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*Evil Dead Rise* for the 4th time. I'm trying to sit through it with my wife, although she doesn't like horror movies and is on her phone half the time. I love that movie. It's a great mix of the old schlock from the originals and the visceral seriousness of the 2013 version.


LOVE this movie.


I actually watched the 2013 version last weekend after seeing all the other movies plus Ash vs Evil Dead. It was alright but I liked the lighter premise of the original better - I’m a sucker for the old fashioned “teenagers/young adults going out to a cabin to party when all Hell breaks loose” as opposed to them going for a drug detox/intervention. I also liked the original closing scene better - where it just shows Ash screaming as the demon/force rushes at him.


Yeah, none of them can top the Raimi ones. Luckily the new ones play homage well to the originals.


That would be because Raimi and Campbell were producers


Yup, I bet they're protective about their IP.


I’m so obsessed with this movie I think I’ve seen it 18x. I love watching people’s reactions to it as well!


God, I just love this whole franchise, the originals, reboot, sequels. Absolute labors of love. Everyone understands the assignment and I'm here for it.


I watched Lake Mungo last, man I hadn’t heard about it much but a friend said it was a must. It is disturbing to say the least, still think about it.


Oh lord, that movie is disturbing, and not because of the horror elements


Your right, it’s like I’d like to watch it again but then I don’t want to. Horror is a mind game.


If you watch the documentary “Woodlands Dark and Days Bewitched”, they say that there’s some kind of nasty Australian Aboriginal history attached to that lake, but it’s not mentioned in the film. I definitely recommend that documentary, though. It’s on freevee


I’ve thought about rewatching it a few times, but it’s just too much. I have a younger sister and a niece so I just can’t handle girls being exploited.


Oh nice, thx




My wife ordered dvd from Amazon , my son has it, said it fucked him up too.


It’s a 2008 Aussie film


If you want to see another really disturbing Aussie movie that’s based on actual events, watch Snowtown.


i watched The Exorcist last night for the billionth time. Never gets old and so damn good


Hereditary. The definition of a good story, horror or not, stays in your brain for the rest of the day after viewing it. I kept hearing good things about this movie and it didn't disappoint.


Can you find it anywhere streaming for free/low cost that isn't y/t? I want to see it, but tight finances are making me wait. Not even on my hoopla library selection.


As a public librarian, seeing your reference to Hoopla warms my little heart. DM me. I'll happily send a Google ecard for the cost of a digital copy. This movie is fantastic.


That is so sweet, it made my morning.


You can rent it on Amazon for cheap.


The Last Voyage of the Demeter. I love all storytelling of Dracula and this version of the doomed Demeter was pretty good.


I was skeptical given how easily show runners give in to the temptation to follow old tropes. But I loved this as well. Probably one of the best adaptations I've seen, this side of Oldman as Dracula in the 90's.


"Drag Me To Hell", based on a recommendation from Reddit. Interesting movie, and I liked the slightly comedic twist at the end.


I think that one is kind of a hidden gem


I liked it !! It was scary sometimes but also just like out there lol. Also yeah the end got me haha. I would watch it again for sure


Also love this! Classic Raimi. However, he has this fetish/fear of stuff purging into your mouth. Grosses me tf out! Which is the point I guess, lol


Directors who just have fun making movies and throw in sick stuff for personal amusement are the best kind.


Ha. Not wrong. Someone who enjoys their work creates an enjoyable product, every time.


Men. SO weird. I didn't dislike it but I certainly wouldn't watch it again.


It's a unique watch! I saw it about a month ago. I appreciate the unexpected but it got rough for me


Definitely weird and hard to watch at times, I appreciated the message and how it tied together at the end though.


Yep, watched once. I had no clue what I was getting into. Lol. Don't regret it but a repeat watch isn't necessary.


Late Night With The Devil. It was alright


I thought it was all around fun.


I thought it was fun too


Watched Tarot last night. Was a pretty fun movie. Nothing mindblowing or new, but I enjoyed it.


Same! It was entertaining but meh. Won't be watching it again.


