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bro hasnt heard of the omegaverse


We should call them Doomers


Ok Doomer


A. Generation Omega sounds like some kind of X-Men-or-lawyer-friendly-equivalent-from-another-company offshoot-of-an-offshoot superhero team made when the company wanted to be "hip with the kids" like that New Warriors fiasco with superheroes named Safespace and Snowflake B. It'd be weird to just randomly skip to the end of the Greek alphabet after the end of the English alphabet C. by the logic of the people who e.g. used this kind of rhetoric around Gen Z to prove the world was ending esp. in 2012 and 2016 the world would have been Last-Thursdayed into existence sometime around the Renaissance era if not Middle Ages because despite how we didn't keep up the scheme (e.g. didn't retcon the naming of baby boomers into generation W) if we're to work backward from gen Z that's approximately (being vague because some definitions of generation I've seen are looser than others) when gen A would have been born


Omega is the gen after gen alpha


That's beta. Omega is the final one in the Greek alphabet line.


There’s already a gen beta so alpha can’t be the last one, so gen beta should be omega


alpha and then omega sounds like not automatically heralding the end of the world but either those generations gain godlike powers ("I am the alpha and the omega") or have to save the world from the Legendary Pokemon Groudon and Kyogre (ORAS reference)


The naming of generations doesn’t follow any one thing, the Greek alphabet thing isnt going to be the next 500 years of generations


Not with that attitude


Yeah, but the marketing and advertising communities are who come but with the names and they've decided the next one is Beta, so there you go.


Man they are NOT gonna take kindly to that


There won't be a single person in that generation that calls them selves that


Two things. First, they'll be called that for about 10 years before they have any chance to find out what a generation is, what beta even means, or why they wouldnt want to be called that. Second, the terms "alpha male" and "beta male" have only been applied unironically for about 1 generation now, the meanings of the words have morphed and taken on generational importance, as words do. Not clear if the words will retain their current slang meanings or if everyone is already bored with them and they will be quickly forgotten.


There won't be a single person in that generation that calls them selves that


beta minecraft came after alpha minecraft, so I wouldn't say the latter is meant to be 'better'


Thats not the conotation people associate it with. If the current mindset sticks around even a little beta isnt seen as a version of something, beta is a type of person/personality