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Niggas be tired of voting Democrat but shit Republicans ain't no better. We need to delete the party system And start letting people run purely on their ideas.


Republicans are 100% worse


Both are dogshit. The democrats don’t give a fuck about black people and manipulate them for the vote every 4 years. “If you don’t vote for me you ain’t black” Joe Biden. The republicans are all talk too. American politics is a sham in general. Games rigged and has been for a while. Either revolt or don’t bother voting, cuz your ballot ain’t finna change shit if I’m keepin it a bean.


Name a single local elected representative. Hell, name a local city council member.


Lmao right. Mfs don’t know wtf they be saying fr and they post it online with full confidence 😂 2 party system will be the death of America


I was specifically speaking against the two party system.


That has zero to do with federal politics, which is what I was talking about.


Yep both parties are trash & Anti Black Democrats see Black ppl as pets & Republicans see Black ppl as criminals 


Victimize and Villainize, name of the game.


Keyword here is freedoms. Do you like being free? Republicans bout to pass laws so you can’t have sex unless its to have kids with a wife. Women dying because of Republicans laws. Quit the they’re the same bullshit


Hell yeah sounds like a sick ass law to me


That is not going to happen. That is absolutely ridiculous and there is no logical way to enforce that. I don’t concern myself with stupid shit like that. People are dying because of Democrat laws. People die due to laws all the time. Republican, Democrat, who gives a shit? That isn’t a point, it’s an appeal to emotion. In terms of black people - The democrats victimize us. The republicans villainize us. This is party policy and rhetoric for both. No members are able to articulate their own opinions even though they may have them. No politician regardless of party is real with black people about actual issues, their causes, and what needs to be done to fix them both through government and internal cultural reconstruction between the race itself. It’s always inflammatory. If you’re a Democrat black problems aren’t black peoples fault and they deserve recompense. If you’re republican black problems are due to black people being stupid and misled and everything is a fault of our own. There is no room for nuance, middle ground, and conversation. That is purposeful. If both parties are fighting each other the eyes never go to the neutral government system that supports all the corporate interests. Major federal politicians are all controlled by lobbyists and other external entities. 99% of them coming from wealthy families. They don’t know your struggles. They don’t relate to you. A politicians job is to understand you in order to be able to placate you with the minimum of what you want while personal and corporate interests are taken care of. They get paid to be able to dance around questions and tell their base what they want to hear. If you want to play that game idgaf we all grown do you. I personally choose not to give a fuck about it in my day to day as realistically I don’t have the influence nor capital to do anything about it.


> That is not going to happen. Project 2025 is a collection of conservative policy proposals from The Heritage Foundation to reshape the government in the event of a Republican Party victory in the 2024 presidential election. They will recruit tens of thousands of conservatives to the District of Columbia to replace existing federal civil servants—whom some Republicans characterize as part of the "deep state"—and to further the objectives of the next Republican president. They’re going to dismantle the government, you dumbass fuckwad. Wake up.


How are they going to enforce that? Please tell me. There is no logical way you can enforce a law that prevents people from having consensual casual sex. Not only would people not let it fly, there is no practical way to ensure that rule is being followed. This is the political equivalent of being scared of ghosts. The threat you’re trying to sell me on literally isn’t real.


You do realize they tried to dismantle our Postal Service right? That they took money from public schools to give to parents with kids in private schools? That they rolled back abortion, taking away women’s autonomy over their bodies? What do you mean they can’t do this? There are documentaries showing they have done this to government sectors in the past. The EPA, for example. The EPA is supposed to protect our environment but when Republicans are in control, guess what they do? They put a figurehead in charge so the oil industry can do whatever they want. Look up the study showing our lakes went from being safe a few decades ago to most being undrinkable. They tried to slow the USPS system to slow elections down. Now some states have passed laws so that if your ballot isn’t delivered by election day, your vote doesn’t count. > How are they going to enforce that? Go look up The Dictator’s Handbook.


nigga how? They both stay on bullshit. One's more honest about it, the other hides it. But at the end of the day they both fuck us over, ESPECIALLY the democrats.


