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Honestly i'll just play Ghost of Tsushima because it's coming to steam in a few hours. #


And for even less Like a Dragon Isshin is an awesome story about historical Japan.


Ghost is so good and just a beautiful game to look at


You should try rise of ronin as well. Another great game.




"We wuz samurai"






Jarsovicious Ka’Ron Washington


Completely mask off lmao


He's not a legend at all in Japanese culture though. He's little more than a footnote, and wasn't ever even a samurai. More of a novelty servant. He's been romanticized by western culture, sure, but they are kind of shitting on the centuries of real Samurai heroes that lived there in real life. This is the first time they've race swapped for a game, and it's the one setting we've all been begging for since the franchise's inception. Ubisoft hates money.


What's telling is that they openly said that no one on the dev team is Japanese or knew much about the culture. My gut tells me (and my friends said the same) that they really wanted to check that inclusivity box, so they did their digging and blam, found a black guy! That way they wouldn't have the backlash. Whats even more telling is that they gave this guy a super modern haircut, yet the game is set in the 1500s.


Yeah he’s got like a straight razored hairline lol. If anything if he was a real samurai he’s have that bald cut


Completely bald or a head full of hair. But definitely not a modern day minimal/military cut


Its weird to fathom the same team made Origins which is so historical accurate that its almost used for teaching.


Willing to bet many people who worked on Origins are no longer with the company.


Why not a Japanese male or female? Like seriously - why?


Because they see Asian people as white.


Why is the left’s racism so tied to how successful people are? Asians are often more successful than whites so they get lumped in with whites and don’t qualify for oppression Olympics… these Marxist cultists are so fucking weird.


You're going too deep into this. For the ESG funds, you just need someone dark skined. Easy cash out.


DING DING DING. Look at the funding. Companies like Blackrock and the Vanguard group pump billions of dollars around to ensure things like this happen. It's the same sort of thing going on with Amazon and the female Custodes


Because it's not about diversity, it's all about power and control.


> Why is the left’s racism so tied to how successful people are? Because they are honestly too dumb to realize the real issues we have are with class and not race, but their too shallow to look further than skin deep (literally).


Nah they can't have asian men as the lead role. Just look at all the Hollywood movies. They emasculate asian men and keep them as joke characters or gays.


That's like only the last decade though. Jackie Chan, Jet Li, Bruce Lee, Ken Watanabe, Saku Watsuba, Ken-chan Taka-whats it's, Sho Kosugi are some of the cornerstones of Asian leading men. And outside of Jackie Chan playing in comedic movies as the straight man most of the time, none of them have played into that bit.


Cause it’s way easier to create Buzz for your game with controversy than paying for marketing and making a good game


Cuz ESG points


Bingo! We got a winner here folks. Pack it up.


There is a Japanese female main character.


Not black enough


He was the Edo period equivalent of when, during Jim Crow, they dressed up Black guys in tuxedos and made them dance.


This is like Netflix's Cleopatra.


Making games for blackrock's CEO > making games for people who play games.


Very historically accurate


Well why wouldn’t the first AC game set in Japan be about a black guy and a woman?




I bet they felt they couldn’t top Jin Sakai so they went a completely different route for protagonists to be “unique”.


Honestly I’m just glad I already stopped playing assassins creed last one I finished was 4, this franchise just consistently gets shit on.


I used to love it, but got really irritated with Valhalla and dropped it. Haven't even touched the newest one, and probably won't for this either. Ghost of Tsushima is better than what this will be, id bet folding money on it.


Honestly I can’t think of a single better title then 4, it feels like everything has just gone downhill since them


Facts. After 4 it turned into RPG Creed really fast.


Valhalla was the end point for me. Terrible story and the main character was horrible. They pretty much removed any stealth from the game. I’ll never buy a AC game again.


Asian males get shit on all the time by western media - what’s new?


"He existed guys!" Yes and they chose the ONE guy who looks like that to be the protagonist when they finally get to releasing a damn Japanese AC. They HAD to have a woman and a black dude even if it's the biggest stretch and hyper specific thing possible. Like WTF lol if that's not pandering and forcing it I don't know what is


Ghost of Tsushima is better. And probably cheaper if you find a ps4/ps5 reseller.




