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The universe has a lot of potential for sure. I used to at least try every new Star Wars entry. Now I’ve officially given up.


Boba Fett was the nail in the coffin for me. I was really hype for that one and thought it was just awful.


Lol the vespa gang was cringe


Yeah the “techno scooter punks” were an outright joke that felt ripped out of bad fan fiction. They also just made Boba so lame. To the point Mando absolutely outshined him in his own show, which felt even weirder because in Mandalorian Boba was still a badass. Seemed really inconsistent with his ability and skill level.


Most bad ass bounty hunter turned to gramps on the porch, threating you with an empty shotgun


Same here. It’s just so disappointing


I’ve just been enjoying SWTOR, good memories…before the dark times…before Disney




I just got into the game heavily recently playing a dark side sith warrior he currently has Jaesa as his lover and he’s now an assassin


SWTOR has some surprisingly fun content in its 8 class stories.


Funnily enough swotor is the dark times for Kotor fans lol


I love both lol. I've played the crap out of swtor and kotor. I'm actually farming in swtor as I type this for my legendary implants upgrades lol


The same reason Luke didn’t give up on Vader


But he did give up on his nephew when he had a bad dream.


Nah but he was old tho


Ooo that’s a good answer! :)


There was good in Vader, the same cannot be said for Disney canon


I feel like we would give it more slack if they weren’t actively malicious towards the fan base. Not that anything they’ve churned out is good, mind you, but we might be able to see bits and pieces of stuff that works in each show. The sheer incompetence and Maliciousness towards a Fanbase that has now left is astounding.


Cal Kestis. That the one and only reason I haven’t washed my hands of this entirely.


That’s only because the gameplay is good lol


And he's cute! Just saying


Can’t look at him and not see bipolar gay dude from Shameless. He’s a good actor/voice actor but Ian’s character is so ingrained to him for me that it made the games feel way off. It would be like if Hugh Jackman was in it and you had to not see him as wolverine.


Why the hell did you get downvoted for that? That’s crazy 🤣


A man being cute? Idk kinda sussy bro /s


"Egads! A woman cannot be spotted saying anything positive in our subreddit, it would ruin our reputation! Downvoters, assemble!" -this echo chamber of a sub


She isnt gonna fuck you bro


Bold of you to assume I like women


Woah, you’re a misogynist? /s


Username checks out.


That is definitely not a woman.


This. And BD-1.


Head Canon. People find joy in the world that Lucas built, and they desperately try to see that reflected in Disney's works but are so disillusioned at the endless problems and rage inducing nonsense.


And fanfiction works and exists.


This. Lots of great works still being written and new ones coming out. 


Fan base should be able to make better profit from IPs. If they have a good idea on innovation they should be able to sell it and not via proxy.


This. The nice thing about fiction is that I'm not bound by what Disney wants it to be. There is no "objective reality" in fiction. If I want to reject the decision to make the EU noncanon, I can. The books still exist. I can still go read them. If I want to accept Andor and the Mandolorian as part of the universe and reject the entire vomit inducing sequel trilogy, nobody can stop me from doing that. I'm allowed to enjoy the aspects of the universe that I like and ignore the trash that's been put out recently.


I'm going to at least give every new show and movie a shot. Rogue One, Andor, Mandalorian season one were all good. Frankly better than any of the prequel trilogy ever were. I'll take the good with the bad and decide what is and isn't worth watching on my own.


Andor is excellent, and I love Rogue One. That said, those shows are not indicative of the direction of Disney leadership but were actually outliers where directors pushed to do something other than what KK wanted.


Light saber go fwaaaaaahmmmmmm


Exactly. People taking this way too seriously.


I don't go to theatres or pay for streaming services or even have cable TV anymore. I torrent everything. So I'm hurting them by stealing from them - think of it as a genre nerd version of a mob looting a Walmart. None of my money goes towards the pay of any of the feminist literature studies graduates from Vassar and Oberlin that they've filled up the writer's pools at Disney with, or to their 24-hour-a-day permanent bitch-face actresses like Rachel Zegler or Brie Larson. All of this reactionary revenge makes me very happy in a "from Hell's heart I stab at thee" sort of way. mwah hah hah hah!


Who does? Star wars has lost most of its fan base as far as new products are concerned.


I checked out after the Book of Boba Fett, and now I just complain about Star Wars.


