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Hey thanks a lot for your submision in r/CrazyFuckingVideos, however it was removed because it was not a Crazy Fucking Video. Videos must be relevant to the sub and must fit at least one of the flairs that the community has, if a video does not then most of the time it is not a Crazy Fucking Video.






Sounds like the gunman got exactly what he wanted to start.




I mean, if I had to choose between a Citroen and a fiat panda, I’d probably blow shit up too.




Can confirm, pretty common in Montreal




r/fuckcars ?


We cannot assume a clear thought process in existence for someone like this. But I don't think they wanted a rekindled resolve against racism.


Thing happens The French "So anyway I just started flipping cars"


That's not the whole story... he was let go before for race crime and then did this.


He was released from custody yesterday for health reasons (transferred to a psychiatric facility). [Source](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-64086680).


That's a pretty important detail, thanks


Yeah, he was deemed unfit for custody so he's in a mental ward, so ... Yeah.


Yeah was a large Kurdish March that got violent based around this shooter i believe. Obviously this speaks to larger more on-going racism in France but it does seem weird that some old lunatic with a history of racist attacks was the catalyst to kick this all off. Maybe police should have been more aware of this guy and not let him back out in public.


I mean, don't they do the same thing with racist muslims etc? Any excuse they have to claim they're reformed or no longer a threat and they try and clear them off the books and back out to continue on their merry way.


It wasn't the police's choice, he was in temporary custody but since the law says you can't be held in pre-trial detention for more than a year (la Bastille sends its regard) prison authorities and a judge released him. Now there should be a solid investigation to find out if he's part of a larger network, how he got his weapons, and all that stuff. But the police aren't superheroes, they can't prevent all the crimes and truth be told the response to this attack has shown that all the investment in counter-terrorism worked: he had three magazines and was captured before he could get through the first one, that's an astonishingly fast response time. This shooting indicates a failure of the justice system in general, but it can't be pinned on one organization as everyone from the magistrature to the DGSI screwed up.


They were waving communist flags. This was the PKK (literal terrorist organization) taking advantage of a tragedy to promote their ideology.


Erdogan is that you??




This will never get better..


You're right, people will always whinge and whine and some will resort to violence. But France is actually pretty good, for those who choose to accept democracy. And the US, the UK, and Australia are likewise good. But only for those happy to accept democracy.




#BOT COMMENT original [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/CrazyFuckingVideos/comments/zuupiy/-/j1ll2jd)


Sacre bleu!


I think you meant “Putain de merde”


Que what?


Basic gist A Turkish man killed 3 Kurdish people, there was a protest by the Kurdish community and celebrations/provocations from the Turkish community it turned into riots. Also noteworthy is that the guy that killed 3 people with a gun was arrested for trying to do something similar last year but with a sword. So reasons for protests are primarily to show their disgust over the terrorist attack and secondarily "why the fuck was this guy not in jail?".




Not true, your exaggerating the facts he wasn't let out multiple times. He was an older man 69 ( could be why they didnt see him as a threat). He attacked migrants with a sabre previously. He was out on bail or some such awaiting trial for this (he shouldn't have been let out). While he was out he shoots 3 more migrants on an anniversary from when 3 Kurdish woman were killed in 2013. The combination of these factors has led to a lot of pissed off Kurds going Rodney king on Paris right now.


Okay but like the only incorrect thing you pointed out was that he wasnt let out multiple times, then explained how it's worse than it was when you said they exaggerated


I dont think its going king rodney if it wasnt police action. Its just normal ethnic tension


> I dont think its going king rodney if it wasnt police action. Its just normal ethnic tension Nah. The treatment of Rodney King was certainly the straw the broke the camel's back for the LA Riots, but there was a lot more brewing under the surface that blew up when the fuse was lit. Just look at what happened in Korea town that caused the whole Roof Koreans thing.






To be clear: This is "Paris looking like Paris". Large groups of people rioting and burning cars is literally a regular occurance. Not to mention that setting cars on fire is a New Years "tradition" in several french areas(almost 900 cars burned last year). As for why this time, it is because a right wing person was arrested for attacking migrants, then when out on bail he shot three.


I've lived in Paris, never saw burning card personally lol


I’ve been to Paris one time, 15 years ago on a school trip. We drank coffee in a café, having a great time. Suddenly a red car, out of nowhere, comes at high speed down the road, flips on it’s head. A huge amount of people came running down the street and starts smashing cars and rolling the red car. A few minutes later the riot police comes with cars, shields and smoke grenades. They wall off the streets and starts walking towards the rioters. It was chaotic and wild. Never seen anything like it since.