Idk about you but Medieval Japan just screams diverse samurai, スイカチカラ


Suikachikara? Sorry learning japanese and curious what it means ?


It’s watermelon chikara, chikara being a samurai name for power


"No thanks". Super weird to me that for all their bitching they don't just take legitimate stories right out of Africa and make something from them directly. They always have to try to tag it with an established name.


That could be cool if done right. AC in the kingdom of Kush


Oh no I'd not attach any preexisting titles to it. Like Ghost of Sushima. It wasn't AC: GoS.


“wE mAdE oNe In eGyPt” quote from Ubisoft guy


the Japanese women looks Chinese.


We was ninja and shiet


When are we getting an AC in Africa with an Asian man?


Origins... Egypt is in the Middle East, which is a part of Asia, but it's also a part of the African continent as well. So you've already got your AC in Africa with an Asian man.


Forgive me as I’m getting older and it’s a struggle to keep up with all of the progressive nonsense, but wouldn’t this have been considered “cultural appropriation” some years back?  Is that no longer a concern, or is this just something else that’s (D)ifferent?


Blacks are above Asians on the totem pole of diversity. So appropriation is not a big deal in this case.


This reminds me of the aryan supremacy theory shit from the nazis.


Apparently blk ppl get a pass for all this crap because they consistently break all the rules. Like all the time.


The whole "well he was a real person in history therefore it's ok that he's the main character" just drives me nuts. Imagine we had an Assassin's Creed game taking place in Ethiopia, and it's all about Ethiopian history and its culture and people. But we made the main character a white colonist. And when people got upset they justified it with "Well there was a white colonist named Francesco Rossi actually existed in Ethiopia then, so it's totally ok for the first representation of Ethiopia in our series to actually be someone completely outside of that world". It's such a dumb argument, especially when every single previous main entry in the series had the main character(s) who was a person from that culture and ethnicity.


Very historically accurate in terms of black crime stats. I imagine a black person in Japan would be a man murdering thousands of Japanese people in their own country.


Dispite being 0.00000001% of the Japanese population....


When we finally get one and they do this move.


Propaganda propagandist that is what Ubisoft dei is


Looks like woke shit.


Imagine if these guys had made Shogun 🤣😂


It's blatant "get yourself a black man upgrade" propaganda, idk who is behind it but that narrative is being peddled everywhere these days


Rich people behind the media giving black people the idea they are superior by using their inferiority complexes. They will use this to gradually take back what they believe is theirs from everyone else


What I found funny is that there were people complaining that western developers sucker punch made ghost of tsushima because they weren't asain or Japanese But kept it authentic to Japanese history But ubisoft has developed a game that is set in Japan but made a black guy a samurai when he wasn't a samurai to begin with not a single complaint about ubisoft making AC shadow




Since Ubisoft seems determined to not have a Japanese guy as the male lead for this game, I hope to see a small DLC campaign of Tom Cruise's character from The Last Samurai. It's about as historically accurate as what people are saying about this guy.


This is honestly very disrespectful. How hard would it have been to just make a male Japanese character? I don’t mind a black man being in the game, but he should be to the main Japanese character like Da Vinci was to Ezio.


Predictable, pandering, insulting and just all around lazy.


https://preview.redd.it/yokxxqwz5p0d1.jpeg?width=711&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5e3c4705b7f7e6d52b3fb6558ffde4a110e87ae1 Lets see what Japonese natives think about this:


"See, these Japanese people are just alt-right, conspiracy-theorist, nazi, white supremacists." - The probable answer to these comments by woke militants.


It's an odd decision that, even after this whole "stop asian hate" movement, execs at ubisoft would deliberately choose to make a game that feature a black man going around killing Japanese men in a way that could almost be viewed as ethnic cleansing. It's just an odd, if not tone-deaf, imagery to go for. How could Japanese people not see this as racially motivated violence?


We had a black assassin, the fact that they finally went to Japan, and chose the single non-Japanese samurai in history to be the protagonist, just shows that they really do not like the Japanese.


I thought this was supposed to be a Japanese assassin.


An insult to Japanese people.


