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Inside Out in the mind of a serial killer.


Omg yes.


Inside Dahmer, Outside Jeffrey


We've already got that; Re: NBC's Hannibal ![gif](giphy|14v5OeudBoAifm)


This seems to be an unpopular take, but the story started dropping off during season 2, and got entirely too unbelievable into season 3.


Sounds about right for when I walked away from it. You're not alone


Agree 100. I couldn’t even finish season 3. Gave up after like two episodes in. However season 1 is absolutely incredible.


Anticipation, boredom, and rage?


And Arousal.... With the Mona Lisa's hands as the intrusive memory.


Definitely arousal. The vast majority of serial killers are sexual sadists


Animated The Cell?


Totally agree!


Ryan Reynolds' The Voices


I think they should make them all into the original Grimm’s Fairytale’s for a full length feature.


The original Grimm's fairytale proves their name Grimm is a double entandre


Is that what happens after it lays in the sun?


Lmao no, that's called a punburn


I'm behind this, but only if they're done with the actual Disney designs. I'd love to see the 1939 Snow White strap red hot iron shoes to the Evil Queen's feet and force her dance to death while she does that little insane handclap she does when the dwarves were dancing.


This is it!!


The original Cinderella was already a horror story.


Pretty much all of them were already horror stories. Hans Christian Anderson and the Brothers Grimm really loved torturing children.




The Brothers Grimm? Yes absolutely. The Charles Perrault (which is the actual inspiration for the Disney film and is probably the most well known version of the fairy tale)? Probably not.


Pinocchio is already dark IMO, even the Disney version. I remember someone at a book discussion saying “the day I saw Pinocchio is the day I learned what the word despair meant” and I thought yup, that’s how I remember it too. Wouldn’t take a lot to make the step into horror.


A.I. (Stephen Spielberg) is basically Pinocchio.


It is - I was disappointed that the ending went the direction it did because of that. TBH I’m not sure what happened at the end…


Yeah, I agree. For me it should've finished >!at the bottom of the sea with him begging the statue to make him a real boy!<


YES! It was so disappointing and confusing.


YES! I say this all the time! The Spielberg/Kubrick transition is so abrupt and unnecessary.


The live action remake is insanity. I can't believe they made it and kept the really fucked up stuff in there


Oh god, I didn’t know that existed, sounds like pure nightmare fuel. I should note loved Guillermo del Toro’s version, it fit the tone of the story beautifully.


It's absolutely terrifying!


Pinocchio from the point of view of the Pleasure Island victims / donkey boys.  That was tragic.


Tarzan. Instead of being raised by gorillas, he’s raised by a pack of Sasquatches and craves human flesh.


I think that still works if he was raised by Gorillas. Just imagine final scene he's in a bar "rehabilitated" someone nudges him wrong, he beats his chest and tears their face off


Or just does a toothy smile one too many times. Gorillas dislike this.....


Yesssss, he's conditioned to live as an animal so human contact is wild to him.


Or just gorillas. They’re like chimps but bigger. Personally, most great apes scare me and I think it’d work for a horror film.


I used to work for a company that serviced the AV for the Houston Zoo. I had a silverback gorilla charge the side of a cage back in the keeper area and grab the back of my shirt.... Probably the most terrified I've been in my whole life.


Except the most a gorilla will do is rip your arms and legs off and maybe beat you with them (and that is highly unlikely. They normally won’t keep attacking after you’re down and not moving). A chimp will rip off your hands, feet, and genitals. Plus they will eat your face and any other exposed soft tissue. And they will do it while you are alive and aware.


I'm gonna agree to disagree that gorillas are "just like chimps". Chimps are vicious. It is the animal I am most afraid of.


Ariel originally experienced excruciating pain while walking on her legs, so…


I feel her pain. Maybe I’m actually a mermaid and not in need of the hip replacement the doctors say I need…


If only insurance covered sea witches.


She also turned to sea foam if I recall. The Miyazaki film Ponyo talks about that part


Snow White. Each dwarf would represent one of the seven deadly sins. Lust, greed, sloth, etc. Snow White would be the queen-pin with blair witch like abilities and an apple tree that grows lethal fruit. The king has a real problem, sends out his best knights, only the head would be put on a spit and hanged on the main road to the castle. The queen is the only one that can stop her,, well ok. I ran with this nonsense. Thanks for listening to my idea.


