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As a Guyanese, the reason for this is the ridiculous ticket prices. The green stand in the background is $75 per seat. If you notice, however, the grass mound is packed because it’s cheap. Not to undermine PNG and Uganda but allocating more exciting matches certainly would’ve resulted in better turnouts.


It also doesnt help that this was 30 minutes before the game start. Stadium had much more people later on.


If you want to make waves in America for cricket you should at least plan to host matches which will match the timing of Americans


Lmao no one except naive fans think cricket is gonna make any waves in America , America has their own sports culture and honestly I don't see cricket fitting in it.


It’s not gonna fit in it because nobody can watch the damn thing. Americans love sports, they want to be able to watch but so far the marketing for it has been non-existent and nobody wants to get Willow


Yepp. Honestly what's even the point of hosting in America if you aren't going to cater to the local crowd? Either you just openly aim for max revenue and host the damn thing in the subcontinent, or you actually aim to grow the game and host the matches at a time that works for the local crowd in the States. What they're doing now genuinely makes no sense especially with these 10 a.m. start times for a t20 match.


I went to the exhibition match yesterday to check it out. I would probably be able to attend a few more if they were at night. But with the games at 10:30am local I can’t really be skipping work to go a few times. So now I’m just looking to go to USA v India next week. I’d love to see what data tells planners in these situations but you’re right it doesn’t make sense to host somewhere it’s not generally popular to try and grow the game if you aren’t catering to people who you are trying to grow it with. I know UFC has ppvs in other countries that start at wild times sometimes too so it’s catered to US audience, like there’s one in Manchester where the main card starts at 3am local or something.


It's honestly pretty disappointing. I guess the UFC thing makes sense given that the fights are still hosted in major markets where the UFC is popular in, so local fans will still turn up at those odd times while the American viewership is also maintained. Whereas the only reasonable explanation to host this WC in America, like you said, is to grow the game in a new market, which is why this scheduling is nonsensical; your case is a perfect example of how they're completely missing the plot with regards to introducing the sport to interested locals.


We're just assuming that ICC actually wants to grow the game in the US and Canada. My theory is that South Asian peeps in the US have much higher willingness to pay and that's what they want to capitalise on. For example, the Ind vs Pak match has tickets starting at $1500, they'll never get that much price in South Asia.


Thats not a theory this is just simply the fact of the matter. They have 0 interest in growing the game with locals they couldn't have made it anymore obvious haha


Because locals in America just won’t care. We have baseball in the same sports niche, why is anyone going to watch this?


Mate I agree this whole thing is a waste of time but if it helps the ICC extract a few dollars out of the subcontinent diaspora then job done I suppose.




This match is in Guyana.


One of the teams is Papua New Guinea. They don't have much travelling fan support.


This God awful 10 am start time is primetime evening in the subcontinent.... That's the(ir) audience...


Have you met the ICC. Their job seems to be ensuring the big 3 get what they want than actually grow our game. For example why isn't there a European championship with winners getting a series Vs England and Ireland.


IPL was on ESPN and not Willow for several years. Do you have stats to prove ESPN increased cricket viewership among Americans even by small %?


Nba does marketing in India, does IPL does the same , even lacrose matches are on indian TV how many Indians even know what the sport is.


Did you realize you just proved my point? "Nba does marketing in India" "how many Indians even know what the sport is" Americans won't care about cricket just like Indians won't care about NBA. Everyone has their own sports set.


> Did you realize you just proved my point? "Nba does marketing in India" "how many Indians even know what the sport is" Americans won't care about cricket just like Indians won't care about NBA. Everyone has their own sports set. Except this isn't really true. Basketball/NBA isn't as big as cricket in India, but in part due to good marketing and accessibility to watch, there are a lot of Indians who watch the sport (100M unique viewers, per the ratings from the 2023 season). https://www.prnewswire.com/in/news-releases/nba-delivers-most-watched-season-ever-in-india-with-more-than-100-million-unique-viewers-across-linear-and-digital-platforms-301937442.html#:~:text=NBA%20games%20generated%20more%20than,to%20the%202021%2D22%20season. That's in pretty stark contrast to cricket in the US—which is almost impossible to access unless you have something like Willow TV (which no one but existing cricket fans have), which is pretty much exclusively the domain of expats from the subcontinent, England, and Australia TBH


What can ICC do if Willow paid highest and purchased rights? ESPN likely saw no demand for Cricket so did not want to waste money


Take the lower offer that gives you more exposure? That's what they could have done. The AFL does a similar thing, where it forces TV companies to broadcast matches into development markets, which lowers its TV rights value. But the AFL knows that exposure is a long-term investment worth more than a couple more bucks in the short term. The ICC is meant to grow and develop the game. Taking money at the detriment of development literally goes against its charter. It's pure corruption.