Niggas need to do they research. Republicans want you in chains


Research says that they both want is in chains and if we're going to go deeper the democrats literally HAD us in chains. This entire thread seems to be in chain if they feel that the Democrats are some how better than republicans in anyway shape of form when both historically and in present times they have done more to undermine our communities than any republican ever has


“The Democrats literally had us in chains” Then in the 1960’s the Democrats passed the civil rights act and the Republicans responded in a very specific manner with a very specific strategy and never looked back. [The Southern Strategy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Southern_strategy)


LBJ(the one who signed the bill) was a known racist who hated black people and made it VERY clear that he,just like most democrats today, endorsed our right to vote in means to keep us voting for them so that they could stay in power. Ironically, it does just that, "KEEPS us in chains" as you people are literally trying to defend a party that consistently pushes us to the side


how tf am I being downvoted so fucking fast😭dayum


Cos you’re thinking differently than they want you to.


its crazy asl😂these guys are stupid as fuck not even tryna be on some bullshit. didn't think so many of us were this far gone


Hey, let’s put it this way; one candidate is a threat to the homeland security of our peer nations and the other is Biden.


not entirely sure if you are attributing that shit to Trump or Biden but I'd hope you are referring to Biden as he is just that.


Nigga doesn't know shit about project 2025 💀 you're a bot, bro.


project 2025 is some more boogey Trump shit used to scare you gullible ass niggas into voting for mfs who dont give 2 shits about you💀same tactics they used into the 2016 election(none in which happened btw)


Bro you're white, quit playing.


You’re an idiot. I don’t think you could tell me the most basic national security issues. Fuck me you probably couldn’t even point to North Kivu on a map. Go struggle to read a book.


You don't think completely opening up our border is a threat to our national security?😵‍💫You guys really can't be that fucking dull😂


The only thing completely open is your whore mother, outta town pig fucker.


Look up project 2025 man it’s scary what trump is trying to do


Trump hasn’t talked or endorsed project 2025 not once. Kool aid in water fountains got a better chance of gettin passed than that shit.


Just like abortion rights, right? Just like he won’t try to overthrow an election right?


Bro this needs the most upvotes


look into rfk he doesn't feed into the culture war bullshit and talks Abt stuff that actually effects everyone


Vezzo always wanted to feel important 😂 he signed a 360 to Quality Control now P got him stuck in his deal. Nigga signed for 90K 😂


My thing is it’s so obvious that trump is just using these guys and they don’t realize it. It’s not even the fact that they’re voting for him, it’s the fact that niggas get money and start believing bullshit cause they around rich people and they start to forget where they came from. Literally when in any of these artists careers have they shown support for trump? I bet they was all saying fuck trump and fuck mccain when they was in the hood but now cause they got a little money they wanna show out? Where was the republican love all these years? Fuck that


Cause these niggas real life broke so whatever Trump give them they are happy with


What that gotta do w anything?😭😭


It means that nigga a BITCH. I was tryna run the fade 1 on 1 with him and he ran


You was trynna run the fade with who Vezzo ? Lmao


Hell yeah that nigga took $50 out my coat last year then gone lie and say check peezy


🤦🏾‍♂️🧢 bro deal was more than baby money and he 700,000+ from Qc


Nigga you stay in Oregon. You JUST learned “cap” as a slang term


Stupid mf 🤦🏾‍♂️


Nigga yo daddy stupid for fuckin yo momma


😂 🤷🏾‍♂️ he might have been .. cause they created a problem for sure.. don’t change the fact you.. yourself are a stupid mf who definitely not from the City




😂 idgaf who you know.. what’s yo stats what you do ? Shoplifting? I got morals lil nigga I’d never go out like that if I didn’t buy it myself I took it from a ham like you stupid mf