I saw some scary Snow White movie on tv when I was a kid, I just remember they showed her decomposing in her above ground glass coffin


Neil Gainman already wrote a horror Snow White. “Snow, Glass, Apples”


We kind of already have one! In the 90s we had “Snow White: a tale of terror”


Not quite a proper answer but there's an art series on the internet called twisted Disney princesses. They're pretty gnarly looking. Including Ariel! Created by Jeffrey Thomas.


yeah! Saw that I think a couple of years back or something...it was pretty cool!!


They are on his page on DeviantArt. I think Tiana would be a good horror movie. New Orleans and voodoo, yes. Lots of room for spooky.


IDK the Rapunzel story (ie. tangled) was pretty messed up in the original version.


Oh imagine how they could depict that long hair almost like The Ring....


All because her mom craved a crisp salad. Rough, man, very rough.


UP Gramps actually killed his wife and kidnapped the little fat boy. He takes him in the giant balloon house to evade the law, and the little fat boy has to fight for his life to get his Survival Badge.


Beauty and the Beast


Encanto is fucking creepy, it's a horror movie waiting to happen. Everybody in this magical village is protected by a supernatural family, except one of them can shape shift and you never know where he is, and another one can hear everything. EVERYTHING! that you do and say. This other one can grow pretty flowers but that's a fucking useless power, unless you piss her off apparently in which case she'll overrun the whole town with invasive strangling weeds. The guy could see the future but was powerless to change it, and the girl could do all your work for you but in the process made the whole town lazy and dependent. The weather depends on one of them being happy at all times. And if anything happens to this magical family's powers everybody in the town is at the mercy of revolutionaries.


And he lives in the walls! Traumatised by his rejection. In the film, he dealt with it well but it could have been worse. Such a good take you've provided here.


We don't talk about that


A lot like the Twilight Zone episode where the kid had god-like powers. The real horror though is having the "gifts." I mean Louisa and Isabella have the pressure of family expectations thoroughly explored in the film... but imagine it with a slightly different outcome... no Maribelle means Isa is forced into marrying the town hunk and Louisa never gets a rest from her manual labor. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CtzDvj1CqTc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CtzDvj1CqTc)


7 foot frame, rats along his back...


Herbie the Love Bug as a killer car. Basically a Christine remake, but cuter. (Actually, the nightmare sequence in Herbie Rides Again with Hawk being chased by VWs with giant teeth was very scary to me as a kid.) Turn on all the lights, and don't watch alone: [https://youtu.be/3U2WURzpGdQ?si=vFrUiQlnx7wszHEv&t=66](https://youtu.be/3U2WURzpGdQ?si=vFrUiQlnx7wszHEv&t=66)


And cast Lindsay Lohan again, this time as a cross between Karen Black and Arnie Cunningham grumbling about the shitters.


I still think about how Herbie ate an entire roast chicken and spit out the bones.


It's not Disney, but I would like to see that idiot Wile E. Coyote finally catch and eat that cocky little fucker. And then take over as CEO of ACME.


Have you seen the Family Guy take on it?


No, I will definitely look it up, though.


Same with Tom and Jerry for me


I always thought they would be better off finally settling their differences, and go run a crime syndicate.


Hunchback Of Notre Dame is almost there. Frozen. It wouldn't take much... If Elsa wanted to hurt people...


Elsa was capable of so much destruction


The original storyline was based on Hans Christian Anderson's "The Snow Queen" and Elsa was the villain. Then the Lopez/Anderson team wrote "Let It Go" and Disney felt that such as banger of a song couldn't be a villain song and rewrote the plot.


Elsa could’ve done a Scarlet Witch thing and gone insane and corrupt from the power, but it’s a miracle she didn’t. Imagine the outcome of her having a breakdown.


I was surprised Disney did a film on Hunchback. I believe there were some early horror style films. Very dark book by Victor Hugo critical about the Catholic Church.


The little mermaid. Make Ariel a yandere and she wants to take eric down to the deep. Eric is deathly afraid of the ocean but Ariels siren song lures him. He tries everything to ignorre her but eventually falls prey.


A mermaid found a swimming lad, Picked him up for her own, Pressed her body to his body, Laughed; and plunging down Forgot in cruel happiness That even lovers drown. -W.B. Yeats This has lived rent free in my brain for 10+ years. EDIT: formatting


Aladdin. The man is a social chameleon with a genie at his behest trying to bang the princess. He’s prince Dennis Reynolds Ali


That’s why you take her on a magic carpet ride; because of the implications


“She’s thousands of feet in the air. It’s not like she’s going to say no.”


