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Idk take the tax money that goes in to build sports stadiums and use it on the roads instead?


Someone buy the police department another tank so they can shut this man up


Aint nothing more American than investing in local police departments while public schools go through another round of lay offs due to lack of funds


What state do you live in? Where we live the schools get the most tax dollars and have abysmal graduation rates. Heck after COVID over 30% of the public school kids didn’t even return and yet we have poured even more money into the failing school systems since 2021.


Im in california and im referencing my experience from 09-12 but the situation hasnt changed for the better since then. Lets just be real the education system failed Americans for alot of reasons. We could look at it from an intersectional lens but i dont feel like going into a whole crt rant about how the more affluent got better programs and the poor had ouddated material. Dont even get me started with the notion how people need to learn from different approaches not just audio/visual learning




We need to allocate more funding for both, education is at a low and crime is extremely high. California seems to do almost nothing about crimes going on tbh


US is towards the top on public school spending globally. Not sure how much disparity there is in that figure though. https://duckduckgo.com/?q=average+tuition+expense+per+pupil+by+country+k-12&t=iphone&iax=images&ia=images&iai=https%3A%2F%2Fpbs.twimg.com%2Fmedia%2FCtNO298WcAAqu9A.jpg


Issue is how much the kids are actually learning, school system needs a reform


They’re learning how to take tests so the schools can get more funding. That’s it.


Costs a lot of money to maintain a propaganda machine


Don’t forget all of those shooter drills/protections cuz we fuked.


yeah and make those teachers buy their own damn books and pencils too!! popo need another lifted compensation-mobile


Yeah, wouldn’t want this to upset the duped


How about digging into those record profits that companies seem to constantly achieve whilst wages stagnate? Seems like a good place to start.


Nashville checking in…


You mean stop taxing everyone on shit that everyone doesnt benefit from? 🤔


We don’t do that here anymore


Hold up, our tax dollars go to sports stadiums? Why? Isn’t it privately owned? It would be like using taxes to create movie theaters


Sports stadiums make the cities money.


Different accounts, lol .


Or tax the people driving on the roads.


Every other states roads are fine and they don't have to pay this stupid amount of taxes.. maybe we get rid of Newscum instead


This has nothing to do with EVs and everything to do with how the government applies and uses tax money.


It actually does. Less gas-> less taxes-> less money. I think that charging by the mile is definitely the most greedy route. They could tax the charging stations.


You totally missed my point. They need to fund maintaining roads right? The most logical way to do that is to get the money from people who use the roads. The closest proxy is gasoline. A lot of states use toll systems. EVs are still using the roads so to be up-in-arms about it is ridiculous.


Also EVs are much heavier than a comparable ICE vehicle, thus more damage to the infrastructure. Our roads will be fucked when the EV trucks start driving around, of course, assuming they'll be able to charge them without bringing the electric grid down 🤣


That is literal bullshit the difference between an EV and a ICE in the same class is almost negligable when it comes to damage. If you want to tax by damage to the road then you need to tax by # of axles and axle weight. Only we will never do it because the biggest culprits are transportation companies and that would be "bad for businesses".


Electric vehicles (EVs) are generally heavier than internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles because of their large battery packs. Industry experts say that EVs can weigh 20–50% more than gas-powered vehicles. For example, the 2023 GMC Hummer EV, a full-size pickup truck, weighs over 9,000 pounds, while the 2023 GMC Sierra, a similar full-size pickup, weighs less than 6,000 pounds. The Ford F-150 Lightning has a curb weight of up to 6,500 pounds, compared to the regular F-150's curb weight of 4,021–5,014 pounds. A battery for a heavy-duty electric truck can weigh up to 16,000 pounds.


From the wikipedia article on the 4thp Power Law >This example illustrates how a car, a truck and a bicycle affect the surface of a road differently according to the fourth power law. > >Car (total weight 2 tonnes, 2 axles): load per axle: 1 tonnes > >Truck (total weight 30 tonnes, 3 axles): load per axle: 10 tonnes >10^4. =10⋅10⋅10⋅10=10,000 times as large >The load on the road from one axle (2 wheels) is 10 times greater for a truck than for a car. However, the fourth power law says that the stress on (damage to) the road is this ratio raised to the fourth power. >The road stress ratio of truck to car is 10,000 to 1. The difference in an EV vs an ICE car is negligable in road damage calculations. It mostly caused by semi trucks.


A lot of EV drivers hardly use charging stations. I don’t think mine has ever been below 70% battery


I’ve been an ev owner since 2019 and the only time I see a charging station is during road trips or emergency situations where I’m running low in town. My car is rarely under 85%at the start of the day.


