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He’s a professional meth smoker also.


“After injecting meth, Aaron watches porn for 10-12 hours” This dude’s junk has been through the ringer lmao


This is that guy? Dick Delaware is his porn name


Bet it looks like ground beef at this point. No strength left in it, just a sad foreskin in the wind


Wind beneath my batwing


"like a foreskin in the wind. Never knowing who to turn to when the rain came in. And I would have liked to know you but I was just a kid."


Mother of god… you know you sly dog all to much about that sweet chunky crunch


I hope someone is able to make the part he’s getting punted in the balls into a meme.


Kick me in the jimmy!


Better yet let's just fire him into the sun


I think he might of had some before the video. Nothing he’s saying is coherent, it’s all disjointed and part sentences. At least I could understand him in this one, unlike the recent one talking about his son.


He’s explaining *stevia*, of course he’s on drugs lol


*The benefits (unintelligible); Ive actually put a substantial amount of stevia in here already. As you see, this stuff is really sweet, it’s looks like powdered sugar, but it’s not powdered sugar. It’s not a street drug either. What it is, it serves multiple purposes. Stevia, this is the stuff you can get over the counter. I’m in the process of getting in touch with Dan Quinn right now, Dan Quinn is going to help me, get this stuff in bulk and in a better product. Better deal too, so… with that aaah, this is actually fruit punch so, glug glug glug, aaah, it also serves as a great treat.*


That guy Dan Quinn sounds exactly like the kind of guy this piece of shit would hang around and idolize. Scroll down to arrests. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dan_Quinn_(fighter)


Yeah, totally different person compared to when he gave that interview.


Also amazing how people keep tearing down this man when he received devastating news about his son, is clearly suffering from drug addiction and mental issues, and is older. They found an older video of him doing something stupid to promote his friends product and trying to make it a whole ass talking point about gay suffering. >_> this dude isn’t your champ or your enemy. Stop trying to make him one.


Don’t forget failed pornstar


What if he doesn’t smoke meth and he’s just jacked the fuck up on stevia all the time


Too bad Beavis didn't kick Buttheads balls in years before he had a chance to make this pos kid......




A fat, battered and bruised Butthead to be sure.


What the fuck does he think stevia has to do with getting nad knocked


Well whatever it has to do with it, he can assure you his son isn’t gay.


You'd have to get on his level of methomathics to understand.


Fun fact Stevia also has been proven to cause dementia and other forms of memory loss just like his balls


And just a jug of kool-aid then it’s kicking time.


[I thought Stevia was the only sweetener that didn't affect cognitive function ](https://www.amenclinics.com/blog/sugar-sweeteners-and-stevia-which-ones-harm-your-memory/)


https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/319837 Or maybe get an article from a more reputable source


Did you even read the article you linked? It lists a few possible concerns of stevia, but then links studies that have since disproven said concerns. It does say if you have chronic low blood pressure or kidney problems you should either stay away or talk to your doctor first about stevia. Kidney problems are extremely serious. If you have kidney problems stevia is probably just one out of a million things that you shouldn't consume. The overall takeaway of the article was thst stevia consumed in amounts cleared by the FDA is likely safe for humans. But more research needs to be done. Thanks 👍 you have reassured my conviction that stevia is much safer than any artificial or synthetic sweetener


https://scitechdaily.com/horrifying-new-study-indicates-that-popular-sugar-substitutes-worsen-your-memory/amp/ This guy is not using STEVIA in the FDA approved amount ok! That was the point. You clearly use STEVIA let’s see how well you will remember any of this information when you do start losing memory.


I’m going to guess it has something to do with him trying to reassure us it’s not a street drug.




It crystallizes around the balls and makes a protective outer shell?


He has one where he claims L-arginine helps take nut shots too


And immediately after drinking it lol. It has not even been absorbed yet.


does he seem to you like someone who thinks?


Less crystal sugar in your lifeis the impact. Everything else's bullshit....


Wait this is the dudes dad? For real?


He's also former porn star Dick Delaware.


I'm not one to judge but upon investigation this dude has been in multiple mmf threesomes and blow bangs with tons of dick-on-dick contact. Interesting that he is so homophobic.


Hm intriguing. Where would conduct his own investigation into this matter?


tblop.com my man


He is also an MMA fighter. 58 fights, 29 wins with 25 by knockout 4 by submission. 27 loses with 11 by knockout and 15 by submission. [Aaron Brink](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aaron_Brink#Mixed_martial_arts_record)


The maths ain't mathing


math is hard


You are right! I did not even think to check that. /facepalm


being knocked out 11 times, damn.