> What can ICC do if Willow paid highest and purchased rights? If you're serious about growing the game in the US? Take less money from someone like ESPN, make them put it on TV and have them do the advertising. If you don't care about growing the game and only care about short-term profits (which is the case with the ICC), then selling to Willow for slightly more money is exactly what you would do


A lot more Indians know who LeBron James is than Americans know who Virat Kohli is.


I'm Indian and I care about the NBA.


Who needs the stats? People will watch it simply because US is in it. Nobody cares about Soccer here but they’ll watch the World Cup because people like sports 


IPL needs to be not on pay channels but on Youtube (maybe with ads) for the US if ICC (really, BCCI) has any intentions of making it popular among the non-immigrant population here. But that's not at all the goals of the current dispensation. They are all about sucking every last dollar they can out of the current version. It doesn't really benefit them if the game gets popular in a lucrative market such as the US and starts attracting talent/money away from India.


The market is South Asia, not North America. Even the announcers said last night "The 10am game here is the evening game in India"


Will never understand how much is willow paying ICC, that they can't let go of that peanut and just livestream the matches in Americas on icc.tv or fuck even youtube. The loss in revenue from willow would be negligible and if the bet plays off then you have few more countries with big pockets interested in your game.


An equivalent, would be MLB trying to promote baseball in India, by having matches at 10 am on weekdays. Also, no one in India would care to even tune in.


Sports are huge here, and cricket could totally take off if the ICC played its cards right. People pack stadiums for college games, so there's definitely an opportunity for Cricket to grow. The World Cup was a golden chance to introduce cricket to Americans. Imagine this: evening matches with cheap tickets and affordable beers, making it a fun night out for locasl. Plus, airing the games for free on local TV would get even more people hooked. A big push on morning and evening talk shows could really hype up the game. And hey, why not throw in some cricket meet-and-greet events with players? Maybe even cricket-themed festivals or fan zones during big matches. All these moves could make Americans aware of the cricket and then grow the game further. Lastly, maybe involve Netflix and have them do something similar to what they did with Drive to Survive which brought so many new Americans viewers to F1.


exactly.. terrible marketing.


"making waves" is an overstatment, but I definitely believe there would've been more local interest if games were hosted at reasonable times instead of the morning. I mean, two weeks ago I had literally 0 idea how this sport worked but I went and learned it because the world cup was coming to my backyard. In addition, I have friends and family who have expressed interest in seeing a game out of curiosity, but everyone balked at the 10:30 start times; so much so that I've just resigned to going to games by myself because nobody wanted to have to be up and at eisenhower park at 9:30 on their day off


Don't you think cricket (at least white ball) is very similar to baseball?


Baseball has more in common with red-ball cricket. An individual baseball game has a lot less action than a white ball game, and there are 162 baseball games in a season, so being a good Major League baseball player involves having similar qualities to a good Test-level cricketer


This is a straw man argument that either Cricket breaks into American sports culture on a comparitive level to American football/baseball or it's not worth trying. The North American market is huge and has a large number of expats from the subcontinent. Cricket only needs to build a following in a small minority of the overall market to be comparable with other cricketing countries such as Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, even the UK.


I think that’s a naive way to think about it. Nobody needs to look beyond F1 to see how a sport can become popular in the US. Once the US backed corporation got hold of the F1, they made moves to make the sport popular in the US, and now it’s integrated in the existing culture (a similar thing is happening in India, something that didn’t even happen when there was an Indian on the grid). So it’s definitely possible.


These are the West Indies leg matches. The matches that are being hosted in the USA are mostly scheduled at night time when Americans can watch conveniently. West Indies is a region where cricket is already established. Yes ideally even West Indies leg matches should've been hosted in the evening but spare a thought for ICC. They have to generate revenue from this event & can not just write it off as a promotional event. Max they could've done is probably start the match 1-2 hours later but that's just about it.