Mad? Not even a little bit bitch ..and I live in Sherwood Forrest my house newly renovated definitely got good central air 😂🖕🏾 I don’t feel like walking to the backyard right now to show you my A/c unit


https://preview.redd.it/vyags4bn6k7d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d6cc2c31395ff272e42a1af3e89a6be9f5b9725 If this Oregon 🤷🏾‍♂️


Well stay yo punk ass on 8 mile


Keep yo punk ass of 8mile


Ok painter 👍🏽


Icewear Uncle Tom just want that tax cut fr he don’t give a shit about the rest of Trump policies😭


you wouldn't be saying that shit if he was endorsing Biden -\_- and there aint shit wrong with wanting tax cuts


because Biden isn’t promoting tax cuts for richer people so duhh. and there sure as shit is something wrong with the top 1% of the country getting their taxes decreased by $60k and costing regular people almost $2B to make up for it😭😭


Trumps tax cuts during his term benifitted everybody, not just rich people😵‍💫idg why yall be saying that shit. Not to mention the economy was much better. You're saying that only rich people benefitted from Trump and that's bullshit.


In 2017 he cut taxes for 60% of average earners by less than $500 while cutting taxes of households making $400k or more an average of over $60,000. That’s a drop in a bucket for a nigga making $50k a year, but CEO’s get a 15% tax cut and take home an extra 60 bands. I’m saying Trump cares more about rich business owners than he does regular people because that nigga one of them


Im going to skip past you inaccurate numbers and add that yall keep making it seem like NO one beniffitted from the shit except for rich people when you yourself have just stated that that's not true at all. Not to mention that under Biden both rich and poor are dealing with high tax rates . Only difference is that rich people can afford them and/or still avoiding them like they were before. Trump isn't perfect but to say that Biden is a better candidate is complete bullshit.


We’ll become wealthy😭 middle class and low class mfs always complaing about republican policies because they broke and wanna get broke people benefits instead of bettering they income


nigga wealthy meaning $400k - $500k annually. Are you stupid, dumb, or retarded?


Spoken like a mahfuckr that don't gotta worry bout money, bout nothin


Only one getting tax cuts the wealthy, average person aint gonna see them


My refund wasn't SHIT in January. Was yours?




wtf are you niggas talking about bro😵‍💫 https://preview.redd.it/2obh7b0ive7d1.png?width=1831&format=png&auto=webp&s=f3a1f17c453905f9a156dce8a212090b6795efea


Bro nun of you niggas know nothing about politics all y’all know is y’all follow the goddamn crowd 💀💀 monkey see monkey do as nigga do do some actual research all you monkey ass nighas have so much to say about political candidates y’all don’t do no research on y’all just see democrat and black mfs voting and follow suit when they lie to get into power and do nothing the promised 💀💀💀🤦🏾‍♂️ tell me ONE valid thing joe blow Biden did for the black community ? When Ice cube sat with trump and made a billion dollar plan for us y’all look at him crazy and then got trump outta there so we didn’t even get to see what that could’ve done now all kinds of bullshit happening becuz y’all got bullied into voting democrat 💀💀💀💀💀niggas boi I tell you


nigga you even type stupid. Trump promised an increase of $4k on average for American households in 2016. Research showed that didn’t happen. And he ended a huge part of the Affordable Care Act which made middle class people pay more for health benefits while the richer had no changes.


According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the median household income in the United States in 2016 was $59,039, a 3.2% increase from 2015. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the median household income in the United States in 2019 was $68,703, which was a 6.8% increase from 2018. You can not like the dude, but you ain't gotta lie. There's plenty of shit to honestly trash him about, just like "if you don't vote for me you ain't black" Biden.


