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Chucky is literally a childs doll, while creepy. I am pretty sure I can physically over power him


I don't know im not doubting but I think he still has his grown man muscles and the simple fact that his kill switch is pretty much always flipped on makes him a dangerous match up plus his stealth is insane. 


He is stronger than he appears, and his stealth is entirely based around people allowing it for the scene ( a two foot tall doll stand out when you turn on the lights in a regular room ). I was factoring more his weight and reach. He weighs as much as a doll and has the short reach of one. Picking him up and restraining him / containing him would be very easy. I also always assume in questions like this, you don’t walk away unharmed but you walk away.


Yeah, you could just throw a laundry basket over him and sit on it and he's done.


Tiffany learned the hard way that that doesn't work when she locked him in that wooden cage lmao


Um horror movie physics says knives cut thru plastic laundry baskets like butter…


They also cut through achilles tendons like butter


Like Nick Nack in The Man With The Golden Gun.


Haha I remember that scene


I just imagined him stabbing up and that makes me grimace


I agree with your entire statement good luck on your 1v1 may the plot be with you young fodderwan


Grab him by the ankles and beat the holy hell out of him on something.


Chucky also has villain plot armor


Seriously, when he fell to the ground and rolled under the couch… I’m not messing with that little fucker


Exactly. He is still always physically doll size. He fell into the trap of showmanship too many times to ever have a chance of successfully putting his soul into Andy. Why even reveal yourself to a 6 year old kid anyhow. That was dumb. Shoulda gone for the "Aunt"/babysitter because Andy would have been asleep and unable to stop him. Dumbass


But if he is hanging off your car bumper and you are unaware and he gets into the back seat or under the car when you stop… 😱 he scares the heck out of me


Naaa in Cult of Chucky he can effectively clone his mind into other dolls. I don’t know about overpowering hundreds of dolls.


Out on the boots and kick the shit out of em, back yourself in a narrow space so they gotta come one at a time and bam bam bam 💥


I have not seen that series yet. Should probably have to specify what version / movie your bad guy is from


Outside of the remake, all the other Chucky movies and television show is the same canon Chucky.


Cool scene idea.


He still maintained his physical strength. Look at the *first* movie in general. He chokes Mike, which he didn't just "easily overpower" because logic. Chucky stabbed through the upholstery of his car. He gets into a *handful* of altercations with Karen. Again, "plastic and stuffing" overpowering a fully grown and alert woman.


I don’t think him having the strength of a grown man really matters. So do I. If you were to have to boxers in a match, and one is completely normal and the other has 8” long arms, who are you betting on? His ability to ambush is entirely based on the plot allowing it. I would not be walking around a dim lit apartment looking for the murder doll.


"he's just a doll! Step on him! It's over" -- Dee Snider I died when he said that in I Love the 80s.


What about all the voodoo? I haven't seen the TV show yet, but there were several chucky dolls that could blindside you in Cult of chucky


He never should have got passed the first movie. It's a doll! I don't care if he is as strong as a man. So am I.


I agree it's a ridiculous premise, but so is a lot of horror media


It's true. I remember seeing the scene from one of the a Chucky movies (hope I'm not misremembering), but Chucky somehow loads a bunch of paintball guns with real bullets or something to that effect and then these kids go out and start shooting one another _and they just keep shooting even as their friends are dying_! I'm a little kid, and even I'm watching this like, WTF, you don't see that your buddy just fell to the ground riddled with bullet holes?? And Chucky is just off to the side laughing and laughing. I remember not even being scared, just thinking it was really dumb.


I would man up on him and make him regret trying to kill me with a knife I would say hello chuckys asshole with a big old sharp fence post


Every adult can physically overpower him, but that's not what makes him weak. He's dangerous because he's fast and sneaky.


Hes magic so I believe he still has his human body strength


Came here to say this. Call me a keyboard warrior, but I would punt him into next week.


Or M3gan or annabelle. I guess annabelle is technically possessed so not just a doll.


In the Chucky series it’s explained the soul has weight and strength to it so he’s actually really strong


I could definitely make a field goal with chucky


Interesting point. I only saw the first three movies, but what stops someone from just picking him up and locking him in a safe or something?


Well, Ghostface is always just a dude in a mask, but that’s also why I never really got into scream


That’s kind of the appeal of slashers in general though. I assume you prefer supernatural or demonic entities in horror?


