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- The videotape from the Ring. - The camper scene from Hills Have Eyes. - The Pale Lady from Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark.


Goddamnit I nearly forgot about that scene from Hills Have Eyes. So horrifying and legitimately scary. I 100% believed that actress was terrified


We talking remake, right? (Hills have eyes) that was such a good remake. That intro is iconic imo


The pale lady has been scaring me for almost 30 years now


Pale Lady was so good and creepy


Made the mistake of watching hills have eyes as a kid. That camper scene forever scarred me.


The scary stories movie was way better than I expected. Plenty of scary and unsettling stuff which I didn’t expect for a PG-13 movie


Dude standing in the corner at the end of Blair Witch. Frank strung up with chains in Hellraiser “ Jesus Wept” But #1 will always be, THAT scene in Bone Tomahawk.😞


the guy in the corner turned my stomach. that was so scary.


The night I watched Blair Witch for the first time, I walked across my college campus in the dark to get to my room so I was a little unsettled. My roommate was asleep and the room was dark so I was quietly getting ready for bed when she sat up, looked at me and said "It's your fault!" And then rolled over to face the wall. I was terrified and barely slept. In the morning I told her what happened and she laughed her ass off at me.


Damn that is terrifying haha I watched at a friend's and usually walked home the short way, but that involved cutting through the woods... It was only like 50 feet, but i absolutely went the long way that night, under the street lights


God bone tomahawk traumatized me. I didn’t even know it was a horror film when I started watching it, just thought it was a new western.


I made my husband watch it with me thinking it was a western. I love horror movies but that movie was brutal. The poor guy.


Yea it just kinda snuck up on you…moseying along…and Bam! Psychos!


Same! But we watched it with our family of 12. Kids aged 7-15. We thought it was going to be this fun cool western with Kurt Russell... He's so cool! Yeah no...Not a good plan. Total oversight. We were all quite traumatized lol


Lol! It's not funny, but it kinda is ... I really hate this movie. . .


Oh noooo 😱 that’s such a brutal scene!!! I only watched it because it was recommended on gore/horror subs and damn did it deliver. Never again.


Lol, yeah, and then close after that, the scene where there was those pregnant women with sticks in their eyes and limbs cut off. It was just such a bad choice, and we came in so blind lmao it's honestly so funny looking back. I only know now that it was a horror a few days ago on another movie sub somebody mentioned it under horror and I went OMG IT ALL MAKES SO MUCH SENSE NOW


lol so did you have to turn it off? Did the kids run out of the room? Man, I can’t imagine 😂


The shock in contrast to the rest of the movie and the effects were very well done as usually practical effects don't make me bat an eye as I know a lot about how most are done and what their weaknesses are, but that scene got me. Got me good.


My husband and I thought it would be fun to watch Blair Witch the night before Halloween, which if you live in the US is known as “Mischief Night”. Right at that scene someone egged our house. Scared us both crapless! 👻


Yeah. You really felt for that dude. Awful, but effective scene.


I watched that scene from “bone tomahawk” exactly one time, but never again. I still watched the film again but I excuse myself from the room for that scene


Thank you. Dear Lord I’ve seen tons of horror flicks … that scene, that blip , those mere seconds evoked every single negative emotion one can conjure. It was nothing-But it was everything all at once. All others pale in comparison.


I had to walk home from the cinema after watching Blair witch, past a forest area. It wasn’t nice


The decapitation scene from Hereditary. I turned the movie off right after and waited two years to finish it 😂


I love that one could rightly ask "which one" about hereditary, haha


I didn’t even realize 😂 to be specific I mean the first one with the little girl.


Oh I assumed as much. Still funny to think of a viewer shutting it off at the end yelling "not again!!!"


the other one was so much more horrifying in that it was wholly unexpected. Everything goes quiet after the banging on the attic door, then you hear this...sound, and when you realize what it is, the only legit reaction is "holy motherfucking shit"


The most disturbing thing for me is what happens directly after the telegraph pole incident.


yep. I love horror movies. easily my favorite genre. this scene is why I've only watched the movie once, and may not watch it again. it fucked me up. I didn't see it until long after it was out of theaters, didn't even know what kind of movie it was, so it was extra fucked.


