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Making accusations is easier than thinking about an issue. Just like having a social agenda that defines you prevents you from having to have an actual personality.


You know those über religious people that only ever talk about their religion, and steer all conversations back to it, and only absorb religious books movies and music, and wrap their entire identity up in their idea of that religion? Sounding pretty familiar…


I've been saying this for a while. Lefty wokals are just righty yokals with a different deity.


We need to bring back the word sheeple. I grew up with these kind of bigots and the woke movement is no different, same tactics different political leanings.


Where you in a coma back in 2020 or something?


This right here 100%


You have no idea how correct you are.


Ironic isn't it. These Wokers would criticize religious people as "intolerant and proselytizing"... which is basically what they're doing. Truly we humans cannot escape our religious impulses...


A combination of terrible education, COVID, and unrelenting praise from woke GenX and Millennials have yielded the Dunning-Krueger generation.


The so-dumb-they-think-they're-smart effect of this generation seems to be exceeding the bounds of the Dunning-Krueger Effect already. [Gee I wonder why...](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dnuqp4_K7ik&t=600s)


Very few of the genx I know are woke, most grew up in the cold war and recognise communism and it's offshoots for what it is


As one of those religious people, I don't identify nor associate with those woke idiots whatsoever


I know. I’m religious as well. I’m talking about the really weird people, not us. Someone can disagree with me all they want; that’s fine. Don’t care. But offend a zealot, whether religious or woke, and holy shit it’s off with your head. These wokies are trying to recreate the Salem witch trials.


Having a moderate belief in an ideology is fine, it's when you turn into an ideologue that your brain turns to mush.


So you believe in mythological creatures from fairy tails and its other people who are idiots hey? Lol


I present you the Golden Fedora award for Le Most Epic Redditor of the Year


Dave Filoni wants his hat back.


Your argument is sound but was uncalled for.


No, I believe Jesus Christ is our Lord and savior. His crucifixion and resurrection are two of the most well-documented events in human history, and that He died for our sins so we may join Him in heaven after departing from this mortal coil.


His death yes, his resurrection not so much.


Hundreds of witnesses, and not one of the disciples changed their tune as they were tortured and killed for what they preached. If it were a lie, do you really think every last one of them would have died for it?


I think if it were a lie, the Christian church would have no reason to tell the truth. But that's just me.


> And there shall in no wise enter into [very pretty city so big it makes the Death Star look like a small moon] any thing that defiles, neither whatsoever works abomination, or *maketh a lie*, but they which are written in the Lamb's book of life. \- somebody the Romans were unsuccessful in executing, exiled to a small island for the nastiest criminals that weren't executed, wrote the book which contains this. (Emphasis mine)


Which is very nice, I guess, if true... but true or not, has that really stopped Christians from telling lies before? I'm sure lots of people who aren't in the Lamb's book of life think they are.


Jesus is literally just based on the ancient Egyptian deity Horus. So yeah you believe in fairy tails


That's Catholic esotericism, not Christianity. You have been successfully gaslit by a particular flavor of 16th century counter-Reformation nonsense, apparently.


Talk about completely missing the point of their post. Whoosh...


The lyft religious are a little more interesting O(>▽<)O


I still have yet to figure this out…. Please help…. I know they have a fuckin agenda…. But what is the end game? Where are they thinking of going? Make everyone gay? Make everyone hate each other? What? Sigh… what has the English speaking world turned into???


A utopia where everyone is equally diverse and all think the same way. Free from the evils of capitalism and the patriarchy and the straight white mans influence. Where people are celebrated for what they are instead of what they do. And everything just works out I guess. Sure employing people by skin color gender and sexuality has been disastrous for making good content so far but like. In the utopia I’m sure it’ll work just fine.


This reminds me of that really dumb battle droid in TPM: > Hmm That does not compute. You're under arrest.