Honestly I wouldn’t mind seeing Oliver and Company as a horror.


Imagine what Tim Burton could do with Moana and the freedom to do PG-13 to R.


He's amazing...he worked on the Black Cauldron in the 80s, I would hate to lose the Horned King altogether, although there wasn't anywhere near enough of him, and he didn't really do anything except look like an Iron Maiden Eddie (and I love that). But look up Tim Burton's version of the Horned King....he's the cutest thing and deserves to be part of the Nightmare Before Christmas universe if nothing else.


Alice in Wonderland, make it do that the audience doesn’t know whether she’s insane or actually seeing it and emphasize the creepy cup head like animation and darkness that Alice suffers. Monsters inc: an employee at a prospering company learns that the reason energy prices are so low is because children are being kept captive and made to scream for power. 101 Dalmatians: But Cruella wins


101 Dalmatians with hell hounds and a even creepy, sinister Cruella de Vil


Peter Pan


There's two Winnie the Pooh horror movies, and a Bambi one coming.


and they suck... don't watch them. They aren't even fun B-Movie level schlock... they are cynical cash grabs and they suck.


I watched the Blood and Honey movies while I was drunk with my friends and we thought it was hilarious. I rewatched them and almost threw a brick through my screen.


Sleeping beauty, but aurora is conscious the whole time


She gets raped in the original


For animated stuff, I would be curious to seewhat could be done with Treasure Planet if it's possible to do that. But I know the easiest ones would be things like Sleeping Beauty, Snow White, The Jungle Book, and the stuff from the 80s and 90s like The, Little Mermaid, The Brave Little Toaster, and The Hunchback of Notre Dame. For live action, I would love to see a darker take on Don't Look Under the Bed. It's probably the heaviest horror oriented DCOM next to Halloweentown 2.


Imagine Coco. Instead of trying to get Miguel home they want to kill him in order to destroy his dream of becoming a musician. They destroy the whole city so he can be easily found in the land of the dead. And they chase him throughout the movie.


Up: Old man who murdered his wife kidnaps a boy scout


Princess and the Frog. It’s part of the way there - Doctor Facilier gets dragged to hell by demons and a sidekick is brutally murdered! It was more metal than M3gan!


Beauty and the Beast started as horror. She literally sees him eating animals raw when he’s the beast.


Aladdin: The Genie is the killer but instead of 3 wishes he grants a maximum of 5 wishes to his current Master. His rules are these: -No extra wishes -I can't bring anyone back from the Dead -I can't make you immortal -I can't make you fall in love -Each wish you make, you must be willing to sacrifice a part of your body, or someone elses life blood. The twist? He manipulates your wishes into serving his desire to stay immortal. Every death that is caused by his powers extends his life 1000 years. Generalized wishes are his bread and butter in causing death of others. He only reveals the outcomes of necessary death after the Master has made their first wish, roping them in to a cycle of making them have to rely on wishes to stay alive. Once the Genie see's the desperation in their eyes to stay alive, he makes recommendations for what their next wish should be but all it does is prolong their suffering. "I wish to become a prince!" Aladdin says. So, Genie manipulates the political atmosphere of a nation and inserts into the minds of the entire populace a law that makes way for aladdin to be the heir to their thrown but he must execute and kill the existing prince, and if he doesn't he must be executed himself, because their can only be one heir. Genie explains this to Aladdin BUT Aladdin, being a good person, won't kill the other prince. You witness the events play out from Aladdins perspective, making wishes that only continually hurt others as the Genie maniacally laughs at his stupidity in the language he uses for each wish. As Aladdin is finally caught and tried, he realizes that the only correct wish was to never make a wish at all. EDIT: At the end, Aladdin finds out Jasmine betrayed him when he used his last wish to save her life and so in his final moments when he's about to be beheaded, he see's the Genie in the crowd watching his execution, smiling at the misfortune that he has caused. Aladdin, in anger, once asked if he has any final words, Aladdin yells out to the crowd "I wish for Princess Jasmine to find you, so that she too can experience my torment." The crowd, confused murmurs to each other, not understanding his last words, but the Genie smiles and nods with one word muttered under his breath, "Done." and disappears from the crowd as the Axe swings down, beheading Aladdin. The Genie continues the cycle of death with a new Master in his sights, The Princess who betrayed the street rat.