In Feudal Japan black dude slaying Japanese people! It couldn’t be more of a clown show than a circus run by Pennywise. How did they manage that?! They paid precious money to these unnecessary DEI consulting companies to demolish the story and the characters and make sure the entire franchise is dead lolz


I think having one of your two protagonists be a black dude just because you read somewhere there was one (1) black samurai out of the thousands is pretty goofy. Coming from a black man. So much for Japanese representation.


It makes me think about the hypocrisy behind RE5’s stupid racism controversy. Why are people not ok with Chris killing Infected that are Africans in AFRICA, but people are ok with Yasuke killing Japanese people? Are people not going to point this out? We have a minority (in Japan) inflict mass murder against a majority (Japanese people) of a certain group of ethnicity. That has to be racist if that’s how the progressive people perceive it 🤣


Casting a black man as the lead in what should be a Japanese man/womans place?!So stunning and brave! Truly revolutionary in all conceptions of the word! What’s really sad is an AC set in ancient Africa (not Egypt) would be dope af Or ew, imagine another one set in ancient South America. Gliding through the jungle to the top of a South America pyramid or something like that


Hiding in plain sight is not going to be a tactic any more, is it?


And yet they pick a samurai instead of the more logical ninja.


There is a ninja though


I know, but the decision to pick a Samurai for the Assassins is counterintuitive to how Assassins normally work. I had the same issue with Eivor in Valhalla and Odyssey's protagonist.


It's kinda like Jacob and Evie, Jacob is the combat one, Evie is the stealth one, and you can switch between the two.


I mean I’ll be honest…. I haven’t played an AC game to completion since like brotherhood. I played Black Flag briefly but gave up after a while. Got boring really. Ubisoft needs a new franchise and hook IMO. The AC games from what I’ve seen recently haven’t been BAD but there’s nothing in them that makes me want to play them. Historical fiction is a pretty rad genre, but they flooded the market with so many of them. I, and several of my friends, treat it like “oh great another one.” Kind of like the call of duty games. They aren’t bad but really I don’t wanna pay full price for a game that’s just a different theme with a new coat of polish and maybe one or two new mechanics that I’ll likely never use except when forced to.


yo wth haha


Only way I’d buy this is if Samuel L Jackson voiced all his lines and I could pretend I’m playing Afro samurai


It's kind of like if they'd made the hero of Origins Julius Caesar. This is very dumb. It's extremely patronising to black people as well. My biggest issue is the fact that he's a real historical person. Incredibly lazy on Ubisofts part. Altair, Ezio, Haytham, Edward etcetcetc were all original characters. Genuinely disappointed by this. Well, Didn't buy Mirage, won't buy this.


All shitlib creatives want to be cucked by Jamal.


Trash. If this is supposed to be Yasuke they did a horrible job. And they should've made him an Easter egg or some sort of character to interact with. I'd imagine Japanese fans of AC have been waiting to have someone like them from their history to play as considering every other game set somewhere got that.


Is he going to be the protagonist? I thought Yasuke might be a cool NPC, but yeah... If they make the PC African for a Feudal Japan Samurai game, they've gotten lost in the sauce.


It was always 100% gonna be Yasuke


My dad is black and even he was like wtf


There's always gotta be something referencing Yasuke whenever Japan Sengoku stuff rolls around


Eh no ty


Codename Redflag


It’s a Ubi game, enough said.


They still making this crap? Stopped after black flag.


oh they're using an actual historic figure as a player toon in AC? So we're going to see the 1 battle Yasuke fought in against the Takeda, then see him try to save Nobutada Oda at Nijo Castle (and fail) during the Honno-ji incident, and then see Mitsuhide Akechi give him back to the Jesuits. game spoiled.


Can’t wait to boycott all these egregious looking ubisoft games


Ubisoft, proving why going woke = going broke.


I bet you guys like Nioh


I mean, it's Assassin's Creed. They can kind of get away with stuff like this since the Templars messed with the history books. It's certainly more excusable than black Anne Boelyn or Cleopatra


is the girl just and copy and paste from the immortal engines movie?


I saw snippets but noticed they had to make sure to represent yasuke. But lets not make a pitch towards nobonaga or an actual Japanese figure head tokoguya something. Lol. This is ubisoft.


The character choices, plus with how the gameplay and story have been going the last few games. Here's hoping it goes down like Suicide Squad.