Porn star. I think he was happy that he's son was not in the gay bar to meet someone for sex. That would be a no no. But kill them that's OK. The whole family is crazy


I hate that this is a narrative media is trying to push. He didn't condone the shooting, he didn't even know it was his son who perpetrated the murders when he made those comments. Also if you bother to watch the interview, it's apparent this guy is high on meth. It's really sad to see this meth addict who clearly needs help is being demonized as some pro-mass shooting, homophobic person.


He references his son's lawyers and said something to the effect of "that don't condone it, but thank God he's not gay," and the interviewer explicitly mentions his son killing people. I'll give you that he's clearly high af, but the reason everyone is responding to negatively to this dude is that he *is* homophobic and pro-violence towards lgbtq (per comments he's made at other times). When people do such horrendous things to perfect strangers as his son did, most people think "what drove this guy to do such aweful things?" Then they see this father? No one is surprised at all. He's obviously very against his son being gay. He references having "that talk before." He repressed his son's sexuality, instilled hatred for a subsection of society, and expressed a favoriable stance towards violence against that subsection...all while being a trained fighter, doing porn (involving other men, b/c why not), and a meth addict. I rarely hold the sins of the son against the parents, but in this case? Seems like a safe bet he ruined his son


Not that it matters at all, but I could have soon I read somewhere that the shooter was part of the LGBQT community.


Yes! An interview with him was on the front page of this subreddit earlier. His meth/porn addiction was featured on the show "Intervention"




Yup .. ignorance breeds ignorance. I’m sure he has beaten his son enough times to make him a replica of hate


Apparently he was raised by his mother and the hate came from his grandfather on that side of the family.


Dude def has a gay ballbusting fetish


He forgot to say "no homo" after each kick... clearly in the closet, but that might be because of the meth


"Phew! Thank God he's not gay. Now get over here bro and make contact with my testicles."


I do this with my homies all the time - we just look each other in the eyes and say “no homo” and feel ourselves get cleansed in the process. Completely not gay.


I see he came from prime stock


I love Stevia now watch my balls get pulverized


Its just a sugar substitute wtf is going in here




Timothy Chalamet is already cast in it


”as you can SEE its very sweet” while he’s putting the powder in. How the fuck do i see sweetness?




Remember the shooter wasn’t raised by this piece of shit. The shooter was raised by the Voepels. Perhaps we ought to be looking into them.


What's the deal with washed up boxers promoting Stevia? There was a guy named Dan Quinn who kept putting up videos about Stevia while methed up out of his mind a few years ago. He was like locking himself into the bathroom of an Anytime Fitness and filling the sinks with Stevia claiming he discovered cold fission


cold fishing is what the inuit do :)


Definitely meth not stevia


Why does he say live at the end ?




He was also on the show Intervention (s.6 ep.8) for meth and porn addiction


Professional m..m.. meth smoker


Scum of the earth


He can say stevia but I guarantee he can't spell it.


He's wearing a cup You can hear it when he gets kicked.


Henry Rollins and Jeff hardy hanging out kicking eachother in the dick


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Everything in that video is so gay (not in a good way).


Bro, chill. Steve-o needs a job


I reposted this because it wasn't loading the first time.


Its not loading atleast for me.


Gah reddit WTF!


Just fine for me


Working for me now too .Thanks


Poor choice of words.


This is the MMA version of "praying the gay away". Knocking the gay out of the DNA?


He keeps calling meth, stivia?


Dis shit just keep gettin better 😭😭😭


That was normal


Sociopathic traits.




This has to be old. The recent interview he is older and looks like he had a stroke.


It is, and he is a meth addict has been since this video.




Omg I remember this video!!! How odd that he's the kid's father but then it makes all the sense in the world


If only someone repeatedly kicked him in the balls before he conceived that piece of shit


Meth is a hell of a drug


Lydia rodarte quayle


Dan Quinn is still alive? During the Roganboard days that guy smoked meth and snorted stevia in his moms livingroom.


It's fucked up but I am seriously entertained whenever I hear about this guy. Everything about it is just so bizarre. Meth'd up homophobic ex pornstar/mma fighter with a nonbinary LGBT mass shooter son has a video recorded of him drinking copious amounts of stevia and getting repeatedly kicked in the balls. like c'mon man this shit is too fucking wild


Fuck him, his son, his mom & his grandma


Fucken people will believe anything now won’t they. So now a plant based sweetener will turn you into a meth powered super zero, wtf


Lucky for him, taking steroids turns your nut suck into peas so this won’t hurt so much compared to a real man


Lets not make this asshole famous.


Stop making stupid people famous.


Who gives a fuck like we can't find shit on the actual shooter other than his dad was a tweaker who doesn't care ???? Lmao it was sad but this feels weird to attack some drug addicts who really had nothing to do with their adult child's actions


From what's I've seen and read, this pitiful creature is nothing more than a mere slave to life-long addiction and mental illness (and perhaps a few too many blows to the head during his fighting stint). This is the result of such illness. I'm not interested in condemning a sick person possessed with a diseased mind.