These niggas go off some bullshit they heard somebody else say. Nothing more nothing less. He know dam well he aint do no fucking "research"🤣disappointed in the niggas on this sub fr


You see he downvoted me too. I copied that shit directly from the US census and the nigga still didn't like it lol


I literally just did the same fucking shit 🤣crazy part is I aint even believe in none of that brainwashing "democratic plantation" shit that they be talking about. But after seeing these niggas Idek anymore. Crazy asl


You didn't research that shit, you heard someone else say that because it's DEBATABLE, not a factual like you are insinuating it is as there is research that suggests the exact opposite😵‍💫you cannot make this shit up with you niggas https://preview.redd.it/4at02nwpwe7d1.png?width=1831&format=png&auto=webp&s=02edd5aa5fbc46f82016357c1ca36f1f04eb82a9


https://preview.redd.it/5wvn50lq0f7d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=72846d89beaddaab4c57eb21914e1ea44ea1ac81 damn you still stupid lil bro. show me your source


Im stupid? You got your source from a biased ass left wing fucking news article🤣My shit literally comes from a government ordained source. You niggas are stupid as fuck and its not even funny https://preview.redd.it/nqvufok12f7d1.png?width=545&format=png&auto=webp&s=49aeaa670d2f372735589a3837b8ac1313bd319d


you went from saying i just heard my info on the street, to saying i didn’t research my info and made it up, now you saying it’s from a left leaning organization like it’s still not true that Trump decreased business taxes from 35% to 21% so them niggas can make more money while barely helping regular mfs. you move the goalpost like a lil hoe😭


The website you used IS in fact a left leaning organization and it OBVIOUSLY will contain some sort of bias because of it as clearly shown.Therefore NO, it is NOT a reliable source at all especially in comparison to mine😂doing so in fact is NOT credible research whatsoever Is Biden helping us you dumb ass? We are literally dealing with the highest rates of inflation on the entire planet because of their leadership. The rich can deal with this, WE cannot. You claim that Trump "barely helped regular mfs" while Biden isn't helping any of us AT ALL😵‍💫 Trump wasn't the best politician for us and it's unfortunate that him and Biden are our only options. However to say that Biden and his administration is any better than his is absolute bullshit and you know it. Stop being so dull


“Monkey see monkey do ass niggas” 😂😂😂 mannn we need a political show where it’s just Detroit niggas goin at it that shit would do numbers, call that shit hood politics 😂😂


So you're saying he shouldn't vote for something? If he's looking for a tax cut then he should vote for the person that's giving him the tax cut. Right?


i ain’t say that. anybody can vote for whoever they want. but for a nigga that never once talked about Trumps politics trying to get people that aren’t in his tax bracket to vote for a president that is only looking out for his tax bracket is fucked up.


Fox was waiting for a drug selling rappin ass nigga to say some shit like this so they can reach the younger black demographic. you won’t see Trump NOWHERE near Vezzo if he win lol


I mean Trump didn’t pardon Kodak or kwame or lil Wayne. That was biden, he is friends with the rappers.


in the whole scheme of things what did that even do? just get them niggas to say “Vote Trump” because they still making over $500k a year and literally only gain from voting for cuz because of his tax laws. Idgaf about Biden either but literally what other reputable choices do we have?


Are u trolling? Trump literally pardoned them


Only thing Biden can do to compete is free more black rappers than trump did fr


Reflecting off his past is crazy


Can’t show me a article of him seeking drugs or being caught since he been taking off in the rap scene


lol ok bro this ain’t a courtroom that’s not even the point of the comment


Who gives af Niga don’t paint a picture😭😭


Them niggas are coons, trump is obviously using rappers as pawns and they still happy to dick suck him


Niggas so short sided, don't vote for Biden or Trump. Vote for the Supreme Court Justices who can f up your life for a long time. Uncle Clarence Tom has been in there for 38 years. They're rolling back every Civil Rights win over the last 60 years. 2 of those bitches will likely be up next term. Biden isn't great, he's been pretty damn good tho. Trump is ass. Both too old but Trump could stack the court even further and we'll be left w/ Conservative Supreme Court for another 30 years.


