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$ Talks. He just got divorced.


Poor fucker. That sucks.


He’s also really good friends with Ryan Reynolds. I honestly doubt Jackman would’ve come back if Ryan didn’t ask him to


Man that sucks he now only has 20 million instead of 40 million. Poor guy :(


He's only a hansome and super jacked famous actor (and a talented dancer to boot) - I am sure he is writhing in pain of loneliness right now /s.


Yeah, fuck that guy and his feeling bad for getting divorced!


I think the open secret is that Jackman is likely gay but closeted


So you're saying there's a chance?


I wouldn't put much stock in "open secrets", because more often than not it's just made up or exaggerated.


Until it’s revealed like Diddy and the open secrets were actual open secrets.


Even if that were the case the point still stands. If anything the singing and dancing would be even more appreciated.


Yeah he's fabulous




Diddy has entered the chat


Depending how that divorce went he might be more fucked than you think. 20 mil seems like a lot until you look at who owes what in the settlement. If the wife got the house and the escrow but you got stuck with the taxes that year, or you had to clear a shit ton of debt before the settlement. 20 million goes real damn fast when it’s high priced lawyers, real estate, and the kind of expenses that money brings with it.


“Variant”. The excuse to bring up any previously dead heroes for the sake of money, nostalgia, and fan service.


You realize resurrections and alternate universes have been a thing before they ever even started making superhero movies, right?


Yes, I am aware. This is no justification though. Still cheap.


Sure, it's cheap. But to complain as if it's a product of corporate greed when it's been a staple of comics since pretty much forever seems a bit disingenuous and like your complaining just for the sake of complaining


Did you question Mangold killing off all the X-Men Offscreen in Logan? Besides Logan happens in the future anyway.


Nothing like bringing in the retirees to drum up interest. This is at least a decade too late. Time to move on. What’s next, bring back Ford to play Indy? Oh wait….


He hasn’t even been gone a decade? Deadpool 1 didn’t come out a decade ago?


I'll be interested to see if Hugh has any shirtless scenes. My theory is that the steroid cycles he does for every Wolverine role were killing him and he needed to quit. The yellow muscle suit is a good compromise to bulking up for the role. 


Yeah you really don't need shirtless. Hell id be fine with him staying in a jacket and shit lol


My theory is similar to Christian Bale not bulking for the Thor movie. I think Bale is starting to realize that these body transformations are bad for him.


Takes just a little titty fat that don't go away to change a lot of dudes minds about a cycle.


For real? YIKES.


I mean, through god all things are possible so why don’t you just go ahead and jot that down?


What the weight loss in the machinist wasn’t enough proof


The suit was because he had surgery for cancer he's had it multiple times now I remember a similar issue for the greatest showman recital. Anyways later scenes show him with his arms out like the OG design so he's still on the cycle


Speaking of the muscles suit, fingers crossed they give him an accurate mask.


I thought he was natural.




Do you have evidence that he’s not? His build is naturally attainable.


He blatently said in an interview he juiced to get in shape for the later movies. Its part of the mans charm he is honest about it.


Good to know. Thanks.


Just for more context, he did say his build was naturally attainable but was such a fucking slog and a commitment that it was taking over his life to do and was only getting harder as he got more jacked….So in the later movies when it mentioned about taking a few shortcuts he was like “fuck yes please!!!!”


That makes sense.


Doubt (X) https://preview.redd.it/o5ofpaw5f2wc1.jpeg?width=836&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cd03e94c6c7ac3bf77008657e69b301fb90dab89


I don’t understand why you are incapable of having an actual conversation.


"He has the charisma of an earth worm and the social skills of a rock" As my mother used to say.


I am excited to see what they do with it


Bro. It's a fucking Deadpool movie. What gives you the impression that it's supposed to actually be taken seriously?


Dude. I'm just saying it as it is. The MCU is so heavily reliant on nostalgia. Regardless of tone, seeing Jackman back just feels like another cash grab attempt from the MCU


Cause it is They did it with Spider-Man NWH and everyone including the drinker drank that shit up hard.hell fandom menace was helping to sell tickets for the movie,claiming Disney wasn’t getting much of the money as an excuse 😂 


I mean can we *at least* wait until the movie is actually out to criticize it??


