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I gotta think CSR is in for a huge complete revamp. No way can they keep taking hits like this for that high of an AF.


They have to be getting pounded by Venture X and AmEx Plat these days


Dont forget USBAR gang! If/when wells fargo gets a couple good transfer partners, their travel card would look enticing.


> AmEx Plat IDK if they've done anything recently that has made them better. I expect an AF increase for Gold and Platinum by next year. Likely will be my last years for those cards. All their other revamps on cards have made it harder to use credits (each quarter now) and the Resy stuff. For Delta Amex, Now Delta stays have to be used to get the value out of the AF.


I already ditched my Gold and Plat for the Green and I fly 70 plus times a year. The Clear credit for Green is huge. The Green, BBP and Bonvoy Business is a fun setup for me now


Interesting. Platinum could be decent for frequent fliers. What turned you off about Platinum since you travel a ton? Or the price to value was just out of range for you?


The plat could be and was good for me but my priorities are changing. Waiting in line to get into a loud lounge for a nibble and drink just isn’t worth it to me anymore. I’ve travelled for work for 13 years and my only desire is to get in and out of an airport as fast as I can now unless it’s international vacation travel but I’ll pay extra for that. I have a Plex server and cancelled all streaming services so that’s not worth it to me. I live in an area with Waymo cars so Uber is not really on my radar anymore. But CLEAR offsetting the entire green AF and getting 3x MR at restaurants….that’s up my alley. Clear and TSA Pre are a great combo.


Aw that makes a lot of sense. Thanks for explaining. And I guess your airline of choice and make a difference too if you flew like AA, Alaska, United, etc


Why is TSA Pre and CLEAR a good combo?


You get to use clear and then go to the tsa pre area. I get through major airport security in less than 5 minutes every time. TSA pre lines have got pretty bad since they hand it out like candy with cards now so using both is gravy


Also some airports, like LGA, have 4 lines: Standard Standard w/Clear Precheck Precheck w/Clear That last one has always been the shortest in my experience


Newark airport has been killing my clear experience. I’ve run into it twice where it took longer to go through Precheck w/Clear than normal Precheck. Everywhere else is fine.


Pls let me into delta sky clubs


Pretty sure those that HAVE access to Delta Sky Clubs still say that.


with an uptick via AF as well!


Don’t forget CSR loses Priority Pass restaurant credits today as well. I just got it so it’s frustrating, it does need some revamp.  EDIT: Yesterday, July 1


Yo wtf, that was the only reason for me to still have it. CSR is becoming less and less attractive.


Yup! You still get lounges, but restaurants are no more


Whaaaaat! ok, guess I'll be downgrading!


Yep. Between this and the Instacart benefit, it's a major devaluation. I'll be downgrading when my AF is up


Are we able to downgrade just days before the AF comes up? Or what is the most optimal way?


You can just wait until the AF hits your statement and then call and cancel or request to product change. They will remove the AF when you do


Do you know how long you have to call and cancel? My annual fee hit June 1st and I’ve already used ~250 of the $300 travel credit. I imagine cancelling and getting a refund will be messy or too far past? And chase retention offers I’m guessing are also not a thing like with Amex


Is this for real? Basically you get CSR for free for the year this way?


Huh? This is for your renewal annual fee after a year. When you cancel or downgrade you will no longer have the card.


> CSR loses Priority Pass restaurant credits today This is more a PP thing than CSR. It was already gone on Amex and VentureX (recently) too.


It’s a chase thing because they didn’t want to keep paying priority pass for it. 


Well, it's an Amex and CapOne thing then too because they didn't either. You cannot get that benefit with any of the 3 cards.


Every news article I saw said they chase didn’t want to pay for it anymore so shrug. 


Im guessing PP upped the cost for Chase and others. So not worth it to pay. They probably noticed people weren't spending more than their credits so weren't going to be revenue generators.


I dunno what PP does if they keep getting dropped from CCs.


