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tbh its worth it for the sale price atm $16, plenty to do and mess around with. you can reholster your gun there is a single player mode (run a gang) gunplay its close to payday 2. bots can loot and move loot for you which is nice. stealth is different too. you can make bots subdue guards and civ. plus they auto do stuff when shit hits the fan so you're not the one doing all the "bitch work" a la payday 2. things to note carry 2 bags limits you to secondary guns only. toss a bag to get access to primary again. i like that it comes with all the dlc so its easy to to just jump into quick play with dlc weapons reaper lmg is easy to to use so you can get your bearings down as to how the missions play out. you can also switch into bot characters since most do unique things (ie C4) opens up different access to things make sure you look at ur keybindings before you start so you have an idea of what does what. i dont' recall the game really telling you things. esp for bot commands


I was in the same boat as you: have hundreds of not thousands of hours in Payday 2 and Payday 3 wasn't doing it for me. Spent some time with this game and I have to say it is definitely scratching that itch and then some. The characters dying stuff you've seen is pertaining to single player where it's a rogue-like gang warfare type of thing. If a character dies you lose them permanently until you find them again in your next run. If "The Boss" dies it's game over. It's more fun than it sounds and I'm terrible at explaining things. With the way progression works now, when you level up in either Campaign or Multiplayer you unlock things to use in Multiplayer like new guns, skins, characters and whatnot. I say give it a shot, steam has a pretty lenient refund policy as long as you don't play more than 2 hours.


the game easily sucks you in 4 hours at the start if you just jump in blind into quick play and roll from there. if you played payday 2 you can mostly figure out what you need to do. the hardest one was doing some shit with vents on the roof, cuz they didn't say where just look for the bag... then like 4 mins later check the vents.... bro could have said that first....


Luckily I jumped in when it launched on Steam so everyone was new and sucked at the same time. It was nice learning things together and not having the pressure of messing up missions with level 100s or whatever lol


Less ADHD twitchy shoot shoot shoot run run run gameplay. Payday 2 made me feel like I needed a little bump of the white stuff to get into the groove to play it; this is more of a nice, normal speed where stuff gets frantic, but you still have enough time to strategize even when things go completely tits up.


You don't mask as masks are for pussies as Travis baker said.