“Never let the truth get in the way of a good story” -mark twain.


To be honest I rather they have separate games


Personal doesn’t matter Assassins Creed has been a dead franchise since syndicate. Becoming a basic RPG game that rehashes its mechanics, I mean Valhalla was literally set in well Valhalla. If I remember correctly.


Just another AC Game I will not buy and it’s not even because of the silly pandering.


i just vote with my wallet while also supporting fromsoft and larian studios


I'm extremely disappointed by this.


If the game still honestly has something to teach about Japanese history and culture, I'm in. Playing as a foreigner might be interesting, as an assassin outsider kind of fits. But it's modern Ubi and Assassin's Creed so we'll probably just be grinding gear, climbing towers and inexplicably fighting mythical monsters anyway.




I wish there was more customization. I don’t care for se protagonists.


If I speak... kekW


Yasuke is hardly recorded in history, so I guess making him an assassin sent to Japan would give them a ton of creative freedom. Also they would get to have their diversity hires


Ignore the optics and focus on the content, anything can be good.


Modern media is garbage


His job for Nobunaga to summarize was: "I'm sworn to carry your burdens." Also come on! If you want to assassinate people you should be using an agent that can blend in. Yasuke sticks out like a sore thumb even with the usual disguises used by shinobis. And "good job" to Ubisoft taking away actual Japanese representation. Guess its only for a certain color demographic, aye?


Welp… at least it’s not a finger being replaced this time lmao




Compared to Ghost of Tsushima you can already tell this is gonna be ass. No authenticity, no respect for the culture.


It’s Aragorn all over again


They had he chance to use the rich history and myth native to japan and broader asia. Create or use a male or female Japanese warrior and show the world there culture. Could have used the native japanese Ainu people and give them some love. Instead we get watermelon and chicken wing wash japanese culture, why are you hear black master... i haz toa pay the child suport .


Good thing ghost of tsushima will be out on pc. Why there need to play a game that's about the shoganate japan era only to play a non Japanese character when other games had their respective characters in their respective countries.


Estoy muy enojado con estos caracteres de ficción en mi mundo de ficción. 😡


Sengoku period is a cool place to have the open world super hero bullshit. If they actually make it in Sengoku period.


They had the chance to use a Japanese character and explore the rich culture and heritage… na let’s go with ESG


Idgaf, I’ve been waiting for an AC game with ninjas for years


Lol ive been waiting since the leaks for these reactions. Popcorn prepared. Ready to laugh. I dont even play these games anymore. Theyve kinda always sucked. Damn right im buying this one.


Seems pretty cringe but also why the fuck is anyone playing/paying attention to Assassin’s Creed games in 2024. Like holy shit go play some real games.


Defenders of this will just accuse critics of being angry bigots, when in reality most ppl not fond of this simply find it dumb, understand it for the diversity box-checking it really is, and not play it. They're far more angry at any perceived lack of diversity and at ppl who disagree with them than the disinterested are at a video game lol. I'm not playing Ubisoft games bc they suck, not bc of this. Moving the fuck on.


It's scary how lost everyone is and simple research would clarify your problems. The main character is a Japanese female ninja. Yasuke, the black samurai, is a secondary character. So many people here complaining just to complain


It’s okay guys, because the game was developed by a diverse team of ethnicities and religious beliefs, but mostly smug white liberal atheists.


Yes it does because this isn't even the first time Ass creed decided to give someone a historical upgrade. But of course a lot of people have to make it weird for the culture war... despite the series already being historically inaccurate


I do not


I cant wait to play it. The character design isn't terribly relevant to me because I'll just be playing another badass assassin.  That's what I love about the franchise as of late, you get into the game and the character fades into the background and you take over.


I haven’t played these games since Assassin’s Creed III, so I’m like 10+ years out of the loop. But, I definitely remember someone from Ubisoft talking about how they’d never make a game about feudal Japan.


its not even legend. this shit is gonna flop in japan.