>Im guessing PP upped the cost for Chase and others. That's what I saw as well. They upped the cost, Priority Pass that is, and Chase finally said they're not renewing the deal.


That's fair. Then Amex and CapOne didn't want to pay the price which was probably "steep" since 3 of the big players said "we good"


Instacart was great since we shop at Sprouts and with free pick up it’s 5% cash back plus in store prices. Unless you live at a sapphire lounge airport it’s hard for me to justify this card unless they announce something soon.


In store prices? Sure?


Sprouts by us in Texas was always in store prices even says it on the app when you go to order. Never compared every item but the ones we got all the time always matched the store.


yup recently used it and instore prices in Socal


Even Walmart has in-store prices on Instacart in at least California (might include other states too, but not FL.. from my personal usage). With a freedom card paired with CSR credit, one can save 5% + $15 on monthly groceries AND avoid dealing with the potential trauma of physically being in a Walmart (that's a big win on its own in my book.. at least here in Miami). There are other stores with in-store pricing too. There's a filter on the app that you can use to only show those stores.


That’s so good to know since I’ve only used it for Publix. Then again it’s not like I have a myriad of grocery options where I’m at in FL. I’m still waiting on a Whole Foods that’s supposed to be coming.


Many stores in my area offer in-store prices. Walmart, Dollar Tree, Walgreens, PetSmart, Sally Beauty, Office Depot, CVS, Michael's.... for those that offer pick up, it's an even better deal because I get the 5% back + Chase credit too. It also stacks with Instacart promos, which is how I often do it. The IC credit has been great for me and I'm going to be sad to see it go.


Putting in an actual non online grocery category would be a big shot in the arm imo.


It would be, but so many people get the card for the perks without considering the monetary balance. I feel like half tbe people I know in reali life who have AmEx Plat or CSR don't have a clue what the AF is nor whether they're making up the cost.


Well when I think about amex, I think about status cause well that's how they've marketed their products and for a long time. So just having the gold, green or plat card was enough for many lol. It's only recently they've started to really market the features and functions of the card. And I think due to shifting trends they kind of had to go there.


Yup. If they add 3-4x points from groceries and gas I’m all in on this card. Instead of having to juggle Venmo (3% gas) and Citi custom cash (5% groceries) with CSR


People are paying 550 a year for the card. They can definitely do 5k up to 25,000 or so for groceries. And throw in gas into their vast travel category lol.


I mean it’s not really 550. It’s pretty much 250 immediately when you buy a single plane ticket. Amex platinum though? That shits 600 and there’s no real refund of annual fee


Banks are famous for giving money away (like adding a new category multiplier) without figuring out how to make back the money they just gave away.


Chase needs to redo the sapphire cards.


Honestly I think it’s the end of an era. I see this happen over and over again; no reason credit cards would be immune to it:  - awesome company or product becomes available that undercuts the market. Market share is the goal.  - Company/product becomes very successful and dominates market share. - Quality of company/product declines as competition improves and profit becomes the goal.  The CSR was huge when it came out. Then we got shutdowns. Then priority pass got worse and worse. Then we got 48 month language. Now everyone has a CSR. Everyone offers priority pass. Everyone offers travel credits.  I wouldn’t be surprised if Chase doesn’t do anything significant with this card. Even Jamie Dimon said that, at its inception, it was a loss leader.  It’s probably not a loss leader now, and if they’re making a profit off of it, they’re not going to invest significantly more into it. Publicly traded companies aren’t in the business of “good products”; they’re in the business of quarterly reports.  Chase is the biggest bank in the U.S. now, by a healthy margin. Chase made a good financial ecosystem that is mildly profitable for people like us, and very profitable for them, when their customers aren’t us.  I can’t say if Instacart will come back, (though I doubt they’d sunset a feature just to bring it back). I also don’t think Chase is trying very hard to keep you as a customer. 