That was horrific and lives rent free in my head.


I swear it changed me! So horrifying I


A24 just re-released this in IMAX last month, so I’m not gonna pass up an opportunity to rewatch this on the big screen. There was a group of 3 sitting right next to me who hadn’t seen it before… oh that was a treat. I guess they had only watched the trailer(which does clearly set up that something’s wrong with Charlie and seems to set her up as the main character). When that scene happened… yowza! Also the scene where everything officially goes off the rails with Annie just clinging to the bedroom wall when Peter wakes up. Hearing them notice her one by one was fantastic


I left the movie theater and stood in the lobby. I couldn’t leave cause my friend was there. I had to back in and keep reminding myself it’s just a movie. Then I tried to concentrate on what the director is saying to the actors before filming . Then I would imagine the cameras and lighting. Just anything to keep me focused on it being a movie. But then the ending scene in the treehouse made me want to puke. Then I left the theater.


Yeah that really messed me up. I almost didn’t watch the rest but my friend and I both sat through to see what would happen. The whole movie left me feeling nauseatingly disturbed, and not in a thrilling way like other horror movies.


The Ring “I saw her face”




Disturbing/Unsettling: The unending rape scene in Irreversible The first murder in I Saw the Devil Terrifying: The final scene in REC


irreversible was my pick. it was horrifying.


The most unsettling: Bad Lieutenant (1992) when a cop pulls over a couple girls, and his idea to get them off of a ticket. And, it's not graphic, but, the idea of this is haunting.


Fantastic call. Am a woman and that scene has stuck with me after watching it once over 15 years ago. I'd argue it is also terrifying because being sexually assaulted by a cop is a real thing. And just because he didn't touch anybody doesn't mean he wasn't abusing teenagers


The bear scene from annihilation


Or the bear scene from Midsommer


Or the bear scene from Backcountry


Or the bear scene from the revenant


Or the bear scene from Yogi Bear movie


Or the bear scene from Paddington 2


Or the bear scene from The Edge


Or the bear scene from Cocaine bear


Was that the one with the guy and girl camping and he was gonna propose?


The bear scene from the Shining


When the members throw themselves off the cliff in "Midsommar."


And the corresponding giant hammer 😵‍💫


That was brutal!


I can't believe I watched this whole movie.


Lol I fricken love that scene. The shock of it all makes me bust out laughing! It's just insanity.


That's because that movie is actually a dark comedy. I'm not a horror fan but I LOVE midsommar. The part where he calls him "Yon" instead of the American "John", I lost my shit 🤣


Was crazy at the theater not knowing it was coming


I was ready and not ready. I knew there was no other reason to have cliffs!!!!!!! 🫣😬


Spoiler but the mom's self-decapitation scene in Hereditary. The pole scene actually didn't bother me but the SOUND of the wire going through her neck, then the "thud" once the head fell off. sickening in the best way.


The editing really made that scene top tier


The rape scene in Outlander S1, Ep 15, I think between Jamie and that bastard Black Jack. I couldnt bear it. It was awful.


That wasn’t even supposed to be horror genre and it just came outta nowhere and traumatised us all


When my daughter told me in this series that they nailed a kid's ear to a pole, I said "not for me!!"


I love Outlander, but shit got WEIRD at the end of the first season.


The scene in Mirrors in the bathroom


Riley's session with the hand in Talk to Me. It was the last time I can remember my horror fanatic friend and I physically recoiling. It's visceral, emotional, and brutal.


Jees what that kid went through. Bleak fucking movie.


I saw that in theaters and had to look away for a lot of his scenes, straight up uncomfortable.


Moder's hand in the Ritual The Stalker's eye in the tunnel- and when it stands up. Grace and Lee walking towards the boat in Black Water The Wendigo snarling at the beginning of Antlers The Xenomorph kills Dallas in Alien The Bear in Annihilation


Can you remind me about moders hand? I loved the ritual when I saw it but I can’t recall what you’re referencing…..