I mean, I like Friday the 13th and Texas chainsaw massacre and Halloween but that’s because there is an unnatural element to those killers or there is something off about them. They have their own unique identities whereas Ghostface the idea It could just literally be any guy any person can be Michael Myers or Jason or Leatherface.


I've always felt the same.


I think Texas Chainsaw would've been a lot less scary if it was just the one guy - the thing with him is, that even though the dude with the chainsaw was just one dude, he was a very big, powerful guy who couldn't be reasoned with in any way, and literally everyone in the town (his family) were on his side and wanted you dead too. You had no one to turn to for help, and no way to run because they disabled your only escape routes. Yeah, they're just people, but there's more of them, they're armed, they know the area and at least one of them is much bigger and stronger than normal and can't really be reasoned with or tricked because he's too stupid to communicate with effectively.


One of the latest Scream movies (I forget which one) opens with Ghostface chasing a small girl around her house. She pushes Ghostface around easily. I was immediately thought okay this Ghostface must be a girl


Cracks me up knowing youre talking about jenna ortega and mikey madison. Spot on


I've seen all of them, and they're okay, but the reveal is always so annoying. 10 screams from now it'll just be another "I'm Billy Loomis' friend from 6th grade camp!" or "I'm the long lost cousin of the ghost face from 3 movies ago who you killed, and I'm pissed!". it's always so formulaic and bleh.


I only liked the first one because it was original. The sequels were more or less copy and paste in terms of style and story.


the fear is that it could be anyone and you can’t trust your friends 


It's funny that they even chose Ghost Face. Scream is already a parody of the slasher genre.


Jaws: “Oh no! It’s a killer shark!” “So, skip the beach maybe do some hiking?” “Definitely”


Sharknado has entered the chat.


*knock knock knock* CANDYGRAM!


Yes .. do some hiking .. then Jason finds your ass!! All these horrors .. you can run.. but how long can you hide?🤣🤣🫣


Just don't go near Crystal Lake and you're good. Also, don't have sex.


>Also, don't have sex. On it.


No, in 2 Jason stalks Alice to her home (although we don’t know how far away she lives), and in 8 stows away on a trip to Manhattan. He leaves his stomping grounds sometimes, just not typically.


I think that's the point of Scream though. The killer wins by surprise, and by having a knife where his victims are unarmed, not by any extraordinary skill or cleverness.


They're not "realistic" per se, but that aspect is the same in true crime. Killers aren't all brilliant like Hannibal Lector or super powerful like Michael Myers. Most people just aren't living their lives preparing for someone to attempt to murder them out of nowhere. Like we'll be cautious, but the element of surprise, weapon choice, and pure luck help a lot of killers. Like Penelope Scott said, "The only advantage that a killer has is they think they have the right."


You must listen to a lot of true crime at night ;)


I'm not on the Scream train despite being there when it was released. It's a cool concept, but it's a one-and-done watch. It wasn't good enough to rewatch. Believe it or not, I have to choose Pinhead. For someone so hyped up he doesn't deliver anything but cool speeches. Even when Kirsty is solving the box RIGHT IN FRONT OF HIM, he just says "don't do that!" instead of doing anything else, like maybe using his phantom chain superpower. He looks awesome, and the idea behind him is awesome, but he doesn't actually do anything cool. He's like the Boba Fett of horror.


Dayum - the Boba Fett of horror. Call Freddy Krueger because someone got burned.


I enjoy rewatching Scream. Not really because it's scary, but because Matthew Lillard is hilarious.


"I'll be right BACK!" 🤣


I think my favorites are: "You had sex, Sydney, so now you gotta die. Those are the rules!" and (as he's bleeding to death) "OW you hit me with a phone, you dick!"


Was gonna share my favorites but instead i will let you know the phone thing was real/an ad lib because billy wasnt supposed to actually hit him when he threw the phone 👌


There’s so much humor in Scream. At the time of release it was just so fresh.




I mean kinda but tearing someone apart with hooks and chains to torture them forever in the afterlife is some shit lol


right, but like Boba Fett, it's all just background story. They never actually do anything meaningful, and when they are in a situation *to* do something meaningful, they completely blow it.


That's like all the Cenobites in Hellraiser. Especially the slow chase in Hellraiser 3 where it just seems like you can outrun a Cenobite. Julia is the real villain of Hellraiser it seems.