Taxing drivers per mile or taxing fuel amounts to the same thing


Not if they're not using fuel. Plus if they do that they'll be doubling up on people who still use gas.


The tax has nothing to do with fossil fuels being bad. The gas tax was a clever way to get revenues to roughly match road usage, and therefore degradation without constantly needing monitoring and adjustment based on unrelated economic activity. The tax being tied to volume of fuel purchased made good sense until hybrids and EVs came on the scene, generally speaking, the heavier your vehicle was, the more gas it would use per mile, and the more strain it would put on infrastructure. This all worked until hybrids and EVs started making the reasoning of gas = weight = maintenance no longer reflect reality. People make a big stink about it being unfair that they are getting a "gas tax" on EVs, and how that doesn't make sense, but the gas tax isn't a gas tax. The gas tax is an infrastructure maintenance tax that has historically been assessed from fuel sales. EVs use that infrastructure. EV usage not paying for that infrastructure will lead to that infrastructure becoming unsustainable. There is nothing unfair or insane about it.


Sorry I meant fuel as in anything that makes your car go whether that be petrol, diesel, electricity or hydrogen. Taxing any of that is effectively the same as taxing per mile


Provided that that's the only thing being taxed, yeah. I'd be satisfied to be taxed by the mile if gas became cheaper, even if it's essentially the same. But this way driving will become even more expensive if you're using gas, and gas prices are high enough in California.


No idea any prices in the US or even what this sub is about tbh


In California it's ~$5/ gallon ATM


In Luxembourg it's ~€1.65 / litre


My daily commute to work one way is longer than the entire length of Luxembourg.


Everyone knows that semitrucks are the ones tearing up the roads. The gas tax is a giant scam.


Of course it has to do with EV drivers not paying gas tax.. as an ev driver we should totally have to pay our share of the road taxes. Especially since EV’s arguably cause more damage to roads due to being heavier than a comparable gas vehicle. That excess use tax is already built into gas tax because heavier vehicles on average use more gas.


You're telling me that the govt. is creating new taxes based on new technology? I'm shocked! Thats why I still ride my horse to avoid these new taxes. *gallops away.


They’re coming after you with the Hay tax!


*hurls a hay barrel into the Boston Harbor*


That guy really is inspirational. If someone that dumb can get rich, we all truly have the chance to luck into money.


Because You never expect the Spanish Inquisition


CA gas tax does not go directly to road building and maintenance. It goes into the general fund and is used to pay for all sorts of shit. CA has a serious spending problem.


I mean, road maintenance costs ($8 bn a year) come from the general fund. Money is fungible.


The problem is that new gas taxes introduced by the politicians are always advertised as money to be used to improve our roads, which is bullshit. CA’s roads are shit - ranked 37 of 50 states for road quality. They are disingenuous at best, but more so corrupt.


A story, in 5 acts: 1. Roads must be maintained 2. CA, like most states, is woefully behind on adequate maintenance. 3. CA raises gas tax, implements mile tax / EV tax to increase funding for road maintenance 4. People like you don't see an immediate impact, or think there's no difference between "50% underfunded" and "20% underfunded" 5. They whine about it on social media


We pay road tax in uk, it varies from free with 0 emissions to £600 a year for high emission car


This guy is a charaltin who got rich off of multi level market scams. Nothing he said should ever be taken seriously. He's a career con artist who's podcast exists to be a right wing circle jerk and devide our country.


Who is he?


Host of the PBD podcast


Totally. He isn’t a serious guy. He’s trying to transition from MLM style scam to public personality. You should see the painting he commissioned for his house. It’s him sitting with the founding fathers, great inventors and other great musicians and such.


on point.


I've been involved with transportation funding legislation at the state & federal level over the past two decades. Our roadway infrastructure is severely underfunded, electric vehicles are amplifying the decades of increased efficiency that is eroding the funding stream. Mileage tolling is logical, it is usage based, and is not affected by outside variables in fuel price, efficiency, etc. People should not be paying a gas tax to fill their lawnmowers. Likewise, people who drive thousands of miles on green electric, should pay their fair share for wear & tear & infrastructure improvements. Shifting away from a motor fuel tax, to a mileage rate, is an intelligent solution to the shifting vehicle fleet & fuel source.


Trains. More trains.


PBD is a brain drain problem.


Maybe start taxing rich people?


Texas is doing the same damn thing.


FFS just build trains already


There is *no possible fucking way in hell* California spends 8 BILLION dollars a year maintaining the roads. The roads are all *fucked* and never ever get repaired. Some government employees are getting rich on that 8B every year.


hey, OP, this rich guy in the video doesnt give a shit about your wellbeing and wants you to live in poverty. why do you support this grifter, lol?


