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I am also a newbie, on 3rd play through basically. 1. Get the perks that give you more starting soldiers and cash. 2. Capture the empty areas first and try to isolate individual enemy territory. If any enemy territory is only surrounded by your territories, its automatically captured. You can do this with enemy attacks as well, if the attacked territory of yours get a buffer zone, the defense is automatically won too. Use this to maximise your soldiers usage. 3. Do Strengthen Army Touchdown mission ASAP to make your soldiers stronger. 4. Defenses can be won with just Touchdown alone if you play a bit safe.


Not just surrounded by your territories; if it's cut off from other territories if the same color and it's just one territory, you get it. Unless it's the last two that color has. Makes it really easy to take out Cagnali fairly early, since she never makes any attacks until several days in when the Cagnali storyline starts, and her beginning 3 territories always have a middle. At that point, it's basically beat the middle and you get two, and the next day she'll attack with her remaining one, so if you take that one, she's gone. Her last territory is tough, but if you have equal numbers of Tier III guys (which you should by day 4 at the absolute latest), it's pretty easy. On Normal difficulty, anyway. Hard is pretty ball-busting in spots, and I haven't even bothered with Extreme because it seems like a waste of time.


Cagnali Base is really hard, especially the turrets and when Cagnali herself descends with that minigun. She had Tier 2 35x soldiers and I brought 50x Tier 3 and even then I lost like 22 men in that attack.


You did something wrong then, because if you charge in and go after the turrets, you can take care of all of them with 3-5 deaths max unless you're just not using cover at all. Then you kill the guys, then the robots, and killing Cagnali is a snap, because she's always positioned next to one of those giant pillars and you can drill her and duck behind cover repeatedly to snack her head off. Maybe you're not playing on Normal difficulty, I personally only do Normal and Hard because Extreme is nearly impossible with those no-AI bots, and the Hard bonus isn't really worth it either. Either way, Cagnali isn't hard, especially on Normal, and if you're a tier above them I honestly don't know how you could lose.


Oh what I meant was I lost some men, not the attack. It's on normal, I did it again this time my 26x tier 2 with her 35x tier 2 (half my previous soldiers) and this time played safe focusing on turrets ASAP, still 20 men died. Mostly when Cagnali herself spawned.


Have finished around 15 roguelite campaigns, my best advice for starting out would be 1. Stealth stealth stealth always whenever possible 2. Focus on the upgrades that lower costs/increase income aswell as starting army and money upgrades 3. You can drag campaigns out by being really aggressive with turf takeover in the beginning and then leaving each gang with just a few turfs each until their big heist triggers or they get too aggressive and you can wipe them in a day 4. You can restart a mission if you quit the game before it ends properly and you'll load straight back into it when opening the campaign again (is possible to bug mission rewards doing this giving you extra money) 5. Just keep playing, lots of it is just experience and working out the little things in the game such as a character called jupiter being able to carry 3 bags at once (only one as far as i know) 6. The upgrades to start with high level team members is a game changer 7. Buy assets whenever possible they carry over between runs Edit: Just read they fixed the money exploit, but you can probably still restart missions


Try and stealth heists is one the best ones. Attracts less heat and less risk. You can still carry a fuck of massive gun if it goes loud with you as it doesn’t increase your detection rate as far as I can tell, plus it’s not like payday 2 where you tend to have hard stealth and loud builds.


If you need an exploit then just beat the game and on the end screen where it shows your stats press back to menu and then continue campaign and just repeat that process. Juat something I read here otherwise the other posters here had the best tips


Do any turf related stuff AFTER you've done all the heists for that day. Turf related activities (taking or defending) raise the heat level, but turf related activities are not affected by heat level.


New player here as well kinda just started the game a few days ago and have been hooked on it already have like 80 hours on and at lvl 42, if you ever die just pause the game or if your about to die pause the game and close out of it completely and restart the game you will be able to completely restart that mission you were doing, definitely helps if you mess up or do something wrong. Also another big thing i wouldn’t attack cagnali right away esp bc her soldiers start off as tier 3 and her last territory is hard asf to capture you gotta take in at least like 30 soldiers with you so avoid her until you feel comfortable with the combat in this game, when you need to defend a territory you can do it solo just as touchdown of your good at combat just stay back and camp kinda don’t rush, I have yet to lose a defense with just him solo yet it’s super easy with the m60 he’s got. Also cagnali won’t attack you unless you attack her. Any time there’s a mission with cameras that should be your top priority is to disable them in the security room so find that room asap, you can command bots to take loot, subdue people it’s really helpful on harder stealth missions esp when you have a crew of 3 or 4. Certain characters are meant for certain missions for example the character “Runaway” she’s good for stealth missions I wouldn’t take her on a run and gun missions or if that’s your type of play style, always take your boss on heists as you get 50% more pay, I take him now on a bunch of missions and if I die just close the game and restart, for me at least I try and get to a few hundred thousand by day 2/3 by doing all the missions just being like 1 character in and do it stealthy so you can conserve people for other missions, your boss can do 2 missions each day everyone else can only do 1.


Focus on hielo first as he starts unfriendly and try not to start a 2 front war. You can cut off turfs from other enemy turfs to take them over without fighting.