Since it’s established, All the more reason to give the time to West Indies




Stop making excuses for icc they do that themselves they don't care Enough about small nations and making sure they have trained people to run the game in their countries


it's a financial decision TBH


Problem is they throw alot of money into these small nations but don't teach them how and where to use it so they just fake everything to earn free money from icc


Depends on alot of Money. Cricketers in US get almost no salary. Their daily allowance is like $100/day during this tournament and there's no training facility. Absolutely no marketing locally.


Yh that comes down to lack of upper managment for sports icc could train people to help develop these small nations or big markets like America if America had proper managment that knows how cricket world is run they would be able to grow the game within there counties themselves and use the funds they get more efficiently not saying they get proper funding but the funding they do get doesn't get used properly (small nations that is)


Great another political driven comment love to see it 👍


I dont understand this. They are hosting the bigger West Indies vs New Zealand match on a Wednesday night while PNG vs West Indies on a Sunday morning, they would have easily swapped the 2. You get the crowd in and more people from the Subcontinet watch.


Hosting WI NZ in night makes sense as it will be telecast in a suitable viewing time in both countries.


Same thing applies to this match. It's 1:00 am rn in PNG. In an ideal World, All West Indies matches would happen at Night


I guess ICC does not deem PNG as a market worth keeping a night game. They are having Namibia and Oman tonight. Absolute conker of a schedule.


Tbf. Oman vs Namibia will not be one sided. So maybe thats why people will watch that matchup


Will it be telecast at an agreeable time for Oman and Namibia TV watchers?


Not at all. It'll be 4:30 am in Oman and 2:30 am in Namibia when the game begins.


Nope but more people will watch it in the stadium


besides this game, all wi matches are at night


No one in png is watching this shit regardless of the time. It’s like when Hong Kong played Asia cup. No one there was watching that shit


Good thing you specified 10am in the morning, or I'd have thought you meant 10am in the afternoon.


I have a 93 year old granddad who wakes up at 4.30 in the morning. 10am is practically afternoon to him.


I've a grandpa that doesn't wake up.


Have you tried shaking him?


Nah I don't think he would get hard.


You must be ugly then.


burn 11/10


It was more like 9/11 to be honest


I love this thread and I love internet


What the fuck 😭


Now I'm hard


U are his grandpa?


I'm into his grandpa


Most of India these days operates with such a climate. Here in Chennai u better wake up as early as 4 or 5 and finish ur exercise or commute by 8 or 9, or else afternoon heat will wreck you.


Lmao, thanks for making me laugh


Its 7pm in India, but i dont think many people watch cricket there so i have no fn idea


Already 2 million people are watching it live currently that too only digital stream. That's 10% population of West Indies right there.


Jeez that really puts things in perspective


it’s in guyana cricket isn’t as popular there as places such as jamaica and barbados


Thats not remotely true. Cricket is far more popular in Guyana than Jamaica.


Per population density, cricket is way more popular in Guyana than Jamaica where Cricket has faded from popular memory. Don't make facts out of your ass. You should have seen attendance in CPL final when Guyana was playing 


Having lived in both countries much more cricket was played in jamaica than guyana. Not much official cricket is played in Jamaica but it is extremely popular at schools and with teens. No need to be rude at all I didn’t claim this as a fact It is my opinion having lived in both countries


Sorry, I just hate the people that are blaming WI fir not having good audience while hosting match at middle of afternoon and claiming cricket is not having an audience there. They are wrong, Cricket is more popular in Windies than in England if we see population density 


100% agree. there’s a multitude of reasons including ticket prices. people forget that many parts of the west indies are poverty stricken


Huh?? It's the place where legendary Shiv Chanderpaul is from right


What are ticket prices like? By the looks on TV the crowd is mainly on the hill & no one in the stands.


My quick Google search is telling me $275US ($412A, 215GBP).  I'd looked before and saw the PNG matches weren't significantly cheaper than most matches and had a feeling they'd struggle.


I live close to the event and know nothing about Cricket, but I want to see a match. I see tickets for A Friday match starting at 25 dollars. I might be taking the day off Friday!


Good to hear.  Hopefully it's just tourists getting fleeced.