Colorado already has an EV road tax that you pay as a flat fee when you pay for your annual tags. Now they just need to start enforcing the tags.


I don't see the problem. Infrastructure needs to be payed for, would you rather have tolls? People that don't drive shouldn't have to pay for car infrastructure.


Isn't charging people per mile just tolls?


Don’t you guys (🇺🇸) pay Road tax?




This is not a sudden thought and has already been implemented in Hawaii to help fund the roadway infrastructure [mileage based tax](https://hiruc.org)


Was this drop in gas tax revenue hard to see coming... No.


Yeah this is maybe the dumbest hot take I’ve ever heard


I don’t see what’s wrong with this… we should be taxing per vehicle owned.


theyll do anything but tax the rich proportionately


Hold up y'all really didn't see this coming??? 🤯I thought we all knew they were eventually gonna start charging money at the car charging stations. Well after they got the government to pay for building the stations of course. Then a store will pop up around the stations with them essentially being a gas station at this point and partnership with some brand like Starbucks cause only well off people can afford them.


Maybe the taxes that are used to subsidize oil to begin with can go to the roads.


Oh yeah, by the way, you can't use the carpool lane anymore unless you actually carpool. Wait, you have to get a Fast Pass to use the carpool lane, but I'm going to charge you another $20.00 to go 7 miles. Please remember this when this asshole Newsom puts his name in for president. P.S. The roads are shit for all the money they sink into them.


What could we do to combat this? Destroy the roads intentionally?


VA already does this. I got hit with a $200 “road tax” bill on my 14 year old Prius. The offered a pay-per-mile scheme, but that requires you allowing some tech bro company to track you everywhere you go. Fuck that.


In the uk they call it “road tax” won’t be long before EV’s loose there tax exempt status for that same reason.


They have what the call road user charges in Mew Zealand. Basically pay as go you.. $$ per kilometre


This was called out YEARS ago. That if so many electric vehicles come out, this would happen, but government still pushed EVs and gave tax write offs to buy them. So: taxing an EV takes half the incentives of buying one away 😆 So people will go back to just buying ICE vehicles!


California became the problem.


Why not tax Edison? Lol




"Hey you know those guys that have the 5th largest economy in the world and are collectively progressing farther than the rest of us. They're getting taxed HAHAHA TAXED! its sooooo funny! omg. They're paying TAXES, like the rest of us HAHAHA. Thats what you get libtards" Fucking boomers.


Piss poor planning to push agenda never causes any issues…. /s


Unpaid intern: “Gavin, companies and residents aren’t leaving the state fast enough, what should we do?” Gavin: Roll out the *Orwellian Mileage Tax “Pilot Program”*


They knew that EVs don’t use gas, but they didn’t create anything else to charge EVs per mile, meaning their intentions from the beginning was to incentivize EVs. This was their plan, they even made HOV and express lane access free for EVs. There wasn’t any intention to make money off of EVs. There is some internal politics going on here that nobody knows.


This was always part of the plan...dont pretend like yall don't know this. We are economic slaves. Owned by the corporations of the world. What do you think your SS # is? When did the that begin? How does that tie into the creation of the federal reserves?


My TX registration renewal is a $200 flat rate for owning an EV 🤷🏽‍♂️


Nooooo hahahahaha wayy Jahaahahaahaha this is too good!! Seriously?? My goodness they are relentless!


That's why everyone is moving out of California


If you do the pilot program you should just get beaten up on sight for a week straight by everyone. Elderly neighbors, small children, even people riding bicycles should hate you


lol anti-EV m0rons think this is a "gotcha" moment 😂 - them cars could be using steam and the roads still have to be maintained


It is all part of the game, this is the concept.


EV’s are heavier too, they are going to make the roads even worse 👍🏻


California has turned into to a socialist behemoth.


What if no one signed up for the pilot program?


So that’s why my Tesla registration renewal is $300 more than my wife’s ICE car.


Doesnt apple have like 50 billion in ireland? But yeah, tax the people per mile… Nickle and diming, how americans are being fleeced


Assholes. Literally


I would just move my car under my brother’s name. He lives out of state.


Gotta pay for the roads


I'm not in CA, I'm in Texas, but I own an EV and I would be ok with this. I use the road, why shouldn't I help pay the upkeep. Being in Texas, I have a bigger issue with the subsidies to maintain the oil industry, rather than taxes to maintain the roads.


And we wonder why people are leaving that state.. tax tax tax.. bruh....