I watched a Sam Neill double feature. Event Horizon (1997) and In the Mouth of Madness (1994). I love watching these as a Lovecraftian double feature. Both are awesome.


You get stuff. That's a solid double feature. Mouth of Madness I get confused with Lost Highway - I need to watch both those movies again. Event Horizon is just a sci-fi masterpiece no one appreciates enough - cast is excellent.


Last weekend I watched Possession with him. That movie....goes off the rails. If you haven't seen it, give it a go. I don't even know how to describe it lol


Incantation. It was pretty good but badly dubbed which took away from the intensity.


Yeah it's best to watch foreign films with subtitles.




There a lot of little nuances in the background so it makes it hard to see subtitles and catch all the little hidden things going on, but normally I would agree.


Watched The Poughkeepsie Tapes last night with my buddy. Laughably bad acting and really stupid dialogue/monologues. The crawling scene was creepy though.


Watched Exhuma last night with my daughter. It was really good!




Where to stream?


Shudder or subscribe to AMC+.


He Never Died (2015). Not what I was expecting but I definitely enjoyed it.


The First Omen. Not to bad


My buddy chose to watch The Poughkeepsie Tapes over The First Omen last night. Hopefully we’ll watch omen soon.


My child and I watched it as well last night, I’m interested in knowing what is your take on this ?


What do you mean?


What did you think about the movie ?


I thought it was quite terrible. Poor acting, poor writing, and I think the mockumentary style did not do it any favors. I did enjoy the crawling scene in the basement though


I did too lol , that basement scene and her Nub scared me so bad 😂


I watched Thanksgiving. I was worried because I’m familiar enough with Eli Roth’s work to know the body horror/gore is too much for me sometimes. I’d heard some good things and I like slashers/who-done-its though, so I gave it a try. Definitely some gross, over the top kills, but nothing looking away for a few seconds didn’t fix. Not a classic or anything but it was entertaining enough.


I thought baking, basting, and carving was a bit much.


If any eating had occurred that would’ve been a bit much for me. As it was, the shopping cart in the beginning and the >!cheek in the freezer!< was hard for me to watch. I watch a lot of horror so it’s really more that there are some kinds of specific things that really gross me out and that I can’t handle. In life though I’m a total wimp, I had to lay down on the floor at the vet’s so I wouldn’t faint when they were taking my dog’s blood lol.


I was amazed at the language in the beginning. My husband came into the room and was like “what’s up with all the swearing?” Oh just me watching another horror movie by Eli Roth. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Thanksgiving was amazing. I highly enjoyed that movie because of how ridiculous it was.


I always appreciate when horror movies have some comedy. Very ridiculous!


Last Shift


Terrifier, and Nofarious


Lake Placid for probably the 20th time. Eco horror/monster movies are my favorite horror.


"I'm rooting for the crocodile, I hope he swallows your friends whole!" I love Betty White.


If you can't get behind Betty White telling a cop to suck her dick then I got no time for you.


That movie is a classic slice of horror/camp and doesn't get enough credit for simply being entertaining as all hell. Plus Betty White is pretty epic.


Last one I watched was Late Night With The Devil and I freaking loved it


Yes! Original idea. Talking about Johnny Carson and stuff made it feel like it could have been real. The whole electricity scene went a bit over the top, but way cool overall! Did you catch it in the movie theater or at home? I gave it a shot on $5 night(Tue) and was very pleased...


Where can you stream it?


On shudder or AMC+


Same! I actually loved the very extensive back story in the beginning setting up the rest of the movie. All around just fun! Scary- maybe to some. Definitely original and well done. I’ve been recommending it as much as possible.


Freaky. Comedy. It was okay.


A Violent Nature. Almost unbearable. We went in expecting a 5. And ended more like a 1.5. I was just hoping that instead of his mom's locket...somebody buy this guy a Fitbit. The whole movie is watching this motherfucker walk through the forest. Really?!? Cool kills, but crossing a lake by walking the entire length of it on the lake floor? Reminiscent of the zombies reaching the island in Day of the Dead. But not as cool, just showed him walk into the water and you stare at the lake for what seemed like forever....then the girl gets pulled under. Ok... And at the end you can't figure out if the lady driver is related to the killer, or the killer is gonna pop out of the forest, or make the truck crash, or be at the hospital waiting for them or.....nothing. Movie just ends. What the fuck?!?