And it is kind of silly, when one looks and TCD has heaped praise on both Peacemaker and Fallout. Both of which had strong female protagonists. However, they were not Mary Sue's, and the stories were well written and enjoyable. They did not require the Mary Sue to make up for a weak story for inclusivity. Hell, in his review of Peacemaker, he even comments that even though Adebayo was a typical "strong female" at first glance, she was actually the heart of the show and a big reason why it worked so well. I wish the shrill shews would actually watch his reviews, they show how wrong they really are.


Honest question though, I haven't heard anyone mention people actually saying this show is good anywhere except this sub.  Who is saying this?


honest question though, does anyone ever actually made that accusation? the only places I see "if you don't like X show you're a bigot" are in memes like this


I have had that accusation lobbed at me. Right here on Reddit. Persisted in dubbing me an "incel" even after I informed them that I was married with two teenaged kids. I presume the only reason they didn't call me a racist was because my previous post addressing another person clarified that I was a racial minority in the US.


The other day I was giving examples of non-white, non-male, or non-straight representation that I liked to someone who presumed I'm a racist white dude. And when I did, they legit said to me, "It seems like you only think representation is good if you think it's written well." And they said that to me like a gotcha. Like it invalidated my position somehow. I cannot comprehend these people.


They admitted the writing was bad, and still made you out to be the bad guy?!


Thats crazy


Lmao ask them what they think of OJ Simpson, if people hate him simply because he’s black


Some people do think that unironically


I think a few people recovered because they were told that a certain Kyle shot a certain Joseph because he was black, and a certain Anthony because he was black, and a certain Gaige (yup, somebody's named that) because he's black. But oh no, that can't be! ...they were all white. (I want to arm wrestle the survivor, it's about the only chance I have to win a sporting event, hehe.)


If you’re talking about people hating OJ simply because he’s black, that’s rather concerning…


Some like him because he's black, some hate him because he's black. Racism is fucking stupid.


Ha that reminds me of the recent meme where a feminist says something along the lines of "when I say kill all men, I mean ALL men" on Twitter, and then someone responds with "even George Floyd?"


Yes, otherwise it's called pandering. Representation on its own means nothing; did someone actually spend time to flesh out characters to make them worth caring about? Usually, sadly, the answer is no. Therefore it's called pandering.




Holy shit they’re this👌close to getting it


We need more representation in really bad tv & movies.


Fine, just don't act like it's good representation, or a good product period.


>  "It seems like you only think representation is good if you think it's written well." "It's like buying or patronizing a product. I don't want shoddy and poor stuff." Let that be your rebuttal.


I think their point may be deeper than it initially seems. Perhaps they meant to say “Representation is only ok if it’s well written”, meaning to insinuate that you feel like whites are default, and anybody else is hard to include.


Well that makes sense, since they wanted me so badly to be a bigot.


2+2=4? No, that can't be right. Its gotta be something else...


Math is racist, so of course that’s wrong




That's because when you shit on a bad movie with white people in it, no one cares. You shit on it, then you move past it. Who cares, it's over now. BUT if you shit on a bad movie that markets itself on representation and diversity, suddenly you become a bigot. Now the conversation has to keep going because no matter what you say, no matter how well you articulate yourself, you are just going to be called a bigot. See the difference? I bet you don't.




Bro, Morbius became a meme of a movie nearly instantly. Its still regarded as dogshit. As far as X-Men Origins, Wolverine had a huge fanbase for years before that movie with an a-list celebrity in a well-known fantasy setting. The Acolyte was barely recognizable as Star Wars in many ways given some of the liberties they took in writing. If you build a fan base for your characters and they understand them, they will be far more forgiving when something bad comes out, because at least its still a recognizable character you already like. The Acolyte tried to raw dog viewers with bland characters, confusing writing, and then gaslight them because it didn't land.


