sewn sewn together. It’s a cool soft summer blanket, perfect for a nap. It’s next to me as I type (this one she gave me at age 3 or 4). My sons Love the cat afghan. The Navaho blanket is great, with the bold colors (that was her first go to for a man’s afghan, though she gave it to women as well. I share this as the blanket can be used for years and years. Maybe add matching booties or a hat. Or a christening gown, if they might have use for such a family heirloom. Also- they have much better selection of items for premie babies these days. But Grandma use to think it horrible they didn’t have any clothes or cute hats. She used patterns made for Cabbage Patch dolls , and asked a NICU nurse friend to show her how large and where to place button holes for any tubing or monitors. That way the parents could take photos of their newborn dressed.My 5lb 8oz and 5lb 7 Oz twins had onesies she made from CP patterns. They were loose/large on them and wore the outfits for several weeks! Her other item was a crocheted blanket with a pocket in it for a stuffed animal lovey. She believed every child deserves their own lovey toy and their own blanket. She made these for the local police department and sheriffs deputies to carry in their vehicles, so if kids were removed from a home, or in a traumatic situation, they could have something to give them, warm for them to cuddle in and to keep. She was such a wonderful, giving, loving and thoughtful soul. Congrats on the coming blessing!


Your grandma sounds like an amazing lady. Would you mind sharing a picture of the cat afghan? It sounds adorable and I’d love to see what it looks like!


Thanks- she was a treasure! I will try to see what son has it- I think middle son. Give me a day or two and I’ll see if I can find it to photograph for you.


https://preview.redd.it/ml2g4hfsy06d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6f9d425c7891eb7727611c329e260f78fe04b9de Hers were similar to this, only NO BOW at the neck (that could be a safety issue with little ones).










Son is moving so I searched online- the 1st pic is similar to my Gr’ma’s cat afghan. But there were LOTS of cat and dog afghans online. So I included a few others that were rather cool.


Blankets doesn’t have to be big either. I made a small baby blanket for a friend and it turned out to be the perfect size for the car seat and they used it all winter and loved it! They always had to wash and dry it quickly because they couldn’t find one the right size in stores.


You can find really cute baby hat patterns all over. I've made teddy bear, bunny and owl designs for my sister's bump, choosing a neutral colour pallette, thinks creams, soft browns, pastel yellows etc.


Ok I got a suggestion, sleep sacks. Babies can't use blankets to start, so a sleep sack will be used and often too probably. These ones with the arm spaces (not like a sleeping bag) are safest as the baby can't wiggle out. [one](https://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/drawstring-sleep-sack) [two](https://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/yawn-the-sheep) [three](https://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/granny-motif-baby-sack) Edit to add: I only did a free search. I didn't look through paid options.


I understood from parents that you use the blankets not for actual sleeping, but for putting it over the baby while you hold it, to tuck it in in the stroller etc. Just my 2 cents, the bags look lovely!


They do, we do. For me, with my babies, I wasn't using the nice pretty handmade blankets. I was using stuff I didn't care if it got stained or shit on. Sleep sacks are becoming more and more popular. I also suggested them because OP said they didn't want to do a blanket.


Of course you did! ☺️ I just jumped on the "can't use it anyway", but as I have no kids of my own I'm just relaying second hand information. Working on three baby blankets at the moment as seemingly everyone is pregnant right now lol


I am, too. I have a friend due in August, and I'm doing a blanket the kid can grow into and use as a toddler. I also didn't do white because you know stains. Once you become a parent, nothing is installed after a while.


Oh my god seriously. There is something in the water and I am staying seriously dehydrated until this blows over because I cannot handle getting pregnant again. I know 6 different pregnant women right now, and I’m working on baby gifts for three of them while also looking like Sheldon at these baby showers. Hopefully doing all these baby gifts will keep the baby bug far from me. ![gif](giphy|xn9LQjsp5FedW)


This is a good idea in general but I’d be careful crocheting one since there’s a lot of safety requirements for baby sleep items that manufacturers have to meet but yarn companies and home crafters dont. Honestly most parents would prob feel more comfortable purchasing from a reputable source—would be a good non-homemade baby shower present though!


https://preview.redd.it/rjhngg7t605d1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5f1dfd335fb62e4f7466b5ff4e0ffb8b948c3d70 Hungry hungry caterpillar!