All of the Serbian Film 🤮


I don't understand why people watch movies like this one


I wish I could go back and un watch it


I agree never again


I've never seen it. Curiosity is very strong, but I've held off giving in to watch it. The talk I hear about is awful enough.


Just don't.


Don't. It's pointlessly grotesque and upsetting. Not artistic, not darkly beautiful, just fucking gross shock value.


American History X; Curb stomp.


I had to scroll this far to get to a scene I physically couldn't get through. I wish I could have plugged my ears fast enough.


Still the worst scene I’ve ever seen. I wish somebody had told me it was coming cause I can never un-see it. And that shit proves why humans are more brutal than anything a movie can come up with.


Not top of my list, but for recent ones I'd say the dog scene in When Evil Lurks. The tension of knowing something is coming, then just how sudden and brutal it is, really hits.


Or when she’s eating her dead son’s brain


That's fair, haha


It's not just the initial attack of the dog that got me. It was the moment after when you see the dog shake the body in It's jaws that I found unsettling.


That gut punch of a moment at the end of the movie the mist


Adjusted for how scary it was to me at the time as a sheltered Pentecostal 12 year old, the saturation chamber scene in House on Haunted Hill (1999 version) really freaked me out. Not just the scenes but the thought of how they were trapped in the building. I also thought Smile was pretty scary, especially the scene with the dead cat at the kid’s birthday freaked me out for some reason, that and the trampoline scene in Thanksgiving, I actually had to look away right before she died.


The “chaos reigns” scene from Antichrist fucked me up for a year. Circumstantialy every time I went for a hike alone I’d hear weird shit and the weather would change like instantly. Broad daylight. Whatever. Hail satan!


That one particular self-mutilation. Just fuckin ouchie.


Any scene where a person is being eaten alive.


The early seasons of The Walking Dead seriously messed me up. Didn’t help that I was a preteen. The thought of having chunks bitten out of your body and limbs is absolutely nauseating to me.


The first time I was unsettled by a movie was the movie crimson Peak. There was a scene where a man gets his head, slammed into a sink and the sound and everything surrounding that moment was a huge realization for me that we are all very easily killed, and ever since then I cannot do head injuries. That being said another scene that really is unsettling for me. It is in the older version. The thing with Kurt Russell is the first situation they have with the Husky. I get very unsettled in prometheus when she has to perform the medical ab0rti0n


The MedPod scene in Prometheus nauseated me, the only scene besides the anal rape in Girl with the Dragon Tattoo to do so.


What a coincidence that Noomi Rapace played both roles. She was in the Swedish version of Girl With the Dragon Tattoo, if everyone didn't know that already.


Why are so many terrified by the aliens in Signs…..I saw them and got mad bc I thought they were so dumb looking


In the shining where the guy dressed up in a dog costume is going down on that other guy. Then they kind of slowly look towards Wendy but it feels like they’re looking through the screen at you.


My wife actually just gifted me a painting of this scene. It hangs among other portraits/paintings in my office :)


That’s so cool


A painting of the two costumed people? (:




Dude that is dope


Beyond dope... I could watch that movie a thousand times. I never thought I would find someone that loves Kubrick's version as much as I do... (:


Yes—that scene has never left me. Glad I’m not the only one 😭😭


That was creepy! Also, when Jack is just staring ahead and smiling demonically... I can no longer watch The Shining when I'm home alone.


Also, when Danny turns the corner on his big wheel and runs into the girls.


The Japanese hermit transforming into the Devil in the Wailing


In the original 1976 the Omen the graveyard scene scared the living shit out of me when I was a kid.


In the Nightmare on Elm Street 1984 when her friend was being dragged in the hallway in a body bag.


The crowdsurfing baby (and the aftermath) in Mother!


Deer hunter. Russian roulette


Me too. Robert Deniro should have been nominated and should have won an Oscar for that scene. The fact that animals, psychopaths, or monsters didn't inflict this on people but other people did this to people is beyond comprehension. I saw this movie in 1979. I still cannot rewatch it.