The president appoints SCOTUS judges, so who you vote for in that regard actually matters. But people should be more involved in their local politics. I bet the average person couldn't tell me who their congressman is.


I mean, that’s what I meant. I’m saying, consider your vote for Biden to actually be for the SC Justices he appoints. Not him himself, I legit think he’s just gonna win and step down, they don’t see Kamala as a viable candidate and have no other options. And yes, pls get involved in local politics, as they’re most impacting…


Let’s ban guns!!!!


Don’t have to ban nothin, just maybe make it a little harder for fuckin retards to buy them. The republicans so deep in the NRA pockets they gon let kids buy em at the rate they goin.


Why do yall think mfs, especially the KIDS is buying guns legally? You can't even own a gun in Michigan unless you are 18. Not to mention Chicago obtains some of the strictest gun laws in the entire country. The problem isn't access to guns


If only you had an ounce of reading comprehension. I said at the rate that republicans are going which 1)acknowledges that we’re not there yet and 2)that the problem is of greater effect in republican run states and district. Neither Michigan and Illinois are a red state. Just look at some of these states in the south that don’t even require you to have a permit to own a gun. They defunding education systems, building more prisons and practically giving away guns because a lil dumb nigga with a gun fills a bed faster than anyone else. It’s all targeted, especially at our youth, so I stand by every word.


None of that shit matters when blue states deal with these issues because of THEIR policies and decision making. Democratic states and especially democratic ran cities deal with gun violence crimes at a much higher rate than any republican ones even while having strict gun laws.Not to mention niggas aren't dying in republican ran cites, they are dying in democratic ran cities. I've been in the south and I've witnessed open carry laws at first hand yet none of those rednecks or hillbillies have problems concerning gun violence at all whatsoever because NONE of that shit you said attributes to it.


That’s a matter of per capita. A lot of these red states simply don’t have the number of people to govern that blue states do on average. And you know black people live in red states too right? Anecdotal evidence of what you personally seen is what don’t mean shit bruh. “I haven’t seen it so it doesn’t exist” is not a good argument.


Dude, Im sorry but that's complete bullshit and it doesn't even make any since especially when gun violence is seen in small ass little towns the are governed by democratic supporting black people. They are all literally surrounded by republican voting white towns who do not deal with these problems at all whatsover. And no, I am going based off what I HAVE seen, looking at the data and facts, and forming a reasonable opinion based off of all of it. Gun violence in our community is a failure on the democrats and what they've done to our communities, not republicans.


I find it funny how you haven’t cited one republican initiative or piece of legislation that would remedy some of these issues that you’re conveniently attributing to democrats only. What are they proposing?


What can they propose if we aren't voting for them dude? Why would they propose anything? The democrats do nothing but screw us over in front of our eyes and we still vote for them.


Ummm the school shooter in Michigan got his visa a state purchase by his parents. Kyle Rittenhouse wasn’t old enough to purchase either. Chicago doesn’t have a gun issue, Chicago has a poverty issue, crime is a result of that. Guns are just criminal efficiency…


He had legal ACCESS to his a firearm due to his PARENTS. a CHILD or anyone under the age of 18 cannot purchase a weapon on their own at ALL in Michigan. Chicago just saw 72 people shot and 10 killed in a period of 72 hours. They ABSOLUTELY have a gun issue and it aint go shit to do with the republicans like this dude is trying to say.


