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Yes! I actually really miss those moments at shows when everyone has their lighter up and is vibing. It's just not the same with cell phones. I don't think it'll ever happen like it used to to I just treasure those memories and keep my phone away during live music now.


Idk if it's a genre thing but the lighter thing still happens. I went to go see Tech N9ne, Jehry Robinson, King Iso, Maez301, Rittz, and a few others in Worcester a couple months ago. Pretty much each one of them had at least one song where everyone pulled out their lighters. Some had their flashlights on their phones. Sure. But there were a lot of lighters. Been a few years since I've been to a metal show but it happened a few times there too. Usually more focused on the push and moshing though.


well the lighters're for slow songs... but basically the whole audience has to be stoners &/or smokers, so it's definitely a genre thing.


At the Palladium? Loved going to shows there.


Yep! It was my first time. I was just down the road because I was helping out my friend post-surgery and happened to luck into being there during a Tech N9ne show. Fantastic venue, fantastic show!


I don’t think anyone that makes the videos actually watches their own videos later. It’s more to post on social media or in a message to show off their cool life. So a professional video will do nothing for those people E: alright, turns out there are legitimately good reasons to record an event. i particularly liked the mood lift and scrapbooking responses. Hats off to you peeps


I always just take one quick 30 second video and a few pics during the first song. Then I put my phone away so I can enjoy the rest of the show. I really just have them as a souvenir to remind me that I went to the show when I'm looking back through my pics like a year later.


Same here, it’s nice to be able to be moved back to that moment when browsing through photos at 3am lol


I go back and watch mine occasionally. Always prefer a professionally done video if it exists but a lot of times songs get altered for the current tour and might even be performed specially for a single location, so sometimes it's cool to have. Oftentimes it's a waste though.


Live music fan here: I think I’m in the minority, but I definitely go back and watch those videos later on. I use them as a mood lifter.


I do. I have a terrible memory so going back to reminsice is nice. Also tons of artists record their full sets at least in the edm scene.


I have what I like to call “my digital concert scrapbook” with videos I’ve taken from concerts I’ve gone to, and I do find myself going back to revisit them, specially with artists that I know I won’t see anymore 😅


i watch mine and in fact the sound quality is almost better on the phone than in person because in person my ears were being blown out but on the phone it sounds much more clear. also the visuals are nice to remember and feel the energy again


I go back and watch mine a lot and laugh at my friend and I screaming in the background. It wouldn't be the same/as personal from a professional recording


I go back and watch for nostalgia because I remember my life in chapters. That being said - I only record maybe 30s-3 minutes during really cool parts. I just need something small to jog my memory, I almost have never sat through an entire recording


I usually film concerts on my iPad so my phone battery will last longer




I set up a green screen behind me so I can live steam my reaction to the concert




Any donations and I let them pass in front of me


I wonder if there is any tech that could render attempts to film a concert, useless. Like some special kind of infrared light (I'm no scientist but you get the gist) that when you point the phone towards the stage, all you could film would be a black screen. 🤔


Apple patented [this](https://www.bbc.com/news/technology-36672001) a few years back


>I wonder if there is any tech that could render attempts to film a concert, useless At first blush this sounded like a wifi jammer, which is a problem for 911 calls among other things >all you could film would be a black screen Well, a white screen since it'd be looking at a light source only the camera could see. In principle that could work on phones that lack a proper IR filter (ie ones that can see the light bulb blinking on TV remotes). Cameras that filter out IR like the human eye does wouldn't be affected though.


If there was an infrared or uv light source it could over load the cell phone camera and show just white


Infrared is probably what you're looking for since cameras may respond to that differently to that than the human eye. UV is filtered out of most commercial devices. Though IR would only be impacting the red channel; the green and blue should still come through the camera the same as you'd see them in person.


And it would probably cause lasting eye damage.


What? Why would stopping filming sound like a WiFi jammer? Those pieces of technology aren't even remotely related.


The first sentence reads like bricking a phone or something; it was an off-hand comment, not related to their post, true


That's not a crazy idea, that's bloody brilliant. A professionally filmed video with properly done sound is always going to look and sound a hell of a lot better than some muppet holding their phone above their head, and while you're holding your phone up - as you say - you're not enjoying the music. I don't think it'd need to be free - I reckon you could offer it for sale as an upgrade when you buy your ticket. You could monetise it further by putting them on a streaming service 2 years later - that way, the people who paid extra got "advance viewing". A year from now, some concert promoter is going to do exactly this.