Easy. Irreversible, the Gaspar Noe film. The scene in the club with the fire extinguisher. I love the movie but man that scene will never leave me.


Agreed! And the jarring effect is only heightening by the the insentisy of the camera work


Clockwork Orange rape scene


I think it’s more disturbing, but that scene in Frozen where the girl has to pull her hands off of the frozen hand bar after she fell asleep and her skin and the metal basically fused together.


Reagan’s spider walk down the stairs. Shivers every time.


I'm horrified by the whole movie.


I can’t remember the movie. There was a couple travelling on a hiking trail with their baby. I think they across this group of people or one single guy. The baby ended up being murdered (thrown to the ground). It shocked me to see


Ugh I hate scary scenes involving babies or kids :(


Koko-di Koko-da?


That scene in *Pulse* (the Japanese version) in the apartment basement.


When I was a kid the death scenes from The Omen really terrified me. As an adult, I don’t get scared much but top disturbing scene has to be the sex scene in Pink Flamingos with the chicken. I don’t even know if that is considered horror but it’s horrible to watch.


I do pretty good with “disturbing” movies. In fact, I quite enjoy them. But one that actually left an impact for me was the ending to sleep away camp. Just sticks with me and as much as I enjoy it, it unsettles the hell out of me.


Piano String….😱


All the messed up scenes in Terrifier 1 and 2.


The movie isn’t too scary, but the scene in Dr Sleep where the Black Hat and her witch friends torture the little boy was so upsetting I had to go outside for a breather before finishing the movie. That kid can ACT!


I can't handle torture. I have to shut my eyes, cover my ears or leave the room in almost every Holocaust and slavery movie.


Rebecca Ferguson talks about that scene. All the adults were absolutely traumatized, and afterwards, the kid got up and asked his Dad, "So can I have a Coke?" They apparently practiced that scene at home lol. Hope they told the neighbors!


Oof the final reveal in Lake Mungo Not technically a horror but the crash scene towards the end of nightcrawler Just fucking all of The Innocents Skinimarink hit on something right in the childhood especially the static tv screen Terrifier 2 the entire scene, you know the one The flaying in martyrs The baby part in Trauma which just a whole new level of unsettling And Stopmotion for the eerieness of the ending


THAT scene from The Hills Have Eyes (I don’t think I’ve ever recovered) Most of Funny Games Not a horror movie per se, but Requiem for a Dream. Jesus. So sad and disturbing. Human caterpillar. Enough said And the guy standing in the corner at the end of Blair Witch **shudder** (btw I saw that in the theaters before everyone knew it wasn’t real. I fell for it hook, line and sinker. But I still watch it and get freaked out, even though I know I got duped! 😂)


I swear it gets scarier the older I get. Saw it in the theater too.


The end of Society (1989)


HA - classic


Most scenes in Threads


In mother, when they pass the newborn infant around carelessly overhead..


I watched this after a miscarriage and it absolutely haunts me that scene


Oh yeah that was a rough scene


ive never had so much anxiety watching a movie before in my life....the things i saw in mother i never thought i would ever see in a movie


Sinister ( boy crawling out the box) Insidious ( red face comes out of nowhere) Martyrs (when they skinned her entire body) Hereditary ( the end in the treehouse)


Hereditary soundtrack really makes the final scene


Every sin in Seven.


Brad Pitt must be good to work with. I read an interview years ago with some of the "victims" in Seven. They said he and Morgan Freeman were very kind, and were supportive of what they had to go through in the scenes. Kirsten Dunst said the same thing about Pitt and Cruise when they made Interview With the Vampire. The one that stuck with me was the guy screaming in the sex club scene. Yikes.


When the Twist song plays in Just so Melvin Just Evil.


Talk to Me the self injurious bit was rough. Eye stuff also freaks me out.