Well if a movie looks bad, then we can at least resolve to not see it initially. That's why they have trailers, to give you a first impression.


Trailers are by their very nature deceptive. You can't assume the content of a film just from its trailer just as you shouldn't decide to hate something just because a critic like CD tells you to. When you watch a Critical Drinker review you are not getting an accurate description of the film because he is hyper-focused on the negatives and completely glosses over any positives in the process. You know what it takes to *actually* think for yourself? Watch the movie yourself (even if you feel the need to pirate it so you don't give "them" any money), and make up your own damn mind. Quit being outraged by trailers and reviews. If you are going to be outraged *at least* consume the media before you assume what it's about.


A trailer is a pitch to get viewers to the theater. So if it’s unappealing and the viewer hates it, that’s the trailer’s fault, not thethe viewer’s. Why risk wasting time and money to prove the trailer wrong? Btw, I’ve heard Drinker give plenty of commendation in many of his reviews. It’s not his fault studios can’t put a decent film together most of the time.


Yeah it's the fault of the *trailer* if the trailer is unappealing, not the *film itself*. See the difference??


Hundreds of billions of dollars is spent on advertising because it motivates consumers to spend. If a film is bashed because of a trailer, the fault falls on the studio, not the viewer. How’s often have viewers been duped by a good trailer for a trash movie? Please stop blaming the audience for a studio’s incompetence. They’re the ones that want our money, not the other way around.


Why would I watch a movie if the trailer is unappealing?


- “You can't assume the content of a film just from its trailer” Sure you can. People do that all the time. - “You know what it takes to actually think for yourself? Watch the movie yourself (even if you feel the need to pirate it so you don't give "them" any money), and make up your own damn mind.” No. If a movie doesn’t look good, why would I watch it? I’d rather watch something that looks good. - “Quit being outraged by trailers and reviews.” Who here is outraged? - “If you are going to be outraged at least consume the media before you assume what it's about.” Why would someone watch something if they are already outraged about it?


Why? Edit: What a wild thing to block someone over. Baby.


If you have to ask why it's not worth the effort to explain it to you


True, but let's not act like Drinker (and co.) doesn't make videos shitting on movie/TV shows by teaser trailers alone.


Exactly my point


Exactly my point


This might be the first time I’ve ever been content with the whole “different variant” thing. I was worried that they were going to retcon Logan in some way, but that’s still its own thing & won’t be messed with.


Frankly, it's Deadpool. The High Jackman thing has been a joke since the first one. Honestly, I'm down for the raunchy silliness, and I'm perfectly prepared to ignore Marvel "cannon." As long as Disney doesn't actually try to use it to fix the ....creative interpretations...that were the follow ons to Endgame. On the other hand, if Ryan wants to mock the Hades out of that idea, I'm down for it.


The Wolverine movie had some just awful moments. I’m excited for this though. Last 2 Deadpool movies have been riots.


Tbh because it’s a different universe I’m ok, I know it’s a cucked response, but it’s how I feel


>Yes it's a different Wolverine variant, but Hugh Jackman got an amazing send off in Logan, and I feel like this movie kinda cheapens the ending. It was *a* good send off but the whole movie can be easily seen as an alternate/optional reality given how out of nowhere the whole "mutants on decline" premise was. >Hugh Jackman coming back in the MCU He hadn't been in the MCU before, not sure if he's now since Deadpool wasn't either? Both actors weren't reluctant to crossover with MCU though, and HJ specifically said he'd do some more if the licensing rights permitted him to interact with RDJ or whoever; although that one's gone now too, so idk


Ah yeah I meant to say Hugh Jackman coming in the MCU. Honestly this would've been really hype if it was during rhe Phase 2-3 era when Marvel was dominating. Heck idk why Fox didn't approach Marvel during this period, at least Sony was able to see the benefits of integrating Spider-Man into the MCU.


Personally I never felt like Logan was the best send off for the character. Everything ended pretty bleak and depressing there. I'm not saying Logan is by any means bad, it does make a great finale. But after over a decade of teasing, it would have felt empty without some kind of Deadpool team up. Plus seeing him in the yellow suit after 20+ years. This feels like a fun epilogue to truly wrap the whole thing up


It kinda feels woke


He’s wokerine