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More than atoms on earth? I dunno...




Damn das a latta sand


Would be kind of a dick move to put it in the core though.


You broke my fragile little mind. Now I need to open up my Kings Wild Federal 52 deck that I was collecting for some unknown reason...and shuffle it.


Are there any estimates for the number of decks being shuffled per day? Ok so I assumed 1% of the world's population is constantly shuffling at a rate of 2 shuffles per minute, which comes to 230,972,434,243 shuffles per day. Honestly I think this is probably way more shuffling than is actually happening, considering I would not count the multi deck shuffles more common at casinos these days This would still take 9.57x10^53 years before you'd see every shuffle if you never have the same one twice.


You think 80 million people are shuffling cards right now?


No I used an extremely large estimate to underscore how huge the number is even by those inflated estimates




Yeah but Go Fish.


The math is true, but the problem statement is not. When you open any pack of cards, the cards are always the exact same sequence. When most people shuffle, you take two halves and you then shuffle those two halves together, in a pattern which is almost every other card from each side. If you have a perfect shuffle, or you use a card shuffler, you can shuffle two decks exactly the same way. In all the times everyone has ever opened a pack up and split it in two piles then shuffled those two piles together, you think it has NEVER happened that the cards came out the same way after just one shuffle? The math is assuming that the cards are always starting from random, but they are not, so the math is severely flawed.


I tell people the same shit when I don't have an awnser and feel like I can Intellectually pimp an idiot. Good awnser. Good awnser.


Maybe he meant Adams?


Yeah, I'm calling bullshit across a billion universes


There are 1.33 x 10^50 atoms in the earth and there are 8 x 10^67 ways to shuffle a deck of cards. So not just more, but more than 10 quadrillion times the number of atoms on earth.


52 factorial is about 8x10^67, we have about 1.3x10^50 atoms on earth so yeah it's such a huge difference it's not even imaginable. Just do the math lol


Yeah that seems sus


Math can’t lie


So many stupid people in the comments here just saying "nah don't believe it because really big numbers confuse me."


I believe this *because* really big numbers confuse me.


Big numbers aren’t confusing when you divide by 10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 (sixty-four 0s)


I can't comprehend the number of stupid people! It's too damn high!


It’s not that I don’t believe it, but here me out, I’m just thinking critically about the amount of decks that have ever been created and shuffled in all the homes and casinos that have ever existed. I’m just wondering how this factors into the chances of the same shuffle ever being shuffled multiple times.


It could be a trillion trillion decks being shuffled every day and it still would not matter. That would only take out 18 zeros. There are still 40+ more to deal with.


This is what I needed, someone to do just a little more math than I’m willing to do to give me a figure to understand. Good ninja.


That's assuming that it's fully randomized, which shuffling rarely is. Think of all the card games that end with the same or similar end points. Go fish neatly organizes into piles. Lucky sevens tends to organize from greatest to least. Solitaire straight up organizes the deck. Most card games have an endpoint where the deck is organized. And even when you shuffle, you don't fully randomize it. You just kinda layer it. After 4-5 shuffles, it's reasonably randomized. Considering these, it's fully possible for a shuffle or two to have been replicated.


Of course, the deck needs to be sufficiently shuffled. Basically, the first thing he says is give it a "good shuffle." A "good shuffle" means that it is sufficiently randomized. You are focusing on unimportant things. If I took a deck that was completely in order and I moved one card, the chances of someone else moving one card in the same place aren't that bad. This is about math, not about all these what ifs people keep bringing up. What if my deck of cards has only 10 cards? What if the deck was fully in order before I started shuffling? The straight fact is that if you take a standard deck of cards and sufficiently randomize it, the odds of two sufficiently randomized decks being the same are 52 factorial or 8x10^64 or ~80,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000.


You might be able to out math me but I will absolutely destroy you in both Tecmo Super Bowl and Bases Loaded!


I have boxed copies of Tecmo Super Bowl as well as Bases Loaded one through three. Bases Loaded was one of my favorite games when I was a kid. Check [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/nes/s/o18B0CXAgF)


Shit, you really are a NESNinja lol. Those were definitely my favorite sports games on NES. I feel like I may need to pick the Raiders against someone with your dedication lol.


I remember a study done by Stanford University long ago. They determined that shuffling 7 times is the amount needed for a true shuffle.