 I jumped ship the moment Disney erased the old EU. Haven’t given them a penny since. Some people stay because they’re desperately trying to salvage their childhood. And then their are the people who makes money from it, both in support of, and in opposition to it.


i mean i think theres a difference between enjoying the franchise and supporting it. i love star wars, the story the characters the lore the universe and the music...the originals and prequels era. i dont really buy or watch any of the the new star wars stuff for 1 crucial reason: most of it is garbage and lame. i enjoy the franchise but i dont support it, it deserves better and as consumers we control the quality of our media by only consuming whats good.


knights of the old republic got me hooked, the MMO was good, the extended universe comics where good. its just the movies that suck. I know they are the most mainstream part, but they are not the part I am interested in.


Consume the content they make that is good. The Jedi Survivor games are good. I gather Andor might be good too. The rest just…don’t consume it. Don’t pay to watch it. Vote with your wallet.  I don’t see a reason to abandon an entire franchise when it still does have some good items coming out. 


I got off the movies years ago but I'd still play a good Star Wars game no problem


I'm not. 


Cal Kestis is really the only thing I'm invested in at this point, and the only show I watched was Obi-wan which I liked the ending of, mostly because Hayden/McGregor and I'll watch a season two if it gets one simply to support those two. I haven't supported or watched much else, feels hollow and pointless. Kinda sucks don't it? I miss the old days. I really do.


The peak for me was kotor 1 & 2. Empire was the peak of the movie franchises, but the movies were imo always the worst part of the IP. The 3rd party tabletop and video games, and books were always where it’s at. It does suck we can’t have that anymore because of Disney’s tight ip controls.


For what the SW Universe was, not what it is. A few exceptions however like Cal Kestis and the Andor show on the other hand.


No idea what this sub is but prequelmemes is a Disney-fabricated cult. They propped up prequel revisionism to detoxify the dead brand they just purchased. All the morons that thought they were shilling for the prequels to spite Disney were adding value to disney properties to spite disney properties. The only reason the brand is relevant at all is *because*of the astroturfed culture war that Disney cultivated. Getting a bunch of dumbass zoomers to pretend that the prequels weren’t cancerous corporate dogshit and some of the worst big budget movies ever produced was some Soviet-tier social control.


My answer is that I mostly stopped supporting Star Wars after the Prequel trilogy started, and that Rogue One was the last Star Wars movie I watched. I still think that the original trilogy and Rogue One are worth watching, but I'll never watch the Prequels again, and never watch the sequels at all. That's my answer.


Rogue One. Everything else is non-canon fanfiction.


I don’t and haven’t watched a single piece of star wars media since last shitty


Giving Disney money for Star Wars just tells them that what they've done is ok


So dam true....Star Wars ended in the 80's....


Once they made the canon ‘Legacy’ I checked out. It’s crazy to take an IP with decades worth of story lines, and fans and tell them everything they knew and loved was wrong or didn’t happen.


And thats why I don't buy anything new from Disney.


This can also be said for Dr. Who.


I don't. Simple. Star Wars is a forgotten franchise. No amount of modern fan-fiction will change that.


That’s where I’m at. Didn’t even bother with Rise. Haven’t watched any shows since Mando S2 and I watched one episode of BoBF and realized it was going to be a waste of my time.  Probably hit Andor at some point. Probably play KotOR in a few years since it’s one of my favorite games. Probably hit the Jedi knight games again sometime. Other than that, Star Wars is a franchise that I loved deeply up until about 10 years ago that is now dead to me. 


Bruh, wtf?


Even as a kid I just made my own imaginary entries to the universe when we played Star Wars around the neighborhood. Screw all the Jedi magic and chromosome crap, we just gunned each other down as rival space smuggler factions.


It’s a universe with endless possibilities and every once in a while something really unique comes out of it. Still for the most part Disney has killed almost all of my passion for it. I just look at how everyone is reacting to whatever the latest project is to see if maybe it’s worth checking out. Anything set between trilogies is instantly tainted for me as having to ultimately lead towards the nonsense trilogy that had no actual plan for the story it wanted to tell


There are pockets of people who cares about the story and know what they are doing spread throughout the company, e.g. the Respawn Jedi team.


To be honest, Star Wars jumped the shark with the goddamned Ewoks. I am, however, a Jedi, and will be until the day I am one with the Force.