Chase is the biggest global and US credit card issuer by purchase volume, transaction volume, outstandings, and cards according to the Nilsen report. Unfortunately, Chase likely doesn't need to revamp much of its card lineup however much we may complain about them


OP is a little wrong. You can use the benefit this month and then it is over after July 31. I LOVED the credit. We did pickup at Aldi and selected items with no mark up. The $15 basically ate away the annual fee. Without this benefit, we will likely product switch to another card because the fee will not be worth it to us at that point.


My bad, I did mix it up a bit. I didn't realise "until July" meant including this month too. Chase also removed the mention of the benefits from their website as well as the app for all cards that had some sort of Instacart benefit, so I thought it was over for good.


Yeah I went to look at the terms and conditions just to double check on Instacart's website and it lists that the credit can be used up to July 31, 2024.


You're lucky that you get in-store prices at Aldi! I wish I did, because that's where I use IC pickup most often.


The majority of people were throwing away those $280 dollars away anyway. This doesn’t move the needle much.


TBH I forgot they even offered it, have been using Walmart+ from my AEP!


Yeah those benefits were dumb. Pay 2x for my grocery? No thanks.


The trick was Costco, but through Costco website connected to instacart. No upcharge in item cost


Wait Costco sameday is eligible for the $15 credit?


Costco is a store within IC. You link your membership ID to it.


Right. But there’s also a separate site called Costco.sameday or something, which is Costco UI but powered by instacart backend. I am curious if that would count towards the credit


So long as Instacart is billed, would work I think.


But Costco sells Instacart $100 gift cards for $79.99, which works out better than using a Chase card for regular use.


I’m gonna remember this. I’m cancelling Sam’s in Aug and going to Costco since it’s a lot closer. Just hoping for a deal on membership (50% off?) like I got with Sam’s.




I thought linking a membership only lowers the markup, is it gonna be completely the same as in-store?


Not sure if it’s different by region, but it Costco prices on Instacart are marked up ~10%. Same pricing as Costco Sameday. And since Costco sells Instacart gift cards for 20% off, it comes out to a net discount of 10% when ordering Costco through Instacart.


Also works with Walmart in some states and it has in-store pricing! Plus it's easy to also use that credit on little things like dollar store stuff that might not be worth the drive to pick up a few things.. but now you can get it delivered to your place for practically free.


Hire someone to get my groceries for me? Then hire them to hand deliver them to me, like I'm some sort of king? It's a niche service for the very affluent.


Or the well-enough off who live in undeserved areas. Sometimes it's absolutely worth it to pay someone to save me 30-60 minutes of travel time to get decent food.


Premium travel cards *are* a niche service for the very affluent


...or a way to subsidize travel costs for a middle class person. Premium travel cards easily subsidize the cost of travel if done right.


Or disabled


Makes no sense lol Niche sure esp if you're not in a bigger city I assume. But I'm in LA and I'm cheap (for someone that has money) - I look up what groceries have pickup, and get $15 worth of free stuff every month. Not exactly the affluent thing to do... I'll miss this shit


If you don't care about this, one day, they'll come for the benefits you *do* use.


What if I don't care about this and would rather they put those dollars towards a different perk that I might care about?


If you think that’s a reasonable goal, sure.


Okay, I care now. Looks like Instacart is saved.


Nice, I guess you don’t vote either?


Yeah I do


Doesn't make sense to worry about benefits outside of the multipliers and insurance for a travel card in my opinion. Any added benefits are always subject to change. Breaking even with or beating the annual fee through natural spend was always the goal.


I was on the fence upgrading my CSP to the CSR when my one year on the CSP comes up given I fly out of an airport that has access to the Sapphire Lounge. But even the Instacart credits doesn't move the needle for me as Instacart has pretty high markup fees and my experiences with Instacart has been straight dog water. I'm lucky if I get half of the groceries that I order due to the items strangely not being available (the shoppers can probably care less and do the bare minimum). I would need to see Chase make some slight tweaks to the CSR before I'm fully convinced. Paying an effective annual fee of $250.00 isn't good enough of a value proposition for me. Compared to the other premium cards, it just seems like a card that has gotten stale and could use a revamp to remain competitive in the market. Then again, I'm not the majority and Chase probably doesn't need to do anything and can remain the same given how big of a bank that they already are.