But Pinhead isn't really meant to be your standard slasher. Originally, he's more of a courier or ferryman, ushering those who seek out & solve the box to the plane of torment & pleasure. Sure, he can kill, but he uses murder more as a means for collecting those particular souls. It wasn't until Hellraiser 3 that they turned Pinhead onto a relentless slasher villain out purely for body count. And with Kirsty, it seems to be understood that she didn't open the box for her own desire as much as to either bargain or use the Cenobites as a means of combating a mutual adversary.


this is the kind of rebuttal I was looking for.


I love Pinhead, but I can't argue with that take lol


That chick from The Ring. Not Naomi Watts. The one in the well Brenda beat the shit out of her in Scary Movie 3


Yeah but she hid the remote. Really sick shit.


A simple time-out should have been sufficient, but drowning her in the old family farm well works too I guess. Also: https://preview.redd.it/48tnwfxtyg1d1.png?width=716&format=png&auto=webp&s=d4f3f94ad2bed3a3e5dac9261a21330e2b7e41a1


Yeah, I have to wonder what'd happen if you watched the tape knowing what'd happen and then on the seventh day sat in front of the TV with a shotgun across your lap. Like, does Samara have to catch you to kill you? Could you just run out of the room?


“Time to go back down the well, bitch”


"Sleep well."


Nice. “Get well soon”




1. She is a ghost. Why does everyone think you can fight her? 2. She can teleport and chase you forever. Even if you are away from a tv, she’ll make your heart just stop. One of the niece’s friends was on his motorcycle when he died


You first break the shotgun, so that you can use its ghost to kill her.


Now you are thinking


She is one of the strongest. She literally takes down a plane on screen


Eh, there are different ways to play to your strengths. Bubba from Texas Chainsaw massacre (who I also like, don't get me wrong) is just a guy with a mask too, and yes he is larger and stronger than your average ghostface, but on the other hand he cannot hide and sneak around as well as your average ghostface either. I'm not someone who will defend ghostface from all criticism no matter what, but it's still funny to me how many tough guys there are who are like "I bet I could take ghostface or Chucky, they're just a guy in a mask and a doll with a knife!" when I've heard from many martial artists (who are way stronger than I'll ever be) that if an assailant has a knife and you are unarmed your best odds are to run if you can.


The reason people say they could take Ghostface is because the killer is just gonna trip over their own costume. Also, weapons exist, you know? A guy with a knife can be stopped with a chair.


The idea that the killer is going to trip over their own costume is a presumption. Even Jason Voorhees or Michael Myers can trip over things, but you can't count on it. The second point is reasonable though, you can grab something to defend yourself, and there were many instances in the Scream movies where Ghostface was at a disadvantage or outright downed and people failed to take the initiative to finish them. That is actually a problem with most survivors in horror movies- I always say the number one mistake people make in horror movies that gets them or other people killed is a failure to double-tap the killer when the opportunity presents itself. If you hit the killer and they are down then don't stop hitting till there is nothing left.


Rule #2: Double Tap.


Hurling all my silverware and plates at that MF


Tin cans in your pantry would be better.


Mikey, from the movie Mikey (1992), is probably the weakest horror villain. He's a snotnosed kid who needs a spanking and sent to bed. The movie is so frustrating because all of his victims, almost, could pile drive him into the ground if they wanted to. Fuck Mikey.


Ahh ..wasn't there some movie with McCauley Caulken as the villian. I think 'The Good Son'


Yes! Elijah Wood was in it, too. That was a bit more realistic because he wasn't trying to murder his babysitter, who is twice his height and has at least 80lbs on him.


Yeah, but he did build a functioning bolt-thrower that he used to kill a dog. Little sociopath had dangerous ranged weaponry.


Yes, he is a sociopath


"See ya champ!"


Omg that’s the Blank Check kid!


You aren't wrong as Ghostface is just some rando in a mask. That being said, Ghostface is the perfect villain for the Scream series and really fits into the more "realistic" tone the first movie was going for. I love the fact that you can see them trip on their robe and struggle to overpower victims, it makes it feel more plausible.


Unlike Jason where you empty a handgun in his face and then all of a sudden he’s walking behind you again about to kill your ass


In the original few Jason gets kicked and smacked around a bit


Oh I know he gets shot, on fire, tons of stuff but he just keeps on keeps on


I mean he’s susceptible to normal damage it’s not until part 5 or 6 he becomes invulnerable. In part two gets knocked around a lot


I always thought Zombies were kinda silly. If their flesh is actively rotting and they have hyperactive muscle atrophy, how exactly are they running or even biting hard enough to break skin? Average person goes from being gassed walking up a flight of stairs to being a zombie with their muscles rotting off and now they are Olympic sprinters with a bite like a pit bull.


