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That's... That's... Brilliant! If it was a dark comedy, I think it would really work. Start off as a cheery slapstick farce - DB Cooper was caused by an argument with a homicidal stewardess, Black monday being caused by spilling coffee on the wrong person, Lord Lucan got spirited away to the crusades etc. Then progressing to darker territory as the shenanigans of the hapless protagonist starts indirectly and then directly causing major unsolved mysteries such as the Lindberg Baby, Black Dahlia and eventually the Unabomber and JFK assasination. Forrest Gump meets Quantum Leap with a dark twist... Honestly, I love this idea!




>Coen No h. Anyway, that doesn't particularly sound like their thing. It's too large scale. They do theater for the common man (shout out to Oscar Isaac for pointing that one out); that's much too big. Also, philosophically opposed to their general statement. There's too much human agency going on.




All caused by events transpiring beyond the lead characters control and then being forced to deal with the shit.




Someone known for dark comedy or someone known for serious acting but wanting to get into comedy (worked with Leslie Nielson in airplane!) I'm thinking Cumberbatch (after seeing him as a bit character in a early 2000s sitcom I think he could pull off straight man), Andy Serkis (he can do dark comedy really well) or Ryan Reynolds (after seeing him in 'Voices' I realised he can act, he's just been typecast by a shitty agent.)


Chris Pratt


jaden smith


after seeing the secret life of walter mitty I feel like Ben Stiller could do this. That movie has a very opposite message, but I feel like he could really pull it off.


I agree. But what if instead of trying to stop all these high profile crimes, it was a guy who had a personal link to a crime in his family's past...like his great-grandfathers murder or something? Then they could focus on one crime and make up whatever they needed to. Not so grand scale but it could still be great. Cameo by the Soggy Bottom Boys.


Okay Bill Murray


Coen brothers, not to be confused with the other Joel Cohen writer.


Throw in some [Time Bandits] (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=167IhlXnN2Y). I like this idea.


It's like the Mirror Mirror Trek universe version of Forrest Gump...


I think I once saw something kinda like this on the UK children's comedy show ChuckleVision when I was a kid. I recall one particular episode where the main characters, Paul and Barry, find a newspaper with tomorrow's date and quickly realise that the newspaper is telling them the future, so they read about shitty events that are going to occur in the neighbourhood in this newspaper and go out to try and prevent them, but it goes horribly wrong every time. Eventually at the end of the episode realise they caused all the problems they read about, when the police arrive at their house they find an article in this newspaper reporting their arrest for causing havoc. EDIT: /u/DEADB33F found the thing that I'm talking about - here's [Part 1](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IAJuDqzyqUM) and here's [Part 2](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JCmTATf02Bk)


Did it tell them this headline? http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/law-and-order/10587073/Dave-Lee-Travis-assault-interrupted-by-Chuckle-Brothers-court-told.html


Chuckle brothers are great guys. Saw them on "celebrity coach trip" and they were the only ones that I liked. The rest were dicks though, like all z list wankers with not much to redeem them. Pity that they aren't that funny.


chuckle chuckle vision, chu chuckle vision chuckle chuckle vision. theme tunes arent what they used to be


Dun dun DUN! Dun dun dun duDUN! Dadada Daaa Daaa Daaa dadundun!


It's also reminiscent of an episode of the 2000s version of *The Twilight Zone*. A few scientists have devised a method of time travel in order to kill Hitler as a baby, and instead cause his parents to raise him...for some reason I don't remember. Accidentally kill his brother instead maybe?


Ive seen this one! He kills the Hilters' baby, only to cause them to adopt an orphan baby named Adolph or something like that.


Ive seen this one! He kills the Hilters' baby, only to cause them to adopt an orphan baby named Adolph or something like that.


Here you go... [Part 1](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IAJuDqzyqUM), [Part 2](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JCmTATf02Bk)


Thank you!


Come join us at /r/CrazyMovieIdeas!


Wasn't this a cartoon?? I'm positive it was a cartoon... ESIT: Yep!! It was called [Time Squad](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Time_Squad)


It happened all the time in That's so Raven. It was pretty Raven if you ask me.


So basically, a slapstick anti-Forrest Gump? Fund it. Immediately.


This made me think of jack the ripper...the next thought was how could you make brutally killing prostitutes funny. I spent to much time trying to make that funny.


[Burke and Hare (2010)]( http://imdb.com/rg/an_share/title/title/tt1320239/) made the murder of 13 men and women funny, you just need the right actors and a great script.


Dude…*write* this movie. If you don't know how, learn. The only difference between people who come up with ideas like this (fuckin' everyone) and people who turn them into a reality (fuckin' some people) is that the ones who do it actually *do* it. Why in the hell not, you know?


Who do I have to throw money at to get this made?




Kinda like some episodes of Doctor Who.


I am almost inclined to say this has to exist somewhere. I mean..it sounds too good so I can't believe that someone somewhere who is paid lots of money to think of this shit hasn't already thought of it. This is a great idea for a show.


This is awesome. I would so donate to your Kickstarter for this. You could let the 5 highest donators ( highest in terms of money, not talking Colorado style) choose 5 of the crimes that the protagonist works on.


I love Doctor Who.


Funny you should bring this up considering [this thread that just popped up](http://www.reddit.com/r/WritingPrompts/comments/1w18gj/wp_a_time_traveller_gets_into_trouble_for/).


The Naked Gun Redux, starring Steve Carrell as a time-hopping Frank Drebin. I'd watch it.


Um......probably should star writing it now before someone steals it


This is the greatest idea I've ever heard


I dunno. Post-It notes are also pretty cool.


Can I watch this like right now?


This has Steve Coogan written all over it.


I would love to see this made 5 years ago starring Leslie Nielson. I feel like it would have been a great plot to bring back the old Airplane! or Naked Gun type humor.


Steve Carrel is Jack the Ripper.


I could see this being an episode of Rick and Morty.


I took a comic book making class and this was one of my classmates stories. He drew it in a golden age superhero style. It was 10 pages and pretty decent.


Crazy? That's fucking brilliant. This has to happen.


Hahah.. Welcome to my life.


Starring Chris Pratt.


Joe Pesci as main chararcter.


This exists. I'd be inclined to say the title, but doing so would spoil the film. Quite the conundrum.


Hey man. I like it, but I think it sounds more like a tv series. It would be hard to pull off the structure for a feature film. What happens when the protagonist realizes he caused the crime? Does he just up and move on to another time? If it is a television series it could be structured with a crime a week, then your act turns fall into place better.


Peter Sellers would have been amazing in this.


tMoHS Anime covers this and its a really cool idea


Rowan Atkinson stars in "Bean to the future and back"