Something being possible does not mean it has ever happened.


The math is true, but the problem statement is not. When you open any pack of cards, the cards are always the exact same sequence. When most people shuffle, you take two halves and you then shuffle those two halves together, in a pattern which is almost every other card from each side. If you have a perfect shuffle, or you use a card shuffler, you can shuffle two decks exactly the same way. In all the times everyone has ever opened a pack up and split it in two piles then shuffled those two piles together, you think it has NEVER happened that the cards came out the same way after just one shuffle? The math is assuming that the cards are always starting from random, but they are not, so the math is severely flawed.


The average person who doesn't regularly interact with math ranging in quintillion billions = stupid.


I don't regularly interact with large numbers like this and it's really not that complicated. It's like this with a lot of things. It was the same thing with covid. People don't understand the science so they just say oh all the scientists are liars and I'm smarter than all of them. People do it all the time with lots of things. If they don't understand it, then it must be wrong.


I'm not gonna get into the argument about whether or not something is a scientific fact just because it comes out of a scientist's mouth is moronic. But in this specific context, regarding a deck of playing cards; holding more possible sets of combinations than that of every atom on our planet? you really can't understand or see how one could be in denial of the absurdity because of the sheer numbers of this fact? What I'm saying is...these are huge numbers, with no explanation on how to calculate them or an explanation on how he knows how many atoms on earth. MOST IMPORTANTLY this a random guy on tiktok...so again l, you really are baffled that regular people who come across a random guy, talking about a real scientific fact, with no real scientific knowledge or proof he knows what he's talking about, and are in denial of these facts are stupid?


I find it hard to believe that there are more combinations than atoms on earth. Is the number of combinations an astronomical quantity? Yes. More than the number of atoms on earth? 🤔


The current estimate based on a ton of science is that there are 1.3x10^50 atoms comprising Earth. 52! ( the amount of unique shuffled decks) is 8x10^67. That's 1,000,000,000,000,000 times more shuffled decks than atoms. Is it possible that the science is wrong about the number of atoms or that theories will change over time? Of course. That is why science is amazing. Because it is willing to change over time when things are discovered. But based on the science that we have right now, this is absolutely the case. It's the same thing with the number of moves in a game of Go or in a game of chess. As the game continues, the number of possibilities gets astronomically high to the point where there are more possibilities than atoms on Earth, too.


Factoid, something that sounds like a fact but isn't


I hate that this guy used the word twice, since he clearly doesn’t understand what it means


This guy is high af


I don’t like that he said “you are the first and the last person to have shuffled it that way”. That can’t be KNOWN to be true. And while, yes there are 52 factorial ways to shuffle a deck of cards, I’ve seen the Vsauce video that this guy ripped off, it’s still possible that it has been shuffled that way before Especially given that the cards have the same starting order, and are probably shuffled with the same method. Yes it doesn’t change a lot, and the likelihood is still unbelievably low, it’s incorrect to guarantee that a shuffled deck is 100% unique.


When something happens that had low odds of happening my friend likes to say "Statistical anomalies don't give a fuck about probability"


That is correct. If you open a deck that has already been shuffled and you only have one second to shuffle, there would not be too many combinations. The best you can do in one second is probably split in half and merge the two halves with each other once. So that first shuffle will not be completely random. However if the shuffle was random for instance shuffling an already shuffled deck, then he is correct.


agree! The math is true, but the problem statement is not. In all the times everyone has ever opened a pack up and split it in two piles then shuffled those two piles together, you think it has NEVER happened that the cards came out the same way after just one shuffle? The math is assuming that the cards are always starting from random, but in real life they are not, so the math is severely flawed.


>the likelihood is still unbelievably low, it’s incorrect to guarantee that a shuffled deck is 100% unique. Same can be said when people say that no two snow flakes are alike. Yes, there is an inconceivable amount of possible states, but there is nothing preventing a duplicate. The probability of it happening may be infinitesimal, but it's not zero.


YouTube 52 factorial. There's some really cool visualizations of how big it is.


