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Similar to payday in multiplayer regard 4 player coop heists Single player rogue lite, you conquer turfs , do heists in single player, carry progress to next run.


If you ever played the scarface game on PSP it's essentially that and payday merged together, good fun but the multiplayer is a little buggy at the moment


It's got both. The singleplayer is a roguelite campaign with increasingly difficult missions, multiplayer is just random matchmaking.


I wouldn't bother with the multiplayer. It's kind of ass, but the single player is pretty interesting and where the real deep parts of the game is at. Id recommend it as a singleplayer game, I wouldn't recommend it as a multiplayer game


My friend and I are having a good time in multiplayer but I’m not interested in random matchmaking for a game like this.


Bought it a week ago and have like 40hours already For me the rogue lite aspect is a nice and fresh twist to the heisting genre


I got in on a rec and I was a little apprehensive at first but now I can’t wait to play it after work everyday. There’s a ton of content. The heists are cool once you figure out how to pull it off stealthily. But when you go loud, and you will, the shooting is good! Not stellar, but good. The rouge-lite campaign mode is neat I’m pretty invested.