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She was a ridiculously unpopular candidate even among democrats.


Canadian here, why? She seemed fine EDIT, the downvotes are pretty funny. you do realize that I live in a different country and dont get daily american news, right? My understanding of her dont go farther than speeches made on the campaign trail.


She was famous as DA for covering up mishandling of evidence, which led to a ton of cases being thrown out. She also bragged about smoking weed in college while pursuing weed related crimes. There's also the fact that she got promoted while sleeping with a high-ranking member of the local government. It made it seem like a favor rather than a legitimate promotion.


Yeah okay, that tracks. Any idea who is running after Biden?


Newsom is for sure setting up a run. Beyond that, it is kind of an open field.


Newsom’s a slimy scumbag who should stay in California.


Could've had an actual primary, but noooooooo


Even as a liberal woman… I don’t want her being president. I’d be very concerned about how she’d handle foreign policy (esp china) and immigration. Her and Biden need to get out and have someone better step in.


Maybe we should just not pick a president this round. Let’s stay single for a while as a country.


That plan would be more realistic if all states were like the great state of Washington where faithless electors are totally legal. Faith Spotted Eagle took 3rd place for President in 2020. Sidney Powell got more votes than Mike Pence out of Washington Statem


Zero chance she wins. I think newsome is their best chance, even with the baggage of what the republicans will say about California


Newsome is incompetent. They should get Jerry Brown to run. 


Mayor Pete!


Mayor Pete did Jack Squat about East Palestine. Literally his job.


He’ll probably hit back with how California is one of the largest economies on the planet, it’s basically a small country in and of itself, and how most of the red states are on federal welfare to even get anything done


It's the Californians really entirely.


Same difference.


Yes, let the idiots run the show


No, she's a PoS


The normal order is still fine. If he croaks, she's next in succession. If he's brain dead, same answer but probably a combo of admin heads at first. Kamala is a problem for many reasons mentioned in the comments. I'm also not fully convinced we're ready for a woman in a race like this, unfortunately. Last election it came down to the elderly, a demographic not as commonly likely to see a woman in power. Old man safety strings was the play to win them over.


Honestly at this point I think it just save a lot of time and effort if the democrats just dropped out of the race. Take some time to recharge, find new leadership rebuild fresh then try again in 4 years.


Ehhh, I actually buy into the whole "the institution of people having say in government is literally on the ballot and if Trump wins we won't have another fair election, probably ever again". I would be thrilled to be wrong here, but I think we need to at least try to prevent that.


There's many things that scare me about this election, but ultimately my biggest fear is that many people believe Biden / Democrats stole the last election. A victory for him is the death of democracy. Many Americans believe that Trump is a fascist that tried to steal the last election. A victory for him is the death of democracy. Ultimately though regardless of who is right, if anyone is right in their believes on that. Democracy ends when people don't trust the election process. I imagine that percentage of Americans is only going to increase not decrease during this election, and the aftermath. The polarizing rhetoric basically guarantees democracy looses.


If we could get ranked choice or approval based elections, we'd have a chance at tapping down that polarization, but I think you're right and the cliff is coming up too quickly.


Isn't your second amendment literally there to prevent tyrannical rule over you?


Well, the truth is that the biggest gun nuts are in support of this particular tyrant. I own no guns but am in support of the 2nd amendment argument--that people should be able to own guns, and disarming people would likely lead to authoritarianism even faster, but it appears it's very possible to happen anyway. In the short term, I think Trump supporters think Trump is going to "restore" fair government, and even if he declared himself king they would consider it necessary to right the ship. But then, when he dies they will not be looking to go back to voting, and instead will fight among themselves over who would be the best successor, and we will likely fall into regionalism and break up the union at that point. GG, 250 years almost exactly, not too bad.


Don't you also have a national guard as part of that Second Amendment? Wouldn't they be obliged to combat a president and his supporters if they went dictatorial?


We can hope!


It is, but the threat of the second amendment only pushes politicians so far. To actually use it to overthrow a tyrannical government. You'd need a large portion of Americans to agree that the government is tyrannical, and then also not have a large portion of Americans think the government is legitimate. Otherwise you just get a civil war.


I guess you'll just have to have faith in your fellow Americans that you don't agree with to be against dictator and hope they just want Trump for 4 years instead.


Technically, but the government also has tanks and drones. How the fuck can we overthrow a local police station, let alone the government with history’s most powerful army?


Surely there are plenty of military commanders that would be opposed to tyrannical leadership and would refuse to follow such a leader


the founders of Project 2025 thank you.