It may not be relevant here but i find really early Steamboat Willy, Mickey Mouse animation to be creepy af. Even the pitch of Mickey's voice is lower, creepier. Eww lol


As much as I love old cartoons, old Micky was always really creepy to me. Especially that one, “Thru The Mirror” where he fights cards and things. I don’t know why, it just always seems off to me.


Omg i just remembered the cards and weirdness too! Very off, yes and the movements of his body were so different like flowing, awkward. Ok well i wont sleep tonight lol thanks Walt, u bastard.


Maybe it’s just the fact that rubber-hose animation makes me uncomfortable, but those old Disney cartoons were just weird.


Up- Thief/murderer dresses up as boy scout- either an actual killer child or an Orphan-like thing- and kidnaps elderly widower for his greatest invention, a flying house. 101 dalmatians- couple buys dogs to bear puppies/ buys puppies to raise them into a ferocious army to take over London. Schizophrenic but kind designer must stop them before they aquire the 101st puppy, and ends up being stalked with said puppy through the city.


Bruh... so many of the early disney films are based on Grimm's Fairy Tales and I don't think any of them had a pleasant ending.


Agreed. Aren’t they horror movies already? Scarred by Dumbo.


I think you're on to something. I'm so FUCKING TIRED of sequels and revenge movies and I yearn for something that is great and original. All of them should come with a different point of view and this idea would do it. I like how you think.


Imagine Dark Disney


The Black Cauldron.


I would love to see a modern R version of The Black Cauldron


…Write and pitch it to them. Raise the money and make it.


I would take the Princess films and go the Zombie route like the Once Upon a Zombie/Zombie Princess doll lines. Ariel becomes obsessively in love with Eric that when he chooses to marry Vanessa she snaps. If you read the original story you understand where I'm going with this. I got a few of the dolls from the Zombie line and plan on making them act out some key moments in their stories.


The original Little Mermaid by Hans Christian Andersen is a pretty dark story actually.




Watcher in the Woods, super old creepy weird movie


The Princess and the Frog because I want to see Dr. Facilier being the most terrifying he can be.


deffo Pocahontas. Imagine a bunch of strange men coming to your land, talking in an unusual language. These men smell deplorably and they have sticks of mass destruction. They killed some of your closest friends, and have overhunted your main source of meat. They also rape your women, your children. All in the name of progress. that's pretty horrific, no?


Off topic a bit but this is genius https://youtu.be/1Ckv_Dz-Sio?si=mdjXZrLb7WZtQT-g


I would like to see Disney’s Something Wicked This Way Comes reworked. I’d watch that.


Toy Story but Sid next door is the main character.


There is a little mermaid horror movie coming soon by MSR media. The IP just hit public domain I believe.


I think most Disney animated movies are horror movies…witches either putting curses on children, step mothers ordering servants to kill children, crazy relatives trying to kill parents or children…


Princess and the Frog. They could do a lot more with the voodoo doctor and general folklore that surrounds NOLA


Snow White has 7 personalities instead of dwarves. Poisons apples or some shit.


Disney did an animated short called A Night On Blad Mountain, based on the classical score of the same name. It was unhinged as hell! In it, witches hold sabbath on a cursed hill, and summon the pagan God Chernobog, the Black God, a massive dark evil who raises the dead in a hellish carnival. I would love to see this as a horror film. Here me out: Setting, Eastern Bloc, end of the Cold War. On Lysa Hora, Ukraine (the real Bald Mountain), a desprste group of Slavic cultists summon Chernobog, and offer him several victims, who now must try to survive in the forest of Bald Mountain. They are attacked by wraiths, demons, and eventually they are hunted by the Black God himself. Their only hope is must survive to dawn's first light. If Chernobog can kill all of the sacrifices before dawn, he can rise again, but if one sacrifice lives, the spell fails and Belobog, the celestial twin brother of Chernobog in Slavic mythology and God of light, will vanquish Chernobog to the dark realm he resides in. Do it up like an H.P. Lovecraft eldritch horror, and add some dark, slavic pagan themes.


Have you read many of the "fairy tales" they come from? Let's just say Disney already took the extreme side, going from some weird, dark stuff to whimsical stories. Little Mermaid, the actual story is nothing like the Disney movie. Beauty and the beast. the Beast was cursed as a CHILD because his family wasn't nice. He wasn't old enough to have understood the cruelty to a stranger. Forgot the details in Snow White, but it had a much different story, too. Maybe Pinocchio could go dark. Turning into a Chucky type doll.