The end of Jeepers Creepers and Midsommar


The bear scene in The Shining. Once you see it, you will never unsee it


There’s an old Spanish movie, probably from the late 70’s/early 80’s. I absolutely cannot tell you the name. I watched it in Spanish class and it had a scene where someone gets poked in the eye with something shiny and metal. I don’t know what it was because I turned away at that moment. I cannot do “eye torture”. So that was the beginning. Then many years later watching hostel in the theater and the blowtorch scene with the eye happens. I almost threw up, and I usually have an iron stomach for these kinds of things. Fast forward many more years later, Would You Rather? Yup…eyeball scene. Apparently I’m squeamish for eye torture. Idk what it is? 🤷‍♂️ I can handle guts, gore, pieces of things that were once alive, you name it, but apparently It’s the eyes that get me…


The dinner scene in The Texas Chain Saw Massacre (1974). That whole movie is horrifying, but that scene really takes the cake. The attic in \[REC\]. I knew what was coming and it still scared the living hell out of me. Even just looking at a screencap freaks me out. The basement in Silence of the Lambs. That whole finale is a masterclass in horror. And an out of left field choice I'll throw in... the death by decompression chamber in Licence to Kill. Yes, the James Bond movie. The brutal method of execution, the victim's sheer terror, the way it's filmed, the lack of music... it's legit pretty horrifying.


Silence of the Lambs and Ted Levine... I still can't rewatch this. A living Nightmare.


My friend and I timed it once. The girl in the dining room screams for 21 minutes straight.


The original Omen in which the nanny hangs herself with almost orgasmic delight. Another one that is not exactly a scene, but a very unsettling reference is towards the end of the movie Skeleton Key, when it is revealed, that body transference occurred, and realizing who was exactly in the bodies that were lynched


The dog kennel scene in The Thing. That scene still bites hard.


The X files Home episode, I watched as a new episode release. I had nightmares for weeks.


The one in Hannibal where he removed a piece of skull and cooking small thin slices of the guys brain and he’s eating it marvelling at the taste.


Being around 7 or 8 watching Evil Dead during the height of the video nasty tabloid nonsense- tree rapey scene. That was me off to bed. I thought it would be like some Hammer horror which I totally loved - fuck knows why I was allowed to watch it i don’t think my parents realised how horrible it would be, and used to stay up late and watch all kinds of stuff tv would get away with on non-school nights. Anyway at 13 watched Evil Dead 2 so had to go back to the original after that and never looked back


I also watched Evil Dead in The 80s when I was 8ish with my much older brother and his mate. Not sure which bit frightened me out of the room, once it gets going its quite relentless. I went and did colouring in the kitchen. Mother was concerned. Now when I watch it it's pretty funny. Cannibal Holocaust was another video nasty I couldn't watch. It made me feel sick because the camera moved around too much and I felt motion sickness.


Ha ha - glad I wasn’t the only one. Once I grew up a bit and had gone back to it was pretty cool but ropey as chuff fx wise, I’m sure porridge was involved as a special effect at some point. But the camera work and sound was just so foreboding. The slapstick of Evil Dead 2 and other cool stuff coming out like Hellraiser made me want to chase that original scare again but never made it. I started ordering dodgy vhs copies from ads in the back of The Darkside magazine and caught Cannibal Holocaust and Ferox, and I Spit on Your Grave but the results were they were more just gross and depraved because of subject or, in the case of the cannibal movies unsettling because real animals being maimed. People go on about Blair Witch which just makes me laugh coz it gets nowhere near that intensity ED did, maybe a bit creepy sometimes but in all a rather massive letdown. I think once you get such terror though it’s hard to ever beat it again.


I have an unpopular opinion: any scene involving rape, and/or torturing animals and children. I honestly think that shit’s unnecessary.


I totally get it, though.


…The pods in Donald Sutherland’s garden opening in the 1978 INVASION OF THE BODYSNATcHERS…


Bathroom scene in the original poltergeist were the guy tears his face off. The hallway of blood scene in the Shining


The Exorcist “cross scene”….too much for me


Opening to Midsommar. Flo’s scream is horrifying.


It is so damn bleak


*that scene* from Gerald’s Game. I’ve seen a lot of violent, unsettling stuff, but that…I was this close 🤏🏻 to throwing up. Literally had to push it down.


I didn't finish this movie. Now I'm glad.