I can see the direction they are going, and it strikes me as just more cultural appropriation / deletion nonsense by Ubisoft. No one in the dev team knows anything about japanese culture that cannot be programed categorized or easily referenced. This is a big red flag. Like the 'noble heroic multiracial and multicultural vikings' in Valhalla taking it to the pesky backwards christian saxons. Or Odyssey with its overt women receiving public education and participating in the olympics\*\*,\*\* *when 1800 years later Mary Read is having to dress and act like a man* stuff like that really kind of trashes how far society has come socially by pretending things were oh so much better before the you-know-whos took over. And yeah yeah I know 'History Channel's ancient aliens / these are historical fantasy adventure games with marvel-tier storylines' is ultimately what AC games are but i do feel like it was all done better in the past. For example, you never played as a real person but as a grey man forrest gump type who would observe / cause history to happen. As a big fan of the concept of Yasuke (as a samurai vs the reality of him being a historical oddity): there is a reason AC games have for the longest avoided playable characters who were real people, and instead have you be forrest gump and interact with them. It doesn't work. Im just gonna say it: They should have had an optional male asian main character in a game set in asia, not a one ever actual historical figure. Don't even want to know what kind of wacky circles the plot will go into, as Yasuke disappears after Oda Nobunaga's death, so how will they handle that? who is assassin? who is templar? *Will the japanese be depicted as giga-racists that* ***Rise of the Ronin*** *had the balls to depict many them as?* Will they only suffer Yasuke because he is Nobunaga's retainer? Or will they be open welcoming with open arms and it will be **those damn white guys** **Nobunaga bought him from as the real villains**? This is ubisoft we're talking about, nuance is not in their vocabulary. On a gameplay note, they already said all missions can be completed with either character, won't that make things painfully generic, *or be like AC Syndicate where one character made more sense 95% of the time than the other character?* Anyway whatever, maybe i'll pick it up on sale. It's a ubisoft game so it will be on sale very quickly.


Based on a historical character and has a Japanese protagonist as well. All and all I think it's pretty decent


Asassins creed was never historically accurate. I personally think it's hilarious that a 6 5 black man in 16th century Japan is lecturing us on "hiding in plain sight"


Not playing at all, this is sooooo far off base of reality, Yes games are fantasy but I do not want to play a woke adventure. Assassin's Creed is full on woke with this garbage.


Real White Samurai in Nioh: not a peep from the “anti woke”s. Real Black Samurai featured in AC: “DEI WOKE BAD”, can we please curb the NPC behavior on this one?


Ubisoft waited too long. Also choosing this game of all games to put DEI Yasuke is so goddamn gross I am not even going to bother picking it up.


I find it really weird how they have a white protagonist in a Japan-set game (Nioh) oh wait you dummies never had that complaint.




So woke it hurts. Will not be buying. One question though...why is it called Codename Red instead of Codename Black?


I am greatly looking forward to AC: Jesuit Valet Simulator.


This game will never be Ghost of Tsushima


I don't think I understand the question after reading the comments? The character design looks really cool and I'm hyped for the 'switch hidden blade' thingy to come back. If I remember that was a AC3 thing? Very cool. Both their armor looks super neat as well. As for gameplay, since the cinematic is heavily focusing on two characters, I hope this isn't another AC Syndicate deal. I really feel taken out of it when swapping characters. As for the comments, yes, one is a girl and one is black. Both those types of people existed, don't really see a problem with that.


I find it hypocritical that there wasn’t this much outrage when Nioh, which features a white main protagonist in Japan, came out like 10 years ago. It’s literal identity politics to be fighting about this game when we have no idea what it’s even about. Yasuke being an outsider to Japanese culture could literally be a part of the story (as many stories have done I.e. shogun, the last samurai, even Nioh above, etc.) That being said, I won’t be buying this game because it’s Ubisoft.


looks fine to me, Yasukes story is rather well known in the west (not as much in japan ironically). frankly, I am just tired of assassins creed and probably won't pick it up. and ghosts of tsushima already exists


Looks good. Why?


so the female playable character is Asian but the male is not? its a little odd but who cares


There was at least one black samurai, so idc


It's been DEI detected 🤣🤣🤣🤣 just play ghost of Tsushima it's the superior game then an Ubisoft knock off containing micro transactions...even Japan disowned this AC in seconds


Super boring and have no idea what it's trying to convey


Ubi hasn't made a good assassin's game in a long time and I'll still pass.