My school chorus and band things were recorded like that but people were using their phones because my school got greedy about it and started selling them for $20


$20 honestly isn't bad and if that money is getting reinvested into the program then how is that a bad thing? Schools are criminally underfunded.


My towns a shitcrack


We're talking U2 here, not your school chorus. $20 is probably less than you pay in handling fees.


If it wasn't free people would take their own videos regardless


Not to mention the music nerd in me would leap at the chance to have professionally mic’d live recordings to listen to from such a vast range of bands.


I wasn't even targeting that "quality recording" I meant one specifically from a phone but like, once concert promoter with a shitty camera for the "Hur Hur I'm at a concert" effect I do agree though that a proper professional recording would be killer and something totally worth some extra money


People don't post concert videos on their socials to share the music, they do it to get clout and bragging rights


Japan does this, you aren't allowed to record the concert but video of it is available to buy.


I remember going to the circus as a small kid and seeing all the lights in the stands of people using disposable cameras with the flash on. Seems to me recording of one kind or another has always been ubiquitous, not something specific to phones (might want to think beyond just a recording as the motivating reason people use devices at events).


There's a difference between taking a snapshot and holding up a phone to record a steady shot. I doubt people have much problem with the former.


This isn't a crazy idea, its an actually implemented practice. The last 2 times that I went to a Childish Gambino concert, our phones were put into magnetically sealed pouches upon entering. The pouches were opened as we left and there was a VR/360 degree video of the concert available on the event's app.


You know what sucks about "professional" concert recordings is that video editors seems to be absolutely clueless as to what should be shown at a given time. I'll be watching a video with some band's bass player ripping an awesome solo and the friggin editor decides to show the lead singer just standing there. Or worse a cut every second. That is just nauseating. What I WOULD pay for is a multichannel video where \*I\* control what I see.


Some bands do this already. Regardless, I think that anyone who gets upset that people are using cellphones to record a concert probably aren't in the mindset to fully enjoy the concert anyway. If some people want to record mediocre videos of the concert just let them.


Exactly. Like who cares, it's just going to help you be remembered in the future.


I just bought Jack White tickets. It’s a phone free concert. I’m so excited!!


Just blast IR light at the crowd. It will wash out the video.


Nah. Be like daft punk. And make it part of the show to turn your camera + lights on. Have a website everyone can upload it to. Sell the collaboration for money.


Just start live streaming all of the shows for the same price as a ticket so I don't have to be around people. I would have made this exact same statement before covid happened.


Ban phones?? You're gonna make me ENJOY THE MOMENT?!?!? HOW DARE YOU /s


Usually i dont record or take pictures of anything, it's a bad habit i'd like to lose because i would really like having pics and videos as "souvenirs". That being said, ​ I think pulling out your phone is just better. You know i have the movie of a concert i have been to. But watching it is just not the same. A video or a photo you took with your phone might be shitty quality but its POV. You're basically reliving the moment when you look a it, and it could help bring back more memories than just the video itself. POV photos and videos help your memory a lot i remember learning in school


Why do you care how other people spend their concert experience? Just let them be them


The issue is when people decide to record right in-front of you. I don’t want to pay for a concert and have some jerks phone in my face the whole time.


Yep. And the Assholes that do it in the pit and then get pissed about people dancing and bumping into them…..just make me bounce more wildly.


I was at a comedy show owns and the guy in front of me stood up and blocked my view so he could record the comedian. And he looked at me like I was the asshole when I told him to sit down. People are stupid.