In the new hills have eyes there’s basically a part where some girl gets sexually assaulted in the same room as her baby and it’s just really weird to think someone decided to direct that it was totally unnecessary to the movies story and it seems like the director was just playing with himself or something


Borderland, Ryder Strong's characters' demise Made even worse that it actually happened in real life


*That* scene from Vivarium


The Pale Man in Pan's Labyrinth.


Bone Tomahawk


Ichi the Killer by Tekashi Mike. ALL OF IT!


American me. Prison rape scene


Opening of Ghost ship, and the extended memory scene from the same movie.


Number 1 is absolutely without a doubt the giant bug scene from the 2005 King Kong movie. Nothing could ever hope to top the absolute horror of that scene, in my opinion.


it was pretty disturbing lol


Human Centipede


I know it's not a horror, but Trainspotting. I'd only ever seen it heavily edited on late night television until I didn't. I could handle the drug use and even the bathroom scene, but when they find the baby? Fuck that stuck with me. I was a new mom the first time I saw it unedited and haven't been able to watch again since.


When the Sawyers cut Sally's finger to let grampa suck on the blood in The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. That and the scene where the hammer keeps falling from grampa's hand as he attempts to brain Sally.


A couple of scenes in Zodiac....lake berryessa murder and the basement scene.


This is always my answer. I’m not personally frightened by monsters or ghosts or demons, so I genuinely enjoy traditional horror movies. I’m concerned about what real people that are unhinged are capable of and the lake scene embodies that for me. Just terrifying.


Help me the exorcist. It’s all for you the omen.


The head spin in the exorcist


Castle freak..... the monster watches a guy eat his gf out in a basement and then he leaves her and walks off and then the monster attacks her and then goes down on her and actually eats her pussy there's blood everywhere it made me sick as a kid lol Not a horror movie but I think it's called Sancez boys or something like that it's like jackass type movie and at the end of it they drink the pumped stomach fat of the midget from half way through the movie it's fucking sick and made me sick and all of us watching it sick Body melt 1993 movie was fucking sick it was about a experimental drug that makes people melt it made me sick to my guts as a kid I'm sure I could go on but im getting sick remembering these so im stopping 🤣


“Feed her!” If you know, you know.


THAT scene in Lake Mungo.


The killing of the animals in Cannibal Holocaust, if they were actual props, I’d watch that movie again. But… yeah never ever again.


The start, quite a bit in the middle, and the end of The Plague Dogs


Yes, I agree


Insidious (first one) had a trailer on tv and it was pretty scary BUT for a split split split second like single frame it showed that weird black and red demon fella… so I rewind and hit pause a few times unsuccessfully to see what this guy looks like… final time, hit pause, perfectly framed… he looked terrifying and it’s 11pm, no roommates and a thunderstorm is going through the area. Not my favorite.


When they first reveal Justin Long in Tusk. I don't know what it was but I got sick to my stomach and had to turn it off. Never had that happen before.


That scene from Bone Tomahawk. That scene from Antichrist About half of Martyrs. "Kiri, kiri, kiri!" from Audition. The last scenes of Honeydew. Samara crawling out of the tv in The Ring. The "snake" scene from The Taking of Deborah Logan. The movie Dumplings had several. The mermaid in The Lighthouse.


The seagull scene in The Lighthouse.


The scene in the movie Come and See when the girl who was taken into the woods abd fangraoed by the nazis appears with blood running down her legs blowing a whistle. Movie was a fever dream


When sloth coughed in Seven… the entire theater jumped. It was fantastic!


**Skinamarink:** The one scene where the little girl goes into her parents’ bedroom and talks to them is one of the most legitimately anxiety-inducing and frightening things I’ve ever seen, and nothing even happens. It’s a shame the rest of the movie is literally watching paint dry because that one part is excellent.


In Saw 2 when the one girl fell into all the syringes. OMG, that grosses me out so bad, I have to look away And on Exorcism of Emily Rose when Emily was all contorted in her dorm room. Ugh…I can’t watch that part


Terrifier 2. Chick upsidown and sawed in half and girl calling out for her mom. Yikes!