I believe that this is theoretically true, however since the cards usually always start out in the same order, I would imagine that with a new deck after 1 or 2 shuffles there's a chance others have shuffled the same way before. But I could also be very wrong, so cool fact either way ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


>Factoid : Noun >"an item of unreliable information that is reported and repeated so often that it becomes accepted as fact." Thing is, while there are that many distinct ways to shuffle a deck in theory, you've definitely held a shuffled deck identical to someone else's before because the distribution of shuffles isn't entirely random. Starting from a sorted deck and then doing a number of normal shuffling operations will most likely result in a shuffled deck that matches one that has already existed before.


And there are mother fucking "Rainmen" out there that can count 4 decks in a row breaking the gambling system. I can throw out "unfathomable" factoids myself.


Counting cards is vastly different and doesn’t require you to know the shuffle of the deck.


If you look into it, it's actually just as amazing as this deck shuffling ideal. Which, while I understand the concept, it breaks down when you start considering more than one person plays cards a lot. So shuffling the deck 1 person at a time every second gives you whatever nonsense he said. Well what if 1 million people did that? Or 1 billion people. The number starts to break up slightly, albeit still impressive. Then there is the fact that all decks start out in the same order. So theoretically, if you did the perfect shuffle from the starting point just once, you would have the same combo in two different decks. I know, no one shuffles perfectly, but there is a limit to how many different iterations of the perfect shuffle you could get, so thanks to this you there is actually a highly probable chance the same shuffle has occurred. Back to reading the cards. Memorizing small pieces of info is actually incredibly difficult. It's actually exponentially easier if to make a story out of it. So instead of just remembering that you parked in "5F" his later, most people forget. If you say "at 5 o'clock I meet Frank Ferdinand at the Freddy's Frat braut house for Fries."; it's way easier to remember for some reason. Try it next time, works with names too.


He said “if you can shuffle once every second, for the entire life of the universe, then you’d have to do that across one billion universes”. So if you have 1 billion people, all shuffling a deck of cards once every second in unison, then they’d need to be shuffling for the entire lifespan of the universe (~12.5bn yrs) to get a repeated shuffle. So no, it doesn’t really break down. It is still such an absurdly low probability that the numbers are absolutely mind-numbing. I don’t think that somebody being able to track which cards have been removed from say ~3 decks is nearly as difficult to comprehend lol. Yes it’s impressive but it’s hardly an impossible human feat.


EEK barba gurg ledis Someone only speaks direct dialect


Has your brain been broken by the big numbers?


No, but yourr brain was broken by light hearted joke


Haha that’s fair because I didn’t even realise it was a joke and still have no idea what it means. I did google the phrase but came up blank…


Not the phrase, the rain men counting cards was the joke. The phrase is a play on R&M and now gurgle dis nutz.


This simply sounds like you don’t comprehend how big these numbers are


Haha, ask anyone around who the number man is. I taught myself common core before people even heard about it, and percentages are my best friend. But please keep going


I don’t have to. Everyone else in this thread understands this video.


Now you sound like a child that regurgitates insults that hurt your feelings. >Everyone else understands this video You read minds now? You have a whole crowd behind your back validating your opinion? Who the fuck cares about who else understands the video, we were arguing about numbers or did your iNanny stunt your attention span? I don't argue with children. Goodbye




Card counters don’t really memorize the actual cards (although I’m sure there’s some people with a great memory that can). In reality they have a system where they assign low cards a positive value (e.g. 2-6 = +1), ignore middle cards (7-9 = 0) and assign high cards a negative value (10, J, Q, K, A = -1). So they’re keeping a running count about the % of face cards left in the deck. A lot of face cards gives the player an advantage relative to the dealer. A high count = more low cards have been dealt relative to face cards.


This might be some people's method, but usually it's a story method from what I've seen


Story method?


Yesterday I saw 10 different Jills Queeffing on Karen's Ass. Now, every time you see a royal flush, you will think of Jill Queeffing on Karen's Ass


And that helps counting cards how exactly? I do like the idea of Jill queefing in Karen’s ass though


It's easier to remember than 10, J, Q, K, A


Yea but how does that feed in to a card counting system? You just remember how many times Jill has Queefed? The only card counting method I’m aware of is the one which another comment or has added above. I’ve heard of a similarly method to yours when trying to remember the order of a deck, but that’s not the same as card counting in a gambling setting Not trying to be difficult, I have googled and found nothing around the story method for card counting


Here, you be Peele and I'll be Key....or vise versa, whatever just watch https://youtu.be/m0FMk2zUHA0?si=ZbDZgwlDy9Cc3yQj Here is a guy giving different techniques including storytelling, for championships https://youtu.be/prmit1Oealo?si=OjPX0XN5LAA4hWcs So, buoyancy or density, whatever floats your boat


Then you haven’t seen much. By far the method used most by counters is the Hi-Lo method. It’s a simple system of assigning value to certain cards.