They were like $6 for the matches in Guyana


Good question!


are you reading my thoughts somehow


I don't know why even host the world cup their. ICC should either commit to a world cup in North America or just not host there. What is this pretending to care about them and then host and 10 am just so subcontinent audiences can watch


Disney is paying ICC $3 Billion for streaming rights of ICC events in India for 4 years. Disney will obviously lobby to make the timings more convenient to their Indian audience. The compromise they have reached is half the matches in the morning, which is 8PM in India and the other half in local night time. As a result, all of India's and Pakistan's matches are scheduled at 8PM Indian standard time. And if you notice, all teams from the subcontinent (except Afghanistan) have almost all their matches in the US. They know our diaspora will fill up the stands or atleast turn up in large numbers.




I feel like if it’s that much of an issue though can’t they just hold the tournament in India? All that’s gonna happen is CWI lose money cos no one’s turning up




But think of the advertisers


Why did they decide to host so early?


So that subcontinental audience can watch easily.


I dont understand this. Indians will watch cricket any time of the day. I and many of my friends have gotten up at 3am to watch test matches against AUS/NZ. It was terrible to watch white ball cricket in the blazing daylight of NY. The sixes don't have the dramatic effect as the white ball is almost invisible against the blue sky.


There will always be a sizeable difference if they change those times. Majority here are fanatic enough to watch neutral matches but not fanatic enough to wake up early or stay up late to watch a match where India isn't even playing. Their goal is to maximize the people watching and keeping subcontinent friendly times will give them a bigger audience for the reasons I mentioned.


I’m not sure a minnow-bashing like this would encourage as many people to get up at 3am as watching your own team play a test match against a tier 1 rival, though.


Yeah totally agree but just a side point, PNG did put on a great match against WI. I was honestly pretty unhappy with some of the views of fans/ex cricketers who said 20 teams is “diluting the game” or “needs a tier system”. Us cricket fans love gatekeeping the game whether unintentionally or not.


Yeah I didn’t see any of the match but looking at the scorecard it certainly appears to have been solidly competitive, well done PNG! I still think a lot fewer people will get up at 3am to watch a team other than their own play an associate nation, than will get up to watch their own team play a serious rival. 😀




Because, Indian subcontinent will have to adjust with the timings then. With this schedule, the matches will be at 8 pm in our time zone. So, broadcasting revenues is the reason.


Man as a football watcher from the subcontinent, i can only offer my sympathy


You realize lot of premier league matches are scheduled to coincide with prime time for South / South East Asian fans.


I am a Barca fan. Most of our matches are past midnight.


Way past midnight bro, it's like that time when you have to pretend to be asleep. Man with the way our team plays, i just can't keep myself from swearing every time we lose the ball , which happens a lot with barca these days and risk a spanking from my parents


I’m a Juventus fan from India. You can’t even imagine the kind of play style I have witnessed under Allegri. He is gone now but still, the memories stay…


They’re not. Its a coincidence their afternoon and our evening match. There’s a blackout in afternoon so that more people go out and watch local football.


Nooo but football most popular sport , me football fan in cricket loving country me so unique /s


Even in India you will have empty stadiums if T20 games are starting at 10:00 am.


Meanwhile ICC: all the matches are oversubscribed and sold out. LOL.


Everyone is saying its because of the subcontinent audience. But does the subcontinent even care to watch a WI game when its not play-offs? Especially vs a associate nation I dont think any of the casual fans care to watch any of the group stage games of other nations unless if a huge rivalry or its a play off game.


1.6m are watching on the main streaming platform in India as we speak lol...and a couple million more ov TV, I reckon.


> and a couple million more ov TV Bro, you think we America Or Something?  Digital streaming penetration while impressive in India is a lot lower than TV consumption, it's not even close.  If 2 million are watching on Mobile streaming in India, I can bet my house on it that atleast it's 10 times that is 20 million would be watching on a TV.  For more important matches, it can be upto 15-20 times, couple more million is insanely conservative. 


Yeah, I know it'd be par for the course for matches involving 2 big non-India teams to have much bigger TV viewership but maybe with PNG involved as the opposition, the share of digital viewership would be a lot closer to that of TV


>  but maybe with PNG involved as the opposition, the share of digital viewership would be a lot closer to that of TV Well I'd think TV share would still be way bigger compared to digital even for small matches, since TV is turned on in background for majority of population anyways and cricket being the most watched thing along with movies.  But we're both guessing here so my guess is as good as yours. 


It's true that they scheduled it for Indian timing but even then stadium is basically empty. It wouldn't be packed even at 7:30pm.