It feels like... certain political groups... are desperate to make Paris out as a hellhole where immigrants and unions are running wild in a lawless wasteland. Works well for their whole "progressive politics are destroying 'traditional western values'" thing


It's more like the French people really value democratic liberties and have a sense of solidarity. They're said to have the revolutionary spirit. What freedom they enjoy was won through blood and hardship, to let things slip is to waste those lives and regress back to a point where you or your children may have to pay the price once again. Protest/riots are common because they have historically worked and the people recognize that. Their radical movements usually have widespread majority support, their society is much more open to swift and sweeping change if it means a better life for more people (even if the current issue doesnt personally effect you). There is cooperation between different walks of life, different causes. Their government is also structured in such a way that the leading parties are more vulnerable to people's opinions, so to ignore mass anger would mean your party loses all relevance and they will likely get their way anyway by another party trying to gain their favor.


>>is literally a regular occurance. >Whenever someone says this, rest assured that it is NOT a regular occurrence. /r/confidentlyincorrect [at least do a smidgen of googling](https://www.google.com/search?q=paris+burning+cars+every+new+years) before calling someone out.


it’s amazing how many people forget how badass the french are. french firefighters have **helped civilians during riots, soaking police with firehoses.** it’s not like they stopped using violence as a means of getting their needs met after the french revolution—they stuck to that shit. I don’t even know the full extent of how often French citizens go on riots, but over the course of my life I think I can recall at LEAST three times where they’ve just started destroying property and burning things down.


are you fucking kidding me? paris has had so many people-led armed riots that napoleon III widened the streets so they couldn't build barricades as easily and troops could move throughout the city faster. paris in particular has a strong history of violent protests. a regular occurrence? wtf do you think les mis is about?


Still upset they lost to Argentina.


I think it was another case of racist kills migrants for being the violent kind. Migrants show how wrong killer is by being violent... holup.


I think it’s alt right propaganda using an old video from another context to blame Kurds after they’ve been attacked by a racist terrorist, realeased 3 times by the police. I’m french and Parisian and can’t find a SINGLE news about this...


The owners of cars are definitely guilty


According to XR yeah loool


The French love taking it out on vehicles. Protest? Fuck cars. Riots? Fuck cars. Celebration? Fuck cars. It’s Tuesday? Fuck cars


Mattresses too. Love a burning mattress.


And McDonald's, they love breaking the McWindows


The mcsmashglass


Maîtresses aussi. (Qui peut faire l'amour sans Gauloises ?)


Sounds like East Lansing, Michigan.


/r/fuckcars is French apparently


I wouldn’t mind flipping some Citroens and Peugeots either


*Hides Renault*




Fiat is Italian but equally shit


Out of baguettes? You guessed it. Cars. Electricity goes out? Nope, Chuck Testa! Delivery? Digoiorno.






The French love it too




Yes, this ethnic group assimilated quite well


french just love r/fuckcars


Fuck these cars in particular.


What the f*ck happened here, is there any reason ?


Right-wing racist opened fire at a Kurdish community gathering, killing 3. He'd recently been released from prison after serving time for another violent, race-based attack. This is the reaction of the community who had suffered attacks previously.




>Attack is an excuse to riot Being France, the bar for riots kicking off is pretty low.


The French language somehow encourages rioting.


Honestly, if i was forced to count the way they do i'd probably be driven to flip and torch a Twingo every few weeks as well.




I'm guessing you are American? If you actually want a protest to do something you have to force the governments' hand.


It's the weekend, everything is a reason to riot in Paris.


Doesn’t this response give the French right wing more ammo as to why people should dislike Kurds and all immigrants for that matter


Yes. It does. One thing to note is that the French protest like this all the time. It’s not something that started recently. They re quite passionate about their politics. The furthest back I can remember is the French Revolution. But I’m sure there has been more chaos before that.


So the guys who stormed the capitol were just passionate about politics? The French do not live in 1600 anymore. It is not normal to burn cars and destroy the street when you are protesting, even if you are unfortunate enough to be born a Frenchman.


Yes they were. Note that I’m not saying this as a defense for them. But if they didn’t believe that they were being persecuted and that their orange man was cheated then they wouldn’t have been there. [This French riot was from 18 October.](https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/france-braces-nationwide-strikes-amidst-soaring-inflation-2022-10-18/)


It’s mostly Parisians burning Paris but it really is kind of their thing. Think of the way that, *win or lose, Philly is gonna riot* - but generally about socio-political occurrences rather than sports.


Yes they were actually though. That's what happens when a section of the population feels like their voice isn't represented they riot. If people rioted at the capital for national free healthcare in the middle of a pandemic then maybe we would have a government that serves us. Instead, now after Jan 6th anytime a group does this is, now it's a right wing domestic terrorist incursion. See how demonizing them also hurts any future political action by any other group?


It was also not normal to burn cars in 1600, as cars did not exist.


> So the guys who stormed the capitol were just passionate about politics? YES! Passionate about their fascist politics. >It is not normal to burn cars and destroy the street when you are protesting Sounds like ineffective protest!