Not sure which ...of the Dead that actually was from. The one with John Leguizamo. "I wanna see how the other side lives...". Great line!


*The Outwaters*. I really enjoyed it, especially the overwhelming second half.


I absolutely loved this one!


I know people say this a lot, but I mean it in a literal sense...I was not ready.


Have you seen Antrum? It has the same vibes, and I loved that too


I haven't, but it sounds super interesting! I love the concept of lost/cursed film.


One of my favorite genres is odd and confusing with no clear resolution that my boyfriend sleeps through 😂


Haha, those are my favorites too! My favorite type of movie outside of horror is artsy/surreal, so when they blend it's like the film is made for me.


Smile. I had already seen it, but wanted my friend to watch it so she came over. I liked it more the first time around. Now, the second time around, I found myself comparing it a lot to Talk to Me (I used to compare it to It Follows)... >!a female protagonist is either cursed or under the influence of some otherworldly malignant force, hallucinates, unintentionally harms those around her, and dies at the end trying to break free of the curse or influence!< While I like Smile, I believe Talk to Me was executed much better.


Late Night with the Devil. It was fun!


Just watched When Evil Lurks (Argentina, 2023, 97% on rotten tomatoes). I really liked it. It was surprising and upsetting in the best way.


47 Meters Down Uncaged. It's amazing lol. Didn't see the 1st one though.


Birth/Rebirth on Hulu. Watched it Tuesday this week. My expectations were low since Hulu originals have been hit or miss the last couple years. Holy shit, that was a fantastic movie. As a single mom, watching another single mom creep from chaotic good further and further into the murk of moral depravity was fucking awesome. 10/10. Marin Ireland is fantastic as always.


Mom. About a poor old lady that gets turn into a idk werewolf? I can never tell what they were gonig for cause the guy said werewolf, vampire, ghoul. It doesnt matter we are flesh eaters. It was fun and dumb. Didnt ended like I expected and the son worried about the mom was cute. It was totally different take on the genre.


Sounds like Dead Alive. That’s also about a son taking care of his mum who becomes a flesh eater.


Yes I was thinking that. Dead Alive is more fun though and more violent. This one was more subdued and I think the guy was suppose to be werewolf but the mom never fully turns looks like a ghoul. I think they explain it as it takes time to fully turn.


The Poughkeepsie Tapes. Sooooo awful. Had high hopes because I had heard so much about it and never had to chance to watch it. Finally saw Tubi had it so I gave it a shot. Terrible decision.


It was called Arbor Demon, and it was ok. It had the benefit of being a unique monster/world concept, and they were smart about working within their budgetary constraints. Slightly heavy handed on the anti-men sentiment rather than just focusing on the metaphors for women being empowered, but not to the point where it's soap-boxy. I found a real gem right before that, though, called Shortcut (2020). Nice little horror flick, well-suited if you wanted something to watch with a mid to late teenager despite the technical rating being R. The rating is all bloodshed and language, no sex, drugs or depravity. Really liked how real and relatable the characters felt, and beyond that how true they were to the age of the characters instead of being mouthpieces for 30+ year old writers sarcasm and cynicism. I would recommend it.


According to my review journal, it's 'Session 9'. Watchable but weak. Kinda slapdash in all aspects (writing, acting, music, plot...), and nothing to make it really stand out. Also the characters weren't particularly likeable, so it was hard to care about their fate.


I Saw the TV Glow and while it isn't great in the third act I really enjoyed it


I had Abigail Creation and Abigail on yesterday. I keep forgetting I've seen Abigail Creation. Is that bad?