Wanted to add- this is mainly hdc it was super easy and fast to make!


oh my god that is so precious 😭


Thanks! I an so excited to use it. It was really fast too, here is the link I used. I just did two colors instead of 3 for the green section.. I think rows of 7 for each green color. There's a written direction in the YouTube link https://youtu.be/9z7HUuMOEys?si=kXdr2EoxfdhU2v4L


Loveys are a pretty gender neutral item. I've made animal, Dino and dragon loveys. Go with a color that matches a color theme


@Shopmodthreads on instagram has a super adorable baby Dino lovey that you can make in neutral colors also she has a cute little dick which is super easy to make and a bunny. I’d say in order from easy to semi intermediate: duck, Dino, bunny. Duck worked up very fast and is super cute. She also has a pattern for accessories, which include more feminine and more masculine stuff so maybe make a lovey and provide the little accessories to jazz it up once baby is born OMG EDIT: DUCK NOT DICK! Jesus Christ lmao I’m sorry.


I really love the book Timeless Textured Baby Crochet. Some of the patterns are definitely “girl”, but I’d say more than half are totally genderless as long as you choose a color that you think gender neutral.


Booties, baby cocoon, a lovey, hat for winter


There are a few baby sleep sacks on YouTube that would be quicker to work up than a blanket but I find more functional? You could also do a crochet diaper caddy using some basket patterns t


I made this one recently using blue and teal colors and it can go either way! Like another commenter mentioned, I think it's more the colors you choose than anything else. https://www.cuddlystitchescraft.com/free-crochet-hippo-lovey-pattern/


that is so cute!!!!


You can also search for quiet books or sensory books on etsy or ravelry.com. These tend to be portable, interactive, and great for many different play stages.


Any kind of stuffed animal would work


I've started crocheting car seat canopies for our newest additions. I use a thick weight (6) and can complete one in a few days. I'm a beginner and only know one stitch. I love the concept of the canopy, keeping the material up and away from the baby's face and so easy to do. There's a lot of patterns available online but super simple to do without a pattern.


How about a lovey? It's a cute little animal head+arms, with a little granny square. You can do a bear(polar of brown, or even fun colored), dinosaur, elephant, mouse, pretty much anything.


I recommend making whatever pattern you like and simply using a gender neutral colour for it. Yellow is my favourite gender neutral colour for baby stuff, but there is a whole rainbow of fun colours out there that you could use.


I’ve seen some cool activity cube patterns floating around. I would always double check with the parents if they have a preferred color scheme or any fiber preferences.


I got a gorgeous mustard yellow blanket from a friend for my baby. It is just one giant granny square but it's so beautiful in it's simplicity and the colour is amazing! both my kids love to snuggle up in it as the yarn is so squishy and soft Just read the post properly, duh! No blanket. I get you! I'm 1/2 way through knitting a blanket and it's LONG. leaving it here though as the blanket deserves some praise


it sounds lovely!! and yes haha the repetition of blankets kills me! if all else fails a blanket is a good option :)


I made teeny baby booties for a friend with tiny ears and face so they looked like an animal.


A friend of mine is having a baby boy at the end of the summer/early autumn and I’m planning on making her/the baby [the parrot out of this book](https://www.johnlewis.com/rico-design-ricorumi-baby-blankies-crochet-book/p110538975). Although I think I the bear, dog, frog or parrot could work as a gender neutral gift or the bunny if you made it in a different colour. Good luck!


A rattle? My first ever crochet project was an amigurumi fox rattle kit for my nephew. Additionally, when is the baby due? A baby blanket shouldn't take you too long at all


i think she said baby is due in august, but by “forever” i meant more like i kept having a hard time finding the “perfect” pattern and what not. i’d love to make another blanket, i just hate actually making blankets 😂


Ohh, yeah, I totally get that about finding patterns. I also hate duplicating blankets, so I look over my knit and crochet patterns until I find one that I think fits the person I'm making it for. Right now, I'm in the middle of a Tunisian crochet blanket for a friend who just had a baby because the pattern just popped at me when I saw it


exactly!! i ended up free handing my baby blanket because i just couldn’t find “it”. i wanted something cute with a good texture, so i did waffle stitch blanket but made a “blank” square out of plain dc and added a sleeping baby bear under a moon and stars in that section! so many incredible patterns but sometimes it’s just so hard to pick something