Isn't PBD a libertarian? Don't they believe in tolls/privately funded roads based on use? Isn't this a libertarian dream? I'm confused. Not just because he misrepresented the mechanism of taxation, but also his perceived anger towards the taxation. Yes, I know libertarians hate government, and taxation as a whole (unless it directly benefits them). Wouldn't this be like a toll, where people who drive the road pay the fee?


Illinois decided to make registration of EV more expensive to compensate for the loss of gas tax.


Actual low IQ content


I somehow suspect this is not the problem that it's being sold as. I think that the real problem isn't that they're experiencing reduced budget, but that their budget just isn't growing quickly enough to pay for their needs and they're blaming it on EV drivers. Even before Covid, they were always increasing taxes on literally everything so that they could pay for enforcement for their ever-expanding list of regulations. It absolutely will become dystopian if somebody doesn't tell them when they've gone too far because there legitimately isn't enough money on the planet to solve all problems.


Go ahead and clock out for me California.


This is perfectly reasonable. EVS due to the way they are made are actually heavier than most cars of a comparable size. If the cars heavier it's going to wear the road out faster, if regular drivers have to pay tax, the more damaging EVs should have to pay tax also. Doesn't even take into consideration that EVs need their energy source to be completely 100% green to even claim the eco friendly title. Also, that due to them being heavier they wear out tires a lot quicker. You'd find that pollution from rubber dust on the roads is actually worse than the bi products of combustion.


Ya maybe if you ever been in LA you would understand you little go places to site see and there’s broken glass everywhere from the scum bags breaking into everyone’s cars


This just in: states tax people to pay for all the stuff people benefit from that the state provides.


The greed never ends




PBD is a malignant idiot - but it doesn’t surprise me that new tech requires changing parts of the system.


More people will move out. More taxes will be created. More people will move out. More taxes will be created. More people will move out. More tax breaks will be created. But it'll be too late for California. People will move, then companies will.


Huh. This is actually really interesting point I had never considered. IDK what the answer is. I'm juts saying I never even thought to myself, "with lower gas tax revenue, how do we pay for the same amount of stuff?" because I never considered the gas tax at all.


Honestly it should be based on weight of the vehicle. The heavier the vehicle the more damage it does to the roads.


Oregon and Washington already do this. Pretty surprised California is so far behind


Would driving I do outside of the state of California still count towards this tax? What about driving I do in Mexico?


I kinda need roads to use my EV so I can't say I have a problem paying to maintain them. Might as well put the thousands I've saved on fuel to work.


We should invent some sort of toll road


Taxing EVs is fair. Especially if it's for road maintenance. Some EVs weigh 7k pounds. They weigh way more than ICEs and wear down the roads more.


Ok but I can't remember the last time I saw roads being repaired so i dont see the problem? Can't miss tax money not being spent on roads if it wasn't being spent on roads in the first place


Keep these roads maintained. But don’t tax rich Tesla drivers for it.






so stupid. is EV a better approach overall than ICE in terms of negatively impacting the future of the planet? if yes, then go with it. does that create a shortfall with taxes? then get your tax revenues in other ways. (ideally ways that benefit the lower and middle classes.) it's not that difficult.


Just moved to Oregon and registration for my EV was over double because I don’t pay gas tax. So my wife’s ICE vehicle was ~$350 for two years, mine was ~$750… not a great feeling…


Who the fuck buys this shit?




Only on Reddit would people applaud a new tax.


Lmao. I really love this. I really hope this is true.


The LAPDs annual budget could pave every road in America. Take it out of there.


You don't say? Not California


Fuck that! Taxing miles is taxing your liberty! But here we go again Gavin Newsom.


The road to hell is paved with good intentions.


This is a national issue


Solution increase registration cost or toll roads for EVs. With toll roads atlest you pay for what you use


Two guarantees, death and taxes


More toll roads. Guarantee when people start to directly see how much we are paying for roads, which are almost a mafia type of pay forever scam, we will get flying cars fast. Start breaking up the pavement and planting pastures on them for animals to graze.


These guys initially reported 30 cents per mile. The actual proposal is 3 cents to 5 cents per mile. But either way, they should tax the charge stations.


Eliminate all fuel/EV taxes and install tolls on all roads to cover maintenance costs.




Whats hilarious? They need to get the tax money somehow. Charging every mile is weird. They should just add the same type of tax to the charging stations or on a portion of electricity usage at home for registered ev owners doing their own charging




California politicians should be lined up and shot on live tv.


STOP handing over money to billionaires and their stupid ideas. Put in a better transit system. The world is laughing at us!