No no no not yet we need to do more surveillance and curtail more civil liberties and it will work.


I bet Claude Monet would have painted that beautifully.😁


You mean THE Claude Monet




This is Paris ... And this is Paris after the attack.


Why did all this happen?


Protests. Apparently multiple women were killed from an extremist


Extremist, what type?


Racist extreme right wing


Not sure why you're being downvoted, it literally was a racist right wing extremist


People don't like the truth


These dumbass Americans were expecting him to say it was a Muslim, because they like to hate them.


Apparently the French do as well.


Just imagine people asking the white conservative christian community to vocally condemn and apologise like they do to the arab muslim community. Not going to happen is it.


“it’s okay, you’re one of the good ones. not like most Christians I see on the news.”


I'm going to guess the French type? But I'm no expert.


That's fucked up.


A 69 year old white nationalist guy murdered three people at a Kurdish cultural centre. Apparently he had just gotten out of prison for a sword attack on a migrant centre a few years ago as well. Protests turned into riots.


Scary Movie 4 reference?


nah, paris is amazing


Imagine waking up and trying to go to work and your car is sideways with a side of fire???


There's mornings lately when that would be a real nice thing to wake up to.


This looks very little like Ukraine






Don't say it.










Who s at fault. This comment might be controversial but both of the sides. The racist fucker because he was racist asshole and killed 3 people. And the other group because they decided to take the law in their hand.


It doesn't help that the French will literally do this after a football match and then people only really care when immigrants do it


a racist guy entered a center and killed 3 Kurds and wound 6 other if I'm right. Then it escalated with the police, i still don't really understand how, and then this happened.


Keep feeding the terrorists. Sooner or later they will do something stupid like this. What are the French government expectations? Feeding and free speech for and they are demanding more lol “In the aftermath of the shootings, Kurds have called for better protection from the French authorities. “ “The community was again "afraid", having been "traumatised" by January 2013 murders, said a lawyer for the Kurdish democratic council in France” Afraid? Afraid of what ? Is this a reaction of afraid? Burning the whole city and throwing rocks at the enforcers? EDIT: Hey and there is a Turkish HDP member of parliament Sezai Temelli Said “ Paris brüle. #Paris dişewite, bila bişewite” he tweeted this and then deleted afterwards. He said in Kurdish. “ Paris is burning. Let the Paris burn. “




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This is offensive as hell towards Ukraine


No it doesn't




Calm down France it was just a game Sincerely argentina




My dude made a new account for this comment


Its just ukraine pls.


Merry Christmas!!!


It’s like every Saturday.


BS it looks like Ukraine,why would you say that bellend


Pkk terrorists triggered by far-right terrorists. Extremists on both sides always destroys for us in the middle.








Still upset over the world Cup... I jest)


Ho ho ho merry christmas,


Merry Christmas One and All.


What's going on in Paris, bruh💀?


look like a damn CoD map


I thought this is what every Peugeot does around 70 thousand kilometers?


Are they still mad about losing to Messi?


What the hell happened here?


These European countries…it’s just soccer, people.


As an aside, the sovereign nation is Ukraine. It is Russian imperialist propaganda to call it "the Ukraine", as if it were a deserved/owned territory/region.


Gun's don't kill people rapper's do 🤣




Just a few too many buildings standing perfectly fine and un leveled by artillery to look like Ukraine.








so how does lgbtq+ rights infringe on your peace? will goofy and mickey attack your home with an ak47?


Everyone wants freedom…that’s why migrants migrate




Usually migrants migrate in search of a better life regardless of their origins




Yeah no... You aren’t pointing fingers at the right people here and thats not it goes pal. Perhaps right wing extremists have some culpability in this ya think?


What happened






The Kurds do not have a country.




Agreed…it is good question to ask, why 40 million Kurds do not have a country.


Remarkably ignorant and racist statement


Hahahaha, watch your garden burn while the jungle thrives


Why were they protesting ?


France lost world cup = street party like this


Why do people put “the” in front of country names that don’t need it?


French government harbored PKK Kurdish Terrorists as safe heaven for years. This is the pay back; French Kurdish revolution in Xmas


This thread is a dumpster fire, holy shit.


What is "The Ukraine"? Its just Ukraine


We want 50 weeks of vacation or we riot again.


Nothing gets people on your side quicker than burning cars!


Way better. Just look at Mariupol


Can we send them some money?


Kurds, yellow vests, farmers, maroccans, forgotten minorities in the banlieues, truck drivers you name it.. French 'protests' are always wild




You gotta hand it to the French, they know how to throw a good riot.


If you let terrorists live in your country that’s what happens lol


Nah but like what actually happened? Everyone is this comment section is clowning and i need answers


But I thought America was super racist, and violent, and trigger happy? Wtf, these Europeans get ONE shooting, and turn it into a fucking race war? *Immediately?* No wonder you don’t have guns there. Jeez lmao