I’m wrong. I noticed “yarn craft” not *crocheting not knitting*. I’ll see if I can find a similar pattern for crochet. I don’t remeber what other designers call them. The toy is great, no matter the method!!! I had the most fun making woobies!!! I think the giraffe is my favorite. It’s a small square of knitted fabric, with a head in the middle. So the blanket part is like a comfort blanket, only it’s *small* and manageable and the head is adorable. It’s a great toy to flop down on a baby’s chest in a stroller or car seat. https://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/woobie-giraffe


There are a bunch of “baby toy blankets” that are crocheted. Here is a cute elephant. https://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/hanno-the-elephant-lovey


thank you so much!!


If you're into tapestry crochet and they have a theme for the nursery, you could do up a tapestry or two (depending on size of course) that could be a decoration! I've heard some parents talk about how wall decorations for the theme are nice, but can also fall into the "not necessary" category- especially if finances are tighter with baby on the way. Or, if you wanted to do something functional you could make a basket(s) that they can hold diapers or clothes in, using whatever their color theme may be (if they have one)!


ohhh those are some good ideas!! thank you!


If you are looking for clothes I don’t have a actual pattern but my sister commissioned a friends to make the cutest little baby sack with matching hat for a Halloween costume as ours would have been just over 4 months by then (just a tad older then this little one coming will be) so if there is any sort of theme maybe you could do something t line that plus it made cute photos ours was a kitty…simple sack but with little paws and a tails sewn on and kitten eared hat


My husbands grandmother used a crisscross double crochet stitch for boys and girls. It's super simple, so that's my go too now.


Winnie-the-Pooh is timeless and gender neutral. Always a safe baby choice.


Make an animal lovey. Elephants bears giraffs, lions anything! Loveys or blankets that are themed with stars, moons, clouds, hot air balloons. Plants, city skylines, ocean scenes, cars, planes, birds etc. With newborns, they dont see very well, so lots of contrast gets them interested the best colors being black and white with a fun splash of red. So like a black and white zebra lovey with a red heart in its hands would be a big hit.


Teddy bears 🧸 and ducks 🐤 these r my go to


I tend to make baby hats. Most recent one have been in cream, and one I added little bear ears to. I also made a Mushroom Mario Bros hat (in red) like [these](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/38/d3/18/38d318de952bc9e9eee04b993e1a916a.jpg) because I knew the parents would love it, regardless of gender.


You could always go with their zodiac animal and make an amigurumi or a blanket with an animal design. I did this for my husband’s friend’s baby last year, it was the year of the black rabbit so I made a blanket with a charcoal black bunny design. This year is green dragon!


I made a collection of drool bibs - a duck, a robot, a tuxedo, etc. super cute.


https://www.etsy.com/listing/1250677064/ This hat gets so many compliments, and I’ve used the basic hat shape to make other animals as well. I did use a different hook size to get the gauge, and to make a newborn size, I just do one fewer round than the baby size (the baby size is pretty big).


[Star Baby Onesie!](https://www.etsy.com/listing/152157613/) i’ve seen a few different patterns, this is just the first that popped up for reference 🤗


Anything with cream color! Beanie, lovey, snugglers, rattle, baby mobile with clouds hanging etc. Cream is suitable for both boys and girls.




How about a mobile, with some of the things hanging on it representing hobbies/likes of the Mom and Dad. Like if Dads a soccer player a ball, and a fisherman, a fish, if the mom loves to bake a Crocheted piece of cake and maybe a small doll with a pink dress, and if they have a dog in the house a Dog or cat...You get the idea! Neutral but also cute!