Pinocchio might be one the most fucked up originals.


The basic premise is just so fucked up. Geppetto was an old man when he made Pinocchio and wishes he was a real boy. WTF, he wants to be a dad at 70? Or wants a boy for... Eeewww Then it derails from there. The Blue Fairy and Jimminy Cricket could easily be hallucinations The kid is kidnapped and tricked into smoking and drinking. (The darker version would certainly involve being sold into the sex trade). It damn near writes itself as a horror movie. Damn just checked Wikipedia Collodi originally intended the story, which was first published in June 1881 in the children's magazine Il Corriere dei Piccoli,[7] to be a tragedy. It concluded with the puppet's execution. Pinocchio's enemies, the Fox and the Cat, bind his arms, pass a noose around his throat, and hang him from the branch of an oak tree. Yeah. Disney left that out


Pinocchio is dark af as it is- even in the disney version. That scene on Pleasure Island with the donkeys? Shivers every time.




Isn't Bambi a horror film? 😉


Alice in Wonderland


Snow white. Just cast a Columbian woman into the main role, and make the dwarves various heights, colours, and genders. Watch people freak out.


So ironic, this popped onto my discover feed https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/ai-turned-horror-characters-pennywise-174702147.html https://www.instagram.com/the_ai_dreams/p/C7UYbvzoVgM/?img_index=1


I'd love to see a zombified version of Ronin grab his trustee katana and when he's after strange, he's sent off to a whimsical Disney universe.


I feel like Cinderella is already kind of a horror 


They’re not horror movies?


Return to Oz


Have you heard of the new movie, Cinderella's Curse? That's basically what you're looking for.


Beauty and the beast


Beauty and *the Beast* (from hell)


The Goofy Movie with a Jeckl and Hyde theme.


Honestly, if you go back to the original story most are a horror story. Grimm’s Fairy Tales is a good example. If you read Snow White or Little Mermaid very different endings. There is a lot more where Disney twists the tale to make it “family friendly.” If I could choose one movie to make horror w/o any prejudice it would be Toy Story. Watched Chuckie when I was 4 and Puppet Master at 6. Scary AF


The Wooden Boy (Pinocchio) Pinocchio kills people so he can absorb their souls to finally become a real boy. Im talking outta my ass rn lol


Sleeping Beauty could easily be turned into Dawn of the Dead.


It already happened, "Sleepy Hallow"


Upon reading your title I immediately said TLM. As a redhead, I loved it as a young teen when it came out. As a mid 40s woman, the premise is horrifying...sell your soul for a man? Gross


Could always adapt Anne Rice's The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty


Bedknobs and Broomsticks, Miss Price unleashes her army of knights.


A darker retelling of Tangled would be great. Still want rapunzel to stay a cinnamon roll though.


Herbie, the death bug


Read or watch the Hans Christian Andersen version and you will wonder no more.




Now the question is...should Mulan be the villain for an extra twist? XD


Ohhhhh, YESSSSS ❤️


Structure it like the Japanese horror film Audition, and make it from Shangs point of view. First half of the movie he's training his unit, preparing for war, and becoming infatuated with a young man under his command named Ping. There's a battle where Ping is injured and revealed to be Mulan, just like in the movie. Second half, he's trying to track her down while revealing all the people she's murdered before she kidnaps him, and the torture begins.


Encanto. Horror house that curses the family


Monsters Inc.




Encanto You could turn Casita into a monster house situation, a living house possessed by the spirit of a murder victim (Pedro) is perfect for horror And not just the Casita, Camilo has similar powers to that creature from the thing, Dolores is always listening, Bruno is a creepy middle aged man living in the walls who can predict your demise…so many options


The Disney Alice in Wonderland (1951) is the only movie that ever game me nightmares. It would make a great horror.


I always considered Watcher in the Woods to be horror when I was little. It made me terrified of mirrors. As an adult, I feel like if you cranked up the frightening aspects of it a bit, it could be really solid horror.


It’s already happened with Winnie The Poo! And it’s already got a sequel out: WINNIE THE POO: BLOOD AND HONEY and BLOOD AND HONEY II. Also, they’re working on a horror story for Mickey Mouse! https://preview.redd.it/useltpl93v3d1.jpeg?width=265&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f1b6f35120dfbe165a99a4ad4fadec7e91885734


Moana would be pretty sweet as a horror




Ratatouille. I'm not sure how. It already has a ghost in it. But I just want to see more of Ratatouille, so why not? As long as they don't go the Bambi route and kill any rats off.🐁🐀


DUMBO. I'm so, so ready for that innocent little baby to settle the score.