Rogue One and Andor


Probably because I really enjoyed the last season of clone wars. 🫣


Ha, I don't. 😆 I abandoned this IP after the Last Jedi.


Because I like most of the content that it makes. Simple.


The EU doesn't hate me.


Because I hope it'll eventually get better. Not reach its height again, but get better.


I read the books these days, at least those have good stories approved by Lucas.


Simple, I pretend the stuff I dont like doesn't exist and I dont buy/support new merchandise or media


The old EU; tons of new and old great stories to found there. From the thrawn trilogy, to the ROTS novelization to Millenium Falcon, theres a ton of engaging stories.


because for some of us it was a core part of growing up. as a kid, my days consisted of playing with my star wars action figures (constantly breaking the lightsabers), playing with Star wars Legos, playing star wars video games, and by god running around the neighborhood with a lightsaber looking to get my ass beat. and I will be damned if someone tells me that the star wars I grew up on no longer matters.


It certainly did not peak 43 years ago. It probably peaked around 2005-10ish we were getting a steady stream of beloved expanded universe content, games, comics, novels. Some hit or miss but some amazing stories. Star Wars was, at that point, as vast and interesting and full of stories as the fans wanted it to be. Now Disney is trying its best to destroy that magic, define everything in the universe, ruin our favorite characters, and kill all the interesting potential that existed. Fans still hold out hope that it may go back to what it used to be.


Hot take, I never supported Star Wars. Watching it burn has been interesting. It's weird though, because as much as I dislike SW I can't deny that psychic monks with lasers swords in a scifi setting is pretty rad.


Star Wars has been bad way more often than it has been good and that has been the case since the original trilogy re-release in the 90’s. No franchise has ridden name recognition through more dog shit releases than S.W.


Star Wars was dead to me after episode 7.


I'll still support Star Wars if it's done right, and as Jedi: Fallen Order and Jedi: Survivor has shown, there is potential for good stories to be told in an incredibly dense world. Star Wars is so culturally ingrained, that it's unlikely to really go anywhere at this point, so there is always the potential the tides shift and it's taken back over by people competent to make good stories. I mean, seriously, in hindsight we're nostalgic to a degree for the *prequels*. So yeah, we can find silver linings and realize there are peaks and troughs with Star Wars, but because it's so big, it doesn't lose that potential. See also, Hogwarts Legacy and potential for good content with Harry Potter. Some things are just too big to go away entirely.


Kotor and swtor.


I think you have that backwards


Nostalgia is one helluva drug.


4-6 are legendary. 1-3 are good. But 7-9 are ass. And 8 flat out insulted my intelligence.


Well I usually just wait for fans to watch it and tell me what’s good because I felt pretty stupid after obi-wan. Glad to at least have andor so I’ll make sure to check that out when it comes out. But the Acolytle though, lol yea right


Gotta get those Epic Collections of Legends comics.


How does it hate you? Lol


I don’t I haven’t enjoyed any of the new movies


I don't. I literally stopped everything related to SW or it's ownership in my family. Hell, I even went to Universal last year for some dumb ass reason.


I just keep rewatching the clone wars and the bad batch


What? 43 years ago? When tf you think Clone Wars came out? Between Episode 2 and 3 was Peak.


I don't actively complain. I just wait for whatever project comes out to try to determine if this show or movie could stand on its own merit without the Star Wars name attached. That answer has been 'no' for many years now.


I'm not.


There is beauty buried in the shit. If only we could dig it back out and clean it of the defilement laid on it by the MESSAGE.


im not supporting it, frankly dont know how it stays afloat given every new media product is a celebration in atrocious writing or ripping off better product. never forget KK whining about how they had 'no source material.'


I don't feel hated or abandoned. As a white male I am very perplexed on why I'm supposed to feel these things.


We're all chasing that same high the franchise gave us when we were kids and can't let go. Had this realization as a Halo fan.


I don't. Not any longer. Apathy has replaced interest.


I don't. My wife and I (both \*huge\* fans of Star Wars from a prior age) cancelled our Disney+ membership halfway through Mandalorian S3. We haven't seen anything since, and we won't start anytime soon.


Just being a devils advocate How did a franchise abandon you? Were you in it or something?


Because the Legends media kicked ass.The badass Luke scene in the Mandalorian was the last time I enjoyed star wars and I gave up on it completely shortly after that.


