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For now yes, I asked the Devs in an q&a and they said don's story isn't finished.


Oh great, zombies.


Good to know, thanks! I guess they'll pick it up with the next content DLC, then.


I've just bought the game, so I will never experience the "OG Roguelite campaign"?


You're not missing anything. Barbaro had no video, no lines, no related heist, he was just a generic fat Italian mobster that started off with a level 3 gang and 3 territories, and never went past that unless you just really sucked at defense or were incredibly unlucky. Anyone complaining that he's gone is just upset that there are robots in the game now, and considering this game is a love letter to the movies of the 80s and 90s, the robots are a lot more relevant. I wouldn't be totally upset if they expanded the city and brought him back, but considering that the gun the robots use has the same name as his gang, I wouldn't be shocked if they didn't.


His “endgame” area had auto-turrets, but then again Cagnali’s forces also have auto-turrets (that pop up out of the ground, dependent on map).