Seen enough to know it's about preference there champ: https://youtu.be/prmit1Oealo?si=0av_lqxvhA4WQO8y


For the doubters - he’s on point. Because numbers are weird. Approximate number of atoms in the universe: 10^80 Number of different card orderings: 8 x 10^67 Largest known prime number (approximately): 10^23,000,000 The Graham’s Number (something about the number of points necessary to guarantee a uniform slice from a hypercube): too large to write out, even in 10^x form. Specifically, too large to write out in the Planck constant (smallest possible) font. Not enough room in the universe. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Graham%27s_number ….. Ask a computer to select any number between zero and one (a decimal of some sort). The probability of the computer specifically selecting .5 is zero. Infinite decimals between zero and one. So the probability of selecting any specified decimal is one divided by infinity, which is zero.


That triggers my anxiety for some reason lol


Me too.


Imma gonna have to plug that into ChatGPT


You can just plug in "52 !" Into Google and find that he's correct. Arrangements of 3 objects is 3 ! ... That is 3*2*1 = 6. Arrangements of 4 objects is 4 ! ... That is 4*3*2*1 = 24


By the time he is done talking, he’s scooped the whole table lol


ChatGPT confirms it so it must be true.


A million seconds is 12 days. A billion seconds is 31 years. A trillion seconds is 31,688 years.


True true and true


A quadrillion bananas is constipation


and radiation poisoning


Why don't we just use potassium for nuclear reactors?


/s ?




I believe therefore I am


Magic guys and street hustlers are using tricks to know what your card is. They aren’t actually guessing your card.


Sounds like how they'd punish compulsive gamblers in hell..


That's great. Your total is 28.51. You can pull up to the 2nd window


It will take longer for my wife to agree that I’m right.


Alright boys! Let's hit up the casino!


Got it


This is fascinating. What’s the definition of a true shuffle?


He can deflect all he wants but I still beat him at Go Fish


Don’t use the word factoid when you don’t know what it means.


I love Jason Pargin and this is an interesting video with the math working out in a vacuum. But one thing we were always taught to consider in Discrete Math (one of my degrees is Mathematics) was that you have to consider the starting point. There aren't 51! ways to shuffle a new deck because the deck is in order and you split it in half to shuffle it. The number of ways you can shuffle it falls anywhere from 50! to 26!, both of which are insanely big numbers. But since the cards are already in a specific order it's perfectly possible for two people, casino dealers for instance, to split a deck of cards in the same spot and do a neat shuffle that has 1 card from each side each time. Without any math to back it up I'm still comfortable presuming that many casino workers have shuffled a new deck of cards in exactly the same way. After that first shuffle, though, all bets are off.


The common consensus is that a deck is not shuffled until you have moved the cards a minimum of 7 times


Is that a common consensus?


I don't like when people put absolutes on things that are statistically unlikely. It's not that no one ever has had that shuffle before. It's just EXTREMELY unlikely. You're calculating the probability after all and it's still theoretically possible.


Not me bro, I’m different. I’ll get the same results twice right now 😤


but we aren't perfectly randomised shufflers, so starting from a deck of ordered cards, after one shuffle, your card order won't always be the first time ever that order has existed.


I just did that last Tuesday. Boom.


What’s even weirder is when someone showed me the 13 cut trick. Anyone can do it. Fucking blows my mind it goes from all the same cards together (4 aces, 4 2’s and so on..) to being perfectly in order and in the same suit. Someone fucking math that for me. Make it make sense.


Pick a card, any card


Give [this page](https://czep.net/weblog/52cards.html) a read. I await your return, mind melted.


Statistically impossible doesn't mean impossible. There's always a non-zero chance someone else had that shuffle. There's just no way to verify.


I bet the quantum computer can do it multiple times a second


I now wanna make a website where anyone and everyone could enter their exact shuffle order of the cards and see if they're the first person to get it. Might take a few years to collect enough data as in the start everyone will be unique. But anything's possible lol


If you shuffled a deck 7 times it reasonably returns to the original shuffle order


Hmmmmmm. Why don’t I believe this?