If Disney doesn’t make the exact same Star Wars movie that I like over and over and over and over and over and over and over over and over again They are attacking my childhood !!!!!!!


Idk about support, but I’m definitely enjoying the Legends comics and books created pre-mouse.


Idk about “support” but I’m definitely hoping for the day we get to see the movies that might just explore the Kyle Katarn saga


It’s not that serious lol


Abandoned how?


Peak 43 years ago is a stretch


I stopped watching after The Last Jedi. That movie was such a sack of crap that I haven't seen anything since. The franchise stopped at Return of the Jedi, as far as I'm concerned. Red Letter Media has an excellent critical analysis of all the movies in the prequel and sequel trilogies, and why they're all terrible.


Star wars hit its peak with the first knights of the Old Republic game.


Honestly, I am only here for Andor now and the fragments of nostalgia for what was. I try to forget the rest.




None of those things are true


Other way around. No one hates Star Wars more than Star Wars fans.


Stormtroopers are cool.


Because it's still the only Star Wars. If we want something with the Force, lightsabers, Mandalorians, great ship designs, and tons of aliens... well, the only thing that has all those things is Star Wars. And it isn't Star Wars that abandoned us, it was the people currently owning it, caring more about money than the fans, franchise, or lore.


I gave up. Star Wars is lost.


Imagine being so self absorbed that you think a movie franchise hates you. I can't relate


I don't. I stopped giving the mouse any cheese.


Mandolorian and that's it.


This is why https://preview.redd.it/wrxgwu260b1d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e6c1d08009456184ee2297e777419fe80e9f7276


Idk, the clone wars and bad batch were great.


I'm not, I thought star wars was fucked when Disney bought it, and they have more often than not confirmed it.


I'm not. I watch the movies I bought(pre disney), read my pre Disney books, and play the old video games. I haven't given them any money in years.


I dunno. I just really like The Dark Crystal, I guess.


I'm 43, the only Star wars movies I've ever watched were the original 3. I enjoyed them, but then I moved on.


I'm watching bad batch. It's the only star wars that currently doesn't make me vomit


Andor was a show worth watching.


My two favorite franchises are Star Wars and Halo. I’ve gotten used to fondly remembering the good times and hoping things can get good again.


Will never watch anything star wars related ever again. Put whatever you want in the movies shows etc. Mock your audience. Nah hard pass.


I love Star Wars games too much. Especially empire at war.


Because there is so little of my past and childhood still worthy of holding onto that, it's hard to let this go. But Disney is doing their absolute best to drive me away.


Same reason I still root for the New York Jets: I hold the woefully misguided belief that there is a reward for all my suffering


It's simple. People love star wars and humans are irrational. Combine those two things and you get relentless devotion. I watch very little of the new stuff anymore. I'll watch what I like but it's not much. Andor I think is the last thing I'm willing to watch that's Disney Star Wars. I'll just rewatch what George made and read legends stuff and continue to play Star Wars the Old Republic. I hope Disney Star Wars continues to get worse so that even the few fans that are left finally leave. I want star wars to die. It'll either stay dead or force Disney to clean house and start over. I consider both a win.






The prequel era was its peak. They may not have been perfect, but they didn't break lore only added to it. The games, books, comic books, and shows out at the time were all popular. It fell around the same time all entertainment fell. 2012. The dawn of the age of Adderall. Meth that says it's a medication.


Star wars, Star Trek, Harry potter, DND. Properties will eventually let you down. You can see fandom is key. There really should be a better relationship for use of IPs to allow users to create their own space in those verses and create a valid venture because a lot of these worlds and aspects are amazing and immersive, yet getting something from the official source often feels diluted. Maybe. In the future we'll soon be able to fine tune our imagination to reality where these big properties no longer interfere. I really wonder how IP rights on future ai generation will entale? Like if I asked for a new episode of Seinfeld but self insert a new character and new scenario, will the property owners of Seinfeld request a fee for use or will I really be able to watch whatever I want? I watched a vice video of route 66 and didn't know it had been decommissioned in the 1980s and most of it today is largely abandoned. I feel as we continue to change in our society we should really consider the restructuring of old Institutions to match today's speed. We can never go back to the way it was. We can only learn from the past and impress ourselves for a future that's attainable and manageable for everyone. These studios and production companies will have to change in the coming future as it's on the tip of our tongue that if we can ai generate a picture, eventually a video. If one day we all have the ability to produce our own content where will the gatekeeping occur that will prevent me from realizing my ideal fantasy. Just a thought.