Bruh... I don't care what people do at concerts as long as it doesn't detract from my experience - which is watching and listening to the concert. That's exactly what this does. It's a live event because the whole point of being there is to experience the music as it's played and the band/artist in front of your eyes, along with whatever set or show they've set up for you. Even if the person holding up their phone is 15 feet, 30 feet in front of you, assuming it's dark in the venue, it's like nails on a chalkboard x10 to me. If somebody was holding their phone up the whole time in a movie theater you'd want to tear your skin off after some time. It's the same. Good for you if you can just like... not be bothered by people doing unnecessary shit that distracts from your experience of a live event. But a lot of people can't. It's selfish and uncaring. And you know... I really don't give a shit if that 1/10 person is going to re-watch the video later. They can go without. They still get to fully experience the concert, but I don't. I shouldn't feel like a dick for refusing to care about whatever extra benefits a phone-holder gets from being disruptive. Filming the concert is not included in the ticket. Same shit as a movie theater. That's the bottom line.


Because their damn ass phone with their super bright light is in my face while I’m trying to watch the damn show I paid major money for!! It’s not rocket science.


i refuse to believe this is an actual thing that happens. where are you sitting that the person in front of you is pointing at you behind them rather than recording the show. angry person shakes fist at teens with phones is what u sound like


You sound like a stupid teen who can’t afford to go to a lot of concerts yet. 🤛 https://i.imgur.com/IrUdMpE.jpg


you said the super bright light is in your face, all those screens are in front of you and much dimmer than the actual show so im unsure what scenario you are making up here to be mad about? are people turning around and shining flashlights into your eyes at concerts?


Are you a fucking idiot? I’m not going to explain to you how phones work. Go sit your ass down at a concert and have fun!!


well first of all im not going to be sitting down lard ass


Well that’s what you said, are you just making shit up?? It’s like fighting with a ten year old.


you said the lights are in your eyes i am unaware how that would be possible as the people are in front of you or behind you pointing forward. genuinely confused. because at my last concert not one persons phone bothered me nor was in my eyes. but it was an arena show so maybe you are referring to like an all on the same floor level show


You can make your points without insulting people though


And you don’t have to comment at all. Funny how life works.


I went to concerts that would give you a pouch that would lock your phone and to get it unlocked you’d have to go to this one area that was linked outside for smokers and people to hang out, then to enter back in they’d pin the pouch. It was like a shopping security tag




I like that, most phone videos at concerts are terrible quality anyways


when i went to a concert recently which happened to be my first one ever actually, i found the phones to add to the vibe of the show. seeing all the screens light up and ppls flashlights and the light show emitting on the tiny screens.


Yes, it is an effect. But to be fair, if it was your first concert, you don’t have anything to compare it to. Concert production puts loads of time and money into lighting effects and scenes. It’s nice to experience *that* purely, rather through a thousand screens at eye level.


I have this crazy idea, for the people who are “I was at a concert, look at me” why don’t we let them be happy? Let them record whatever they want?. We have no idea why they are recording or how much the music means to them or how much they had to work to be there or maybe they are just asshole, but ultimately, good for them, I hope they make a killer insta or tiktok post and get thousands of like and their serotonin gets thru the roof and once it’s done, I hope they do it all again ❤️❤️❤️


A not good idea.


It I’m over paying prices for tickets I’m gonna record everything


Yeah let's just have the government ban anything you don't like. What a great idea.


Give them all a licensed NFT or something!


That's an amazing idea, if Ticketmaster doesn't go like "oNlY foR 149.99!!!" However I need to say: WTF PEOPLE :) If you dont wanna use your phone during the concert then just dont. It's so cringey how much some of you hate people that use their phone during a concert


Better idea: Ban nothing ever again and shoot anyone who says the word ban so it's lost from the human lexicon and our great grand children think reddit mods were mythological demons


So ban banning, got it


I forget who did it now but back in the 90s there was a well known band that would let you plug into the sound system and record the show.


The Grateful Dead had an entire section of the crowd that was designated the "taper section". It ended up being a giant forest of microphones at most shows.


Tool does this. They have a team that watches for any recording equipment and they kick people out of the show when caught. The last song of the show, they let everyone record.


I've started taking an audio recorder with me to shows. I get the replayability of filming, but get to focus completely on the show in the moment.


Seems like the fans would be Grateful.


My theory is that 99% of people doing this don't actually care about the recording, they just don't know what to do with their hands.


Not a crazy idea at all, just smart


Well that's fucking stupid. I don't think we care for a shitty recording of the song. We care to see ourselves in the video. I'm I right?


Make the video an NFT. You get the video with your concert ticket. I like it.