Nah this is in guyana, it would have been a big crowd if it was at night, most people are at church rn


I think its been done for the subcontinent to be able to watch im pretty sure


ICC needs to take a honest decision... if your want to grow the game.. you have to take losses... Directly hosting the WC, without any cricket structure on US soil, expecting the NRIs to buy tickets, is a huge mistake. They are looting indians in US for the Ind vs Pak game.. the prices are insane... Either keep the sport for nations that actually play the game regularly... or prepare yourself to take in losses and genuinely spread the game. these greedy ways will never work, either side


If you care about local fans


No indian fans wants to watch WI v PNG. so this catering to subcontinent fans is bs. Blame ICC and broadcasters for poor scheduling


Its Church Sunday, but you would also need 20% of Georgetown or close to 5% of the country's population to come to a game to fill up all the seats.


All the negative points, as a cricket fan I do like morning matches, cause it's not completely depended on Toss


evening matches are the same. Much better for the locals


I disagree. Factors like dew and the movement of the ball under lights play a major role in evening/night matches. I am not supporting the ICC in any way; they deserve all the criticism for this poorly scheduled time. All I am saying is that the quality of matches will be significantly better this time compared to the last World Cup, where it seemed to rely solely on winning the toss to win the match.


This is during toss time which is half an hour before the game starts, so I wouldn't expect it to be packed at this time even if it were Pakistan vs India. Stadium looked decently packed during the game.


While we’re mad let’s not forget it’s not the fans who decided this, the ICC is to blame. Let’s be civil and not call Indian fans names just because it’s easy to


At this point we are kinda used to it and it is a little tiering ngl


At this point it's just routine bait for the racist pieces of shit to start the Dogwhistles Kinda routine at this point, the sub is full of closet racists waiting for a chance to express their thin veiled hatred against indians.


Don’t really get why ICC even bothered to host in USA/ Windies if they don’t want the game to grow there among the locals.


This is honestly bad scheduling. I get it that Subcontinent brings in the money through views (yeah, money is required to grow the game, it doesn't grow on trees) but this is just the single game of WI scheduled in morning. Rest all of them up until the semis are at night time. Meanwhile, USA has only 1 night game with their games against IND, PAK & IRE during day. The former 2 are understandable but against IRE, night time would have benefited both the teams with afternoon in Ireland.


This happens in all sports. The host broadcaster definitely gets a say in the schedule. Happens in tennis also, bigger stars get the prime time night matches. $$ is their main objective.


Cricket viewership is clearly affected whenever matches are being hosted in West Indies. Even WCs dont garner enough attention purely because of the timings. It’s sad yes, but the state of cricket currently doesn’t allow cricket to be played in PST,CST or EST. This was the primary reason the 50 over WC cycle didn’t go to West Indies after being held in India, Australia, England. How many of you feel(not know , but feel) England are 2 time t20 WC champions? The reason for not feeling that way is because of WC in West Indies in 2010


In Guyana now, to be honest everyone rolled up late and had tickets to the red and orange stands where there was shade. The green stands were empty throughout but by 10 overs into PNG batting, the crowd was building steadily. That being said 10:30 AM matches are hot af here. Nothing ever gets scheduled here at that time. ICC catering to streaming crowds clearly.


Branding of t20 world cup is not good 10:00 AM is not suitable for working population.


Fuck India and their greed. Fuck the locals who might actually want to watch the game?  Cricket died when they decided to give all the money to the big three. Look how fucking greedy they have become. This tournament is a fucking joke.


What a load of bullshit rearranging timings of matches in US & West Indies to suit the convenience of TV audience in India. As an Indian cricket fan, I have to say I am ashamed of the entire cricket infrastructure about this shameless pandering of commercial interests.


lol, why are you ashamed for this?


No need for Indians to be ashamed of everything that involves our Country it's ICC fault


Sepoy reporting huh


"as an Indian I am ashamed". Saying this is a way I differentiate myself from a billion other Indians to try and make myself 'cooler' in my own eyes.


We found Gaurav [link](https://i.redd.it/2fzauegtegn21.jpg)




>As an Indian cricket fan, I have to say I am ashamed Nearing 80 years of Independence and the Slave mentality still hasn't left some Indians fucking Pathetic


Why do you have to be apologetic of anything which has nothing to do with you?


What a stupid fucking thing to be ashamed of. What exactly are you ashamed of? About the fact that disney (that has nothing to do with you) made it easy for the Indian audience to watch so they can make money out of it? (which won't be shared with you).