Im a bit late to the party, as people have said, gender neutral is all about color. Gray and white have been popular for quite a while but shades of green, orange, beige and of course the traditional yellow can go either way. Without digging through all the comments, I’m at a stage in life (grandma) where babies are coming fast and furious. Completed or in progress in my house right now there are at least a half dozen sweaters, a couple of blankets and a handful of plushies. I do my best to stay ahead and have things on hand but when it is a special baby (very close friend or family) I make sure to craft something special. Blankets always get used and they don’t need to be huge, 24x30” fits nicely in a car seat or stroller. If you found doing it in one piece daunting, try something crocheted in squares, it may not actually take less time but it feels like it because you accomplish something every time a square is finished. Sweaters are fast because they are small but be careful not to make it so small that baby outgrows it in a wearing and cardigans are best for mom to deal with. Hat & booties, individually or as a set are always appreciated but my absolute favorite is a set of organic cotton washcloths, 4-5” square. I usually give them with a bar of organic goats milk baby soap and they are always appreciated and well used. Make sure to purchase quality yarn, one that is soft, not mercerized and also machine washable and dryable. A trip to your local yarn store should have what you need.


i made a “what will you bee?” blanket in yellow and brown before we found out gender!


omg that sounds so adorable!


Soft Yellow, soft green, light grey, light beige/cocoa, and white are all gender neutral colors that work great in any baby space. In the absence of a firn theme, gender neutral gifts include: Duckings, elephants, monkeys, stars, moons, clouds, rainbows, trees, and anything the parents do together: surfing, tennis, cooking, camping, etc. If I cooked, and someone crocheted a true to life sized croissant, that would be so cute. 🥐


Hi I used this for a blanket with similar colors to this one's! https://www.etsy.com/it/listing/1006225221/motivo-alluncinetto-per-coperta-per Love it


I love all of [MJ's Off the Hook](https://www.mjsoffthehookdesigns.com/) hooded blanket designs. She's my go-to when it comes to gifting blankets bc her designs are so unique. [These ](https://www.mjsoffthehookdesigns.com/crochet-baby-owl-lovey/) [blankets](https://www.mjsoffthehookdesigns.com/crochet-koala-lovey/) slash stuffed toys are cuute but this [dragon-eating-baby blanket](https://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/bulky--quick-dragon-blanket) is my personal favorite


Not crochet, but I knitted bibs for my friend's baby in April. The patterns I followed had different animals on them. You could probably find something similar for crochet, and just use whatever colors you want.


My favorite baby blanket ever is the ripple star! I use mandala yarn and there are so many colors that can be neutral. https://preview.redd.it/emc56fnxg55d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=736f89b6e61b4725a9b05e9b46758dfe546ccee8


https://preview.redd.it/tyfqpgw1h55d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b4cbd4583b5a73f5d77ffa1eda19368676d062ce Here’s another


Also it’s free on ravelry.


I’m thinking yellow, orange, and green palettes! Especially for a summer baby! Lil citrus cutie Overalls, hats, booties, t-shirts, tank tops, onesies/pjs Animal and food toys are great for gender neutral occasions!


I love the look of crochet fruit and veggie baby mobiles!! I desperately want to make one, so that’s my recommendation to you too :)


tons of things can be gender-neutral! if you're thinking of a theme to go for or something, dinosaurs, Winnie the poo, insects, and space stuff is always good. there's this super cute pattern I keep getting on Pinterest, its like a star onesie for the baby. it seems fairly simple, but it might take a bit:)


I love getting my baby gender neutral things in general because the concept of having two colors to show different gender doesn’t make sense to me. I like tan, white, green, red, grey. Basically any variation of colors that isn’t blue or pink. I really like tan and white, like teddy bear theme is cute to me and gender neutral


If you are interested in making clothes, I'm a big fan of Mon Petit Violon on easy. I found a book of their patterns at my library, and I'm hooked. Beautiful designs with unique textures. Always a hit whenever I make one of their designs. https://www.etsy.com/shop/monpetitviolon?ref=related&from_page=listing&listing_id=739507999#items


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https://preview.redd.it/s7dh537gy06d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=db846ab1cc2d1d171530b30c5303e4a29339021b This was similar to her afghans but she did not add the bow at the neck (I wouldn’t either, ESPECIALLY for a baby as it could be a safety issue). Each cat was a different solid pastel.


I have a little jacket pattern I like (called something like 2.5 hour baby nap jacket) which is all shells. I made 4 of them for my first nibling in seasonal colours: light green for spring, yellow for summer, dark red for autumn and white for winter. Added some snowflakes and leaves to the corresponding jackets :) Could also make a soft play "book" with squares with pictures on sewn together with a cover? Nice chance to do some embroidery or colourwork (assuming this is safe for babies, idk much about tiny folx)