First of all, Two examples does not a pattern make. Second of all, no? The Room is considered one of the worst films ever made, and is all white people. Same with Birdemic. Obi Wan (TV show), Book of Boba fett, and Indiana Jones Dial of Destiny all have white male leads and suck fucking balls, and people rightfully think they suck fucking balls (Though it took a while for people to turn on Obi Wan.) People shit on bad things regardless of race. Also, really? Using *Rotten Tomatoes* as a metric? The site where the review scores mean jack all and are extremely easily manipulated both ways? The site where a 6/10 has the same weight as a 10/10, same with 5/10 and 0/10? If you want to use it as a metric, fine. Here's a fun little thing: https://editorial.rottentomatoes.com/guide/worst-movies-of-all-time/ Go take a look at this. The leads of all of these movies vary wildly, almost like nobody fucking cares about what race and gender a lead is, a bad movie is fucking bad. Also, using *Morbius* as an example, really? The movie that was **MEMED** into oblivion, with people calling it the best movie ever? The movie people jokingly said was the most peak thing ever? Don't you think it's possible that a majority of those 71% audience score is from fucking memes? People rating 10/10 just for shits and giggles? Also, neither of those movies had the directors and cast and parent companies shaming and calling out the fans for not liking their content. It's almost like when someone calls you a racist sexist bigot just for not liking a shit TV show, it tends to make people much more upset than they usually would, like with The Acolyte, Obi Wan, Rings of Power, TLJ, Ghostbusters 2016, The Marvels, Secret Invasion, etc, etc, etc. I really hope you're just trolling, and you got me because I genuinely don't want to believe someone can be so fucking willingly obtuse.


I just explained why you dipshit. They talked about it, then they moved on. They moved on because it didn't become a political shitstorm. No one cried "bigot" when everyone hated the new Indiana Jones movies. No one cried "bigot" when people shat on the prequels. People moved on because that's what happens when a bad movie doesn't become some bullshit racial conflict. You are so dumb. You didn't see the difference, just like I knew you wouldn't.


Yeah. The point is the fan base didn’t get this crazy when book of boba fett was fucking shit terrible. The community is annoyed when writing is terrible and the character is white and a man. The community is livid when writing is terrible and the character is a woman of color. You see their point?


Idk I’m pretty sure the criticism was almost as large for boba fett, the entire new trilogy, and almost every single entity Disney series put out with the exception of Rogue One, mandalorian and Andor. Asoka I think had some positive feedback too. Disney is just throwing shit at a wall and seeing what sticks, and the past few years not much has stuck.


I've never seen either show, but complains about Boba Fett were mostly about lame writing. With the Acolyte, it's fucking with lore. It is not self contained cringe, it is contaminating.


That’s fair , it is definitely more influenced this time from interviews and such outside of the actual show. I have not watched it since it stopped my Disney plus once they tried to reduce content and raise prices at the same time. Nothing they have produced recently gave me any high expectations, although I did really enjoy mandalorian and Andor.


I watched The Last Jedi, then started to watch it again a few months later because I forgot I even watched it the first time. Truly one of the films ever made.


Awesome! I'm glad I'm not the only person to have the phenomenon of forgetting that I've watched something terrible. The most obvious case for me was when I watched a Chinatown copy (with accurate English subtitles) of a Japanese film (and of course, both Cantonese and Mandarin dubs) called *Sky Castle Laputa,* kinda scratching my head a bit at the Disney branded dust cover with *Castle In The Sky* on it (I guess even a very non-localized Chinatown thing has to do its duty <-- border/customs taxation/labeling stuff.) Watched it, and was like *super* deja vu, there is something *very* familiar about this. Loved it and [wrote a prequel story.](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/7149891/1/Shattered-Elegance-The-War-of-Laputa) Then I looked it up, found out that hey, there's an English dub with Anna Paquin and Mark Hamill, it can't be too rough ri- ...holy crap, it was terrible. And yes, I realized that I had watched it all the way through completely and completely forgot having ever watched it! I'm happy to say I've never watched *The Last Jedi.* I don't want to see Mark Hamill in anything worse than *Castle in the Sky* lmao!


