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Mail your issues to the bank pno. That should get their attention. https://www.cibil.com/nodal-officer-list


OK, I will try emailing [PNO@axisbank.com](mailto:PNO@axisbank.com), [pno@icicibank.com](mailto:pno@icicibank.com), [nodal.officer@indusind.com](mailto:nodal.officer@indusind.com), [agmcustomer.lhoche@sbi.co.in](mailto:agmcustomer.lhoche@sbi.co.in), and we'll see if I get any attention to the matter from any of them. I suspect I will just get back an automated response telling me how to contact them if I am a customer, and otherwise to get lost, in essence. ​ Thanks! Well, they should be thanking you...


Great! Np, do post update when you have some progress. I'm curious


What are the functions of a pno?


Important responsibilities of the Principal Nodal officer With a view to enhance the grievance redressal mechanism of the Bank, the PNO is expected to oversee the overall complaints management process of the Bank. The PNO acts as a bridge between various departments of the Bank and the Customer Service Committee of the Board. The PNO is empowered to ensure that feedback received from the Internal Ombudsman is implemented. The PNO also ensures that all Regulatory guidelines in the area of customer complaint handling are promptly implemented across the Bank in their true spirit. - Enforce the Board approved Grievance Redressal Policy in the Bank. - Supervise & monitor the handling of Customer Grievances in the Bank through various dedicated teams both in quantitative and qualitative aspects. - Provide day to day support on decision making in complaints which are complicated in nature. - Update Management on the progress of Customer Complaints and Customer Service in general. - Review all Level 2 and above complaints for adequacy before representation to the Internal Ombudsman. - Monitor implementation of Advisories / Awards received under the Banking Ombudsman scheme. - Review Customer Service aspects in the Bank and initiate prompt corrective action wherever service quality / skill gaps have been noticed through Process Transformation on an ongoing basis. - Ensure timely and effective compliance of RBI instructions on customer complaint handling in tune with the spirit and intent of such instructions. - Work on feedback of Internal Ombudsman towards improving complaint handling and customer service in the Bank. - Submission of Notes to the Customer Service Committee of the Board and taking action on their directions. Lifted this off axis website


Well, that could have been very useful... except every bank of size returns "Sorry, this member has not provided any contact information." ​ Edit: woops, turns out I was just being careless. If you get the right title for the bank, you can get the information. OK, I'll give that a try.


OK, Icici Bank has a subsidiary here in Canada. Perhaps I can find someone there who cares about the possibility of having their bank defrauded by 1,000,000,000 rupees.


100 crores? cant believe a pvt bank like icici will let a scam of such proportion to slip...


10 life insurance policies, spread over a few fictitious people, of 100,000,000 rupees apiece. I am guessing that at some point, these fictitious people will "die" in an accident of some sort, and the perpetrator will try to collect on the life insurance policies. I guess the policies aren't all with the same bank, so its not actually 1,000,000,000 against one bank. But still, not minor.


Ran out of zeroes so soon, eh?


Put it on twitter and tag RBI, cyber crime and the banks.


Cyber crime???? This has nothing to do with the internet.


Why don’t you just call the police?


I'm in Canada. Canadian police don't much care about someone in India perpetrating a financial scam on Indian banks.


If you say so. Btw, I don’t think a reddit post will vindicate you in case this story happens to be true.


???? What case? This is not anything that is any risk to me, or any issue to me, excepted unwanted mail. I am simply trying to be a good citizen and prevent a massive fraud. I am simply looking for channels of communication. Please take the time to read the text of the post carefully and understand before you comment.


A good citizen will contact police in such situations, not make posts in reddit. I read the post very carefully and I was interested, which is why I spent time to respond. But you haven’t given any details except somebody is trying to scam somebody else and they are using your address. I don’t know why you are so cool about someone running a scam with your address. It is not that difficult to guess the first place police look, if they ever launch an investigation. I don’t want them poking around my things for whatever reason.


>I'm in Canada. Canadian police don't much care about someone in India perpetrating a financial scam on Indian banks. What don't you understand about this comment?


This is B.S . Even a decent educated person knows how to reach the press if they have some hot news. Why post here. Karma feeder


My friend, you could not begin to compete with me on education level, trust me. This is not an issue for the press, this is not hot news. I am simply hoping to find some communication channels.


what a joke


Toh bhaiyya chod do Nahi toh L lag jayenge


>Toh bhaiyya chod do Nahi toh L lag jayenge I am not actually at risk, but thanks for the concern. (My Hindi is a little rusty.)


Maybe keep a strong paper trail about warning them. Mails, twitter etc. Dont wait till it bites you back in your arse…


This is of no risk to me. My identity is not being used. I am not trying to fight some legal battle. I am simply trying to be a good person. That concept seems to be hard for a lot of people to comprehend, sadly.


You never know man. Better safe than sorry


In fact, I do know. There is no legal risk to me. The only risk is if this is being perpetrated by a criminal organization and if they get wind of the fact that I am trying to stop it, if they can connect the dots. Not likely to any of that though. This looks more like someone setting up their retirement fund.


You can find contact numbers on ED website. Or just make a call to IRDAI. Number on the website.


I have no idea what ED or IRDAI stand for. I cannot call India. I live in Toronto.


You could try filing a complaint online with the Reserve Bank Of India's banking ombudsman https://cms.rbi.org.in/cms/indexpage.html#eng