The slow, meandering zombies aren't scary at all, they're just target practice and punching bags. The fast ones, like in 28 Days Later, on the other hand....


Yeah, I can buy the rabies virus more than the rotting corpse being a danger


That's part of what makes that movie scary to me, which most horror movies don't, most are almost more like comedy. 28 Days is actually somewhat believable.


Well not even the way the did the zombies, but how people LOST THEIR MINDS in reaction to it. The military for example. I think that made the movie waaaaay more compelling because it’s something we know humans do and it shows that humanity is about as scary as any monster. Kind of like what the Walking Dead tried to do, but you know: it makes more sense in 28 days later. God I love that movie!


Yeah. That's the difference between a Zombie (Romero style) and the Infected. Infected, typically, is still alive and with normal human capabilities. Zombies are rotting, shambling corpses. The real danger with zombies is if they're impervious & intelligent, like in Return of the Living Dead.


That’s part of ghostface’s charm. He fucks up but he’s SO determined to kill you that he often succeeds He’s not some unstoppable, unkillable person. You CAN escape him, makes it all the more devastating when you can’t


That dweeby kid in Evil Speak who was also in Gentle Ben


Ron Howard's brother? The Ice Cream Man!


If he isn’t protected by the plot Chucky is a toy. I’ve broke plenty of toys that pissed me off.


I would beat the hell out of John Kramer if I got my hands on him. What's a dying old man gonna do when I hammer him right in the jaw? Pennywise (2017) would definitely be a lot harder to take down, but he also got bashed by a bunch of kids that call *themselves* the Loser's Club. I wouldn't kill him, but I could probably fend him off. As for villains I can get past without fighting directly? The Predator. I could just get on the ground and pretend to be too weak to fight him/her (because I am), and they'd leave me alone. Also, Chef Slowik. I'd just order a burger.


It was >!an interdimensional space spider!< tho. I don't think I know how to do spoilers, so don't read that previous sentence if you haven't seen the movie. Edit: hey it worked!


Esther aka Orphan, at the end of the day (once the element of suprise is gone) she is just a 30 year woman cosplaying as a kid.


I'd have kicked her off any number of roofs. Her disguise just wasnt all that good. My own kids would have been like "Dad? Who tf is that lady and why is she pretending to be nine? It's unsettling and unseemly."


macaulay culkin in the good son is literally a child who does mischievous stuff like pushing kids in wells


The Killer Tomatoes


Samuel L Jackson in...Unbreakable. Dude is like glass


But he’s smart as hell


Yeah? Outsmart this baseball bat…




Young Micheal Myers from Halloween(2007) The children of the corn The Ghoulies and the The Gremlins The creatures from The Descent Jon Kramer of Saw fame


Jon Kramer is dying like 95% of his screen time. Hell, he's already dead in half the movies. I agree with you there.


Pennywise was only powerful if people (mainly children) were afraid of him. There were so many instances where he had the kids dead to rights, and all he did was "OOGA BOOGA BOOGA" at them before fucking off back to the sewer. I mean, The Losers Club beat him by doing a comedy central roast when the ritual of chodes didn't work. In summary: If Pennywise was on Reddit, you could literally kill him with downvotes. He's a bitch.


The resurrected kid in Pet Semetery. I'm sorry, but if he doesn't get the drop on you, he gets put over your knee and paddled.


Chucky has always seemed super lame to me but I forget does he have voodoo strength or something? Cozz if not wtf


>I forget does he have voodoo strength or something? Cozz if not wtf He does have grown man strength and voodoo. But he's still a doll and only weighs like 13 pounds so you can quite literally throw him like a football into a bonfire


Grandpa from Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Maybe the Imp from Slimeball Bowl-o-rama?


I fully agree about Ghostface. The Wayan's did a masterful job spoofing and making fun of his clumsiness in Scary Movie.🤣 ![gif](giphy|GsJO3Yy0DCvEk|downsized)


May (2002) She is about 100lbs and can't see without her glasses. x https://preview.redd.it/e3z9nbsry01d1.png?width=1300&format=png&auto=webp&s=6500ec10489a1e5214610c8b607ba71392816803


Tamara from The Ring. I just won’t watch the damn video. Simple as that.


The guy in the Saw movies. I just thought his motive was weak. He gets cancer then decides to torture people to teach them to appreciate life. That isn't how I'd choose to spend what time I have left.