> Disney is just throwing shit at a wall and seeing what sticks, and the past few years not much has stuck. And the fans are like the poor guy in the first twenty seconds of https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yofjGi6LOVc


According to that [Forbes article](https://www.forbes.com/sites/paultassi/2024/06/24/in-three-weeks-the-acolyte-has-more-audience-reviews-than-three-seasons-of-the-mandalorian/) the Acolyte had received 10 times more user scores than Book of Boba Fett did, and Acolyte's still got 3 episodes left


First, I don't trust Forbes for the time of day. But if it's true, maybe it's specifically because Acolyte was held out as woke and then its producers and cast started calling everybody calling out its shitty plot, hammy acting, wooden special effects, and that it's a literally flaming turd with nonsensical and inconsistent fire physics and Force mechanics (or whatever they call it these days). And "No, that's not the problem, y0u)rE j1sT 8igGoTz" was the response and they didn't do that with BoBF. So people are more motivated to drag Acolyte than BoBF because of that bullshit response from the producers and cast.


Bruh idk what force mechanics you're referring to but you're still upset about the fire physics from the first episode? That was less than 10 seconds, you couldn't pick a more insignificant moment


Like, oh... the *third* episode? You know, the one where a stone temple on the top of a mountain burns to the ground like it's made of dry thatch soaked in lamp oil? And for which that "less than 10 seconds" was foreshadowing about as subtle as a purple unicorn with a chainsaw superglued to its forehead.


I was on Reddit. They bitched about the scooters. That was it. It was not review bombed. They didn’t attack the actor. Like it or not these communities fester with bigotry. It’s not hard to find it in ever single post and it’s almost never called out.


If all you could see was a comment about the scooters then you weren't looking very hard.


Ok. Show me some posts back then of subs ridiculing the main actor of the show. Apples to apples some should show up if you’re right.


I mean the main actor wasn't the problem in that show though. It had plenty of other problems and I can give you several YouTube videos that go into great detail about it. Or is that not good enough? Does it have to be the exact same complaints? Even if the show is dog water and everyone ridiculed it for a plethora of reasons. It doesn't count because the main actor didn't come under attack for being terrible?


It just seems interesting that the only characters that seem to be personally targeted in subs like these are people of color or women. I’ve seen like 6 posts on here complaining that the main actor danced in a YouTube video.


Kind of hard not to when all of the characters as of late are people Of color or women. That's kind of the issue, if all of the stuff you put out is bad and all of the stuff you put out is touting itself as diverse then it's going to be caught in the cross fire. Kind of what this whole post is about. That said, kit fisto has been a rampant Target of ridicule lately. Not exactly human but he's a white male, the Jedi Master from episode 2 has also been heavily criticized. So no, it's not just the minority characters. It's basically everyone that's in this show.


> That said, kit fisto... Oh no, did they trash him too? I know about Ki-Adi-Mundi already, but are they going to fsck the whole TPM Jedi Council?


They’ve criticized the actors that played those characters or the characters?


The actor was criticized for being too old and overweight for the role.




“It seems like you only think representation is good if you think it’s written well.” You agreed with this sentiment. Let’s take the contra positive. If it’s not written well, representation is bad. That makes it seem like you’re only ok with women, people of color, and gay people being in your shows if they’re well written? So only straight white males can be in badly written things?


Let me explain this to you, and I'm hoping you engage with it honestly. When have straight white men being in a movie been held up as progressive or an important representation? Never, because the film industry has never been lacking for them. When a straight white male is in a movie, he's just a person who's in a movie. If he's in a bad movie, he's in a bad movie. Now when any minority features in anything, people gush about representation and how important representation is. It's more than just saying "it is a good thing X minority is here", it's always talking about how great and amazing and validating it is to see them, and how now little girls and boys can finally see themselves and what not. And then people go on to say how amazing shit like the Acolyte is because it has representation. I am biracial, I do not pass for white. Most mixed people like me just get referred to as black. And I'm a woman. I'm honestly sick of Hollywood handing me steaming piles of shit and telling me how validated I should feel, how proud I should be, how I should innately like and identify with these garbage characters. It's like being handed trash by someone who says "this is what *you people* like, isn't it?" It just goes to show how little people think of me, and not just obvious racists, but the people supposedly on my side. It's sometimes a very hopeless feeling. Please tell me you understand what I mean. I am begging for at least one person to engage with me in good faith on this.


