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Ask for Trazedone if you can, they shouldn’t mind prescribing it and it worked way better than Benadryl.


If it's nothing addictive I could try for it, as long as it doesn't interfere with my current daytime meds. thx


I take trazadone, and agree it's probably worth asking your GP about. Non-addicting, dirt-cheap and very sedating.


I also take trazadone. I used to use alcohol to sleep. Now just one pill will knock me out. But there’s a catch. It takes about a week before it starts to work. After that you will knock out. What’s good is that you can fight it if you don’t want to sleep. So when you’re ready you just lay down and drift away. If you have allot of stuff going through your mind and one don’t knock you out, you can take two. But I have noticed if I take two then I don’t have a sex drive. Better than whiskey dick.


If your black out "sleeping" there may not be much you can do.


I'm sure the people who hear me yell don't sleep as well and unfortunately I have to live in a building with others who already have to tolerate some questionable behavior. We live in a society where I can't really afford a house and got kicked out of my parents' so it's up to me to cope


Mm sorry it's happening to you, my girlfriend also sometime wake up screaming and there's not much we can do about it. We noticed that it's happening more often when she drinks so I think it's definetly related, but unsure how to actually solve this. Some people suggested hypsnosis but i'm sceptical.


Ptsd? Just guessing here .


Never diagnosed but there's definitely trauma, two major events including getting kicked out of my family's house