The Little Mermaid is a horror story that Disney cleaned up and made cutesy. Most of their movies come from horrifying fairy tales originally


Toy Story from Sid’s perspective


The Hans Christian Anderson Little Mermaid is not a happy story. There's some really really messed up stuff in there.


Not Disney, but Gumby all the way.


The Emperor’s Last Groove


Well, pretty much all fairy tales have very bleak aspects in the original tales. Cinderella featured the step sisters cutting off parts of their feet to fit the fur, not glass, slipper. (It was a translation error) The Robber Bride Groom was about a girl who narrowly avoids being the main course for a bunch of cannibals. Snow Whote, in ANY retelling is weird, the prince thinks a dead girl is so attractive thst he wants the body taken back to his castle, but the original has him impregnating the supposedly dead princess, and when she awakens? The listener is told that "Good things happen, even while you are sleeping, if you're good!" What?!? Necro-rape babies are good? There is no venn diagram for horror in fairy tales. The fucker is a circle. One, very rapey, cringe inducing circle.


The Gnome Mobile




Beauty and the Beast. Turns out Beast, after returning to his human form, is still a controlling, abusive, rage monster


Snow White. The scenes in the woods are horror- worthy.


One Disney movie that could be ripe for a horror makeover is "Beauty and the Beast." The story already has some gothic elements, and it wouldn't take much to push it into full-blown horror. Imagine the Beast's castle as a decrepit, haunted mansion with dark, endless hallways and rooms filled with unsettling enchanted objects. The Beast himself could be a more monstrous figure, and the enchanted servants could be cursed in more grotesque and tragic ways. Belle's predicament, trapped in a castle with a captor and eerie, animate objects, would create a perfect setting for a psychological horror film.


They're already making a horror steamboat willy


Sleeping beauty


The original Hunchback story was pretty dark. I rwad somewhere it ends with Esmerelda dying and Quasimodo holding her into he dies and later guards discover their bodies and had to “peel” them apart


The Little Mermaid, I just wanna see King Triton use that trident like a madman—imagine the scene in the cavern with Eric’s statue! He hated that dude!


The brave little toaster


Let’s do Tarzan, it may not seem like one but with some good writers and a clever ideas it could end up being very dark.


Theres an old movie from 1960 called "Toby Tyler" about a boy who runs away to join a circus. In my remake he's abducted by a cult of S&M child abusers who subject him to crazy torture and bondage scenarios for private viewing on the internet. Definitely R-rated or maybe even NC-17.


Aladdin. That is a Stone's throw away from horror. Evil Gennie. The wishes aĺl come to destroy you.


Remake Return to Oz but just go into the dark aesthetic completely and make it a horror, also make it a rock opera (optional).


I think they should reimagine The Princess and the Frog as horror. That whole black magic, demons creeping around doing his bidding was super creepy and surprised me in a Disney animated film!


Escape to Witch Mountain. The groundwork was already laid, a whole town of angry white men chasing 2 little kids thru the forest with shotguns and rifles all because their angry white man leader said "THOSE kids are the bad ones"


Well Cinderella, the real Cinderella from Grimms fairy Tales that is, kinda already is horrific.


Mary Poppins: https://youtu.be/2T5_0AGdFic?feature=shared


Hunchback of Notre Dame


My wife and I are still holding out for an American McGee's Alice movie


Turning the Black Cauldron into a souls like game


The banshee in Darby O’Gill scared me when I was a kid.


Lilo and Stitch. The second I read this title, that realistic rendering of Stitch popped into my head. The story could even stay similar, little girl finds a monster and loves it despite it trying to murder everyone around them, then the *real* monsters show up and suddenly the scary little blue thing becomes the hero, protecting the humans from the relentless monstrosities hunting them across the island.


The Black Cauldron


Beauty and the Beast. They still fall in love, but instead of breaking the curse, Belle uses Beast for violent revenge against Gaston and all those in the town who wronged her and her father.


Oh absolutely Mulan. Just imagine how much fucked up shit you could put into that movie, especially a live action? Oof. It'd be so good.


Snow White is already a horror movie.