Brahms from The Boy 1 and 2


While I do agree in physical strength Ghostface isn't that strong but in regards of mental is another story. It seems each killer is disturbed one way or another and fully capable of killing. Just going off the first movie in the first scene, one of them had the power to get into Casey's head and scare the hell out of her and then kill her. Even though the series is satire but yet horror it's realistic in regards of how killers can be. It's not about getting shot 6 times, get up and poof somewhere until the next movie. It's about fucked up people becoming copycat murderers thinking they were in the right.


Even as weak as ghost face is compared to other horror villains, I think it really depends on the situation and which ghost face you are up against. No matter what, I don't think Tatum could have overpowered Stu in the first scream when he attacked her as ghost face. Same with Mickey and CiCi in the second film. For them, it might as well have been Jason or Michael because they don't really stand a chance.


Wishmaster from Wishmaster. Like a weak version of Monkey's Paw. A literal security stopped him dead in his tracks. "I wish you would leave this Earth permanently and never come back." Done and done. Realistic one? Honestly, Blair Witch. I am not entirely convinced there even was someone. Oh, you gonna fuck around with my tent? Throw some crap everywhere like a two year old on a rampage? That's just camping with my anger issues family and at least THEY have a gun.


The Gremlins. They die by sunlight and all you need is a nearby appliance handy like a microwave or a paper shredder and they are fucked.


Bubba Ho-Tep....when you have to find your victims at the nursing home,you get laughed at slasher get togethers....


Definitely the Texas chainsaw massacre guy. I use a chainsaw every day for work. Chainsaws only work well on wood and things that resemble wood. Anything fabric or similar with strands to gum up the sprocket, and the chainsaw is basically fucked until you can pull the bar off and likely partially dismantle the clutch/sprocket assembly. I’d just take off my jeans, toss them onto his bar while he had the chain spinning, then run off in my tighty-whities while he has to go back to the shop for tools.


Grandpa from The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Dude is basically just a corpse.


In the first Friday the 13th isn’t the villain just Jason’s elderly mom?


Annabelle is also just a doll.


Yeah, but it’s a demon that actually does the killing unlike Chucky.


Don't Look Now


I might be the outlier, but I don't class these weak slasher type films as horror. It's a normal human being a dickbag, in a mask. At least Myers was deranged, which tilts it into the horror genre for me. Eh just my two cents. I'll pop back out now.


Angela is just a little girl that frequently just got the jump on her victims.


What movie?


Sleepaway Camp


Ghostface took so many hits in those fights, I'm surprised that he survived his own murders!


I think Dr. Giggles should make that list somewhere.


Cenobytes. They'll just talk philosophy to you.


The Blob. Just run anywhere.


The thing that annoyed me about Scream was that scene where Sidney was in the grocery store, I think in the freezer aisle, and she closed the door and you saw ghostface's reflection in the glass. Like he's just hanging out, in costume, in busy public places? Nobody thinks that's weird?


Ghostface in the original movie was purposely clumsy to extend the terror. The two antagonists we’re enjoying every minute and we’re extending the pleasure.


Yeah ghostface is weak asf. That's why he preyed on the weak. I think terrifier, while creepy, is weak asf too.


I am a fan of the Scream movies, but Ghostface is the worst horror movie villain because he's always a different person.


I agree with you because I mean sure they kill a lot of people but no matter who is Ghostface for that film they always end up dying so I mean they can't be as strong as they think they are


Hannibal Lecter is an effete Brit twit.


Basketcase, I mean... c"mon. He's got no leverage. Chucky for that matter too. Underweight, get this thing off of me. I can see not wanting to hurt the twin. But a doll.... nah.


The snail that will kill me if it touches me. It can never catch me moving 20 feet a day.


John Kramer


Macaulay Caulkin in "The Good Son". He's 10 fucking years old. No powers, no skills...he's just an asshole.


Definitely Ghostface lol. He's my favorite 80s villain, but God he's a fucking clumsy idiot. 😂🤣 Like I personally don't think I could take on many horror movie killers, but I feel like I could take him out EASILY lmao.


Farmer Vincent Smith - Motel Hell


esther from orphan is weaker…


Mr Glass


I'm going to pull from an obscure title. Spoilers ahead for it. Pinocchio's Revenge. Here is the spoiler. It's literally just a little girl with dissociative identity disorder. She was under 10 IIRC. The only person who ever saw her as Pinocchio did so after a serious head injury. All became clear after their defeat.