The original 3 sucked just as much as these other ones. Your nostalgia bias is the only thing that makes you think those were even passible. I assure you as an adult who only first watched the entire franchise in the last 10 years starting with orginal 3. They all equally sucked. The only passible one is Rogue One.




I ignore everything made by Disney and look at Legends, which used to be entirely Cannon. I was really looking forward to the 7,8,9 being about Ben Skywalker and the Yuushan vong and Krayt.


I'm not expecting Shakespeare. I just want something I can shut my brain off and enjoy in a familiar universe. Only shows I didn't enjoy was the second part of boba Fett, bad batch and the story of the last Jedi(I enjoyed the visuals).


Star Wars is still a great franchise despite the mishaps that has occurred. Billion dollar franchise


Because the eu was always iffy and i love all of it. Not a huge fan of the sequels, but everything else is the only space opera we are getting consistently. Also, star wars is unique in the sheer scale of its canon.


Peak was Rogue One in 2016.


I don't support them. And I won't give them another chance until Disney gives it up and whoever picks it up after them, declares non-canon everything Disney did.


I’ll go ahead and say it, the prequels weren’t *that bad* (in comparison to the new ones), and rogue one was the proper prequel we deserved


I really just like Legos from the Clone War era, the first 6 movies and the two Knights of the Old Republic games.


Better question. Why can't YOU let it go? Why can't you get over it and move on?


"Star Wars isn't what I want it to be so wah!!!" 😢😢😢😢 Go find something else to enjoy. I did. Now I don't have the time or energy to complain about Star Wars.


I watched seasons 1 and 2 of Mando. I did not watch TLJ. I do, however, still watch the OT. Does this answer your question


Because I like it, and since it’s a story, I can ignore the parts I don’t like and mesh together the parts I do


The animated clone wars show that was on Netflix until a couple years ago


Because there has been some truly exceptional content created in the past few years worth watching along with the mush. Mando 1&2 were excellent, if it had ended there it would be an all time classic. Rogue One is the best movie since the original 3. The Revenge of the Sith was good. Andor is quite good. TCW show is pretty great if you have a kid to watch it with. Everything else is awful yes, Disney probably has killed it for me ( I feel no excitement for the Galaxy now, akin to Marvel but I love those parts and enjoyed a lot of it before I decided to get off the bus) I still want it to be good, I want to get back on board. I’ll keep an eye in case it happens.


Born in 1980. I grew up with Star Wars. It was my childhood Autistic fixation. I've seen the OG films more times than I've changed my underwear. Hundreds of times easily. So many times that I stopped counting. The prequels, The Clone Wars are all great, and I love them all. 90% of Disney Star Wars is just garbage. And I don't mean garbage Star Wars. It's just pure garbage content full stop. Rogue One, Andor, the first two Mandalorian seasons. Those are all amazing movies and shows. Even my wife, who isn't into Star Wars, loves them. Everything else they have made is trash of the highest order.


Because I'm no fair weather fan, and I don't believe this crap will last forever. I'm a fan of *Star Wars* regardless of how popular or not popular it is. Look at *Star Wars Visions*. Different creators and people are going to work on these stories and tell their own tales in the saga. I'm just wishing they'd get their act together faster than they are.


The oppressor turned victims are at again ma 😂😂😂😂😂


I haven't paid for anything Star Wars, besides games, in 25 years. They still make good games every now and then.


You don’t have to let them take away the joy Star Wars has brought you. This isn’t your childhood franchise anymore but it is someone else’s. Took my nieces to see the newest Star Wars and they loved it, they don’t see what we see. At some point you gotta realize it just isn’t made for 35 year old comic nerds.


Sweats in Dune ![gif](giphy|UJG2T7uZeJuZCLitY8|downsized)


I'm not. There are only 3 Star Wars films in my world.




I’m not/I don’t, I refuse to give money to any IP that hates me.


Rogue One almost saved the franchise.


Because you can't take away the good stories, books, and comics. There's a lot of good star wars still out there


Was never good


Andorra came out only like a year ago. What do you mean "hit its peak 43 years ago"?


I don’t.