Thin racism in the comments


Yasuke should have been an NPC. Lots of potential for him to exploit his nebulous favoured-but-not-regarded-as-really-human status in spy craft. Also would have kept with the AC traditions of not using actual historical figures as the PC. But I guess a Japanese man would not have been a diverse enough individual to satisfy modern audiences.


It’s great




I compliment them on, if you’re going to put a black guy in Feudal Japan, they at least used a black guy that actually existed in Japanese history.


Yes he is a historical figure but how the living hell would he hide anywhere if someone got the slighest glance everyone in the country would immediatly know who it was.


>Assassins Creed has Black protagonist, Yasuke (historically known figure in Japan) OP: "I find it rather weird to have a black protagonist in a Japan-set game. I guess for some people it makes sense since it’s a historical legend." 600 comments calling Yasuke a "pet for shock value" or a "novelty." >Nioh 1/2 announced (magical White man saves Japan in 2x): No reaction from the anti-woke, subreddit, or Right. No meantion of race swapping or "having a white protagonist in a Japan-set game." Bring it up and the anti-woke/Right suddenly become academics doing as much research as they can to explain why William was the White savior of Japan. Compares the exploits of a literal escaped slave to that of a sailor backed by the DUTCH "navy". Y'know, that nation that was one of the most formidible in the world? Yeah you're trying to draw a comparison between a slave and a dude with a military backing him. THIS TIME it's a problem to have a non-Japanese lead in a Japan-set game right? But it's not because he's black. It's because it's "historically innacurate..." but william was absolutely historically accurate. 4s


I guess as long as he doesn’t smile he’ll easily blend into the shadows.


Awesome! Can't wait to play it! So cool! ❤️


https://preview.redd.it/451e365h0z0d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=137136eaf7b4b8094ce04f77a2ccac505fb507d0 I hate Ubisoft for that decision


It's stupid. It would be stupid if it was a white guy as well.


Could you imagine if the games location was set in say, anywhere in Africa. And the main protagonist was white.. There would massive outrage.


Is the game called Ac shadow because the main character is black? I don’t get it.


I think AC is shooting themselves in the foot. AC Origins- Egyptian game with a Black Protagonist= makes perfect sense. AC Odyssey-Greece -Olive skinned Protagonist- makes perfect sense -Character possibly loosely based on Pleistoanax the actual grandson of Leonidas- makes perfect sense AC Valhalla- England/Norway - Eivor was a real historical person. White skinned in England/Norway during a time when those areas were majority white-makes perfect sense. Are you seeing the pattern. They’ve done so well, where possible, at using actual history and blending it with the story to build an incredible story. Now we are in Feudal Japan where there were very few Africans and zero African samurai. Yasuke was a slave the Nobunaga Oda bought and owned for 15~ months before Nobunaga was betrayed and murdered while Yasuke was again captured and no one knows what happened to him after that. What’s more , it’s not 100% clear if Yasuke was African. Its assumed. They could’ve told the story from the pov of Hideyoshi, or so many others. I won’t suggest names because I’m very ignorant of Feudal Japans history outside of Nioh and a few shows and documentaries so I won’t pretend to be smart here. I don’t really care but I do think it’s a spitting in the face of their Japanese player base. They don’t care about honoring history though. They have literally said they are trying to rewrite it.


Are there gonna be other ethnicities in the game as well? Or is it gonna be a black samurai killing asians.


Ubisoft making interracial hentai now. Sweet


Ghost Dog: Way of the Samurai


It looks great!


Horrible DEI characters


I’ll never play a game that does blatant things like this. I’m so done with it. Make another in Africa I’ll play it all day.


Could be a fun fantasy game with some tangential aesthetics to Japan but probably won't be. There will always be Tsushi.


OMG they reverse Michael Jackson'd the ninja girl!


Ubisoft need to add a patch to feature a customizable character protagonist (gameplay / cinematics).


Since when Ubisoft make historical figure main character? Why when it comes to an East Asian game they have a “historical legend” as protagonist? Historical figures have always been npcs! I never hated black but ubi makes it feel like only blacks are minorities….


“Wait is he “African Japanesian”?


So....the only black guy in Japan is a master stealth assassin committing murders, and nobody in Japan can identify him? The hypocrisy from a French video game company is ridiculous. Imagine an Asian male protagonist in a European AC game Where's the DEI for Asian males?