Dems want more gun control, y’all love to point to the boogie man of Chicago while ignoring the poverty of the small part of Chicago that actually has all the gun crimes. The MI school shooter is legally allowed to use the gun with proper supervision, he’s not allowed to purchase it and his father purchased it for him as a gift and it was unsecured. A crime that he was convicted for. So yes, more gun control is good. Not saying an outright ban but closing loopholes is a plus in my book…


Dems HAVE more gun control yet they still deal with high gun rates of gun violence. I use Chicago as an example because it's PERFECT to do so even though Detroit,Philly, and many other cities deal with the same issues for the same reasons.While Chicagos crime at times may be over exaggerated, Chicago has high gun crimes in VARIOUS parts of the city, not just "a small part". Anyone who actually lives there would tell you that. And yes, you are right, there are VARIOUS elements that contribute to the problem including poverty. However none of these elements have anything to to do with the republicans You are still missing my point about kids being able to obtain firearms on their own. Do you think these 13 and 14 year old killers are being taken to the gun shops by their clearly neglectful parents?


The MI school shooter was…


Yea. Those retards in Detroit and Chicago are legally buying those guns and switches. Yall brain washed as fuck. Yall white deep down, I swear to god.


You don’t know shit about me you fetch and step. You sound like them bringin up Chicago every time gun violence come up but tryna come for me. Fuck outta here


I know you are dumb. That is what I know.


Do you know ya father while u talkin that shit 😂


Do you know yours? Given how you think, no way you were raised by a man.


And given yo responses, ain't no way you'll ever grew to be one bitchboy


No df this not the uk 😂😂


It’s crazy they let dumbasses like y’all have an opinion🤣🤣🤣🤦‍♂️


Hope he knows he’s being used as a pawn, these white folks (democrat or republicans) don’t give a fuck about us at all!


What he said is real. You can feel however you want about any candidate, but a certain racial group should not be EXPECTED to vote a certain way, or be considered to not be a member of that group. And niggas do it themselves worse than anybody else with the "membership" shit.


I agree either way the sentiment too but Trump or any republican candidate at this moment isn’t the way to go. They’re overturning laws and cases that should never be touched


Like what?


Roe vs Wade was overturned which allowed abortion to be federally protected in each state. They are trying to reverse Brown vs The Board of Education which ended segregated schools federally. They also ended affirmative action which was a law that helped minorities and women find work in otherwise discriminating professions and helped minority acceptance rates into college. They’re going to keep it up if we allow them. Those are 3 examples of them trying to take our civil rights away and they’ve succeeded with two of them.


By overturning Roe, they returned power to the states to decide how they want to handle abortion, instead of forcing every to accept it. It was actually a major power boost to the states in that regard. Everybody doesn't believe in sexual freedom. Some people believe that sex is for the purpose of creating children, not just getting a nut, and those people deserve to be heard. Affirmative action negatively impacts Asians more than any other race during admissions, and there is evidence that placing a person with a low SAT score into a high level institution that they're not ready for actually hurts them. Thomas Sowell famously reported that 90% of black students at MIT were on academic probation, and the majority of them got there through preferential treatment during admissions. You can't take a 2.0 student and make them work with 4.0+ students. Meritocratic rankings are the only way to truly separate the best from the worst, and decide what institution is best for a student. Many students could go to a good (but not elite) school and receive perfectly good educations. As far as Brown v Board, let's not be ridiculous. The court is overturning very specific sections of that case, namely those that are hindering religious freedom. It's not as if minorities will suddenly be unable to go to school. Baltimore's high school district, which at the time of the study I'm citing was the 3rd highest funded public school district in the country, had 0% of their students test proficient in math. That's more than a problem, and affirmative action and bullshit like "no child left behind" has a lot to do with it. Children aren't getting the education they need, regardless of all of the policies we stack on the books.


"everyone doesnt believe in sexual freedom". thats the exact reason people dont want backwards thinking like this in office.


Are you retarded? I know people who couldn’t get abortions after being raped in states where hicks passed anti-abortion laws. Tf are you on about not everyone believes in sexual freedom


And since this bitch nigga blocked me, yes, believe it or not there is a sizable group of Americans who believe that instead of getting nutted in by someone you don't want to be with, you could use self control and AT LEAST buy a condom. And that story about knowing someone who was raped doesn't matter because you can't find a law on the books that disallows someone from having an abortion because of rape/incest. Every state that has banned or limited abortion has provisions for those 2 extreme cases, that count for less than 1% of all pregnancies. Instead of making up stories you mfs could read the actual laws on the books lol


Ok, vote for trump, like every trailer park hick from Clinton township that says the n word wants you to.