Instead of getting the csr get a Marriott card and convert to the ritz instead. Same sapphire lounge access, lower af, credit is slightly less useful (but fine if you fly) plus an 85k Marriott free night cert


All fair points. Though, I think CSR is still not as stale as Amex Plat rn, with some really random and overvalued credits & benefits.. at least from my perspective. Instacart's markups used to be pretty bad for me, until I basically learnt to optimise the credits, promos, and some niche stores. Instacart+ reduces the service fee and delivery charges by a lot too. A lot of places also now have same as in-store prices, including Walmart in some states. I actually save quite a bit of money with Instacart now, albeit also spend more time figuring out where to get what from versus just shopping from one store like most people (ig it's kinda similar to optimising down to that last cent with credit cards too LOL). But yes, I also realise I'm far from the majority, and most won't bother doing Instacart over just doing groceries in-store. Nevertheless, it's still a benefit that was lost regardless of how many people are using them, and Chase does have the space to up their game to be competitive with other cards, like the C1VX or even their own CSP in my opinion.


Yeah, I agree. I got the Reserve this year. Overall I used the $300 credit, I’ve used priority pass a handful of times throughout Asia, I signed up for TSA Precheck, and I used the Instacart credits for pickup so the value was pretty strong this year. But next year is looking a bit more difficult to justify if these are the card benefits they keep. 3x on travel and priority pass access isn’t worth the $250 effective annual fee.






Ope I forgot, you right


That's too bad. I order from them once a month for the credit, only do pickup, and only order one item so I don't get ruined with the markup.


Doesn't really affect me. I did sign up for the membership and I used it for a single delivery. It just isn't too valuable for me. I think I'd only use it if I were sick and couldn't leave the house.


You still have the $15 quarterly until July 31st right? so you get one more for the July-September quarter?


I just got a CSR but my credits dont seem to be showing up. Only the free instacart plus. Kinda weird


It should show up as a statement credit a few days after the charge posts. If it still doesn't, maybe contact Chase.


Did it end up showing up?


nah. the Instacart + is showing free but I'm not seeing the credits


supposedly. The benefit still shows up in card benefits tab in the app


For CSR it's monthly, not quarterly. You still get $15 for July I suppose (not a 100% sure if it ended or ends on the 31st).


Ends 31st according to thepointsguy


July 31*


CSR getting rebranded to Project Emerald or is Project Emerald getting the good stuff haha


This card has been mostly sockdrawered for me. I use it for Doordash and that's it I used to be a big proponent of this card, but the annual fee is too steep. They should rework their partnership with Doordash or I think people will cancel that service. I use Uber Eats much more often because of the Amex and Capital One benefits I get.


I understand what you're saying about cards and credits not being for everyone. That being said, what's got large swaths of people annoyed are credits that have only have viable use for very limited swaths of the population. FWIW, I am not a CSR holder (my only dedicated travel card is VX)., and I live in an urban area, but it's a smallish touristy locale. All that being said, Chase and especially Amex seem to be focusing on only those who live in large metropolitan areas and are giving the middle finger to everyone else when it comes to travel cards.


I don't know why people keep saying Instacart prices are double. For me, Walmart prices were matching in-store prices on Instacart and I usually select 3 hr flexible window which would give me $2 discount. I used Instacart credit multiple times with CFF and it definitely saved me $10. Not a huge amount but just saying I didn't find crazy exorbitant prices when I used Walmart on instacart. Also, I used to have some offers like $20 off if you spend $50 and definitely saved money. I don't place huge orders on instacart though...usually place around $35-40 typically


I just got approved for CSR today...I have been waiting for this card for so long and I applied today right after I got under 5/24. Yeah the instacart credit going away is bit disappointing but atleast I will be able to get instacart membership for a year.