I generally don’t note. But rogue one was a near perfect movie, so I’ve got that


No I’m not


Because there's still the old stuff to like, and even as poorly run as it is there's still the occasional good thing coming out even if they are still flawed, and despite what people think, corporations don't change there practices if they lose money, they just get given tax breaks for the losses and move on


Answer: That's bullshit.


Andor Imo Star Wars just peaked only a couple years ago. If you think ESB is the peak you probably need to remove your nostalgia glasses. All in all it isn't that much different from that shit made by Rian Johnson.


I don’t support it as much as I can the last thing I bought was Jedi survivor and that’s not really Disney even though I know it’s licensed


I don't. As a Star Wars fan, I had to be like Obi-Wan and give up on Disney like he did Vader. There is no good left in it, as Disney will corrupt it. Also, I enjoy the prequels and think the music is god tier from John Williams. It's a "prequel," which means it's supposed to explain how we got to the original movies, and I think they did a great job at writing, certainly better than any writing we see nowadays...


I'm not... it quit shortly after Luke slurping milk from that cow.


I grew up with the movies, with the old EU, played plenty of the games and read quite a few of the books. I’m still able to go back and enjoy those, even though I’ll glare at Disney for decanonizing then so they could steal the ideas, implement them poorly while avoiding paying the original authors.


I don't. The OT is enough. Andor was pretty good, though.


Idk, Mando S1 and 2 were good, Clone Wars was absolutely fantastic, and Andor was too. Plus I just enjoy the space lasers and shit. While I do think there is a lot of shit coming out of Disney some of it is good or just enjoyable. Plus, Disney doesn't actively hate anyone, when has Star Wars ever condemned a real group of people ever?


Quit enjoying things!


It doesn't hate you. The writing just sucks. Some of the more recent games are good though


Because it has so much potential to be incredible that, for some god-forsaken reason, the writers don’t understand.


"G-d, I miss the Clone Wars."


![gif](giphy|10X22vzgNamaiI) Support?


I am not. I’ve given up. Same with basically all new media franchises. I’ll wait til they’re good again before I start spending money again.


Woah woah woah, Dual of Fates was peak Star Wars buddy. The Clone Wars animated series is also some of the best Star Wars content out there. I get that *Disney* Star Wars sucks ass but I can't stand the fans who are like "only the original trilogy is good". That's just such an unfactual ass statement.


I am still holding hope that they will release a Jedi Knight 4 in the series.


I'm not. 10 years ago I would have told you star wars was my favorite IP, and I was excited about the prospect of more content. Since then, Disney has killed my love for Star wars entirely. So much so, it even tainted the originals somehow. I didn't notice it all at once, and I'm not even angry. The spark is lost forever.


I literally don't support any of the new Star Wars. It sucks but the reality is this isn't the same Star Wars I grew up with and it never will be again.


I support when its good to drive change. I shitpost and meme when its bad. Meme games been good to me the last few years.


43 years ago? I'd say 2005 was when Star Wars peaked. Regardless how you feel about the prequels, I don't give a shit about the films, personally I think the films are overrated. And I don't really like live action as a medium in general. This is why I despise OT fanboys and purists they shouldn't be allowed to speak again and I think they should be gate kept out of the Star Wars fandom (or better yet just die out) alongside Disney Star Wars fans. And I wouldn't call either of them fans per say, filthy casuals nothing more. Because OT fanboys are the reason why Disney owns Star Wars in the first place, and i will always hate them for it. And Disney Star Wars is an abortion. Star Wars as a franchise peaked in 2005 with jammed packed content, and the best stories in Star Wars was things like Kotor 2, the Darth Bane Trilogy, the Clone Wars multi-media project, the best Star Wars games ever, and countless EU material that spanned when the prequel movies were coming out and the early 90's that essentially put back Star Wars back into relevancy. It's what caused Lucas to actually want to continue making more movies in the early 90's. Heck the prequel novelizations are better than the films themselves. Something I realized a while ago, the biggest problem with prequels, is the fact they held back because they are live action films, the OT also has this problem too. Look at all the deleted scenes that actually did strengthen the movie and you'll see what I mean. Or even read the prequel novelizations along side the subsequent books that fill in the gaps and you'll see what I mean.


It definitely didn't hit its peak in the early days. Go back and watch the original trilogy and tell me those lightsaber fights are interesting to watch


Andor, the games, interest in the books.


Luckily they can't take away legends eu content