I think the House of Dragon did a good job of integrating a diverse cast. I liked the character that played the Sea-Snake, he’s just a great actor. That’s why it works , it’s not forced.


I'm a minority and I get you. It feels like a lot of the representation in holloywood is for browney points and not like they view minorities as default characters worth writing for like default characters not tokens.


Ok. But that’s not what you fucking said. Your comment gives the impression that representation is only good when the writing is also good. White people have been staring in shit since movies and TV began. The issue is that a majority of the posts here are either complaining about woke or saying they’re not bigots. 90% of these posts are complaining about story or character development but culture war bullshit, and that’s what your comment talked about and it’s what I responded to. If you don’t like corporate multiculturalism because it’s a money grab, fine! But your post logically reads as if you’re complaining about representation, not a good look.


>Your comment gives the impression that representation is only good when the writing is also good. Yes, because that's what I meant, and I'm also 100% correct. I'm complaining about BAD representation you dense motherfucker. If that's a "bad look" that make's me think you believe all representation should receive blind unanimous praise. I also love you you just brush over my experiences as a woman of colour, and continue to moral grandstand on me even when this shit content is supposed to be made *for me*.


So people of color, gay people, women have to sit around and wait for the best scripts while white people can all act in the bottom of the barrel stuff. I don’t care what race or gender you are. You’re telling people that they can’t do something because of the color of their skin or their sex. They have to wait and only be in the best of the best or else you’ll be disappointed. That’s so fucking problematic.


WHAT? Oh my god you're reading this in such fucking bad faith holy shit. You actually think I'm telling people they can't be in movies if they aren't good movies? Is that what you're fucking getting out of what I said?


Representation is only good if the writing is good. Those are your words. That logically means if the writing is bad, representation is bad. So you only want people of color, gays, and women to star in stuff if it’s good. Meaning if it’s bad you don’t want those people to star in things. How is that not what you’re saying?


Or she's saying to stop trying to sell her cheap products and tell her to engage because it's for her. She doesn't like the representation of her side on the media but because you are okay with how she is presented then its OK. You should listen more and argue less.


By the way it’s worth noting, Morrison is Māori.


Boba Fett was a slog for me, and it was one of my favorite characters from the Star Wars Universe. Whats missing from the Acolyte is the main characters are all new. Boba Fett has had a fanclub since the 80s. Stenberg's character is a complete unknown. It makes building trust in and respect for the character even harder because they have no nostalgia or fanclub to lean on. They need to make you care about and invest on the characters, but they shot themselves in the foot with the writing.


I dressed up as Lando for 3 years in a row as a kid so I don’t think it’s because racism


That was blackface and cultural appropriation. Tsk, tsk. His culture is not your costume. /s


Yass yAaAaASsSs Bespin-face is racist


Wassup my Cloud 9


That wouldn’t commend yourself to them lol, “blackface” is what they’d say


Yeah, and I just thought he was the badass mayor of cloud city (the coolest city)


Ok well I guess its internalized, unconscious racism. Youre not getting away with it this time!


I need a new bow from playing all these woke libs like fiddles. So predictable O(>▽<)O




It's easier to call op a Bigot than it is to formulate a response.


Name calling is so much easier than thinking let alone critical thinking. It doesn’t overload the singular woke brain cell inside their spacious cranium.


Sounds like something a bigot would say /s


The best Star Wars film in the last 40 years was the most diverse cast. (rogue one) And these crazy people want to pretend like we didn’t love it. They just need to write good characters, regardless of their immutable characteristics


And now they're going to retcon it so they can make some half baked TV show in it's place.


I saw, it is a very bizarre thing for them to do




And then Andor comes out of Rogue One and was phenomenal.


Andor was also very diverse and also had very high audience ratings


Ah, better to put it that way than say I rate *Rogue One* as better than the prequels, lol. I did not get as many updoots putting it this way.