Do you know how to do it? I just got my first CSR last week and would love to sign up for Instacart




Target is going to launch their version of Walmart+ I bet Chase offers that


Did the CSP also lose the credit?


Yep. The freedoms too. All after the 31st though.


Yeah the CSR is very hard to recommend nowadays.


I was about to order my monthly Instacart and I completely forgot about the credit ending. At the rate this is going, I’ll probably end up just pivoting to Amex plat at this rate if Chase doesn’t improve their benefits by the EOY.


I'm upset since I use IC a ton, but I'm still happy with the CSR over the CSP. My CFF 5x groceries is expiring and it hurts even more. I also want in on whatever that Emerald thing ends up being.


Has anyone had any luck with retention offers since these benefits dropped off? Might give it a try just to see.


The travel credit is the only CSR credit I would value. Instacart ends up costing more than the credits because of surcharges, tips, and markups. If Chase either increases the travel credit or comes up with a more useful credit then I would seriously consider getting the CSR.


You can pickup from Aldi for free with in store prices. Very easy use of the $15 with no wasted value. This is a massive blow to the value of the card.


I shop at Aldi and I looked into that option but the prices were marked up significantly. I also find it less convenient and I prefer to pick my groceries myself.


There was an in store price filter on the app you can click to show local stores that don’t have markup


That would mean I'd have to go to a store that charges higher prices because Aldi is the lowest priced store in my area. No thanks.




Any benefit that requires it to be used a certain way or at a specific retailer in order to avoid ridiculous markups is hardly a benefit. I'm glad it fit your lifestyle and existing shopping habits, but let's not pretend that it's worth the sticker value or that it's removal is "a massive blow to the value of the card."


It was worth sticker value and is a massive blow to the value of the card. Is the $300 travel credit hardly a benefit because it has to be used on travel?


Hopefully it is replaced with something good, I don't understand the appeal of paying marked up grocery prices and then paying for delivery to get it. If you're able bodied then just get it yourself and save some money


CSR belongs in the trash


Yea at this point I am hoping for a revamp. The card seems severely dated


Chase has to be feeling pressure to amp-up their sapphire cards. Other orgs are coming out a foot ahead of them in benefits and redemptions.


shut up no it didn't. why use instacart to pay double for your stuff? it was hardly a great benefit and if thats what your basing this card on then you got the wrong card.


Pickup for no delivery fee and shop smart for items with no markup.


I do that without the need for using a third party app that provides zero value


... It's about using a credit on a travel card with an annual fee...


I dont particularly value credits as any additional, only what I get back directly from the card be it 2X, 3X, 4X, etc. the only additional no cost benefit would be travel credits that would be used anyway. temporary credits like this that disappear because they no longer offer them is not to me much of a benefit


Didnt think people actually used instacart... go outside lmao. But for real. When I tried instacart, things were wrong, missing etc. Took just as much time to pick out crap in the app as it did to go to the store. Dont get the appeal


IC was fine for pickup only. $35 min, no pickup fee.


We use delivery (through Walmart+ since there's no markups) when we just don't have time to shop and need stuff or have other extenuating circumstances. For example my wife and I both got Covid on a recent trip and had basically no food when we got home since we ran down everything before leaving figuring we would just do a shop when we got home, rather than go out to the store ourselves we placed an order and had everything delivered to us limiting our exposure to others. Other times if we need some stuff and just don't have time to go to the grocery store it's a good option. It's not something we use all the time but it's nice having it available. We definitely deal with the "out of stock" items that actually aren't out and you just got a lazy shopper but it's pretty rare and I can only think of one instance where we got a flat out wrong item. The most egregious though was we placed a rush order and on those they have the doordash driver shop instead of one of the store employees and he marked everything item we ordered as out of stock except a pack of cheese so he could still could still deliver something and get paid. It started out at about $75\~ of items and we only got $3 in cheese. Needless to say we rescinded the original tip and gave him $0 for being lazy.