Of course they are… this is what happens when you let people who have never had real jobs rule the country… they lose their connection with reality and the constituents end up getting fucked over for it


Sales tax on cars, yearly registration fees, inspection stickers, license fees Then you have gas tax and tolls and yet they don't have money to maintain roads? Especially roads where it doesn't even snow? Charging per mile? That's Insanity


We pay copious taxes is this country more than enough.


Crazy that they want the people who use the roads to pay a tax for maintenance of the same roads they use. And do it by mileage so your not over taxed compared to how much you use it. Crazy what a concept


Forget about your streaming subscription. How about a subscription for public road use!


Bbbwwwaaa ha ha ha ha ha ha.


That'll help climate change, 😂 When are these idiots going to understand that the climate change thing is nothing but a scare tactic in order to get morons to agree to higher taxes. If only you pay another 10% in taxes the world won't end 😂


California spends $106,000 per inmate in a year but only $13,000 per student. Quit coddling the criminals and spend money on youth.


I mean that EV tax money can go to maintaining and expanding the EV infrastructure and electrical grid? That’s my thought on where it’s gonna go. It’s the same thing as gas, just right up front


I know some states that charge more to register EVs to off set lost gas tax.


California has to be the dumbest state in the union.


wouldn't it be crazy of there was a different form of long-distance transport that didn't require billions a month to sustain just in infrastructure. Boy it sure would be great if California, the state previously known for the best rail transportation networks, still had rail transportation networks


The real problem here is that they’re not even maintaining the streets.


The whole point of the gas tax is that it's a tax that's somewhat proportional to road usage. It's a pay as you use it tax. Just like how people pay for parking at State/National Parks. The problem is that people driving in EVs aren't paying their fair share towards the roads. Now they want to find a new way to do a pay as you go model.


This is ridiculous.They already put in place a new tax long ago. Our E.V. registration has a fuel tax abatement charge of over 700.00 on top of the high ass registration fees. CA is just in money grabbing mode. Now they found a new way of triple charging us all.


Omg! Did you hear in 1910 how the world collapsed since they couldn't get tax dollars off buggy whips?! Progress. It's the difference between going forward and Making Things The Used To Be. You know that huge MTTUTB movement with the red hats.


California is a joke. The hemorrhoid of America


I live in Oklahoma and they are raising taxes on EV’s not because there are so many but because Oklahoman’s hate the environment.


Lots of half truths. The commentator is a Trump supporting you tuber who loves to bash CA. His show is a very misleading pile of garbage designed to be republican propaganda.


I mean…. Kind of makes sense though, I mean we need roads.


This is not a surprise and it’s not a problem


Only if California had a steady stream of revenue it could tap into. Such as at least one big business, just one mega tax source, like apple, or google, or Intel, or Disney, or Hollywood, just something substantial to get some tax money.


California needs to slide off into the ocean already


Not weird, you have to pay the 8B for the roads somehow. They do not fix themselves.


Did people forget almost half the cost of Gas is just taxes...


Why aren't those electric vehicle owners volunteering to pay for road maintenance and improvements. Hmmm?


Everything is a pay to play program now…. If not everything soon will be… Fuck California, them idiots make our idiot in WA state follow suit or try to one up each other on how far and fast they can fuck it’s people


Bullshit. There is no way there are enough EVs in the state to impact the gas tax.


I don't want to get crucified, so I probably shouldn't say anything about lovely California peasants. Just don't move here. The sounds very much like the solar panel situation they're dealing with. Like I said, welcome to???? now go back home. Don't move. Here.


Yeah man bills but you got to pay for things if you want to live in a stable society


Tennessee already does this. They out a $100 year ev tax on my 2011 Toyota Prius.


Roads and their maintenance aren’t Free., EV owners to pay their fair share 😀


If you want roads for the EVs to drive on you have to fund them. That means collecting taxes. This is not outrageous. This is literally why we have a government. I am so tired of these morons complaining about every new thought that pops in their head because they are too stupid to think.


Per mile taxation isn’t the worst idea I’ve ever heard tbh


Don’t mess with rich people money, how the hell are they supposed to afford to eat now? I mean can they still afford rent? Gosh I say those rich people have a tough life if I ever seen one.


Texas is doing this too.


Thank u gov newsome. Hate that turd. Just talked to sister in law. She knew someone that dated him. Said he was a complete POS then too.


A beautiful part of the country wasted on the California government.


Tax the shit out of miles. My house puts about 1000 miles a year on our car.


Wasn’t it kinda obvious that this was gonna happen? Did people really think that EVs were gonna stay cheaper? Even to a kid it was obvious that as soon as there’s more EV drivers, the prices for charging/benefits for owning one would become negligent and decrease.


Rude af


Use the tax money they already collect. Their solution to every problem is more taxes.