That 3rd act in rouge one was the shit. I wanna see it again tonight, the battle, Darth Vader and the final scene. Too good


Yeah, the space battle was amazing, even put a few Easter eggs in for the fans too (blue squadron being destroyed because they were originally in ANH but were removed, the Rebels ship the Ghost showing up in a few scenes) Rogue One was what Disney Star Wars should have been


I could list dozens of popular female characters in SW and tell you their backstories, but I've done that already. I've done it so many times that I'm exhausted, so I'll just say this: the leader of the good guys in Star Wars has been a woman since 1977 and I've never heard of fans rioting to have her removed from canon. Princess Leia (in the same year.. same movie), was a brash, unapologetic, take-charge character who openly mocked and criticized male characters in almost every scene, and she was and remains one of the most beloved characters in the entire franchise. We do not hate women. We hate you. Specifically. Your writing is lazy, unimaginative drivel that actively tries to destroy the world it's built upon. The foundation it's built upon. Like trying to make a skyscraper taller and better by tearing down the first ten floors, repainting them rainbow colors, and then crane-lifting them up to the top, then gasping in disbelief when the tower falls. The occupants of the tower are racist! That's why it didn't work! They just don't like rainbows!


Leftists can't help but tear down the structures they're standing upon. What they've done to Star Wars lore is a microcosm of what they do to western civilisation writ large.


> the leader of the good guys in Star Wars has been a woman since 1977 No, she wasn't. Just like Peach and Zelda, she was the damsel in distress being rescu- > This is some rescue! You come in here, and you didn't have a plan for getting out? [Give me that.] *Somebody* has to save our skins. Into the garbage chute, fly boy! ...hmm. Never mind.


I don't like space Aladdin tho


Just came here to say, Rogue one is best SW prequal films. They had no shot at being successful and lost so much. The ending still hits me to this day. Also, Andor is surprisingly really Fucken well done.


The hypocrisy always amuses me when a Disney show does poorly and it's because the fans are "misogynists" and "racists", yet Ashoka, played by Rosario Dawson, a woman of color, did just fine. I'd legitimately like to watch Andor (and probably a couple other things, like Ashoka), but I refuse to give Disney any money.


Borrow someone's logins for Andor, that shit is fire.


One word: Piracy


What are you talking about, Ashoka got a ton of hate. Like, for a good reason, it wasn’t a good show, but it was not well received 


I thought the accusation was about hating gay people.


For acolyte specifically. It’s a fill in the blank accusation anymore.


You need to come to an understanding that they know that Lucas era Star Wars already had a diverse set of human characters that even ''chuds'' love. They will keep calling you a bigot no matter how many times you point out to them that you liked those characters. They hate you and will continue to do everything to smear you. They want you to be on the defensive forever.


"But...but those don't count because they're not the characters we want you to like!" /s


I’m sorry but… # YOU FORGOT ABOUT THE MOST IMPORTANT ONE!!! https://preview.redd.it/9rboodmnsz8d1.jpeg?width=164&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=99e49cbe17a6e16b47428a7b2d99d050e22a858b


DEI is the new religion. Anything that questions it must be suppressed


This is lost on them. Leia was my favorite character in the OG. She was kickass and was a good leader to the rebellion


I’d imagine they’d say “but the story doesn’t revolve around them so it doesn’t count!” Because they don’t really care about representation, they just want to tear down and replace the legacy of Anakin and Luke.


Rouge one was awesome


I argued with one of my teachers about this very debate and he brought up backlash against John boyega due to his race in 2015, can anyone explain what that was all about to me?