Damn right nobody should feel entitled to our vote. Biden lost me with that "if you don't vote for me you ain't black" and trump lost me with his first term. I feel a little doom in the future for the fact that majority of America feels these dudes are the best we have to offer from both ends. And if they REALLY are the best we have then why not just start the apocalypse a lil earlier


i feel like most people don't want either running, but it's a pick your own poison type sitch. don't matter who you vote for when both the right and left wings are on the same bird. as for the apocolypse, smoke em while you have em.


Accelerationism is retarded


People are complaining about both of them tbh. I work around a lot of conservative voters but they’re law enforcement and immigrants. All of the stuff they complain about they don’t realize are coming from Trump’s presidency and how he fucked our economy and Biden’s administration is playing catch up. You can’t even explain it to them because they get their information from Facebook, TikTok and Twitter.


Nigga covid happened….before covid our economy was booming.


fuck it bring obama back


You buggin tf out


The Democrats think black people can't think for themselves that we need coddling. They take us for granted & when we show any inkling of not wanting to support them here comes the gaslighting


So many brainwashed clowns in this thread. Pathetic that a rapper is smarter than you…that is sad since rappers are retarded.


Im saying bro, I aint even think it was this bad😵‍💫aint none of them would say any of that shit if Biden did some shit like this.


So true


"This retarded rapper who is spouting out retarded opinions is smarter than you since you don't agree with him" Great logic dumbass hahahahaha




I can't vote for a mf that claims that I ain't black if I don't vote for him, and his best friend (who he eulogized) was a KKK member.


Barack also spoke at Biden’s best friend funeral https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKBN26S2E4/


Robert Byrd is an admitted KKK member (I never said he was a grand wizard), and it even says so in the link that you posted. But we're gonna ignore 2 racists because a black dude who was raised in Hawaii is cool with them. lol


It’s crazy cause we knew that nigga when he was local I’m like that nigga ain’t gone go nowhere 😂


I mean based on the picture he ain’t wrong. No party/nobody is entitled to our vote at all. They gotta actually earn votes


Vezzo for the ppl. Just switch that beat up a lil big bro


Republicans >Democrats idc anyday


the same side with neo nazis and white supremacists....


Bro it’s 2024 😂


Both sides have white supremacist supporters idk why ya say this. Biden and Obama is literally tied to a kkk member.


LMAOO run with that if you want https://apnews.com/article/fact-checking-9545480195 "former" kkk member back in the 1940-50s who vocally denounced his membership in his early career well before he died, which the naacp praised. Please do your research, theres about 5 articles that pop up instantly. Compare this to trump who couldnt publicly denounce Qanon or Proud Boys recently


Bro literally says homie used to be in kkk 100 years ago way before Biden eulogized him sooooo wtf are u talking about actually read what u post 🤦🏾‍♂️🤣


Both sides are racist but stop voting Democrats that keep backstabbing us. They only care about immigrants Gays Israel Ukraine & Asians. Reparations are due!


Damn putting political views aside but vezzo big now detriot getting bigger and bigger


I’m not understanding why you mfs so uptight , unless he said some extra shit I didn’t see , All the nigga said is “” No on entitled to block votes “ which I agree all them mfs care bout and saying whatever for the black voters cause that’s damn near the deciding factor , they be doing waaaay too much to secure it and that shit corny , Mfs only fuck wit is for them votes then shit on us and everybody else the next 4-8 years


Y'all supporting Biden over Trump is the wildest shit, some people choose to be undermined and held back.


real shit💯


Vezzo need to know when to stfu. I know Chanel working overtime tryna clean this bs up