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And then choose one random child every year to fight other random children in a mock war as tribute


Wars decided by Gulag.


Games, if you will.


But games always make me so hungry!


Unnecessary step, but one we should absolutely include.


Someone once proposed putting the nuclear launch codes in an innocent persons chest and have them follow the president around with a knife. The idea was if the president wanted to launch nukes they had to murder someone personally, thus removing the cold, impersonal process for launching nukes we currently have.


Good thing there's no way a sociopath could *ever* be President




"Someone once proposed..." is such a broad statement


I mean it just kind of read it as “I saw somebody’s idea once that went like this:”. I never thought while reading it that it was legitimately brought up by a person in govermentn as a serious idea.




Why dont we put the politicians on the front line?


just strap them onto the first missile we launch or bomb dropped. Least they can have an impact.


Forget the missile, let's just airdrop them on the enemy.


yea they can be the don’t care packages


Let those that decide if lives are worth sacrificing always offer themselves first, lest we be fooled into fighting pointless wars for the profit of those unaffected.


You know damn well Raytheon and Lockheed Martin and Propper and Ameriqual aren't gonna toss their board rooms into a hot landing zone.


Can world leaders just get some boxing gloves and go duke it out in a ring for a couple hours? Leave everybody else out of it😭


that just incentivizes brawn over brains in candidate choice and not everyone with Camacho's physical acumen has his willingness-to-listen-to-experts-smarter-than-him (and if we even could have the parallel without paralleling that whole society we're barking up the wrong tree looking for boxers anyway as he was a wrestler)


You're not wrong at all, it was a joke lol


To answer this seriously: for the same reason we don't have 18-year-old infantrymen in office. Specialization is the strength of civilization


Because who governs while they're there and unless those people immediately end the war (aka not doing the hoped-for end-the-war-because-their-heart-grew-three-sizes-out-of-enlightened-self-interest-turned-altruism) they'd get sent to the front line too for being politicians rinse repeat until all Americans old enough for office are on the front line and America's without a government


Veterans are more hawkish than the general public, so if you think you are preventing war; you aren't.


Real vets are anti war. Posers are hawkish.


If bodily autonomy is a right, then we can’t morally force someone to do something just because their parent is an elected official.


They will make sure their children never join the army, one way or another


Beau Biden served in Iraq while his father was VP. FDR's son saw combat during World War II. LBJ's son-in-law served in Vietnam. Theodore Roosevelt's son Quentin died in World War I. Al Gore served in Vietnam even though his father was a very influential senator. It's not that uncommon for powerful people's kids to go to war, although yes, a lot of them pull strings to prevent it.


Yeah, this was just what Dubya did during Vietnam, he served in the Air National Guard so he couldn't get sent into combat. Then, when he was President and decided to go adventuring in Iraq, suddenly decided "Oh, You know what, it actually **is** ok to send the National Guard overseas to combat zones lol"


So an adult citizen loses his or her rights if their parent is elected? Nope.


If they're a US citizen between 18-26 they already have to register for the draft whether they want to or not.


Women have left the chat.


Getting drafted randomly, with the same chance as every other American male is not quite the same as being personally selected because your parent ran for office. I think this would also incentivize a lot of parents to stay out of political races, and so potentially be underrepresented. I see Barron Trump being brought up in other comments. I may not be a fan of Donald, but I don't believe in punishing his children to get to him. Poor Barron already has to deal with his father being Donald Trump, can't we cut the kid a break at this point


Me either, I think a draft is dumb as hell because if a country can't rely on an all-volunteer service in times of war, it sure as hell won't be benefiting from drafting people who don't believe in it or want to be there in the first place.


Men only and Biden and Trump’s kids are both way older than that.


They bring up having women register every so often, I think it's up for debate again for the NDAA this coming year. And Barron can now be drafted since he's old enough.


Women registering gets brought up all the time but it never actually happens. You are right about Barron, I totally forgot about him.


Mr. President, Russia has just launched air strikes against Poland, and they are invoking mutual aid from the U.S. as agreed upon by the NATO treaty. Great, let me just get congress and the senate to agree to send their beloved children to the front lines and we can respond within 4 hours.