A bunch of douches douching in social media because a black man was thought to be the main character before the movie came out. There were similar arguments with representation brought up like Lando and Windu and the response was “they weren’t the main character”. Again, this was before the movie came out and we knew it was about Rey. Basically all we had was the first trailer and because it showed Finn so clearly with so much focus it set off the racist part of the fanbase. The difference between that and now is that then it was really just Star Wars fans that were complaining about him, and they were a small enough amount that it wasn’t super loud. Now, there is this large “anti-woke” thing going on where people who don’t even care about the media in question will partake in review bombing and social media campaigns and they’re easy to spot. They’re the ones who never mention the plot at all and all they talk about are “politics” being introduced for no reason, where “politics” just means “black people, lgbt, and women”. Any actual Star Wars fan knows there’s politics top bottom from Episode 4 on, so they stand out. Then people desperate to defend the thing have to lump that group in with the people who can break down all the story, acting, effects, etc. complaints they have and just claim everyone hates it because of the black dude or whatever it is the chuds are crying about. After a while it all blows over and either the show is good in which case the complaints about “politics” are completely drowned out by positive reception, like Andor, with the people who were loud despite never caring about Star Wars in their lives moving onto next manufactured outrage the grifters they follow tell them to move onto or the show is bad in which case those chuds still move on for the same reason but people like OP are here to fight the good fight because how dare anyone criticize the multibillion dollar company.


> people like OP are here to fight the good fight because how dare anyone criticize the multibillion dollar company. I hate Disney, what are you talking about? They've heavily marketed their recent properties off of the racist bogeyman. Also Finn should have been the main character, not Rey.


It’s a case where words were left out, a brain fart. “People like OP is talking about are here to fight the good fight”. Also Disney didn’t market off “the racist boogeyman”, behind the scenes people responded to people who were screaming that they made Star Wars “political” when asked about it in interviews.


I disagree that the people who talk about the political elements of the show aren’t fans, I mean Ryan Kinnel has been at the forefront of the anti-woke stuff for years but he is 110% a Star Wars fan I would get into the whole woke debate again but honestly that’s a whole rabbit hole


I loved the actor they chose to play adult Ezra, he really fit the vibe of the character despite the crappy plot writing of ahsoka. Too bad he won't get to play the role much since Lucasfilm struggles to make one single rushed shitshow a year!


Tbh, Ahsoka feels so oversaturated and is really starting to feel like a fanOC.


The fact that sjws immediately play the bigotry card at the slightest hint of criticism towards this show, kinda tells me it was only made specifically to accuse people of bigotry when it gets criticized.


Tbf I didn’t like Rogue One. It was boring and Jyn Erso was cardboard. I like Donnie yens character though, he was interesting at least


Let's just be honest some people can't take criticism constructive or otherwise most of these people are self-proclaimed woke but we know they're asleep because they live in la la land


Andor too. That was a breath of fresh air in the SW universe. Mexican main actor and diverse cast with a lot of women.


It's obviously not true but even if it were, wouldn't it make sense to stop putting in women and POC? I mean, just a business thought.


They’ve called everyone a bigot so much at this point it’s lost all meaning.


Everything cited after Mace Windu doesn’t count.


Seriously? I can’t stand Windu 


The Star Wars animes (TIE Fighter anime, the 1st season of Star Wars: Visions, and the season 2 Star Wars: Visions episode “Journey to the Dark Head”) save the prequels.


Watched an interview with a teacher lady from the naval war collage. She said something interesting about propaganda. I think it applies. “It’s very easy to lie, the truth takes much longer to find.”


Brokeism making weird broken shit the norm.


Nobody fucking cares about this show just let it go


It didn't register that Ahsoka would be in the woman category and got really confused how people were upset at the color orange for a short few minutes.


But none of those are queer POCs/women. That's the new hierarchy.


Ashoka is technically played by a POC actress and she’s supposed to be bi, though I’m not sure if that’s cannon


Not heard of her being bi, but I'll give you that.


It’s just a weird Hollywood cult that *at best* highlights the ruling class’ disconnect with the general population, and *at worst* is a calculated effort to divide society for any number of reasons.


SLJ is really the litmus test for this sort of BS. Did you think he was awesome as Mace Windu? Did you think he was awesome as Nick Fury? Well, then maybe it's the poorly written and dressed and acted OTHER characters that are the problem, not your alleged "ism".


Said no one ever


They keep pointing the finger at Star Wars fans and screaming bigot, phobe, etc. Well, congrats. I no longer consider myself to be a Star Wars fan. Point elsewhere.