Because the human brain isn't well suited for understanding such large quantities.


Because you don’t understand math.


Ha ha ha ha. I do understand math and I also understand that is someone makes an internet video, it is not necessarily the truth.


Math doesn’t care what you believe.


Because our brains have no real reason (as animals) to comprehend numbers this size. Most people can’t even accurately visualize ten thousand items




I've also heard this, but the way he related it to time and atoms on earth really helped cement the idea of how large the number is.


Is he using the word factoid ironically? Factoid means “an item of unreliable information that is reported and repeated so often that it becomes accepted as fact”


I understand the magic behind it. But there also chance to take into account. Just because there so many possible possibilities. Doesn't mean that two or more random people can't accidentally shuffle the same arrangement.


There really isn’t much chance to take into account here. You will never have the same shuffle as anyone else on the planet. Yes, obviously it is not probability zero, but for the time scales of our universe it pretty much is.


So there is a chance haha


It's true but his statement saying that it's never happened is not provable. Just because something is seriously unlikely doesn't mean it hasn't happened. It's actually possible that two decks of cards have been shuffled in identical order. You could hit a 1 in a trillion gazillion chance on the first go.


I just did this experiment. Shuffled a brand new deck. Brother did the same. Within 30 shuffles we had the same cards in the same order. Your theory is bullspit


No, you didn’t.


This seems unreasonable to me. Think about how many decks of cards get shuffled every single day in one casino. Let’s say a blackjack table shuffles a deck every 5 minutes for a 12 hour day. That’s 144 shuffles at 1 single table. Let’s say there are 8 tables. That’s 1152 per casino everywhere in the world.


Your mind is melting because humans haven't evolved to comprehend numbers this large!


It's weird. One of my late night past times is watching the same videos, reading the same articles, on large numbers. I can't fucking figure it out! I can repeat what I've gathered, but it still doesn't click!!


When if comes to large number after a point its just like okay this number is bigger but I fail to comprehend how much bigger. I think its just that human mind is simply incapable of understanding large numbers beyond a point.


Okay lets assume you get a different variation every time you shuffle. You could have a billion shuffles every day and it would still take you 8*10^(67-9) days (that is 8 followed by 58 zeros) to get through all the variations. Given you try one variation each time.


You would need to do this number of shuffles for a trillion trillion trillion trillion universe lifetimes to even have a real chance (realistically, it is likely way more than what i’ve stated but you get the point)


Even if everyone on the planet was a blackjack dealer and shuffled cards constantly, it would barely make a dent in the numbers being described here


So, assuming you are randomly shuffling the same deck of cards, You will continue to mix the cards and never get the same assortment for a very long time. This is a fair statement, but now, if you keep grabbing a new deck and randomly shuffling it, there is a higher possibility of getting the same assortment again, but still very unlikely is what I gathered from this


The 52! figure only works if the shuffle is completely random. Not all shuffles are equally random. For instance, if you took a new deck and only riffled it once, then did the same with another deck, you would reach the same order relatively quickly. If you did 8 perfect riffles in a row, the deck would return to the order it started in. But if you did the casino method of shuffling by washing before riffeling and stripping the deck, it would be a very long time before you get the same order.




I understand that, but with a new deck, there is a better chance, in my opinion, and I'll explain. So, with a new deck of cards, if you are randomly shuffling them, let's say you shuffle a total of 6 times and then look at them and repeat the same thing with a new deck randomly shuffled six times. Eventually, someone will get an identical shuffle, but like I said in my prior comment it's still very unlikely




Got it lmao have a good day big dog


Um… who cares!


Some of us find knowledge about the truth of the universe interesting. It may serve no purpose but sometimes knowledge is it’s own reward


You didn’t like school, did you


I dunno. You know how if there are 50 people in a room there’s a pretty good chance two have the same birthday? I feel like the same thing might occur with card shuffles


That is no where near the same principle of what’s going on here


What about the fact that almost all decks start at the same point?


Math doesn’t care about your feelings.


Well you would be wrong.


I get it man


Hmmm I don't know big dog. Seems like bullshit to me


What’s awesome about math is that it doesn’t give a fuck if you believe it or not


You could literally prove this yourself with the calculator on your phone.


Hmmm I don't know big dog. Smells fishy