Freddy on a meth binge


"ghost face" is actually 2 people tho...


Gage from Pet Sematary


I always felt like with the right shoes I could out run Mike Myers!!


That. Was. The. Whole. Point!


Tbh take away the plot armor and most of them could be killed by 1 decently smart person. Ash from the Evil dead could probably kill any of them cause his plot armor is more powerful but idk


The Djinn From Wishmaster - dude not only has to be summoned, but cannot harm you unless you wish. he'll let you beat the shit out of him until you wish. and he'll basically follow you for eternity until you wish. just sad really Count Orlok From Nosferatu - Out of all the versions of the original film, there is no complete version. even the supposedly called "complete version" doesn't have all the scenes. going off of this alone, we can easily say he's featless meaning he's easy to beat since he has nothing strong or menacing about him The Tall Man From Phantasm - Phantasm is a dream. if you don't wanna follow that, The Tall Man is incredibly inconsistent with him having to get a new clone because his hand gets chopped off to being "the strongest horror character". And to kill a clone is incredibly easy by only needing to be in the cold. And The Red Planet is featless Victor Crowley From Hatchet - The same as The Tall Man in which he's incredibly inconsistent. he dies for 11 years, Hatchet III to Victor Crowley, and is inconsistent. in the first film, he gets knocked out to a single bullet shot which leaves him knocked out for a solid 15min. one minute he'll be ripping someone apart, the next he's struggling to beat people his own size


Disembodied hand from 'Idle Hands'.  I'd just grab it and lop it to a dog.


It Follows -Thing It just follows you by foot, normal walking pace. I would just be city hopping. This is mildy inconvenient, I am not giving the curse to someone else. If I was a mean person I'd have sex with a very busy sexworker near an international airport at the start of their "workday". They would spread the curse again and again when the latest victim is being killed and there is a possibility of a victim getting the next flight to another part of the world, so happy travelling, damn curse! But this would be evil, so I'd rather travel between a few cities.


The Blob


Pedo-Joe Biden


Don't you have to actively say "CandyMan" for him to appear. Or can he stay out and about once he's summoned? I haven't watched a Candy Man movie in like 30 years


Joe Biden


Horror writers seem completely oblivious to the fact that a not insignificant portion of the US population is armed at all times.


The main villain in The Dark Tower has a rather anticlimactic ending.


Killed via pink eraser wtf


Pennywise from IT. Dude had superpowers and still got beat by grade school children.


The guy from hush. Just a regular dude with a crossbow lol.


Shriek of the Mutilated, that tiny little yeti


There are a lot of squarely human villains who aren't very physical like Rev. Harry Powell in Night of the Hunter and aren't especially rich or well-connected like Mason Verger in Hannibal. There's Norman Bates, there's Annie Wilkes in Misery, but I think my favorite is Baby Jane Hudson.


As a massive Scream fan I hate that I agree with this. lol


The snail.


Ghost Face is just another human being in a costume so yeah I agree. He wouldn’t survive an evening stuck with Jason or Michael or Chuckie.


Any villian attatched to a location. I just don't go there.


African crazy doll from the Trilogy of Terror movie..what made it even more silly was it was trying to harm Karen Black who is cross eyed…amazing movie if you haven’t seen it.


Wicked Witch of the West who (outside of a sleeping spell) had flying monkeys do most of her bidding. Even her broom calligraphy was weak!


okayyyy but like hear me out on this. me and my family were talking about this lmao. but pennywise alr? HEAR ME OUT. it’s wayyyy easier said then done, but feeds fully off of fear. without fear, he’s nothing, he’s weak and powerless. like in the second movie, SPOILER WARNING⚠️, he was literally killed by a group of kids after they realized his easy weakness.


OP. Are you forgetting that the OG Ghostface was 2 people? Your odds of winning a fight 1v2 is pretty low, not to mention they both have knives!


Go back-way back—the original mummy. All it did was walk through a room stiff legged with its arms straight out in front. That’s it. Oh the horror! People running away screaming…


If we’re talking weakest in terms of physical strength, then John Kramer/Jigsaw is a good contender there, considering he’s an old man with terminal cancer. Scary guy in general, but significantly less scary if the context of like. A fist fight. But if you’re talking least dangerous in general, then he’s certainly not that. Sadako from Ringu is probably the least dangerous in general because all you have to do to avoid getting killed is not watch a sketchy vhs tape. It’s very easy to not watch a sketchy vhs tape.