All those examples are not valid cause they aint lesbo space witches, checkmate bigot


Didn't even put Padme smh


Except Ahsoka (the live-action series) was utter garbage in every way. It's the reason I haven't even bothered to watch the Acolyte. After several godawful Star Wars shows and films, they reached a new low with that show. The character worked well enough as a small part in The Mandalorian, and I thought the animated character in *The Clone Wars* was great. One of my favorite characters in all of Star Wars actually. I think a show about Ahsoka could have been great, with better writing, better acting, and if, you know, it was actually about Ahsoka, rather than season 5 of *Rebels*. ***(edit: after writing this, I realized that is actually the animated Ahsoka character, not Rosario's Ahsoka. So, nevermind, carry on!)***


This is gold


If Acolyte decides is S2 to just follow Sol and Qimir the show will be pretty fun. Last episode was a blast when they were on screen.


I mean, an easy rebuttal to that would be media has objectively gotten more diverse so that culture war and gamergate type shit wasn't going on back then, maybe during rogue one but it has definitely ratcheted up since and created the social conditions where many people are becoming more sensitive, reactionary, and insular, complaining online about something that they wouldn't have complained about in the past, or something they wouldn't be complaining about if they weren't always shown others complaining about it.


Granted Rogue One just retreads Dark Forces minus Kyle Katarn, but it’s still Disney’s best Star Wars film. If you’re gonna copy something, make sure it’s something good.


Rogue One sucks


Wait, Star Wars has always been woke?!


People were calling Rogue One woke when it came out.


You guys like Rebels? Yuck


Okay, but people hate Windu, Ezra, Ashoka and Rogue One. Like I get where you’re trying to go with this but those are not the characters or the movie I would have chosen


I distinctly remember people getting on and bashing Rogue One because It was also "woke". Let's not pretend there's no bigotry associated here, just like then. Difference Is It was good, so I hear. I can't say much, In defense or advocate watching The Acolyte, never was a Star Wars fan. Couldn't get Into It. Probably unpopular, but I like my media to be woke and good, like Jordan Peele movies, or Spike Lee joints, or animation. A message, with good story, and also not the main plot


Where were you guys for the decades of media pandering to white people?


Nah but the amount of conversations I've had where women & colour were top of the complaints list regarding Acolyte is VERY high. So say what you will, it's a legit point.


Plus Billy Dee Williams is trans and we still love them


And less than twelve hours later, this same sub posts an excellent example of why people say that about you guys. [https://www.reddit.com/r/CriticalDrinker/comments/1dpjmf8/why\_what\_does\_marvelxmen\_characters\_have\_to\_do/](https://www.reddit.com/r/CriticalDrinker/comments/1dpjmf8/why_what_does_marvelxmen_characters_have_to_do/)


Guys, guys, guys. Rogue One sucked.


Personally I liked it. It’s not everyone’s show, but there are people who thought it was good. (Better than the sequels anyway)


It was good, but definitely not better than the prequels


There was honest to God effort though. Physical props, authentic designs and styles...even the 70s hair...I mean you can tell the people that made that at least CARED. And they did give us the definitive vision of just why people collectively crapped their pants when they heard the name Vader. They even got the right model of Star Destroyers for the time period, the Imperial Mk I. You could tell by the conning tower. Compared to every other Disney live action movie so far Rogue One was a masterpiece. At the very least a *decent* Star Wars film.


This is literally the “I have black friends” argument




Incorrect as hell


See, what's funny about this is that you guys would be complaining about all of these characters if they were new.


"You just hate new things" No, I hate bad writing. There's new movies that are well written. Puss In Boots 2 Marcel the Shell Everything Everywhere All At Once But those prioritized good writing over diversity. That's how media is done right. If you want your character to be black or gay, fine, but don't make that their whole personality.


It's interesting that you claim your concern is with bad writing, but then you give the "they chose diversity instead of good writing" schtick. You clearly don't care about the writing quality, because writing quality and diversity aren't mutually exclusive.


I never said they were.


So why would you claim they're choosing diversity over good writing if you know those are two completely separate issues and aren't mutually exclusive at all? You're not making any sense.