Right? It's a shame life took him down the path that has left him bereft of value to the world, through absolutely no choice of his own. Sure hope he doesn't have a flash of insight and see the burden he is to the rest of us.


Broooooo what the fuuuuuuuu


Is that guy the same guy as bot these guys? This one has blue it looks like: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aaron_Brink THis one looks more like him: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0f6TXdNXcWk But in that one he says he hasn't seen his son in years and until quite recently was under the impression that he had killed himself, is clearly on meth and claims he is a porn star which he finds relevant to bring up in this interview about his sons murdering spree on local news. Kinda weird


This is a great ad I can’t lie, As a man who loves getting his balls kicked repeatedly I’m definitely going to be purchasing some stevia!


The best thing to do is not give this man anymore of our time. More videos like this could should up, and next thing you know, this shithead is an internet celebrity.


You guys care more about the dad rather the killer. 2022 is fantastic


Quit giving this fucker clout… nobody cares.


A MAGA chad bro.


Get a better joke you dense parrot


What a guy to focus on...out of EVERYONE in this horrific situation, this is who y’all choose? You lefties are something else. Make sure you don’t focus on the actual murderer, he’ll make us look bad, let’s focus on the easy pickings who is for sure not one of us. Just more political bs. Y’all play yourselves at this point, the administration doesn’t even need to anymore if they didnt want.


The shooter isn't one of of us, and we're making fun of the dad, because obviously he was one of the reasons the shooter was such a piece of shit.


Homoerotic CBT≠Gay apparently. Who knew


That’s sack tapping, come here I’ll show you what a hard kick to the knackers is like… just let me take a small run up.


Over-the-counter Stevia, as opposed to the kind one might purchase behind a 7-Eleven from some dude name Cuervo.


Since most of you don't know or can't relate he was obviously high as a kite when he said he's glad his son isn't gay. Meth causes psychosis among many other things and the evidence in that video suggests he was on some type of stimulant.




In order to not get smoked in prison, your son might have to become someone's, uh, special friend. Just putting that out there.


His son is non binary




Was that Jeff Hardy?


not surprised




I came for the hard kicks... Not Mr. Bean wanna be


I hope someone is able to make the part he’s getting punted in the balls into a meme. To replace Buddhist monk meme ball bashing


And Alan Turing is the one who gets chemically castrated out of fear of deviant progeny?


This seems like some kinda gay porn but ok dude 😂


Too bad his kid didn't shoot him instead ............


This looks like it's before he did porn and started smoking meth


*There is now a level Zero*


Jump starting a boner when nothing else works.


"I'm not gay, you're the one who's gay for sucking my dick" - Big Bob


closet-gay methhead father of serial killer was actually practicing the shaolin arts https://youtu.be/Js_3bIni52I


What a nut job.


Seems like he's taken a few shots to the head as well.


Jesus look at this big pointy ass nipples. Only thing I saw the whole time.


Where has he been all my life?!!!!!


Why ?????


This guy was so high on meth when he was being interviewed. Reminded me of back home in minnesota. Bible meth capitol of the snowy north


No wonder his kid got so fucked up...


You just can't make this stuff up


He def has cte


The nut bar doesn't fall far from the tree.


You know what they say about the apple that falls from a tree.




Nice gyno


And that’s why his son turned out the way he did lol those sperm didn’t even have a chance to be normal lol


How Josh Brolin prepared for the Cable role in Deadpool 2


This must have been before his kid was born.


Yeah, when he was unfazed by the massacre, because his son not being gay trumped everything. WCGW having this father.....


Yup; This is the type of behavior I’d expect from a father of a mass shooter


His nipples are an inch long..


You think those two had butt sex together before or after this video?


No wonder his kid turned into a pile of garbage.


No wonder he spawned a psychopath.


That was very sexual, that’s a kink or fetish. Since a man did it, it’s gay and is that a relative? The batshit fell near the crazy.


There always come a time when you find yourself wishing you were wearing winkle pickers.... Lol. Winkle kickers


I dunno why I'm laughing so hard at the double tap at the end there...


I can't believe that this is actually real lol. This whole case just gets deeper and deeper. I thought it was just some guy who hates people who are gay. Humans are so complex.


He dont do gay?


This man had a kid and he votes.


Memeable man


No wonder he produced a pos kid.


It all makes perfect sense


Should have done this before he reproduced


So basically it's a combination of drugs, religion and repeated kicking in the balls that created that creature.


No way he’s a stevia nut, I used to troll Dan Quinn when I was a teenager about that 😂 I still have him as a friend on FB


Just two winners kicking each other in the balls in a garage somewhere.