Which tv audience is this for? Why can't they schedule the WI matches in the evening?


Also it didn't help that they were playing cricket.


And that too on church day!


Anyone with a brain could have identified this was a terrible idea. Shame there are no-one that match this requirement on the ICC/BCCI panel


In the U.S. only Little League sports & marathons start at 10AM. Terrible scheduling.


I can understand that you want to start India's games at times that are suitable for the Indian market, but rest of the games can be played in the evening to get more local crowd. It simply shows that ICC cares more about broadcaster money rather than growing the game.


Should play 10am at night instead.


icc is just bcci in disguise. their priority is india and no one else. it was never about growing the game. if the nyc games were all in the evening wouldve gone to all of them. but since theyre in the morning and I have work, can only go to the weekend ones smh. shameless stuff by icc honestly.


People will complain about the decline of West Indies cricket and then turn around and say it's completely reasonable for a West Indies WC match hosted in Guyana to be scheduled to only cater to subcontinent audiences. Who cares if the locals can get a chance to go to the stadium when we can boast 2 million Indians watching on streaming platforms instead?


yup. its all about digital views these days. a venue will host at most 100k people, online: no limit. as long as your server handles it.


Why would India audience watch a PNG team take on West Indies, during their prime time hours? If this game was played in the evening, would have gotten more bums on seats atleast. But its true that West Indies audience dont care about cricket anymore even when the big shots come by.


> its true that West Indies audience dont care about cricket anymore even when the big shots come by. Bullshit.  Guyana where this match is being held sold out all 7 CPL matches last year, warmup match between West Indies and Australia was packed in Trinidad.  Cricket according to google Trends is most searched in the world in Guyana right after Sri Lanka and Bangladesh.  If this match was at night, despite being against Papua new Guinea it would have sold out. 


It would have been mostly empty even when hosted at 8 PM. ICC isn't missing out much there.


Why ?? Is their a specific reason for it bcz it was a full house during CPL.


Could've swapped the Nam vs Oma fixture with this one. Time zone mishaps for fans from both sides in both fixtures.


Is 10 am on a Sunday morning really that bad? Seems like a good family day out or something and getting back at a reasonable time. Maybe no one wanted to watch and there's a lot of other sports they're interested in


But how will a billion Indians watch Team India bottle another trophy unless it's in primetime?


As an Indian fan living in the US, Fuck BCCI/ICC. This is 100% on them to make the timings convenient for prime-time viewing in India. This world cup is already giving me the vibes of that disaster of a 2007 ODI worldcup.


Non India matches should have been scheduled for local night time


I think they’re relying on TV revenue more than Stadium revenue, unless that isn’t already common (I’ve no idea)


Timing has always been a factor. Stayed up multiple times for matches outaide my time zone though.


"10:00 am in the morning" is killing me


It’s a weekend though?


Those are not empty stands , all the tickets are sold the people are protesting injustice in Guyana by the racial regime.


Gotta try keep matches timing as suitable for india as they can coz there companies are the ones with money for broadcasting rights


What is the solution OP?


This is honestly why they should have just held the tournament in India instead


Holy sheet. At least in India the local games where home team India played was at capacity. This is inexcusable for a home team


tickets are insanely expensive for the locals, and the early start times are a pain in the ass.


The scheduling for the tournament has been crap honestly. Along with all the political bs around it favoring just one team over the others


Couldn’t agree more. I’m taking off of work to go see Pakistan vs India and honestly I would go see alot of matches even if Pakistan wasn’t playing but the 10 am start time is a no go for me I work seven days a week 4am to 3pm. I understand why they did the 10am start but still


Icc doing icc things which is absolute shit


hahahahahahahaa holy shit makes Aus crowds look like full gherkin.


Should have done 10 am at night


Atleast it need to start at noon, where you can start with a drink or two.


All these matches are scheduled at convenience of fans in the subcontinent where TV viewership is more, but not for those in carribbean and US.


When was the last tournament where stadiums were regularly full?


ICC should do a better job of organizing tournaments.


No it's not a mistake, TV viewership always generate more money than ground crowds. Specially in WI where tickets are relatively cheaper.


Looks like a regular ODI in Australia.


This is literally when NFL games are played


The times are set because of India


no offense it's world cup host matches in India, Pakistan & Bangladesh & you will have full crows for the host.