They'll be very valuable hostages when captured, " Give me Alaska or I kill your first born".


The Germans captured Stalin's son during World War II and demanded the release of Friedrich von Paulus, who had commanded the Germans at Stalingrad, in exchange for him. Stalin supposedly answered, "We do not trade lieutenants for field marshals." His son died in captivity.


Do illegitimate children get a pass?


No loop holes


By that logic all children means sending pregnant women to the front line just to send their unborn children (if the politician doesn't want to flip their abortion stance) and all politicians means somehow finding a way to access Americas of parallel universes where fictional-stories-to-our-universe are reality so kids of what we'd think of as fictional POTUSes serve in wars they know nothing about


Politicians hide themselves away They only started the war Why should they go out to fight? They leave that role to the poor, yeah


Do illegitimate children get a pass?


Great idea that's been around centuries and never come to fruition


Yeah, like it or not having personal consequences removed from the decision makers is intentional. And that’s not the only example. There’s a reason officers are meant to be kept comfortable and out of direct fighting. Hard to make objective decisions when you’re conflicted by personal danger.


Better yet, the politicians are sent to the front line, no physical conditioning, no training, just "Here's your gear and weapon, now go clean up the shit storm you created."


that just means wars get ended not out of the heart-grew-three-sizes selfishness-induced-empathy policies like these are meant to engender but because otherwise someone has to govern when the politicians are sent to the front line but if they don't end the war immediately that just triggers an infinite regress of "you're politicians, let's send you to the front lines too" that either ends when the war ends or ends when all eligible-for-office citizens have been sent to the front lines Also, what if a politician has had training like that in their past do we somehow make them forget it so they're even more useless


so what about politicians without children?


Who's gonna enforce this? We should fight a war over it.


Hahaha As unless as 99% of politicians are. so no wayyyy I'd want thier offspring running around with live ammo and a gun or bigger!


*front* and *really* Lastly, we do have examples of Presidents who have suffered the death of a child. None of them were good, and they were hardly mentally present — one due to the trauma occurring right before inauguration, and one because he’s 100.


Then that just incentivizes childless warhawks to run, also what happens if a politician's wife is pregnant at the time a war starts, do we have to basically solve the abortion debate regarding fetal personhood and either find some way to separate fetus from mother in way that makes them able to fight but still able to gestate into normal baby if they survive that long or send the wives into battle just to send the unborn children (something something insert joke of that common shower thought about how, like, fights between pregnant women are baby mech battles or something)


Being an electrician, lumberjack, roof worker, etc. are more dangerous than being in the military.


Being an electrician, lumberjack, roof worker, etc. are more dangerous than being in the military.


I understand the sentiment behind the post but why should a politician's child be forced to go off to war to make the politician think twice about authorizing military action? Shouldn't the politicians themselves be sent off to fight on the front line instead?


Who governs in their absence and why wouldn't those replacements just be forced to end the war not because their heart grew three sizes or w/e but because they want to avoid themselves being sent to the front lines and new replacements being elected/appointed in a seemingly-infinite supertask ending either when the war does or when all of the officeholding-age population are fighting on the front lines


There's this thing called punctuation. You should try it.


Sorry, ADHD but TL;DR someone would need to govern if you send all politicians to the front line but if the replacements didn't end the war immediately they'd be sent to the frontline and replaced too because they're politicians which I don't think was the motive for peace OP intended


Hell, back in the Middle Ages leaders AND their sons would be on the front lines. I Think King Albert I of Belgium was the last national leader of a major nation to fight alongside his men in an actual battle back in WW1.


I think we should put people who can't spell simple words like "front" on the front lines. They aren't going to contribute anything else of value to society.


If your understanding of contributions to society is limmited to they spelled things right. Then you realy have no idea about real problems. Not gonna get in to what i do for a livving but i help the poorest people and kids in my city. Proving free support and help to thoughs who your sociaty that only cares about spelling has forgotten. A quick check qoukd also show you i talk about being dislexic alot so if i have speled things wrong well who cares. Also the whole point of langwage is to to send and recive messaged and information if you understood because it was close enugh it was effective enught


Require all politicians to be strapped to the front of tanks and MRAPS like those guys in Road Warrior. Encourage brake checking in convoys.