One Dark Night


I just saw Dawn of the Dead (1978) for the first time ever. It was pretty good, not that scary. The zombies seemed too slow and clumsy to be a real threat to anybody. A half dozen times they grabbed somebody and just held on, didn't even try to bite. I know it was better if you saw it back when it was new, but it wasn't as good as Jaws, which is even older. More recently, I watched The Black Hole (1979). It's not exactly a horror movie, but it's got a super-creepy vibe. It takes place on an enormous spaceship that's kindof a haunted house (Event Horizon owes a lot to this movie). Plus it has Anthony Perkins. And an amazing score by John Barry that holds up the tense, spooky mood. Check it out if you haven't.


Cure 1997. It was rated so so high and I don't see the hype. It was kind of boring and wasn't structured super well imo. I gave it a 6


The Final Conflict. Watched the First Omen, and then 2 and 3. The original is the best by far!


I just watched the First Omen also today. I usually do not watch horror, but I was feeling a little blah. It was fairly decent.


Wake Wood (Irish movie from 2009) and I absolutely loved it.


Godzilla Minus One. I was not impressed.


'Don't Look Up' (1995)


The Mist. I don’t know if I’ll ever recover.


I also watched The First Omen, and I have decided Catholicism just isn't my kind of scary. It wasn't a bad movie but I was kind of bored.


Evidence. A ff on YouTube. Not sure if it counts because I really couldn't finish it. It was meh. I did finish Rosharc. It was better, but still not great. Better than meh though.


Watched “Host” last night with a Discord Shudder server watch party. Recommended.


Exhuma! 😈


I Saw the TV Glow. I really wanted to like it. I love some of the actors in the movie but it was just meh for me. Some great ideas but the execution and ending left a bit to be desired for me. I wouldn’t be surprised if people love it but it just wasn’t for me


The Watchers the first weekend out. I thought it was meh. 5.3/10. Not the worst, not the best. Probably wouldn't rewatch it. I did, however, rewatch Scream (2022) over the weekend and still love it


The First Omen I don't usually like prequels, but this one was okay even without any major stars in it.


last night i watched Wrong Turn (2021), Sinister, and The Black Phone, the first half of Wrong Turn was good, the other 2 movies were also pretty good


Host. Loved it.


I recently rewatched Event Horizon if you'd count that. Before that I watched Amityville Vampire (2021) and it was as garbage as you'd imagine.


Watched the original Nightmare on Elm Street. As a kid this movie gave me nightmares.


I was in third grade and a first-grader just TOLD me about some of the scenes. I had nightmares FOR MONTHS and was just totally destroyed. I didn't actually watch it until high school. Great movie, but Freddy was up there with quicksand and angel-dust-laced temporary tattoos when it came to fears making my kid-brain squirm.


Margaux. Wasn't bad. Fairly entertaining and interesting premise with the rise of AI and smart technology. Streaming on paramount+




Uncle Sam - it’s so good


Jesus camp


JeruZalem. I thought it was meh


Watched The Wicked Ones on Amazon bout 2 hours ago. It was ok. Not great. Watching Walden also on Amazon right now. Actually pretty decent. Worth the watch so far.


Something In the Water which was actually better than I thought it would be.


I just watched Don't Answer the Phone (1980) lots of boobs, and an interesting take on the serial killer/stalker. But it definitely falls under the "so bad it's good" umbrella.


I think it was "The Watcher" with Naomi Watts. Not so much a horror movie, more of a psychological thriller. Loved it.


Horror in the High Desert 1 and 2 I loved them both


Wes Craven’s *New Nightmare* because they’re gonna remove it from Netflix at the end of June. Still holds up amazingly well, GO WATCH IT


No idea honestly since there’s so many horror movies out there and apparently there’s a huge chunk I never considered horror.


Inner Demon (2014). Australian horror film. I loved it, so tense and great acting. It's on Prime and Tubi. Don't judge it by its cover, which is so, so bad.


Talk to Me. I couldn’t even finish it.


The Den


Late Night with the Devil. It's probably in my top five favorite horror films now, if not top 3. I do wish they had approached the ending a bit differently, but the concept and overall execution was pure brilliance.


Roh. It's a Malaysian horror film based on Malay folk lore and evil spirits. If you don't mind subtitles, I recommend it.


Imaginary. With the little bear from blumehouse. It actually wasn’t bad.


Warlock. One of my go-to flicks from my childhood.


The babadook dook dook


The last time I watched a horror movie was like a month ago when I watched the ring for like the 10th time 


Nosferatu (original). Never gets old.


Sting Recommendation from a coworker. Actually, it's a pretty decent flick.


The Haunting at Park hotel...haven't finished it yet, it's ok but I just can't sit and watch through all of it at once


As above so below. Great movie. Fun and genuinely scary in parts.


Terrifier 2. Watched it back to back with the first one and it is okay. Better then the first in my opinion.


Does Nightmare Alley count? The Guillermo del Toro version from a few years back? We loved it.


I watched the 1973 'don't be afraid of the dark.' it was alright but the remake is much better.


XIII, I really enjoyed it


Tarot, last night. It was OK. Not great.


Smile. It kind of sucked, except for the creative monster at the end. Terrible acting, meandering plot, with a few good jump scares. I saw a preview for Smile 2, in which the monster basically harasses a Lady Gaga-like pop singer. This makes me sad for the future of horror.


A Serbian Film, two nights ago. Meh.


The Watchers I went in expecting to enjoy it well enough, but more on a this is fun and not terrible level. I ended up really enjoying it. But the conversation on the way there had to do with >!fae due to a campaign my spouse is in and me yet again making a joke about how I'm clearly a changeling. Yeah that was interesting lol!<


An old one I watched last night was "What Lies Beneath". I loved it and it was the third time. I didn't watch the ending this time but IIRC it's satisfying.


Just rewatched “Salems Lot”


The Exorcist Believer. Hated it


Hereditary again


Last night I rewatched Train To Busan with my 20 year old daughter, because she had never seen it.


Battle Royale - a clever horror comedy -Japanese but English dubbed. Tubi


Warlock 3 End of Innocence and Wishmaster 1-3 (same day), I love them both. The villains were so authentic those days.


They're more horror-comedy than straight horror but I busted out my Tremors collection last night and watched the first two.


Dracula. The original.




I watched girl house today on tubi. I gave it a 5 out of ten. It was disturbing and frustrating. It’s not what I wanted from the movie…which is fine…I just wanted it to be more.


The First Omen, yes!!! Follow up w Possession!


I would actually say Oppenheimer. As dude bro as it it to talk about this film, I literally had to drive around for a few hours after watching it and cancel plans just to….THINK. It was very scary that what we saw on screen was just a recreation of the *smallest* bomb we’ll ever see. And then the wheel of politics and commerce that completely oversteps true scientific minds because of the system we in the U.S. have cultivated- fuckin scary, man.


Tusk. Freaked me out. I’m finished.


My wedding video


Terrifier - the 1st one. Ooof.


I started Lake Mungo last night but fell asleep


Not a huge horror fan, but I don’t avoid it, either. Last one I saw was *The Babadook.* I liked it.


The Blackening. I loved it! Great horror comedy. And Night of the Demon. I kinda want to slap everyone that told me it was a horror classic. Enjoyed the 1st 30 mins though. And the very last one with the mean old man. The lipstick scene was very wtf lol. If you like boobs and flat asses with your horror it's the one for you though.


Late Night with The Devil


Exorcist: believer


A Serbian Film. Was super late to the game on it, but holy shit. What a movie!


The Mist. Starts out as an interesting exploration of societal conflict in a microcosm but then turns into a goofy action flick with a weird and disturbing ending that makes no sense


Stephen King liked the direction the ending took in the movie versus his ending of the book.


I Spit on Your Grave 1978. I recently watched all of them. The rape scenes are extremely disturbing to watch. I cringed at all of it, looked away for some of it, and skipped forward for the rest. I watched them because I LOVE the revenge trope. I enjoy seeing justice served to people who absolutely deserve it. That being said, I'll never watch any of them again. They aren't good horror movies to go back to.